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人教版新目标初中英语七年级下册Unit10 知识点精析.docx

1、人教版新目标初中英语七年级下册Unit10 知识点精析Unit10 单词 ( 音标)noodle nudl n. 面 条mutton mtn n. 羊 肉beef bif n. 牛 肉cabbage kbd n. 卷心菜; 洋白菜potato p tet n. 土豆; 马铃薯special spel n. 特色菜; 特价品 adj. 特别的; 特殊的would wd modal v.( 表示意愿) 愿意would l ike愿意; 喜欢yet jet adv. ( 常用于否定句和疑问句) 还; 仍然large l( r) d adj. 大号的, 大的order ( r) d( r) n.& v

2、. 点菜; 命令takeones order 点 菜size saz n. 大小; 尺码bowl bl n. 碗one( large) bowl of 一( 大) 碗tofe tfu: n. 豆 腐meat mit n. ( 可食用的) 肉dumpling dmpl n. 饺子porridge prd n. 粥; 面糊onion njn n. 洋葱f ish f n. 鱼; 鱼肉pancake pnkek 烙饼; 薄饼world w( r) ld n. 世界aroundthe world世界各地answer ns v. 回 答 n. 答 案different dfrnt adj. 不同的cak

3、e kek n. 蛋 糕candle kndl n. 蜡烛age ed n. 年 龄Unit10 知识梳理【重点短语】1. . would l ike sth. 想要某物2. . would l ike to do sth. 想要做某事3. . put on 穿上, 戴上4. . take ones order 点 菜5. . in the beef noodles 在牛肉面里6. . mapo tofu with r ice麻婆豆腐外带大米7. . what kind of noodles什么种类的面条8. . a large bowl of noodles一大碗面条9. . a mediu

4、m bowl of noodles 一 中 碗面 10 . a small bowl of noodles 一 小 碗面条 11 . what size 什么尺寸12. . May I take your order? 可以点餐了么?13. . beef noodles with carrots带有胡萝卜的牛肉面14. . green tea 绿 茶15. . orange juice 橙 汁16. . around the world 世界各地17. . in different countries 在不同的国家18. . birthday cakes with candles带蜡烛的生日蛋

5、糕19. . the birthday person 寿 星20. . make a wish 许 愿21. . blow out the candles 吹 灭 蜡烛 22 . in one go 一口气, 一次性的23 . come t rue 实 现24. . get popular 变得流行, 受欢迎25. . long noodles 长寿面26. . cut up 切碎/ 断27. . a symbol of long l i fe 长寿的象征28. . be different 不同的29. . be the same 一 样 的30. . bring good luck to

6、sb. 带给某人幸运31. . have different kinds of 有不同种类的.【重点句型】1. . What would you l ike? 您需要什么?2. . I m not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?我不确定, 牛肉面里有蔬菜吗?3. . Yes, there are some tomatoes.有, 里面有西红柿。4. . OK, I d l ike the beef noodles, please.好的, 我就吃牛肉面了。5. . I l ike dumplings 、 fish a

7、nd orange juice.我喜欢吃饺子、鱼及喝橙汁。6. . I don t l ike onions, green tea or porridge.我不喜欢吃洋葱, 也不喜欢喝绿茶和粥。7. . What kind of noodles would youlike? 您要什么面?8. . I d l ike beef noodles, please. 就要牛肉面吧。 9 . What size would you l ike? 您要什么碗的面? 10 . I d l ike a large bowl, please. 就来大碗的吧。【写作话题】本单元以买东西服务用语为话题, 谈论价格数

8、量等。【写作题目】根据以下信息为朱老大饺子屋( Zhu Laoda Dumpling House ) 写一则广告。提示:( 1 ) 本店饺子品种齐全, 个大味美( 2 ) 现有两种特价饺子: 鸡蛋蔬菜饺子每10 个3 元; 牛肉饺子每10 个5 元( 3 ) 欢迎光临本店。地址: 光明路118 号。电话: 685 -8588 。【优秀满分范文】Zhu Laoda Dumpling HouseWould you l ike to have dumplings? At Zhu Laoda Dumpling House , we have all kinds of dumplings and the

9、y are all large and delicious.Now we have two great specials! Special 1 has eggs and vegetables and is just 3 yuan for 10 . Special 2 is only 5 yuan for 10 and has beef and vegetables.Welcome to our house! The address is No. 118 Guangming Road . Our telephone number is 685 - 8588 .词汇讲解011. potatopot

