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1、高考一轮复习英语介词专项训练介词专项训练一选择题(共49小题)1(2011安徽)Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek food safety problems()Ain Bto Con Dafter2(2017春思明区校级期中)Dont defend him any moreIts obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology()Aby change Bby accident Con purpose Dwith care3(2015泰州二模)_

2、 the previous approach to offering lowcost models for the market,Chinese car makers are focusing on displaying alternative energydriven vehicles to meet environmental concerns()AWith regard to BOn account ofCIn contrast to DIn response to4(2013春抚州期末)_ the companys increasing thirdgeneration,or 3G,Ch

3、ina Unicom Ltd saw new profits()ARather than BAs for CAccording to DThanks to5Is it true that a terrible hurricane is on its way?It might beI dont know it_()Aof sure Bfor sure Cof course Dcertainly6We built a monument _ those heroes()Ain honor of Bin need of Cin favor of Din charge of7I almost knew

4、nothing about the accident _ the report about it in the newspaper()Abesides Bapart from Cexcept for Dbeside8We dont need to do extra work this eveningThe days work was almost _ now()Aat the end Bat an end Cin the end Dby the end9They were lost at the sea and were the wind and the bad weather()Aat th

5、e risk of Bat the cost ofCat the end of Dat the mercy of10_ the north of the city,most of the miners were rescued from the coal mines()AIn BOn CAt DTo11Ladies and gentlemen,please switch _ your mobile phones!The plane is taking off()Aover Bon Cto Doff12Many of us are from the south, , Li Lei is from

6、 Guangdong()Asuch as Bsuch likeCfor example Dthats to say13I would like a job which pays more,but I enjoy the work I am doing at the moment()Ain other words Bon the other handCfor one thing Das a matter of fact14I always prefer starting early,_leaving everything to the last minute()Aother than Bmore

7、 than Crather than Dless than15I dont think Ill need any money,but Ill bring some_()Aat last Bin case Conce again Din time16On the one hand,we should develop our economy_,we should protect the environment()AOn the other hand BAs a matter of factCThat is DIn other words17(2017秋海淀区期末)The singer invite

8、d her fans to sing along _every song she would sing()Ain Bat Con Dto18(2017秋龙凤区校级期末)The children were arguing _each other _which TV program to watch()Aabout; on Bwith; over Cabout; with Dwith; in19(2018春冀州市校级月考)My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;_, he could neither eat nor sleep()Aa

9、s a result Bafter all Cany way Dotherwise20(2016秋荷塘区校级期末)Who told you about Dads illness?The doctor _()Ain connection Bin turnCin public Din charge21(2016秋荷塘区校级期末)He hasnt _ yetWhat happened _ him?()Adisappeared; to Bshowed up; toCcome; for Dappeared; for22(2016秋番禺区校级期末)He said in his letter that he

10、 was going to visit China _ and he had the idea _()Along before; before long Bbefore long; long beforeCbefore long; before long Dlong before; long before23(2016秋沙河市校级期末)Although they are twins,they have little_()Athe same as Bin common Cin commons Dmuch like24(2017秋天宁区校级月考)The Wayle is a small river

11、 that cuts _ the park near my home()Aacross Bthrough Cover Dup25We Chinese team will compete the Korean team the gold medal()Awith; in Bin; for Cin; with Dwith; for26Many people have been out of work in ChinaAnd _ that the government is always taking measures to increase the number of employment()Ai

12、n spite of Bbecause ofCthanks to Din addition to27They quarrel with each other,while now they are living ()Aare used to; in peaceBused to; in the peaceCused to; in peaceDgot used to; in the peace28I dont feel equal doing the jobIts too difficult for me()Afor Bto Cin Don29Flowers in our garden are we

13、ll protected the cold weather()Aon Bto Cagainst Dwith30Good friends usually share the same interest and agree _ most things but sometimes they also disagree _ each other _something()Aon; with; to Bto; with; aboutCon; with; on Dwith; with; on31He has been working _No wonder he looks very tired now()A

14、sooner or later Bday and nightCnow and then Dhere and there32Equal treatment for all is guaranteed in this area,_race,religion or sex()Ain need of Bin spite ofCregardless of Din terms of33The school is a Chinese teacher for the new term who masters the English language perfectly()Asearching Bin the

15、search ofCin search Din search of34What do you think of Peter?He is a helpful manHe is always helping others without expecting anything ()Ain turn Bin need Cin return Din vain35You must fix all your attention on your study_,you must study hard()AFor example BIn fact CIn a word DThat is36Please dont

16、do anything harmful_our nature, or we humans will have no_each other()Ato; fun about Bfor; fun withCfor; fun about Dto; fun with37He looked quite young though he was _()Ain seventy Bat the age of seventy 38This picture looks better _()Ain a distance Bat a distanceCin distance Dat the distance39The g

17、overnment has made many laws _ peoples interests()Ain favor of Bin defence ofCin celebration of Din charge of40She has many hobbies,_ drawing, swimming, reading and dancing()Afor example Bsuch Csuch as Das41I cant go to the park with you,as I havent finished my homework and Ill help my mother with t

18、he housework _()Ain addition BAt all Cfor example Dby the way42To _,hardship is an excuse;to _,hardship is great fortune()Athe failure;the success Ba failure;a successCfailure;success Dthe failure;a success43The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impres

