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1、PMPBOK第六版中英文词汇表PMP_BOK_第六版-中英文词汇表TermDescription术语解释Acceptance Criteria A set of conditions that is required to be met before deliverables are accepted验收标准可交付成果通过验收前必须满足的一系列条件。Accepted Deliverables Products, results, or capabilities produced by a project and validated by the project customer or spon

2、sors as meeting their specified acceptance criteria验收的可交付成果项目产出的,且被项目客户或发起人确认为满足既定验收标准的产品、结果或能力。Accuracy Within the quality management system, accuracy is an assessment of correctness准确在质量管理体系中,“准确”是指对正确程度的评估。Acquire Resources The process of obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials,

3、supplies, and other resources necessary to complete project work获取资源获取项目所需的团队成员、设施、设备、材料、用品和其他资源的过程。Acquisition Obtaining human and material resources necessary to perform project activities. Acquisition implies a cost of resources, and is not necessarily financial.募集获取执行项目活动所必需的人力资源和物质资源。募集将产生资源成本,

4、但不一定是财务成本。Activity A distinct, scheduled portion of work performed during the course of a project活动在进度计划中所列,并在项目过程中实施的工作组成部分。Activity Attributes Multiple attributes associated with each schedule activity that can be included within the activity list. Activity attributes include activity codes, prede

5、cessor activities, successor activities, logical relationships, leads and lags, resource requirements, imposed dates, constraints, and assumptions.活动属性进度活动所具备的多种属性,可以包含在活动清单中。活动属性包括活动编码、紧前活动、紧后活动、逻辑关系、提前量和滞后量、资源要求、强制日期、制约因素和假设条件。Activity Duration The time in calendar units between the start and fini

6、sh of a schedule activity. See also duration.活动持续时间用日历单位表示的,进度活动从开始到完成的时间长度。参见“持续时间”。Activity Duration Estimates The quantitative assessments of the likely number of time periods that are required to complete an activity活动持续时间估算对完成一项活动可能需要的时间的定量评估。Activity List A documented tabulation of schedule ac

7、tivities that shows the activity description, activity identifier, and a sufficiently detailed scope of work description so project team members understand what work is to be performed活动清单一份记录进度活动的表格,包含活动描述、活动标识及足够详细的工作范围描述,以便项目团队成员了解所需执行的工作。Activity-on-Node (AON) See precedence diagramming method (

8、PDM)活动节点法见“紧前关系绘图法(PDM)”Actual Cost (AC) The realized cost incurred for the work performed on an activity during a specific time period实际成本在给定时间段内,因执行项目活动而实际发生的成本。Actual Duration The time in calendar units between the actual start date of the schedule activity and either the data date of the project

9、 schedule if the schedule activity is in progress or the actual finish date if the schedule activity is complete实际持续时间进度活动的实际开始日期与数据日期(如果该进度活动尚未完成)或实际完成日期(如果该进度活动已经完成)之间的日历时间。Adaptive Life Cycle A project life cycle that is iterative or incremental适应型生命周期迭代型或增量型项目生命周期。Affinity Diagrams A technique t

10、hat allows large numbers of ideas to be classified into groups for review and analysis亲和图一种用来对大量创意进行分组,以便进一步审查和分析的技术。Agreements Any document or communication that defines the initial intentions of a project. This can take the form of a contract, memorandum of understanding (MOU), letters of agreemen

11、t, verbal agreements, email, etc.协议用于明确项目初步意向的任何文件或沟通,形式有合同、谅解备忘录(MOU)、协议书、口头协议和电子邮件等。Alternative Analysis A technique used to evaluate identified options in order to select the options or approaches to use to execute and perform the work of the project备选方案分析一种对已识别的可选方案进行评估的技术,用来决定选择哪种方案或使用何种方法来执行项目

12、工作。Analogous Estimating A technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or a project using historical data from a similar activity or project类比估算使用相似活动或项目的历史数据,来估算当前活动或项目的持续时间或成本的技术。Analytical Techniques Various techniques used to evaluate, analyze, or forecast potential outcomes base

13、d on possible variations of project or environmental variables and their relationships with other variables分析技术根据可能的项目或环境变量变化及它们与其他变量之间的关系,对潜在后果进行评估、分析和预测的各种技术。Assumption A factor in the planning process that is considered to be true, real, or certain, without proof or demonstration假设在规划过程中不需要验证即可视为

14、正确、真实或确定的因素。Assumption Log A project document used to record all assumptions and constraints throughout the project life cycle假设日志在整个项目生命周期中用来记录所有假设条件和制约因素的项目文件。Attribute Sampling Method of measuring quality that consists of noting the presence (or absence) of some characteristic (attribute) in each

15、 of the units under consideration属性抽样检测质量的一种方法。Authority The right to apply project resources, expend funds, make decisions, or give approvals职权使用项目资源、花费资金、做出决策或给予批准的权力。Backward Pass A critical path method technique for calculating the late start and late finish dates by working backward through the

16、 schedule model from the project end date逆推法关键路径法中的一种技术。在进度模型中,从项目完工日期出发,反向推导,计算最晚开始和最晚结束日期。Bar Chart A graphic display of schedule-related information. In the typical bar chart, schedule activities or work breakdown structure components are listed down the left side of the chart, dates are shown ac