10、ato 可数名词,意为“土豆、马铃薯”,其复数形式为 potatoes。例如: I dont like potatoes. 我不喜欢马铃薯。注意:部分以字母o结尾的名词,变为复数时,在词尾加-es。例如:tomato (西红柿) tomatoes hero (英雄) heroesNegro (黑人) Negroes我们可以用“黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯”这个顺口溜来记住这几个词。2. sizesize是名词,它的意思是“尺寸、大小”,既可以表示物体的大小,又可以表示服装、鞋帽的尺码、号 码。What size引导的特殊疑问句经常用来询问规格或者尺码。例如:What size shirt do

11、you want? 你要多大号的衬衫? I want size 36. 我要36号的。3. small, mediumlargesmall, medium, large都可以用来表示物体的型号,small是小号,medium是中号,large是大号。这三个词可以放在表示量的词前做修饰,来说明具体的要求。例如,a bowl of的意思是“一碗”,表示“大碗、中碗、小碗”时,分别在bowl前面加上“large, medium, small”即可。例如:What would you like? 您想要点什么?Id like a large bowl of beef noodles. 我要一大碗牛肉面

12、。4. special(1) special作名词时,意为“特色菜、特价品、特别的事物”等。例如:The train is a special for the football game.那班火车是为足球赛开的专车。The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。(2) special还可以做形容词,意为“特殊的, 特别的,特色的”。His accent is quite special. 他的口音非常特别。5. order(1) order 作名词,意为“点菜

13、”,是可数名词;词组take ones order意为“点菜”。例如: May I take your order? 您现在点菜吗?拓展:order 作名词时,还可以表示“顺序、次序”。例如:The names are in alphabetical order. 名字是按照字母顺序排列的。My mother likes order in our home. 我的妈妈喜欢把家里布置的井井有条。(2) order 作动词,意为“命令、要求、订购货物”等。例如:The police ordered them to wait right there. 警察命令他们在那里等候。Shall I orde

14、r a taxi for you? 要我给你叫辆车吗?6. meatmeat 为不可数名词, 是可食用的动物肉的总称,只能用some,any,a lot of等可以修饰不可数名词的量词修饰。例如:There is some meat in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些肉。注意:red meat 红色的肉 (如牛肉等) white meat 白色肉类 (如鸡肉等)meat 包括 beef、chicken、mutton等,但不包括鱼类和鸟类的肉。7. popularpopular是形容词,意为“流行的;受欢迎的”。be popular with意为“受欢迎”,get popular 意为“

15、受欢迎,流行”。例如:This kind of sweater is very popular. 这种毛衣非常流行。She is a popular teacher in our school.她是我们学校一位很受欢迎的老师。His songs are popular with young people.他的歌很受年轻人的欢迎。In China, it is getting popular to have cake on your birthday.在中国,在生日的时候吃蛋糕变的很流行。8. yet(1) yet作副词,意为“到此时,至今,还,尚未”,用于否定句中。例如:We havent h

16、eard from him yet. 我们还没有收到他的来信。Im not yet sure if we could win. 我还没有把握确定我们是否能赢。(2) yet作副词,意为“已经”,用于疑问句中。例如:Is everything ready yet? 一切准备就绪了吗?Has the ship left yet? 轮船已经离开了吗?(3) yet作副词,意为“仍然,还是”,用于肯定句中。例如:Hes yet a child. 他还是个孩子。(4) yet作连词,意为“然而,可是”。例如:You can draw a horse in five minutes, yet you ke

17、pt me waiting for a year, why?你能在五分钟之内画好一匹马,然而你却让我等了一年,为什么?He trained hard all year, yet he didnt win a prize in the competition.他全年都艰苦训练,然而在竞赛中却没能获奖。9. differentdifferent 形容词,意为“不同的”。其名词形式为“difference”。The two answers are different.这两个答案是不同的。Can you tell me the differences between them?你能告诉我他们的不同之处

18、吗?be different from意为“与不同”。例如: Saying a thing is very different from doing it. 说一件事和做一件事很不相同。10. fish(1) fish既可作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词。用作可数名词指鱼的条数时,单复数相同。例如:I bought two fish in the market. 我在市场买了两条鱼。(2) fish用作可数名词指鱼的种类时,复数形式是fishes. 例如:There are many kinds of fishes in the lake. 湖里有许多种鱼。(3) fish作不可数名词,意为“鱼

19、肉”。Do you like fish or eggs?你喜欢吃鱼肉还是鸡蛋?(4) fish 还可以作动词,意为“钓鱼”。Lets go fishing tomorrow. 让我们明天去钓鱼吧。11. answer(1) answer 作可数名词,意为“答案、回答、答复”,后常接介词to表示“的答案”。例如:I dont know the answer to the question.我不知道这个问题的答案。(2) answer 作动词时,既可以作及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。作及物动词时意为“回答、答复、应答”;作不及物动词时意为“回答”。例如:The boy cant answer th

