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1、遗传学课程教学大纲双语教学遗传学课程教学大纲(双语教学)一、课程基本信息课程代码:250211课程名称:普通遗传学(双语教学)英文名称:GENETICS课程类别:专业基础课 学 时:99学分:5.0适用对象:生物技术、生物科学等.考核方式:考试先修课程:普通生物学、生物化学等二、课程简介本课程是生物技术、生物科学等专业的骨干基础课程,在这些专业的本科教学计划中占有极为重要的地位。遗传学研究的任务是阐明生物遗传和变异现象及其表现的规律;探索遗传变异的原因、物质基础及其内在规律;指导动植物和微生物的改良,提高医学水平,为人民谋福利。通过本课程学习,使学生全面掌握遗传学的基本概念、基本原理、基本知识

2、和基本分析方法,了解遗传学的最新发展,学会应用遗传学基本原理分析一般遗传问题,为进一步学习植物育种学、分子生物学及其他有关课程奠定理论基础。Genetics, the science of heredity, is primarily concerned with understanding biological properties that are transmitted from parents to offspring. Genetics is central to biology because gene activity underlies all life processes,

3、from cell structure and function to reproduction. Genetics is an important basic course which has close links with applied researches because it is used not only in the improvement of plants, animals and microorganisms, but also in the public health protection and medicine. Therefore, the basic requ

4、irements of genetics teaching is, in terms of theory, to expound the phenomenon of heredity and variation as well as the law of expression, find out the cause and material basis of heredity and variation so as to reveal the inherent law, and in terms of practice, to grasp the basic methods and techn

5、iques of genetic research so as to pave the way for learning plant breeding and other related applied subjects. Furthermore, since the course is to be taught by bilingual teaching method, the relation between learning specialized knowledge and improving English level should be appropriately handled.


7、学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。由于本课程采用双语教学,要处理好专业知识学习与语言学习的关系,使学生在掌握遗传学基本理论与技能的基础上,同时提高其英语水平,从而有利于其全面素质的提高。四、教学内容及要求 Introduction(一) 目的与要求了解遗传学的研究对象和任务、遗传学的发展及其在科学和生产发展中的作用。(二) 教学内容Whats the genetics; The subject matter of genetics; The branches of genetics; The development history of genetics; Genetic advances in

8、agriculture and medicine第一章 Cytological basis of heredity (一)目的与要求 了解掌握遗传物质在细胞中的分布,染色体的组成、结构及其遗传行为,有丝分裂与减数分裂,配子的形成和受精过程等。 (二)教学内容第一节Cell structure1.主要内容:Structure of prokaryotic cell; Structure of eukaryotic cell. 2.基本概念和知识点: Cell wall; Plasma membrane; Nucleoid; Prokaryotes; Cytoplasm; Centrioles;

9、Endoplasmic reticulum ; Mitochondria ; Chloroplasts; Nucleus; Eukaryotes. 3.问题与应用:原核细胞与真核细胞结构的主要差别。 第二节Chromosomes1.主要内容: Morphology ; Specialized chromosomal structure ; Homologous chromosomes ; Haploid and Diploid.2.基本概念和知识点: Centromere; Metacentric; Submetacentric; Acrocentric; Telocentric; Telom

10、eres; NORs; Zygote; Genome; Sex chromosome; Autosomes. 第三节 Mitosis 1.主要内容:Cell cycle ; process of mitosis; The significance of mitosis. 2.基本概念和知识点: Sister chromatid;Prophase;Metaphase;Anaphase;Telophase;Cytokinesis. 3.问题与应用:有丝分裂的重要意义。 第四节Meiosis 1.主要内容: Meiosis I : The first meiotic division;Me iosi

11、s : The second meiotic division. 2.基本概念和知识点: Synapsis; Bivalent; The leptotene stage; The zygotene stage; The pachytene stage; The diplotene stage; Diakinesis; Crossing over; Synaptonemal complex; Tetrad. 第五节 Gametogenesis 1.主要内容: Spermatogenesis ; Oogenesis 2.基本概念和知识点: Primary spermatocytes ;Second

12、ary spermatocytes ;Haploid spermatids;Primary oocytes;Secondary oocytes; Polar body. 3.问题与应用:雄配子形成与雌配子形成的差异。 第六节Significance of meiosis 主要内容: The process of meiosis is critical to the successful sexual reproduction of all diploid organisms;The events that occur in meiosis are the bases for the varia