19、sed _ my memory()Ato Bover Cby Don44The man who had been_ for three months was equal to the job()Aout of work Bout of breathCout of trouble Dout of order45Though he is rude _,he respects you from the bottom of his heart()Ain time Bat times Con time Dat no time46Would you mind if I use your car?Of co

20、urse not,but my car broke downFortunately,Jed will get the car fixed _()Aat no time Bin no time Cat a time Don time47With the kitchen fire _,she went out to meet me()Ain Bon Cup Ddown48Your plan sounds goodBut we are short_money to carry it out()Afor Bof Cwith Din49_,Tom went on the Internet in sear

21、ch of some news()AWith his homework finishingBAt finishing his homeworkCOn finishing his homeworkDAfter his homework finished介词专项训练参考答案与试题解析一选择题(共49小题)1【解答】答案:B 本题解题关键是seek和answerseek的宾语是answer,所以 food safety problems与seek没有关系根据句意可知,本句可改为:It is not far to seek proper answers to food safety problems(

22、寻求食品安全问题的答案)或者sometimes proper answers to safety problems are not far to seek 故选B项2【解答】答案C,by accident偶然地,on purpose故意地,with care小心地,根据句意别再为他辩护了,显然他故意破坏了花园的围墙甚至连道歉都没有选C3【解答】答案CWith regard to关于;On account of由于,因为;In contrast to与相比;In response to作为回应根据题干中的lowcost models和alternative energydriven vehicl

23、es含有对比的意思,所以选C4【解答】答案:D rather than 而不是;as for 关于;according to 根据; thanks to 因为联系前后语境,根据后文China Unicom Ltd saw new profits可知,其利润的增长与前文因为因果关系,thanks to(因为),符合句意,故选D5【解答】答案:B for sure是定下来的意思,确定的意思,与否定词连用表示不确定,of course强调众所周知,当然了,相当于certainly,与否定词连用时,否定词通常位于后面:of course not,certainly not,所以本题选择B6【解答】答案

24、:A in honor of为了纪念;in need of需要;in favor of支持;in charge of负责根据句意和各个选项的含义可知答案,故选A7【解答】答案:B besides除了(包含在内);apart from除了(既有包含也有排除的意思);except for除了(整体介绍,局部排除);beside在旁边,根据语境还有ABC三个介词的区别可知这里是排除的含义故选B8【解答】答案:B at the end最后;at an end结束;at one end在一端;at our end在我方根据句意故选B9【解答】答案:D at the risk of有危险;at the c

25、ost of以为代价;at the end of在结束的时候;at the mercy of任由支配根据句意可知选D10【解答】答案:D,在城市的北部,没说在内还是外,用to,在内用in,接壤用on11【解答】解析:句意为:女士们,先生们,请关上手机,飞机就要起飞了switch over 交换位置; switch on 打开; switch to切换到;switch off关掉,符合句意故选:D12【解答】答案: C句意:我们大部分人都来自南方,比如,李雷来自广东省such as 例如用来罗列同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号; such like

26、就像;for example 比如,一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末;thats to say那就是说; 这里只举李磊一例,并非列举,因此用for example结合选项,故选:C13【解答】答案:B in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首先;as a matter of fact事实上根据语境和各个选项可知选B14【解答】答案:C other than除了;more than不仅仅,多于;rather than而不是;less than少于根据语境和各选项可知,故选C15【解答】

27、答案:B本题考察介词短语at last最后;in case以防;once again再次;in time及时句意:我想我不需要钱,但我要带一点以防万一结合选项,故选:B16【解答】答案:A考查介词短语on the one hand,on the other hand,一方面另一方面;as a matter of fact,事实上;that is,也就是说;in other words,换句话说根据句意和句首的On the one hand可知,BCD选项不符合题意,故选A17【解答】答案:Din在里面;at在地点;on在上面;to随着,合着根据句意和every song搭配可知答案故选D18【

28、解答】考查介词argu with sb over sth意为和 就某事争辩; 和 就某事争吵故选B项,其它三项不符合语境故选:B19【解答】答案:A考查固定短语as a result因此;after all毕竟;any way任何方法;otherwise否则,要不然句意:我的朋友马丁得了重病,高烧很厉害,因此,他既不能吃也睡不着根据题干两个分句之间为因果关系可知选A20【解答】答案:D解析:A:连接;B:轮流;C:当众;D:负责根据句意负责的医生及所给选项分析可知,本题答案为D选项;其余选项均不符合题意拓展:本题是介词短语作后置定语,补充完整即是:The doctor who is in charge21【解答】答案:B 考查介词根据What happens to sb?意为某人发生了什么?排除C、D项;而disappear意为消失,show up意为露面,排除A项,故选B22【解答】答案选B考查介词短语辨析before long 不久以后;long before 很久以前根据句意及语境可知第一个空表示不久以后,第二个空表示很久以前,因此答案选B23【解答】答案:B解析:A:与一样;B:相同;C:无此表达;D:很像根据句意尽管他们是双胞胎,但是他们没什么共同点及所给选项分析可知,本题考查havein common有共同之处这一固定短语;因此本题答案为B选项24

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