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1、钻井工程常用名词术语及英文释义钻井工程常用名词术语钻井总论钻井drilling 钻井方法drilling method 顿钻钻井cable drilling杆式顿钻rod tool drilling 直井straight hole 深井deep well超深井super deep well 地热井geothermal well 热采井thermal production well 工程报废井abandoned well 钻井设计well design 钻井质量drilling quality 岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock 矿物的

2、硬度 hardness of rook 矿物的弹性模量elastic modulus of mineral矿物的泊松比Poissons ratio mineral矿物的切变模量shear modulus of mineral岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock岩石的常规抗压缩强度 compressive strength of rock岩石的抗剪切强度 shear strength of rock岩石的三轴强度试验 tri-axial test of rock脆性岩石 brittle rock 塑性岩石plastic rock 岩石的假塑性破坏pseudo-plas

3、tic breakage of rock岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock 地应力in situ stress岩层的水平测向应力horizontal stress of strata 围压confining pressure 有效应力effective stress 压持效应chip hold effect 岩石的可钻性drill ability of rock 岩石的研磨性rock abrasiveness钻具drilling tool 钻柱drill stem 复合钻柱combination string满眼钻柱packed hole assem

4、bly 踏式钻铤组合tapered drill collar string钟摆钻具pendulum assembly 偏重钻铤 unbalanced drill collar钻柱弯曲buckling of drill string 钻具的扭转震动twisting vibration of drill string 钻杆疲劳破坏fatigue-failure of drill string 上紧矩 make-up torque应力减轻槽stress-relief groove 减震器vibration dampener稳定器stabilizer 井眼大扩器reamer 钻井液drilling f

5、luids水基钻井液water-base drilling fluids淡水钻井液fresh-water drilling fluids低固相钻井液low solids fluids低固相不分散钻井液low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids抑制性钻井液inhibitive drilling fluids盐水钻井液salt-water drilling fluids饱和盐水钻井液saturated salt-water drilling fluids钙处理钻井液calcium treated drilling fluids钾盐钻井液pota

6、ssium drilling fluids混油钻井液oil-emulsion drilling fluids生物聚合物钻井液biodegrability drilling fluids油基钻井液oil base drilling fluids反相乳化钻井液invert-emulsion drilling fluids泡沫钻井液foam drilling fluids 密闭液sealing fluids完井液completion fluids 解卡浸泡液stuck freeing spotting fluids钻井液性能properties of drilling fluids 滤失filtra

7、tion API滤失量API filtration高温高压滤失量high temperature and high pressure filtration动滤失量dynamic filtration 滤饼filter cake 含砂量sand content钻井液固相含量solids content in drilling fluids石灰含量lime content estimation钻井液的酚酞碱度Pm alkalinity 滤液酚酞碱度Pt alkalinity滤液甲基橙碱度Mf alkalinity 造浆率yield破乳电压emulsion-breaking voltage钻井液流变

8、性drilling fluids rheology 漏斗粘度funnel viscosity触变性thixotropic behavior 静切力gel strength初切力initial gel strength 终切力10-minuto gel strength剪切降粘特性shear-thinning behavior钻井液受污染contamination of drilling fluids粘土侵clay contamination 盐侵salt contamination盐水侵salt water contamination 钙侵calcium contamination砂侵sand

9、 contamination 水侵water contamination气侵gas contamination 钻井液处理剂mud additives降失水剂filtrate or reduction agents 增粘剂thickening agent膨润土增效剂agents of increasing bentonite降粘剂thinning agents 加重剂weighting agents 堵漏剂lost circulation materials 水敏性页岩water-sensitive shale膨润土的预水化pre-hydrated bentonite 固相控制solid co

10、ntrol钻屑cutting 砂sand 泥silt 胶体颗粒colloidal solids钻进drilling 钻进技术drilling technology钻进技术参数drilling parameters 钻压weight on bit悬重和钻重string suspending weight and drilling weight转速rpm-revolution per minute 排量rate of flow零轴向点zero axial stress point 中性点neutral point开钻spud in 完钻finishing drilling 送钻bit feed方余