13、tion and evolution. (三)实践环节与课后练习实验:Meiosis布置课后作业练习(四)教学方法与手段 以教师课堂讲授为主,同时通过参加实验等实践性环节验证理论,增强感性认识,加深理解。预先发放讲义和生词表,要求学生课前预习,特别是记忆生词,浏览所讲主要内容,课堂上首先检查预习情况(以后章节的学习均是如此,不再一一重述。)第二章 Molecular basis of genetic material (一)目的与要求 掌握DNA和RNA结构和自我复制的特点,蛋白质的合成过程以及中心法则。 (二)教学内容 第一节Characteristics of the genetic ma

14、terial 1.主要内容:Characteristics of the genetic material; Evidence implicates DNA as the major genetic material.2.基本概念和知识点: Bacterial transformation studies; Bacteriophages; The experimental evidence showing that DNA is the genetic material in phage T2; RNA as the genetic material in some viruses. 第二节D

15、NA structure 1.主要内容:Nucleotides; DNA polynucleotides; The double helix; Complementary base pairing; RNA structure. 2.基本概念和知识点:The structure of nucleotides and polynucleotides; The major features of the double helix; RNA structure.3. 问题与应用:DNA双螺旋结构的特点及其重要的生物学意义。 第三节 Genes 1.主要内容:Structure of genes; G

16、ene promoters; Intron and exon.2.基本概念和知识点: Intergenic DNA; template strand; nontemplate strand; sense/antisense and coding/noncoding strand; transcription factors ; splicing. 第四节Molecular structure of chromosomes 1.主要内容:Viral and bacterial chromosomes, The molecular structure of the eukaryotic chrom

17、osome.2.基本概念和知识点:The characteristics of prokaryotic chromosomes; Chromatin; Histones and nonhistones; Nucleosomes; Histone octamer; Solenoid; Euchromatin; Heterochromatin; Constitutive heterochromatin; facultative heterochromatin3.问题与应用:原核生物与真核生物的染色体的构成及其结构有什么不同;染色质与染色体间的关系;真核生物染色体在细胞循环不同时期的表现特点;不同类

18、型染色质与基因表达的关系等。 第五节DNA replication 1.主要内容: Bacterial DNA replication; DNA replication in eukaryotes.2.基本概念和知识点: Semiconservative replication; The replication fork; Leading and lagging strants; Okazaki fragments; Priming; Ligation; Origin of replication; Supercoiling of the DNA; Replication bubbles; R

19、eplicon3.问题与应用: 原核生物与真核生物DNA复制的机制有何不同。 第六节Gene transcription 1.主要内容: Transcription in prokaryotes; Transcription in eukaryotes; Three types of RNA molecules.2.基本概念和知识点: Transcript; Phosphodiester bond; Holoenzyme; Core enzyme; Initiation; elongation and termination; Messenger RNA; Protein-coding gen

20、e; Structural gene; Polyadenylation; Capping; Transfer RNA; The acceptor arm; The anticodon arm; Ribosomes; Ribosomal RNA 第七节Genetic code and translation 1.主要内容:Genetic code; Translation,; The process of protein synthesis; The central dogma.2.基本概念和知识点: Tripled code ; Redundancy of the genetic codon;

21、 Synonymous codons; The wobble hypothesis; Nonoverlapping; Degenerate; Sense codons; The stop codons, nonsense. codons or termination codons; Anticodon; Aminoacylation or charging; Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases; Accessory proteins; The basic scheme and more complete diagrammatic version of central dogm

22、a.3.问题与应用:深刻理解中心法则的基本内容、发展及意义。(三)实践环节与课后练习实验:Extraction of plant DNA布置本章课后作业练习(四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授充分利用多媒体等教学技术和手段,图文并茂,充分调动学生参与教学的积极性,处理好与分子生物学等课程的关系,避免重复。 第三章Mendelian genetics (一)目的与要求 分离规律和自由组合定律的实质,根据基因型推断表现型,根据表现型推断基因型。基因型的鉴定。 (二)教学内容第一节The law (principle) of segregation1.主要内容: Basic concepts ; The