20、is question.那个男孩回答不出问题。(及物)He answered with a smile. 他微笑作答。(不及物)12. blowblow 不及物动词,意为“吹”;词组blow out 意为“吹灭”。out在这里是副词,和blow构成动副关系;后接名词时,名词可以放在词组的中间也可以放在out的后面;后接代词时,代词必须放在词组的中间。 例如:The wind blew out the candle. 风吹灭了蜡烛。The wind blew the match out. 风把火柴吹灭了。The wind blew it out. 风把它吹灭了。练一练:. 汉译英。1. 四片面包

21、_ 2. 两杯牛奶_3. 五瓶水_ 4. 四个苹果_5. 两碗牛肉面_ 6. 五碗西红柿鸡蛋面_. 根据句意、汉语意思或首字母提示补全单词。1. My pen is d from yours.2. This piece of music is very p ; we all like it.3. This bowl is too small. That bowl is too large. I want a m one.4. Can you tell me the a to the question?5. I want to swim in the water like a f _.6. Yo

22、ure a little heavy now. Youd better eat less (更少的) m _.7. What would you like? I am not sure y _.8. Im a l man, because I get a good job.9. The fish s is very delicious.10. What would you like to eat? Id like to eat some d _. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Most man dont like go (shop).2. The wind (blow) hard no

23、w.3. Id like (order) a large bowl of beef noodles.4. The Pizza House has some great (special).5. They would like (potato) noodles.6. There are shoes of all (size) in the supermarket.7. Everyone (love) oranges. They are sweet and juicy.8. I dont like eating _ (orange), but I like to drink (orange).9.

24、 Shed like some _ (tomato), she doesnt like (strawberry).10. We have some (fish) for lunch.选词填空。1. Would you like (some / any) ice cream?2. Is there (some / any) meat in the bowl?3. -What (kind / size) bowl of rice would you like?-Small size.4. There is (not / no) water in the bottle.5. Welcome to t

25、he _ restaurant! We have different (noodles/ noodle).参考答案:. 汉译英1. four pieces of bread 2. two glasses of milk3. five bottles of water 4. four apples5. two bowls of beef noodles6. five bowls of tomato and egg noodles. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. different 2. popular 3. medium 4. answer 5. fish6. meat 7. yet 8.

26、 lucky 9. soup 10. dumplings. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. shopping 2. is blowing 3. to order4. specials 5. potato 6. sizes7. loves 8. oranges, orange9. tomatoes, strawberries 10. fish.选词填空。1. some 2. any 3. size 4. no 5. noodle, noodles句式精讲021. Id like beef noodles please.(1) Id likeI would like,would like的意

27、思是“想要”,相当于动词want,但比want语气更加委婉。would可以和主语缩写为d,例如:IdI would;YoudYou would;HedHe would等。例如:Id like a large bowl, please. 我想要一大碗。Hed like some apples. 他想要一些苹果。(2) “would like sth.”表示“想要某物”。My mother would like some milk. 我的妈妈想要一些牛奶。(3) “would like to do”意为“想要做某事”。例如: Id like to visit the Great Wall. 我想要

28、参观长城。(4) “would like sb. to do sth.”意为“想要某人做某事”。例如: Id like you to meet my friend. 我想让你见见我的朋友。2. Would you like a large bowl?“Would you like?”是日常生活中的常用句型,用于向对方有礼貌的提出建议或邀请。其后可以跟名词、代词、动词不定式等。“Would you like sth.?”意为“你想要吗?” 其肯定回答是“Yes, please.”;否定回答是“No, thanks.”。“Would you like to do sth?”意为“你愿意吗?”;其肯

29、定回答常用“Yes, Id love/like to.”;否定回答常用“No, thanks.”或者“Sorry + 拒绝的理由. / Id love to, but 等”。例如:Would you like some bananas? 你想吃些香蕉吗?Yes, please. / No, thanks. 好的。/ 不,谢谢。Would you like to have a rest? 你想休息一会儿吗?Yes, Id love / like to. 是的,我非常愿意。3. Can we have two bowls of beef soup then?a bowl of表示“一碗”,后跟可数

30、名词的复数或者不可数名词。“数词+量词+of+名词”结构可表示某物数量的多少。当数词大于一时,量词应变为复数形式。例如:Wed like two bowls of dumplings. 我们想要两碗饺子。拓展:类似的结构还有:a glass of一(玻璃)杯 a cup of 一(茶)杯a piece of 一张/块/片a box of 一盒/箱4. What kind of noodles would you like?What/Which kind of would you like?是口语中常用的句型,用来询问某人想要什么种类的物品。what kind of可以译为“什么样的,哪种”。例如:What kind of shirt would you like?你想要什么样的衬衫?What kind of birthday presents would you like?你想要什么样的生日礼物?拓展:kind作名词时,它的意思是“种类”,它可以构成短语a kind of(一

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