17、ross the top, and activity durations are shown as date-placed horizontal bars. See also Gantt chart.横道图展示进度相关信息的一种图表方式。在典型的横道图中,进度活动或工作分解结构组件竖列于图的左侧,日期横排在图的顶端,而活动持续时间则以按日期定位的水平条形表示。见“甘特图”。Baseline The approved version of a work product that can be changed only through formal change control procedure

18、s and is used as a basis for comparison to actual results基准经批准的工作产品版本,只有通过正式的变更控制程序才能进行变更,并且用作与实际结果进行比较的依据。Basis of Estimates Supporting documentation outlining the details used in establishing project estimates such as assumptions, constraints, level of detail, ranges, and confidence levels估算依据概述项目

19、估算所用依据的支持性文件,如假设条件、制约因素、详细级别、估算区间和置信水平。Benchmarking Benchmarking is the comparison of actual or planned products, processes, and practices to those of comparable organizations to identify best practices, generate ideas for improvement, and provide a basis for measuring performance标杆对照标杆对照是指将实际或计划的产品

20、、流程和实践与其他可比组织的做法进行比较,以便识别最佳实践、形成改进意见,并为绩效考核提供依据。Benefits Management Plan The documented explanation defining the processes for creating, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by a project or program效益管理计划对创造、提高和保持项目或项目集效益的过程进行定义的书面文件。Bid Documents All documents used to solicit information

21、, quotations, or proposals from prospective sellers招标文件用于从潜在卖方征集信息、报价或建议书的所有文件。Bidder Conference The meetings with prospective sellers prior to the preparation of a bid or proposal to ensure all prospective vendors have a clear and common understanding of the procurement. Also known as contractor co

22、nferences, vendor conferences, or pre-bid conferences.投标人会议在准备投标书或建议书之前,与潜在卖方举行的会议,以便保证所有潜在卖方对本项采购都有清楚且一致的理解。又称承包商会议、供应商会议或投标前会议。Bottom-Up Estimating A method of estimating project duration or cost by aggregating the estimates of the lower-level components of the work breakdown structure (WBS)自下而上估算

23、估算项目持续时间或成本的一种方法,通过从下到上逐层汇总WBS组件的估算而得到项目估算。Budget The approved estimate for the project or any work breakdown structure component or any schedule activity预算经批准的估算,用于整个项目、任一工作分解结构组件或任一进度活动。Budget at Completion (BAC) The sum of all budgets established for the work to be performed完工预算为将要执行的工作所建立的全部预算的总

24、和。Buffer See reserve缓冲见“储备”。Business Case A documented economic feasibility study used to establish validity of the benefits of a selected component lacking sufficient definition and that is used as a basis for the authorization of further project management activities商业论证文档化的经济可行性研究报告,用来对尚缺乏充分定义的所选

25、方案的收益进行有效性论证,是启动后续项目管理活动的依据。Business Value The net quantifiable benefit derived from a business endeavor. The benefit may be tangible, intangible, or both.商业价值从商业运作中获得的可量化净效益。效益可以是有形的、无形的或两者兼有之。Cause and Effect Diagram A decomposition technique that helps trace an undesirable effect back to its root

26、 cause因果图一种分解技术,有助于追溯造成非预期结果的根本原因。Change A modification to any formally controlled deliverable, project management plan component, or project document变更对任何正式受控的可交付成果、项目管理计划组成部分或项目文件的修改。Change Control A process whereby modifications to documents, deliverables, or baselines associated with the project

27、 are identified, documented, approved, or rejected变更控制一个过程,用来识别、记录、批准或否决对项目文件、可交付成果或基准的修改。Change Control Board (CCB) A formally chartered group responsible for reviewing, evaluating, approving, delaying, or rejecting changes to the project, and for recording and communicating such decisions变更控制委员会一个

28、正式组成的团体,负责审议、评价、批准、推迟或否决项目变更,以及记录和传达变更处理决定。Change Control System A set of procedures that describes how modifications to the project deliverables and documentation are managed and controlled变更控制系统一套程序,描述了如何管理和控制针对项目可交付成果和文档的修改。Change Control Tools Manual or automated tools to assist with change and/

29、or configuration management. At a minimum, the tools should support the activities of the CCB.变更控制工具辅助变更管理和(或)配置管理的手动或自动的工具。这套工具至少能够支持变更控制委员会的活动。Change Log A comprehensive list of changes submitted during the project and their current status变更日志项目过程中所做变更及其当前状态的综合清单。Change Management Plan A component

30、 of the project management plan that establishes the change control board, documents the extent of its authority, and describes how the change control system will be implemented变更管理计划项目管理计划的一个组成部分,用以建立变更控制委员会,记录其具体权限,并说明如何实施变更控制系统。Change Request A formal proposal to modify a document, deliverable, o

31、r baseline变更请求关于修改文档、可交付成果或基准的正式提议。Charter See project charter章程见“项目章程”。Checklist Analysis A technique for systematically reviewing materials using a list for accuracy and completeness核对单分析使用清单来系统审核材料的准确性及完整性的一种技术。Checksheets A tally sheet that can be used as a checklist when gathering data核查表在收集数据时用作查对清单的计数表格。Claim A request, demand, or assertion of rights by a seller against a buyer, or vice versa, for consideration, compensation, or payment under the terms of a legally binding contract, such as for a disputed change索赔根据具有法律约束力的合同条款,卖方向买方(或买方向卖方)提出的关于报酬、补偿或款项的请求、要求或

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