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1、推荐广州市小升初名校联考历年英语真题说明:全卷总分共60分,35分钟时间完成一单项选择 (120 =20分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上)1、_you_to bed at ten yesterday evening? ADid,go BDo,go CDi止went DDo,went2The pupils of our school_ to visit yuntai Garden_this number bus tomorrw Ago,by Bgoing,by Cis going, by Dare going, on3A:How do you like the film? B:_. AI

2、 think So B1 don t think so CYes,IIike it DIt s a good film4My story is_than yours Amuch interesting Binteresting Cmuch more interesting Dinterestinger5_Children s Day my mother goes to the Zoo with me AIn BAt COf DOn6A:“Thank you very much .” B:_. AAll right BOK CNo, thanks . DThats all rigtat7He d

3、oesn t go to school today_ he is ill Aand Bor Cbecause Dbut8There_ _ on the plate Ais,breads Bare,breads Cis,some bread Dare,some bread9Her TV is brokenThere is_ picture Ano Bnot CSome Dany10,Tom_ thingsNow he is making a toy planeA1ike make B1ikes make C1ike making D1ikes making11Uncle Li, there s

4、something wrong with my computerWould you give me a_? Afoot Bhead Chand D。face12That s a good place for reading,_? Ais that Bis it Cisn t that Disn t it13My father likes_books in the eveningHe doesn t often_TV . A1ooking at, watch Bwatches,see Cto read,watches Dreading, watch 14 Would you like somet

5、hing to eat? _ . AYes, I am BYes,1 like it very much CYes,please DYes,Id like some water15_ ? She is a nurseAWhere does your mother do? BWhat does your mother do?CWhat is your mother doing? DWho is your mother?16Give _ some tomatoes,pleaseALi Lei and I BI and Li LeiCLi Lei and mc Dme and Li Lei1 7Wh

6、ich city will hold the Olympic Games in 2008 ? AParis BBeijing CLondon DToky618The capital of the USA is _ .ANew York BWashington CParis DLondon19People use _ in EnglandAdollar(s) Byuan(¥) Cpound() DHK.do11ar(HK )20Koalas (树熊) live in_ .(本题原稿是一幅世界地图,答案从4个洲之中选择) AAsia BAfrica CAustralia DNorth Americ

7、二、完形填空(1l0 = 10分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上)_ children like to watch TVIt s very _22_On Tv _23_can see and learn a lot and know many things _24_ their country and the world_25_they can learn over the radioBut they can learn better and more easily on _26_ Why ? Because they can hear and watch at the same tim

8、eBut they can t _27_ anything over the radioMany children watch TV only on Saturday or SundayeveningThey are _28_ busy with their lessonsBut a few children watch TV every _29_They go to bed very lateThey can t have a good _30_How about you, my young friend ?21AMuch BMost CMore DAny22Ainteresting Bne

9、w Cbig DCUte 23Awe Byou Cthey DI24Aon Babout Cof Dwith25ABy them BOf course CBecause DSo26Aradio Bfilm Cnewspaper Dw27Ahear Benjoy Csee D1earn28Anever Balways Csometimes Donce29Amorning Bafternoon Cnoon Dnight30Atime Brest Cday D1ook 三阅读理解 (110 = 10分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上)A My mame is LilyMy father is

10、a teacherHis students love him a lot because he is funnyIlove him too,but I think he can be foolishsometimesOnce we moved house and had to go shopping to buy new chairs and lightsIn the supermarketwe saw many beautiful lightsI like some of them and made my father buy themWhen we got homemy father be

11、gan to work out how much money we had spent that daySuddenly, he stopped“Something is wrong”he said,“I have got 300 yuan more than l should”“That s great,” l said,You can buy me that cartoon book then,”Father said nothing . Instead,he counted how much money he had again and again“The salesgirl must

12、have made a mistake(错误)We should go back to the shop,”he said“Do we have to go back?”l asked,“Nobody will know she gave us too much changeIt would be foolish to go back”“It would not be foolish,”my father said angrily, “It s called being honest”At that moment, I looked into his eyes and knew he was

13、rightThe salesgirl was surprised to see us in the shop againBut when we gave her money, she thanked us a lotSuddenly my father stopped me and smiled“Do you still want that cartoonbook?”he askedI looked at myfoolishfather and answered loudly,“Father, you re thegreatest!” 31Why did they go to the shop

14、? ATo buy chairs and lights BTo take a walk CTo buy a cartoon book for Lily DJust to look around32Why didnt Lily let her father retum the money to the shop? Because_ .Anobody knew what had happened (发生)Bthe shop was too far away Cthey were too tired to go back to the shop Dshe wanted to buy a cartoo

15、n book with the money33Whats the meaning (意思)of the wordchange”in the passage (文章) ? Asomething new Bsomcthing different Csmall moaey Danother kind of money34Why was her father angry when Lily didnt let him return the money ? Because_ . Ahe didnt like money Bhe didnt think it would be honest Che did

