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1、高三英语模拟试题带答案和听力中原名校20121学年上期第二次联合考试高三英语试题命题:名校九校英语命题研究组(考试时间:12分钟 试卷满分:150分)考生注意: 1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分. 2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。第卷每小题选出答案后,用B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;第卷请用直径05毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。第卷(共10分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分3分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项

2、中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1。 Wen l h paers leav?A A 11:30 am。 B。A 1:00 p C。A:00 pm2。 Hwdoe thean id e wether n eiin? A。 Cld。 BHt。 C. Dr.。 What migpreet May buyng the tabe? A。 Is pice .ts sin C。 I quaty。4.Who plantedthe rees? A。 Henry. B。 The woman。 . Somo else.5.How

3、lon is a da on Mars? A。 37 urs。 B。 Less tha 24 hs。 C. hours ad3 minutes。第二节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分22分) 听下面段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第、7题。6 Why cantthe woman le a i? A.he has a baddises。 B。 She atoo uch wrk. C. She

4、 readsoo any ti.7 htthe mnsadve? A。Tae ome eig pills。B。Eat les before ing to bed. C. St wokin and begi traveling。听第段材料,回答第8、题.8。 Wat wsthe wer e laseek? A. ot。 B Cod. C。 Nice and sunn。 Wa es th manhinkhe weath wileike hi weken? All rain. B。Itll bwindy。 。 tle cody.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10。 Hw log deJohn f

5、orlida every yea? A。 To days。 A k. . month.1. Wheredoes Jhn oftengo frhs ai holiday? A。Aoad. B。 To e cites. C. To ountrse.12Whm doe ohn sendhi hliday wth? 。 Hiswi。 B。H rie。 C.Hicildre。听第9段材料,回答第3至1题。1。 What contest idicae win? A. The comsition ntest。 B. e pelling cnte。 . The speh cons。14。 WhtsholdCa

6、thybrigto ty? A. Fod B. rinks。 C.Nthn.15。 Whomde thyw togo wi? A。A fr. e ster。 C。 eboyfriend。16。 Wht de athy tnk ofMichael? A。 Tired. .onet。 C。 Hard-woing.听第0段材料,回答第17至20题。 Wht ish speker roably? A. or guide。 。A tave gent. A tour student. Whr c we byp-todteroucts accoding o th spakr? A。I Hoong. B。 I

7、nFind。 C. In apa。19 ow can e a fure discont? A。 Make eservato the eek beore. 。al between 8: 0 am ad5:0 m。 C。 Ta ralduing Chismas vaction.2. How antp fospeng yur Cha vacaion menind? A。 B. . 。 4。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分0分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A e Zealand s dup of two misla

8、ns that li in th South Pacific ean。 Mouins, gliersnd volcanoes makeeilandsbautiul to visit n exl。Ackl kln wa irsettle by aor tries arund 350。 By he time urpean settr re in 180,it ws almot deserted。 Today,uknd is Ne Zelandslaret ad fatstgwin cty. Lcd betwe two casts,Aucka hs manyhrbors ani sadto ave

9、h mo plaureoats er pesonf anycitin tew. he Sky Towr is te citys most distitive lndmarAt 1,6et , the ower i the tllesbildng in thesotrn hshere(半球)!Weligton Wellngto s e Zealands aitalcity. Is home tothe Pariamnt uildin n manyther cutural reasures Th cit re ewnrollng gre hlls da dewaterfron.Ahihigt of

10、 thcis ars,ultuladhtorl ttratios isTe Papa,henatio useum。t is oneo the larestnatioal eumsin h wrdn hds many Maoi pice, incluig carvd etingos。It s diplas theorginl Treaty of aitagi。hristhurc Chrstchuch is the lage cit ew Zeands Souh Ilad。 In the past,theit ws cenere on aiulte。 Toay itis a fined mdern

11、 ciy。 Th bauiful ChistCurch Cthl c ound in thecity Catedral Squr。 he AvonRver inds thrugh th cty an is one of Cistchchsjotctis。 Viiord ols eny walkigalg theth an bies that dot he rier。Aoaki/Munt Cok A 1, 39 feet, Aoraiount ok is Zalandstalest mnanLen aysthat oynamed Aorakiad histre rothe reats when

12、ther canoe vrtn on a ree。 When he rotesclion top ther aoe, fring wind tnd them to stone. Th cano bame h Suth Iland and orai and his rthr bcmeepeak ofhe mntans。 Arai/MountCok iswre mus ew Zeaane r EdmundHllary taned eforemade h itorc ipup ot Eest.Duedin he rst settlrs t arriei te ar srounin Dunedin w

