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M2 Unit1总复习.docx

1、M2 Unit1总复习Module 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained第一部分 基础知识回顾.词汇联想:根据音标提示写出正确单词及其派生词(必要时可查词典)。1unexplained /|nIkspleInd/ adj.无法解释的;神秘的v.解释_n.说明;解释_2creature /krit(r)/ n动物;人3research /rIst/ n. & vt. & vi.研究n.研究者_4possibility /|psbIltI/ n可能性adj.可能的_5_ /|md(r)/ n. & vt.谋杀,凶杀n.凶手murderer6convincing /knvI

2、nsI/ adj.令人信服的vt.说服,使信服_adj.感到信服的;确信的_7_ /evIdns/ n证据adj.明显的evidentadv.明显地_8_ /|dIspIntId/ adj.感到失望的adj.令人失望的_vt.使失望_n.失望;扫兴disappointment9_ /tre(r)/ n财宝,财富10_ /sIml(r)/ adj.相似的,类似的(to)n.相似,类似_adv.相似地,类似地_11national /nnl/ adj.国家的n.国家_12_ /stre/ n力量,力气adj.强壮的,强大的_vt.加强,增强,巩固_13_ /IzIst/ v存在;有n.存在_【自主

3、检测】根据语境用正确单词或其派生词填空。 1The _(可能性) that he is the _(凶手) is not _(令人信服的)2The _(存在) of some strange _(动物) is _(无法解释的)3It is _(明显的) that he has a lot of _(财富)4To our _(失望),he has no more strength(力气) to do that _(研究)5There is much _(相似) in their _(民族的) characteristics.短语与拓展1run _追赶,追求run _偶然遇到2step _加强,促

4、进,加紧3due _因为,由于but _如果没有4rule _排除make it a _ to do有做的习惯5make _编造,化妆,弥补make up _弥补6_ of负责,掌管7_ a survey进行调查8in return _作为的回报9draw a _得出结论10become convinced _.相信11make ones way向走去12show _出现,露面_ up出面13A _ than B与其B不如A14look _调查;检查look sb. _上下打量某人15carry _实施,执行carry _(with.)继续【自主检测】根据语境选择恰当的词组填空,注意其形式的正

5、确。 1A working party has been set up to _ the problem.2Most of the problems were _ human error.3Women _ 56% of the student numbers.4Police have not _ the possibility that the man was murdered.5Hes always _ younger women.6A broken bone _ on the Xray.7He has _ his training to prepare for the race.8She

6、_ the farm after her fathers death.句型与运用1Standing inside were lots of whiteskinned,strangelooking creatures with large black eyes.【译文】_【句式仿写】躺在地板上的是一位顽皮的男孩。_2However,police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 pm.【译文】_【句式仿写】前几天,我确实告诉过他这件事。_3I pulled back the curtains

7、 and saw a large spaceship flying outside.【译文】_【句式仿写】老师注意到那位学生在考试中作弊。_4Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti.【译文】_【句式仿写】彼得刚收到一封信说他奶奶要来看他。_.单元语法专练-用现在完成进行时完成下列句子1I _ (sit) here all the afternoon.2She _ (sweep) the street all day.She is too tired.3We _

8、(wait) for you for two hours.We dont want to wait any longer.4He _ (collect) all kinds of stamps since he was ten years old.5He _ (not teach) here these years.V. 课文信息填空-阅读下面短文,在空格处填上适当的单词。1、Passage A(Reading)Police in America have stepped up their search for a boy named Justin who went (1) m _two da

9、ys ago. People have shown great (2) i_ in his disappearance. They wondered whether the boy was(3) t_ away by aliens. According to Kelly, his sister, she said that he went (4) s_ to his room and put on his favorite CD. Thats (5) w_ the lights came. At first, she thought it was the light of the full m

10、oon, but then she realized that it was moving and coming closer. Then she pulled back the curtain and saw a large spaceship (6) f_ outside.Dover, a woman who was said to have been taken away by aliens, couldnt agree with the idea more. Dover said aliens just wanted to do research on human beings. Lu

11、ckily, they set her free. Despite that, after the frightening experience, she even got(7) f_ when she heard a plane fly over.Until now, police have not(8) r_ out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are looking into other possibilities. Detective Sam who has taken(9) c _of the case s

12、aid they would never give up until they found(10) c _evidence.2、Passage B(Project)People have reported seeing a wild_1_ creature in the Himalayas. They call it a Yeti. There are many _2_all over the world. It is said that Yetis are heavily built and_3_. In 1998, an American mountain climber said tha

13、t he saw a Yeti on the Chinese side of the Himalayas, which walked like a human with thick black_4_, huge shoulders, very long arms and large hands. In 1970, many footprints were _5_in the snow near Bossburg, Washington in the US. Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard _6_supporting the _7_of