16、nt want to buy the cartoon book for Lily D。he was a funny teacher35。What do you think of Lilys father ?AHes foolish BHes smart CHes honest DHes brightB Hello,everyone! Its that time of year again! Hualins fantastic sale! You name it, and wehave it at a very good priceDo you like sweaters? Do you lik

17、e them at low prices? we havesweaters in all colors at 50 yuan each! Do you need a bag for sports or school? We have great bagsfor just 6 yuan! For young boys and girls,We have T-shirts in red,green,yellow,orange,blue andblack for only 15 yuan! And socks in all colors for just l yuan! And thats not

18、a11Cant you believe it? Come down to Hualin and see by yourself ! 36This passage is_ . Aa story Ban ad (广告) Cabout family Dabout buying and selling37What is the meaning of the word“fantastic”? Acheap Bimportant Cgood Dexpensive38You want to buy a sweater and a T-shirtHow much wiIl you have to pay ?

19、A¥51 B¥21 C¥56 D¥6539You want some black socksCan you buy them here ? ANo,I Cant BYes,I can CNo, I can DYes,I Cant40Which sentence is right according to (根据) the passage ? AThere are no green sweaters BYoung boys and girls like T-shirts very much CThe T-shirts in Hualin are for young boys and girls

20、DOnly the things in this passage are cheap四句型转换:按要求改写句子(o.510 =5分)(每空词,请把答案写在答卷上)41Please read Lesson One(改为否定句) _ _ Lesson One,please42Jackie has lunch at schoo1(改为一般疑问句) _ Jackie _ lunch at school ?43My favourite subject is science(划线部分提问)_ _ favourite subject ?44They have maths on Tuesday and Fri

21、day . (划线部分提问) _ _ they have maths ?45Ann is ten years oldLucy is eight years old(把两个句子连成一句)Lucy is two years _ _ Ann五用所给词的适当形式或时态填空(o.510 =5分)( 请把答案写在答卷上)46。Last year we _ ( fly) to Shanghai47。 Lets go _ (boat) All right48You Cant see her now because she _ (have) a class in the classroom49There are

22、 some _ (tomato) on the desk50,Would you like _ (play) tennis ?51Li Hong often _ (carry) water for the old lady52Jim is _ in our class(tall)53All of _ (we) like new clothes54This year is her _ (twenty) birthday55I enjoy _ (1isten) to music六综合填空;根据首字母填上文中所缺单词。(110 = 10分) (请把答案写在答卷上) The Spring Festiv

23、al begins on the first day of the f_ month of the Chinese calendar(日历) while the Western New Year starts on the first day of J_Before the SpringFestival comes,everyone b_58_busyThey clean their houses,cook a lot of d_59_food and go s _60_for presents 0n the eve (前夕) of the Chinese New Year,every fam

24、ily member stays home for d_61_and weIcomes the Nev Year with hope and happinessThey w_62_ the Spring Festival Evening Party ? by CCTV and go to bed very lateThe children get“luckymoney”f_63_ the olderWith the m_64_ they can buy bookstoys。food and manyother t_65_(完)2008年广州市十六所民办初中新生入学检测题时间60分钟,总分100

25、分。一、按照词的类别,仿照例子把单词的编号写在表格的适当地方。(10分)JobAnimalsClothes Drinks A. dog B. water C. pants D. rabbit E. lawyerF. manager G. dress H. milk I. goose J. coachK. whale L. reporter M. shorts N. tea O. juiceP. coat Q. driver R. giraffe S. jeans T. coffeeU. turtle二、选出每组单词中与其它三个不同类的词,把其编号写在括号内。(5分)( )1. A. three

26、 B. fifth C. thirty D. eight( )2. A. grass B. plant C. rose D. tulip( )3. A. Canadian B. British C. France D. Japanese( )4. A. warm B. snowy C. interesting D. cool( )5. A. wash B. bowl C. plate D. fridge三、根据上下文意思补全句子中单词所缺的字母。(8分)1. Thursday is the f day of the week in the UK.2. Our national f is red

27、 with five yellow s .3. We can borrow books from the l .4. I usually go s in the river with friends in summer.5. In 1979, Deng Xiaoping visited Guangdong and m an important speech.6. The boy ran very fast. Soon he c up with other boys.7. Jim and Jack live on the d floor Jim lives on the sixth and Ja

28、ck lives on the tenth.四、选出最佳答案,并把其编号写在括号内。(19分)1My brother doesnt like pets I dont like pets . A. too B. either C. also2A: bog is Billy? B: That tall boy. A. Who B. Which C. Whose3Is this kite? No, its . A. her, his B. him, hers C. mine, his4Kate and I usually supper at school. A. have B. has C. are having5 you at home yesterday? No, I . A. Were, wasnt B. Do, dont C. Was wasnt6We have sports every afternoon. A. in B. on C. /7The book is My sister is in reading it. A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interesting C. interesting, interested8The boys like th

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