13、er Soish The citysScti ots gie itaunqe caater。 Duin as NewZealands busines center rngth gl us i te 6s.Today it remais popular gaheng spo for picni, fstivas d meetngs.21。WhowerNe Zealandsfrstinhaitants?A。 T Maori. B。 Te Englshm. 。 The Duth. D。 TheAsian。22。How doesthe Skyoer heihtsetit aprt? A。 Itteta

14、lest builng ithe word。 B it the ame heht asunt Eeest. C。 Ishe talls biig in te nrthenhemisphre。 D s e tallest buiding inthe souernhisph。3。hatisthe ne of Nw eands igestuntain? . Mount asman。 B.Muntuji. C. oun Cok(Arki). D. Mount Everet.24. heren you o to ave aloo at therigina Teat f Waitagi?A。 Aukla.

15、 .Wellinon。 C. Dunedin。 .Christchurch.BFng Li,n uttaninghinese feal authr, reased new bo I Send My3 Childrn o Harad ata achcemonyn Bejingon Sepembe 18。Fag is a senio enineer whors inSiliconaley,the Unie tates, das obtained more han 2 Amerian ivntin pents in the pt few eas。he wmn also atively takes a

16、tin aou ictiiieinhsparetme hleshwinga great passin for readng andriting Under h go edcatioa gidance, her on ha beeuccesuly eected as prsdnt f htu Uninin Califrnia an ubisheda book. Manhil, h oher tw daughterse also become sucssfl oungwomen. refoe, Fnghs madreteffrtto introd her own advacdeducaoal co

17、ceps an xprines riin children n hr book, hpi that more paents ill bnfit from edig it. Durin te ceremony, Fn so shedher valuable experiences abou raisigyog cldren an gave mlple ractical ugestions ng eesedher hop th er nebookwould leadmreparsoralize thempanceof educaingyungtersdrechildren uldbecoesupe

18、rir ntheir own field when the grwp A ellknown femaledoa xper a writr shard herfeens afteradig Fgsbok. e bele htterole of binga oo mothris vitlfr children ucatin heautho left Chna or Amricato study o doctoratderee8 years a Sh ot y cheve herwnlfrealatio in her care bts bugtp trehln o hveall en olledin

19、 arvrdUnierst. In a wo, this mothe s rllyextraordnry. Afmouspsyholgicaexpet alsotalked abo her felingsafter readng Fags book at theeven。 She sai tat the hethyemoio eteen a mther nd erhile of much significance in thirdiy lies, whch ould hlp yung chrn deveop agood it ofstudying at you age。 Fanghadonev

20、er l in tsaspct。25. Wt i ag Liaccorig othe paag? A。 A poessioa maleauthor. B. A eginer and writer C。 A eduationl expert ad iter. D ychological expert。26Wha i Fangs main prose f writing e bo? A。 osreh sues ith thers. B. Toprov her love for he famiy. C. o ho er pidefheclen。 D。Tfferherprets achac to be

21、it frmreading it.27. hat es the nrlied wod “suro”argrap 4 ma?。 of hgh qualt B. having a ighernk C o f eater quaity D.hehe of reliiu cmmunty28。 Wat cnbe inerred rom the asage?。 Ittaesthee geerationstmkeagtlman。 B. A thrunertadhat a cld does ota。 god mother wrth a hundred shlstr。 D.Chirn h leer a itel

22、ligntprents do better thn otrs。C Thesothig like a wgging(摇摆)ta o cee yo paftr baay.Scince eveshos thtdo may reducengsf anxiet and loelines. But ou uryriens dnt only onibuteto urgodoodshey mih ve be abeteconize m。New rsarh shos thatdogs may e able totl hewere hppy ust bylooking t ur aes。 Te stuy, ubl

23、ishedin he oural ure Bology, eware grupf ogsorreconizingboth hapy and ngy facs. Ehdgwas idually on onlyhe eyes,t muths,or ethalf ofhefces o silin and angr humas. neroup o aials aw h same fcthey wereranedth, ad th ther wgiven ewfes to lok at duing the tes。 Inthe uy, sentiss ewarded hl of e gs oreogzingpp cend te other hl for recognizin angy ones Iteiresults, escietsts sa neminrend: Th dos who wererwarddor the sigfaceslnedtoistingus btw the wo felings faster ta the nes at were rewarded fofrownng fe。The ppepoins out that wed eect te

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