11、和方入kelly-up and kelly-in 进尺footage机械钻速penetration rate 鳖钻bit bouncing 跳钻bit jumping干钻drilling at circulation break 打倒车reverse rotation table 钻头泥包bit balling 划眼redressing 扩眼reaming放空drilling break 吊打easing the bit in 纠斜hole straightening侧钻sidetracking 单根single 双根double立根stand 接单根king a connection 起下钻

12、trips短起下钻short tripping 活动钻具move the drill string上卸扣make up and break out 换钻头change bit鼠洞rat hole 小鼠洞mouse hole 喷射钻井jet-bit drilling清洗井底bottom-hole cleaning钻头压降bit pressure-drop 钻头水功率bit hydraulic horse-power喷嘴nozzle 流线形喷嘴streamline nozzle 喷嘴流量系数nozzle orifice coefficient钻井液循环系统drilling fluids circu

13、lating system钻井液流态flow pattern 平板层流flat plate laminar flow 喷射钻井的工作方式The working regime of jet drilling最大钻头水功率工作方式The regime of the maximum bit hydra-ulic horse-power最大射流冲击力方式the regime of the maximum jet-impact force最大射流喷速工作方式The regime of the maximum jet velocity经济水功率工作方式the regime of the economic

14、hydraulic horse-powerjet bit 喷射式钻头optimum rate of mud flow 最优喷嘴直径optimum nozzle diameter 临界井深和极限井深critical well depth and limited well depth钻井泵的工作状态the working regime of drilling pump钻井泵的最大排工作状态(额定工作功率工作状态)the maximum flow rate regime of the drilling pump (the rated power regime of the drilling pump

15、)钻井泵的调节排量工作状态(允许压力工作状态)the regulated flow rate regime of the drilling pump(the rated power regime of the drilling pump)携带岩屑cutting carrying 岩屑运移比cutting transport ratio 环空岩屑浓度solid concentration in annular space钻井泵效率rate of utilized power of the drilling pump优化钻井技术optimum drilling technology 钻井可控参数c

16、ontrollable drilling variables 钻井不可控参数non controllable drilling variables钻速方程equation for drilling rate 最大允许钻压maximum allowable weight on bit 最优钻压optimum weight on bit 钻速系数factor of penetration rate 地层研磨性系数factor of formation abrasiveness牙齿磨损系数tooth wear coefficient轴承工作系数working coefficient of beari

17、ng 五点法钻速试验“five spot” drill-off test 井下动力钻井hole bottom power drilling涡轮钻井turbo-drilling 涡轮钻具turbo-drill 电动钻具electric drill螺杆钻具positive displacement motor(PDM)有效钻压effective bit-weight钻具滤清器drill pipe filter 油壬 union定向井directional well 定向要素directional elements井斜角inclination方位角azimuth 伽马 gamma ray(GR) 电

18、阻率resistivity井斜变化率inclination change rate方位变化率azimuth change rate 井眼曲率hole curvature 垂深和测深vertical depth and measured(TVD and MD) 水平投影长度hole deviation水平位移displacement or closure distance 多底井 multi-bore well分支井 multiple-lateral well 大位移井ERD(extended reach drilling) 水平段长度horizontal section length(H-se

19、ction length)水平井horizontal well 丛式井cluster well 救援井relief well 套管开窗starting window on casing 磨铣开窗 casing sidetracking段铣开窗casing milled sidetracking造斜 kick off 增斜build-up (hole angle) 降斜build-off /drop-off(hole angle)稳斜 hold/maintain angle 井身垂直投影图vertical projection of borehole井身水平投影图 horizontal proj

20、ection of borehole正切法tangential method 平衡正切法balanced tangential method平均角法average angle method曲率半径法radius of curvature method圆弧法arc method 最小曲率法minimum curvature method圆柱螺线法cylinder helix method 造斜工具deflecting tool斜向器whipstock 工具面tool face 全角变化率over-all angle change rate井眼方位漂移walk of hole/bit walk动力

21、钻具反扭角reactive torque磁偏角magnetic declination 随钻测量measurement while drill(MWD)单点测斜仪single shot instrument多点测斜仪multi-shot instrument 陀螺测斜仪gyroscopic instrument 定向orientation定向下钻orientation while going in hole长/中/短半径水平井:long/medium/short radius horizontal well斜直井 slant hole 井眼轨道 well trajectory 靶心target