14、Yeti. However scientists have different opinions about Yetis. Some scientists even think that these footprints could have been made by people _8_. Scientists hope that the_9_ will be solved someday. If Yetis really exist, we might have the _10_to see one with our own eyes.答案.1.explain;explanation3.r

15、esearcher 4possible5.murder6.convince;convinced7.evidence;evidently 8disappointed;disappointing;disappoint10.similar;similarly11.nation12.strength;strong;strengthen 13exist自主测评语境填词1possibility;murderer;convincing2existence;creatures;unexplained3evident;treasure4disappointment;research5similarity;nat

16、ional.1.after;;for 4out;rule5.up; charge7.conduct8.for9.conclusion10.that/of12.up;turn13.rather14.into;up and down15.out;on自主测评选词填空1look into2.due to3.make up 4ruled out5.running after 6showed up7.stepped up 8took charge of.1里面站着许多白皮肤、样子奇怪、长着黑色大眼睛的生物。Lying on the ground was

17、 a naughty boy.2然而,警方发现贾斯汀星期五晚上11点左右确实回过家。I did tell him about it the other day.3我把窗帘拉开,看到外面有一只巨大的飞船在空中飞着。The teacher noticed the student cheating in the exam.4脚印是支持雪人存在的几个铁证之一。Peter received a letter just now saying his grandma would come to see him soon.单元语法专练1have been sitting2.has been sweeping3

18、.have been waiting4has been collecting 5hasnt been teachingV. Passage A1. missing 2. interest 3. taken 4. straight 5. when 6. flying 7. frightened 8.ruled 9. charge 10.convincingPassage B(Project)1. man-like 2. sightings 3. hairy 4. fur 5. discovered 6. evidence 7. existence 8. playing a joke 9. mys

19、tery 10. chance第二部分 限时规范训练Module 2Unit 1Tales of the unexplained.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Billy listened carefully _ he might discover exactly what John wanted.Afor fear that Bin case C. in order that Dso as that 答案:C句意为“比利仔细地听以便他能弄清约翰究竟想要什么”。for fear that唯恐;in case以防,万一;in order that为了,以便;so as that

20、是错误结构。2The driver started to speed up to _ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.Akeep up Btake upC. make up Dcatch up答案:C句意为“司机开始加速以弥补在交通堵塞中失去的时间”。keep up保持;take up从事,占据;make up弥补;catch up追上,赶上。3_ at failing in the maths exam,John wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents.A. Disappointed B

21、To be disappointedCDisappointing DHaving disappointed答案:Abe disappointed at对感到失望。此处是过去分词短语作原因状语。4Is it my age that the boss minds?_.He will consider it necessary to have an energetic and experienced assistant.AOf course not BEven so C. Im afraid so DI hope not答案:C此题考查情景交际。Im afraid so恐怕是这样的,符合题意。5Th

22、e worker witnessed _ seen the accused near the scene of the crime.Ato have B. to having Cfor having Dhaving答案:B句意为“这个工人作证说曾看见被告在犯罪现场附近”。witness作动词时,意为“目击,见证”,witness to sth.为某事作证/出庭证明,其中to为介词,后接名词或动名词。6The old man said the accident _ careless driving,so a lot of money _ be paid by the driver.A. was

23、due to;was due to Bdue to;was due to Cis due to;has due to Dis due to;was due to 答案:Adue to由于,to为介词,作表语或状语,due还有“预期的,预计的”的含义,构成be due to do sth.结构。7Things are getting even worse now without Jackson.Its certain that he will _ at the basketball court.A. show up Bget up Cput up Dtake up 答案:Ashow up出现;g

24、et up起床;put up张贴;take up从事。由此可知只有A项符合句意。8The doctor has _ the possibility that Justin suffers AIDS.A. ruled out Bsearched out Cworked out Dlooked out答案:Arule out排除;search out找出,搜寻到;work out计算出,制定出;look out当心。由此可知A项符合句意。9What if I move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better? _.Let me g

25、ive you a hand.AI dont agree with you BThats rightC. I couldnt agree more DWith pleasure答案:C根据答语后一句可知后者是同意前者的观点的。I couldnt agree more.意为“我非常同意”;Thats right.(那是对的。)和With pleasure.(很乐意效劳。)不合题意,故选C项。10Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._,our minds are developed by learning.AProbably BLikely

26、 C. Similarly DGenerally 答案:C根据句意“锻炼可以强健我们的身体。同样,学习可以增强我们的智力”。11When he was told the _ result of the research,there was a _ expression appearing on his face.Apuzzle;puzzling Bpuzzling;puzzlingCpuzzled;puzzled D. puzzling;puzzled答案:D第一空后是名词result,因而要用puzzling修饰,表示主动,而expression则要用puzzled修饰,表示状态。12The teacher felt very glad at the great _ the students made in their studies.Asearch B

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