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本文(版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Amazing people教师用书 牛津译林版必修2doc.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Amazing people教师用书 牛津译林版必修2doc.docx

1、版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Amazing people教师用书 牛津译林版必修2doc2019版高三英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Amazing people教师用书 牛津译林版必修2.写作单词会拼写1preserve vt. 保存,保护,保持2content n. 内容3signal n. 信号 vi.& vt. 发信号;表明4desire n. 愿望,欲望,渴望 vt. 期望,渴望5within prep. 在之内,不超过6disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱7swallow vt.& vi. 吞下,吞咽8breathe vt. & vi. 呼吸9native adj. 本地的,本国的

2、10quality n. 质量,品质.拓展单词能辨别1curious adj. 好奇的,求知欲强的 curiosity n. 好奇 curiously adv. 好奇地2fortune n. 大笔的钱,财富;运气 fortunate adj. 幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地3vary vt. 使多样化,变化 various adj. 各种各样的 variety n. 种种;多样化4apply vi. 申请 vt. 使用,应用 applicant n. 申请人 application n. 申请5inspire vt. 启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞 inspired adj. 受

3、到启发的 inspiring adj. 令人振奋的 inspiration n. 灵感;激励6discourage vt. 使灰心;劝阻 courage n. 勇气 encourage v. 鼓励 encouragement n. 鼓励7punish vt. 惩罚 punishment n. 惩罚8connect vt.& vi. 联系 connection n. 联系9require vt. 要求 requirement n. 要求,规定10nation n. 民族;国家 national adj. 民族的;国家的 nationality n. 国籍11explore vt.& vi. 探索

4、;勘探 explorer n. 探险家;勘探者12enter vt.& vi. 进来;进入 entry n. 进入;形式 entrance n. 进入;入口.阅读单词要识记1Riddle n 谜2Coincidence n. 巧合,碰巧3superior n. 上级,上司adj. 更好的,更高的4Virus n. 病毒5Valley n. 山谷,峡谷6Optimistic adj. 乐观的,抱乐观看法的7widespread adj. 广泛的,普遍的8candidate n. 候选人;申请人语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Listening to his speech,we were to

5、 make great efforts.It gave us not only hope but also (inspire) 【导学号:31670033】2The boy looked at the box and then he opened it out of (curious)3 ,I won the award.It was without doubt a small to me.(fortunate)4She was arrested and got Her is to perform 20 hours a week of public service for a year.(pu

6、nish)5On the wall at the is a sign which says “No ”,meaning that we mustnt the room.(enter)【答案】1.inspiring;inspired;inspiration2.curious;curiously;curiosity3.Fortunately;fortune4.punished;punishment5.entrance;Entry;enter高频短语会默写1set sail 启航2search for 搜寻3come across (偶然)遇见;发现4as well as 也,以及,和5die of

7、 死于6in connection with 关于,与有关7result in 导致,结果是8pay off 成功;得到回报9star in 在中担任主角,主演10be fit for 适合于11be in control(of sth.) 掌管,控制(某物)12look up to 敬佩语境应用(用上述短语的适当形式填空)1The athlete got a gold medal at the London Olympic Games,and all his efforts 2You are the most energetic woman Ive ever 3Continued stres

8、s may mental illness.4A man the murder is being questioned by the police.5There has been some violence after the match,but the police are now the situation.【答案】1.paid offe across3.result connection control of联想拓展1词根“serve”家族conserve vt.保存;保守deserve vt.应受,值得observe vt.观察;遵守preserve vt

9、.保存,保护reserve vt.保留;预定2单复数意义不同词汇集合content内容 contents目录art艺术 arts文科arm手臂 arms武器brain脑袋 brains脑力custom风俗 customs海关3“联系”常用词集锦connect vt.连接,使联系connection n联系relate vt.使联系,涉及contact v& n联系,接触touch vt.& n接触,涉及4介词“to”表示比较be superior to优于,好于be inferior to劣于,次于be senior to比级别/地位高be junior to比级别/地位低be prior t

