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1、外研版六年级英语下册教学设计Module 1Unit 1 I want a hot dog ,please.教学目标:知识目标:1.能听懂、会说词汇:hamburger, cola ,dollar, cent, enjoy2.能熟练掌握价格的读法。能力目标 :能够熟练运用“How much is it?”“Enjoy your meal.”“I want”等语言结构在快餐店点餐。情感目标 :帮助学生树立明确的学习目标,端正学习态度。教学重点:词汇:hamburger,cola,dollar ,cent,enjoy在生活中运用句式:1.What do you want ? I want 2. H

2、ow much is it? Its教学难点:掌握价格的读法。教学类型:新授课 课时安排:2个课时第一课时教学过程:Step1 Greeting(2mins)1.Greet with Ss.2.Talk about holidays.T:Goodafternoon,boys and girls. Ss:T:How are you?How was your holiday? Ss:Step2 lead-in(3mins) 1.Guess.T:I bring some presents for you. Can you guess what it is?(把一些食物放到一个小盒子里)S:sweet

3、s.T:Do you want some sweets? S:2.Say more about food.T:Can you say more about food? Ss:T:If you need some food, how do you say?(引出I want,简单操练句型)板书:Module1 Unit1 I want a hot dog,please.Step3 Listen(10mins)1.listen and sayWhat is hot dog? Is it a real dog?(简单区分hot dog 和hamburger的区别)2. listen again an

4、d fillfooddrinkDamingSimonSimons dadWhat does Daming/Simon/Simons dad want to eat?(教读hot dog, hamburger)What do they want to drink?(教读cola)点拨:可数名词和不可数名词 液体属于不可数名词,一般不能加S,而课文中three colas 特指的是三杯可乐。Step4 practise(10mins)1.practise about price.How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.教

5、读dollar和cent复习数字练习价钱 3.75 1.25 2.00 5.30 6.45Step4 Extension(10mins) after the tape.2.role-up3.make up dialouge.A:What do you want? B:I want _, please.A:How much is it? B:Its _.板书设计:作业布置:1.抄写单词4英1中2.背诵重点句型3.背诵每日必背的单词和句型。教学反思:第二课时一、教学准备与分析1.Teaching material: Students Book:Module1 Unit 1 Activi

6、ty1, 2, 32.Teaching aim and demand a.Using Ability task :Using simple present tense: want.Knowing about food items, and cardinal numbers. b. Moral task: Students know that how to order food and drink. ABasic Demands: Vocabulary: hamburger coladollarcentenjoywantfor Sentences: What do you want to eat

7、? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. BFurther Demand: Students can make role play about ordering food in the restaurant. CRevision The using way of“I want.” and “ How much is it/are they?”3.Key words:want and连接词too也How much 4.Teaching difficulties:

8、The using way of “What do you want?” “ How much is it/are they?” cardinal numbers,以及cola的读音5.Teaching aidsTape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.二、课堂教学程序1、Warm up(1)Greetings: TSsSsSs(2)Free Talk:Topic: Winter holidayT: Did you have an enjoyable holiday?Where did you go ?What did you do on the holid

9、ays?Ss: I went/saw/did/played(3)Game: Simon says(T says Ss do action )T: Stand up,please. Jump! Run! Eat! Drink! Eat noodles! Drink water! Students do lots of action ,drink and eat something.2、导入(Leading)(1)A.1 T: Im hungry, can you give me some suggestions: What to eat?Ss say out lots of foods or d

10、rink, and write them on the board. 2. Ask students to tell the plural form of the nouns. One colatwo colas 3.T: I want sausages, ( Write out the main structure on the board) I want . 4.Teacher do dialogue with students. T: What do you want? S1: I want ice cream.S2:wantB. Game :Saying sentences witho

11、ut a break.(Who can say sentences without a break as more as possible, then who will get a star for his group)C. Lead in1)T: Show PPT : dollar cent A dollartwo dollars A cent two cents1.5 dollars = one dollar and fifty cents23.35 dollars = twenty-three dollars and thirty-five cents2) T: 2.6 dollarSs

12、: two dollars and sixty cents.Do four pairs of practices.3、呈现(Presentation)(1)S open their books(2)Listen to the tape, students pay attention where does the story happen,how to order food in a restaurant.(3) Teacher teach the key points.a.The key points: dollarcentenjoywant forb. The main sentences

13、structure: What do you want to eat? I want please.How much is it?Its (4) repeat after the tape.(5) students close the book.teacher call out information about the different people and the students have to tell whom teacher are talking about.T: He wants a hot dog.Ss: Is it Daming?T: Yes!4教师板书:“I want

14、please. How much is it? Its A dollartwo dollars A centtwo cents”的语言结构.5.选择完成运用任务a.小组编演情景剧:在餐厅里点餐。b.设计一个以食品为主体的调查表,调查家人或同学想吃些什么食品。使用“What do you want?”和“I want”巨型进行问答,把获得的信息填入表格,进行统计分析,然后向全班汇报。教学反思:第三课时知识点总结:一、词汇hamburger(复数)hamburgers hot dog (复数)hot dogshot 热的(反义词) cold cola 复数colas dollar 复数dollar