22、靶区半径 radius of target area 造斜点kick off point无磁钻铤 non-magnetic DC 扭方位 correction run/make up correction取心coring 岩心core 岩心收获率recovery of core取心方法coring method局部反循环取心coring with local inverse circulation长筒取心long barrel coring密闭取心sealing core drilling保压取心core drilling with keeping formation pressure定向取心

23、orientation coring 绳索取心wire line coring取心工具coring tools 岩心筒core barrel单筒式岩心筒single type core barrel双筒式岩心筒core barrel of double tube swivel type内岩心筒inside core barrel 外岩心筒outside core barrel喷射式岩心筒core barrel of jet type 取心钻头coring bit牙轮取心钻头coring cone bit 金钢石取心钻头diamond coring bit涡轮取心钻头turbo-core bit

24、涡轮取心钻具turbo-core drill 岩心爪core gripper卡瓦式岩心爪core gripper with slip卡簧式岩心爪core gripper with slip-spring板簧式岩心爪卡core gripper with slip-spider箍式岩心爪core gripper with slip-collar割取岩心core breaking机械加压割心法core breaking by mechanical loading投球割心core breaking by hydraulic pressure投砂割心core breaking by pumping do

25、wn顶岩心core extracting各种压力概念concept of pressure 静液压力hydrostatic pressure钻井液压力drilling fluid column pressure孔隙压力pore pressure (formation pressure)上覆岩层压力overburden pressure 压力梯度pressure gradient 异常压力abnormal pressure 压实作用compaction欠压实imcompaction 地层压力检测方法method of formation pressure detection地震资料法seismi

26、c data method机械钻速法penetration rate method d指数法d-exponent method 中途测试drill-stem testing 完井测试well completing test综合录井仪computerlized apply drilling technology地层破裂压力formation fracture pressure 漏失试验法leak-off test地层压力当量钻井液密度equivalent drilling fluid density钻井液当量循环密度equivalent circulating density附加压力当量钻井液密

27、度additional pressure equivalent density波动压力(激动压力)surge pressure 抽汲压力swabbing pressure气体上窜gas channeling 溢流overflow 井涌kick 井喷well blowout地下井喷underground blowout 井喷失控out of control for blowout循环池液体增量pit gain 压井killing well 关井closing(shut-in)well 硬关井hard closing 软关井soft closing 压井方法killing well method工

28、程师法(等待加重量法)engineers method司钻法(二次循环法)drillers method边加重边循环法concurrent method置换式压井法(顶部压井法)displacement method反循环inverse circulating 循环周circulating circle节流循环circulating with choke防喷设备和工具blowout prevention tools and equipments钻井液流量计drilling fluid flowing indicator泵冲数计pump-stroke counter钻井液液面指示器pit-vol

29、ume indicator真空除气器 vacuum degasser 硫化氢监测仪H2s detector井喷失控的处理well blowout control 抢装井口installing wellhead带帽子压井法hatting kill well method换井口套管casing replacing 灭火extinguishing固井well cementing 套管程序casing program 导管conductor表层套管surface casing 技术套管intermediate casing strings生产套管production casing 套管柱casing

30、string套管柱下部结构casing accessories 引鞋guiding shoe套管鞋casing shoe 套管扶正器centralizer 泥饼刷wall scratcher浮箍float collar 套管承托环cement baffle collar 旋流短节vortex sub浮鞋cementing float collar 水泥伞cementing basket注水泥胶塞cementing plugs 通径规drift diameter gauge套管的外载荷outside casing load 套管内压力burst套管外挤压力collapse pressure 套管

31、轴向力axial load 套管强度casing strength 套管抗挤强度collapse resistance套管抗拉强度tensile resistance 套管抗内压强度burst resistance下套管running casing 活动套管moving casing预应力preceding stress 人工井底artificial bottom of a well固井工具与设备tools and equipments for running casing and cementing套管吊钳casing tong 套管吊卡casing elevator卡盘casing spider 联顶节top connecting collar水泥头connect head 水泥车connecting truck井口装置wellhead equipment 注水泥?connect油井水泥oil well connecting 低密度水泥light weight connect膨润土水泥bentonite connect 速凝水泥accelerated cement膨胀水泥expansion cement 纤维质水泥fiber cement树脂水泥(浆)r

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