10、o在之前,居先5“寻找,搜寻”短语集合look for寻找search for搜寻seek for寻找hunt for搜寻,寻找教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.by后接过去时间,与过去完成时连用By the 1920s,he had become an explorer,searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.1.等我到达公交车站时,公共汽车已经开走了。By the time I got to the bus station,the bus .2.条件状语从句的省略If breathed in,they can result in illne

11、ss or even death.2.如果给予足够的关心,孩子们会合作得更好。 ,the children can cooperate better.3.强调句型Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test,it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut.3.是老师的表扬促使我取得了进步。 contributes to my progress.【答案

12、】1.had already gone2.If given enough care3.Its the teachers praise that(对应学生用书第38页)精讲7个考纲单词 curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的;奇特的高考佳句In high school,I became curious about the computer,and built my first website.(2016年北京高考阅读理解A)在高中,我对电脑很感兴趣并建立了我的第一个网站。(1)be curious about. 对感到好奇be curious to do sth. 极想做某事(2)curio

13、sity n. 好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇(3)curiously adv. 好奇地For forty years,scientists have been curious about that strange fish.40年来,科学家一直对那种怪鱼感到好奇。Children have a natural curiosity(curious)about the world around them.孩子们对周围世界有天生的好奇心。A student should always be curious to learn(learn)学生应该总是有求知欲的。 fortune n

14、大笔的钱,财富;运气,好运教材原句Inside the tombs,he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold,along with the preserved bodies of dead kings.在这些陵墓中,他发现了大量珠宝和黄金,同时还有已故国王经过处理的遗体。(1)make a/ones fortune 发财try ones fortune 碰运气tell ones fortune 算命seek ones fortune 寻找致富及成功之路(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的be fortunate to do sth.

15、 有幸做某事(3)fortunatelyluckily adv. 幸运地unfortunatelyunluckily adv. 不幸地By investing wisely she made a fortune.她由于投资精明而发了财。These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortune.兄弟二人决定去美国碰碰运气。Fortunately(fortune)for him,a man offered to take him around the different spots for free.幸运地是,有个人主动免费带

16、他去不同的地方。 preserve vt.保存,保护,保持经典例句The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.(牛津词典)成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。(1)preserve.from. 保护免于be well/strictly preserved 被很好/严格地保存(2)preservation n. 维护;保护;保养in good preservation 处于良好的保存状态With the limited natural resources,we should take action

17、 to preserve them from being wasted.自然资源有限,我们应采取行动保护资源不被浪费。As we all know,the police are responsible for the preservation(preserve)of law and order.我们大家都知道警察是负责维护治安的。I think these interesting old customs should be well preserved(preserve)我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该被很好地保留下来。链接写作例句的其他表达方式With the limited natural re

18、sources,we should take action to protect them from being wasted.With the limited natural resources,we should take action to stop them from being wasted.With the limited natural resources,we should take action to keep them from being wasted. content n内容;复数容纳的东西;目录;单数含量;满足 adj.满足的,满意的 vt.使满足一词多义写出下列句中

19、content的词性及含义But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.adj.满足的,满意的When I start to read a book,I always skim over the contents first.n.目录The baby contented himself with a new toy.vt.使满足(1)be content to do sth. 乐于做某事be content with. 对满足/满意(2)content onese

20、lf with. 满足于My friend is quite content with his new job.我朋友很满意他的新工作。That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live(live)in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,所以他乐意生活在乡下。 discourage vt.使灰心;劝阻,阻止;使泄气教材原句Even though some of the gorillas were quite dangerous,this did not discourage Dian.尽管有些大猩猩相当危险,但