15、s cent 复数cents(同音词)sent enjoy 享用,喜爱 (三单) enjoys二、句型1.服务员常说的话:Can I help you ?= What can I do for you ? 要我帮忙吗? What do you want ? (想要点什么?) 顾客回答: I want+ 想要的东西。2.询问价格: How much is it ? It is How much are they ? They are 练习题:一、写出下列单词的形式1.know(同音词)反义词)_3.cent(同音词)_ 4.waiter(反义词)_5.our(主格)_ 6.can(

16、否定式)_二、翻译下列单词和短语:汉堡_ 可乐_ 美分_ 美元_热狗_享用_ 请用餐_13.25美元_多少(钱)_三、在所给名词前填“a”或“some”。(1)_hamburger(2)_chicken(3)_rice (4)_tea(5)_cola (6)_orangejuice四、根据汉语提示写出单词。1.It_(看起来)good.2.Iwanta_(汉堡包),please.3.Please_(享用)yourdinner.4.The_(一餐)isverydelicious.5.One_(美元)isaboutsevenyuan.五、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.Iwantahotdoga

17、ndhe_(want)ahotdog,too.2.Whatdoesshe_(want)?She_(want)somerice.3.Wewant_(eat)somefishandchips.4.Isit_(real)adog?六、选择正确的答案填入题前括号中。()1.hat_youwant?Ahotdog,please. A.doB.doesC.are()2.hat_Damingwant?Ahotdog,please. A.doB.doesC.are( )3.Howmuch_thepen?Twodollars. )4.Ahamburger_good. A.lookB

18、.lookingC.looks七、连词成句1.looks, a , dog , good, hot (。) 2.much , it , how , is (?) , can , you , I (?)4. what , want , you , do (?)Module1Unit2Whatdoyouwanttoeat?第一课时一、教学目标1.知识目标:能听懂、会说本篇对话,利用所学在快餐店中进行实际的语言交际;掌握本课中的四会单词:restaurant, menu掌握句型:What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please. Wh

19、at do you want to drink?学唱歌曲:What do you want to eat?2.技能目标:谈论点餐和就餐情况;3.情感目标:结合本课了解西方文化,培养生热爱英语,敢于开口的情感态度。二、教学重点:四会词及重点句型的掌握三、教学难点:语言的实际运用四、教学准备:录音机,图片,单词卡片等。五、教学步骤:Step 1 Warm-up1. Review Unit 1.(key words and sentences)2. Ask several students come to the blackboard to describethe kinds of the food

20、s that they want to eat.Step 2 Introduction1.Teach the new words in different ways:restaurant,menuThen let Ss remember the words in their own small groups.2.Text(The teacher says:Last lesson we have learned that how tobe a waiter or waitress in a restaurant and ask the customerswhat they want to eat

21、. lets listen to the tape. Then pleasetell me what Lingling and her Dad want to eat and drink. Show the children the teaching chart. Play the cassette and repeat. Play the cassette and ask the children several questions: Where are they? What do they want to do?What do Linglingher father want to eat

22、and drink?. Practice the key sentences:What do you want to eat?I want to eat.What do you want to drink? I want to drink. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.Role play of the text.Step 3 Games Finish Activity5 of Page5 inthe textbook.Step 4 Song1. Ask the children to look a

23、t the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together.Step 5 Language expanding(创设情景)Make a menu,then make a dialogue by acting waiter(waitress)an

24、d customer in a fast restaurant.Step 6 Homework用所学的句型在快餐店中点餐Blackboard Writing:New words:restaurant menuWhat do you want to eat?I want to eat.What do you want to drink? I want to drink.教学反思:第二课时一、教学目标:1.谈论点餐和就餐的情况。2.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在轻松、愉快的气氛中学到知识。3.通过唱歌让学生感受韵律,拓展知识;通过拟真情境表演让他们在民主、和谐的教学氛围的环境学习。二、教学重点:

25、1.复习、操练句型“What do you want to eat/drink? I want”2.学习如何谈论点餐和就餐的情况。三、教学难点:谈论点餐和就餐的情况。四、教学过程Step1: GreetingsStep2:Free talkStep3:请搜集或上网查阅到中西方快餐或饮食文化资料的同学向全班作介绍。Step4:Self-study Language points(1)How much多少用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。Eg:How much milk is there?(2)How much意为“多少钱” Eg:How much are the apples?(3)How m

26、uch用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what.Eg:How much is three plusone?(4)eat意为“吃”,意义同have,过去式为ate. Listion to the tape and read the text ,fond out phraseWant some chicken and rice想要一些鸡肉和米饭Orange juice橘子汁Come in进来Want to eat想吃Want to drink想喝Want a cola想要一瓶可乐 Group workFind out the foods and drinking in the song, And p

27、ractice with your partner.五、活动探究Step1合作交流,找出重点Activity 1: Look at the menu. Then ask your food and pay for your food.1. Show a restaurant menu to the students.2. Have them look at the menu and talk with their partners.3. Do the activity in their groups.4. Have one group come to the front.Activity 2:

28、 Match (Race)Youll be the winner of this week if you get the flag.(谁在单位时间内点出的食物样数多并准确算出应付的钱数,就获得周冠军。)Activity 3: Listen, say and singHave the students look at their books and try to read the sentences of song.1.Read after the teacher and to know the meaning.2.Listen to tape twice.3.Sing follow it.4.Sing and do the actions.Step2Game: The big dinner1.Put some food on the desk.2.Say out the name of the food.3.Then ask and answer in turns.4.Buy and pay for your food.5.Taste the food in their groups.六、课堂检测:连词成句 do what you to want.2Want I

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