23、monohybrid cross; The law of segregation; The test cross 2.基本概念和知识点: Hereditary traits; Genotype; Phenotype; Pure-breeding lines; Dominant and recessive; The ratio of segregation; Homozygous; Heterozygous; Alleles; Dominant alleles and recessive alleles; The Principle of the test cross.3.问题与应用: 一对性状

24、分离比例的表现情况及分离规律的实质。测交法的原理及其应用。第二节The law (principle) of independent assortment 1. 主要内容: The dihybrid cross; Explanation of the dihybrid cross ; The content of independent assortment.2.基本概念和知识点: Dihybrid cross or two-factor cross; a Punnett square; The two conditions of 9:3:3:1 ratio; The phenotypic r

25、atio of the progeny of a testcross is a direct reflection of the ratio of gametic types produced by the individual tested. 3.问题与应用:自由组合规律的实质是什么?为什么也称为独立分配规律? (三)实践环节与课后练习实验:The Observation of Life Cycle and Morphological Characters of Drosophila布置本章课后作业练习(四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授实验相结合,重点让学生理解孟德尔定律的实质,学习其科学研究的

26、思路和方法。为了避免与以前所学知识的重复,讲授要简洁、突出重点。 第四章More Mendelian genetics (一)目的与要求掌握性状显隐性表现的类型,致死基因与复等位基因,基因互作的类型和表现。 (二)教学内容第一节Expression of dominance 1.主要内容: The types and characteristics of expression of dominance2.基本概念和知识点: Complete dominance; Incomplete dominance; co-dominance 第二节Lethal alleles and multiple

27、alleles 1.主要内容:The concept and nature of Lethal alleles and multiple alleles。2. 基本概念和知识点: Lethal alleles; Multiple alleles; Recessive lethal allele; Multiple allelic series 第三节Gene interaction 1主要内容:The assumptions and certain conventions for gene interaction ; The types and characteristics of gene

28、interaction 2.基本概念和知识点: complementary effect; Epistasis; Dominant epistasis; Hypostatic; Recessive epistasis; In every case the ratios are derived by summing togetherthe four phenotype classes 9, 3, 3 or 1 of the basic ratio. 3. 问题与应用: 在熟悉基因互作的类型及表现的基础上认识基因互作的遗传实质。 (三)实践环节与课后练习实验:Dihybrid Crosses of

29、 Drosophila本章课后作业练习;根据前几章所学内容,教师拟定题目让学生写课程论文或学习心得。(四)教学方法与手段 根据本章的特点,在以教师讲授为主的前提下,充分利用启发式、讨论式等方式,培养学生兴趣,启发思维分析能力。 第五章Linkage (一)目的与要求根据表现型推断基因型。掌握连锁遗传的重组机理,基因定位与连锁遗传图,根据连锁遗传图推断表现型。(二)教学内容 第一节Linkage versus independent assortment 1.主要内容:The definition and relative terms of linkage2.基本概念和知识点: Linked g

30、enes; The recombination frequency; Complete and incomplete linkage; Coupling phase(or the cis configuration);Repulsion phase(or the trans configuration); 第二节Crossover and measurement of linkage 1主要内容:The significance of crossover; The method of simple measurement of linkage. 2.基本概念和知识点: Single cross

31、overs; Tetrad; Parental and recombinant; Map distance; Map units ; Centimorgans (cM). 第三节Gene localization and genetic map 1主要内容: Two-point testcross;Three-point testcross;Interference.2.基本概念和知识点: Genetic map; Genetic mapping; Recombination frequencies; Linkage group ; Double cross-over; Negative in

32、terference; Positive interference; The coefficient of coincidence (S). 3.问题与应用:明确独立遗传、不完全连锁和完全连锁遗传的主要不同点表现在哪些方面,不完全连锁的杂合体其测交后代为什么总是亲型个体多于重组型个体。明确基因定位的原理,同两点测验相比,三点测验具有什么优势。 (三)实践环节与课后练习本章课后作业练习(四)教学方法与手段基本同第四章。 第六章Sex determination and Sex-linked inheritance (一)目的与要求掌握性别决定方式和性连锁遗传机理。(二)教学内容 第一节Sex chromosomes and sex determination 1.主要内容: Sex chromosome systems in organism; Sex determination.

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