21、这没有阻止黛安。(1)discouraging adj. 令人泄气或沮丧的discouraged adj. (人)感到泄气或沮丧的(2)discouragement n. 泄气;沮丧(3)discourage sb. from doing sth.劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心We hope the bad weather wont discourage people from coming along.我们希望坏天气不会阻止人们前来。Students will soon get discouraged(discourage)if you criticize them too oft

22、en.如果你频繁地批评学生的话,他们很快就会泄气的。The noisy music was a discouragement(discourage)to conversation.嘈杂的音乐阻止了谈话。 desire n渴望,欲望,愿望 vt.渴望,期望;想要教材原句He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly.他总是强烈渴望能学习飞行。(1)have/lose a desire(2)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire do sth. 想要某人做某事desire that. 渴望/想要Even so,sh

23、e impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed.即使如此,她的勇气和对成功的强烈渴望令世人印象深刻。I desire that these letters be burnt(burn) after I leave.我期望我走了以后把这些信件都烧掉。His mother desired him to be(be)a teacher.他母亲希望他当老师。名师点津desire后跟宾语从句、同位语从句或表语从句时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气形式,即“(should)动词原形”。链接写作一句多译 【导学号:3167003

24、4】我们班的每个学生都渴望上名牌大学。Each student in our class has a desire to go to a famous university.(desire n)Each student in our class desires to go to a famous university.(desire v) apply vi.申请;适用 vt.使用,应用;专心于;涂抹,敷高考佳句Later I decided to apply my previous experience to learning how to read and write.(2016年天津高考阅

25、读表达)后来,我决定把原先的经验用于学习如何读写。apply to 适用于;向申请apply for. 申请 把运用于apply oneself to 致力于,专心于You must be aware that this rule cannot be applied to every case.你必须明白这项规则不是所有情况都适用。Im writing to apply(apply)to join in the activity you are organizing.我写信的目的是申请参加你们组织的活动。Apply some medicine to his wound.给他的

26、伤口上点药吧。诠释3个核心短语 come across (偶然)碰见;(偶然)发现;被理解,讲得清楚高考佳句When walking down the street,I came across David,whom I hadnt seen for years.(2016年天津高考单项填空)当沿着街道散步的时候,我遇见了多年未见的大卫。come about 产生;发出come up 出现;被提出,走近,上来,发芽come up with 提出(办法等)come out 出现;出版;宣布;结果when it comes to. 当谈到时Listening and speaking is wher

27、e my weakness lies when it comes to English.当谈到英语时,听和说是我的弱项。New problems came up when they went into the discussion.随着他们讨论的深入,新的问题被提出来了。When we were wondering what to do,the manager came out当我们不知道怎么办时,经理出现了。名师点津表示“偶然遇到”的短语还有:run across,meet with,happen to meet, chance/accident等。 result in 导致,

28、结果是教材原句If breathed in,they can result in illness or even death.一旦被人吸入,它们就可能导致疾病甚至死亡。(1)result from 由引起;源自(2)as a result of 因为,由于as a result 结果without result 徒劳地His carelessness resulted in his failure.He was careless.As a result,he failed.他的失败是由他的粗心造成的。His difficulty in walking results from a childh

29、ood illness.他行走困难源自童年时的一场疾病。名师点津result in的主语是“起因”,宾语是“结果”;result from的主语是“结果”,宾语是“起因”。链接写作一句多译他没有努力学习,因此考试不及格。He didnt work hard.As a result,he failed the exam(as a result)He didnt work hard,which resulted in his failure in the exam(result in)He failed the exam,which resulted from his not working ha

30、rd(result from) pay off 成功,带来好结果;得到回报;还清高考佳句This work is starting to pay off.(2016年北京高考阅读理解C) 这项工作开始得到回报。pay back 偿还,偿付;报复pay for. 付钱买,为付出代价pay a visit to sb./sp. 访问某人/参观某处You can depend on it that Ill pay your money back on Friday.你尽管放心,我星期五就会把钱还给你。The idea is to discourage at least some visitors,as well as to

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