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小初高学习学年高中英语 Unit 4 Public transpor Sect.docx

1、小初高学习学年高中英语 Unit 4 Public transpor SectUnit 4 Public transpor Section Word power, Grammar and usage & Task一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.enquiryn询问,咨询;调查,查究,探究2.handfuln. 少量的人或物;一把(的量)3.splitv. 分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破4.timetablen. 时间表,时刻表5.ferryn. 渡船;摆渡vt. 渡运,摆渡6.portn. 港口;(计算机)端口7.punctualadj. 准时的,守时的.拓展词汇1

2、.annualadj.每年的,一年一次的annually adv.每年地2.receptionistn接待员reception n接待(处)3.reservationn预订,预约;保留意见reserve v预订;保留4.departuren离开,出发;背离,违反depart vi. 离开1.enquiry n询问,咨询;调查;查究,探究词块make enquiries about sth.询问某事enquiry office 问讯处scientific enquiry 科学探索launch/hold/set up an enquiry 进行调查2.punctual adj.准时的,守时的词块b

3、e punctual for a meeting 准时赴会近义timely adj. 及时的3.departure n离开,出发;背离,违反词块departure and arrival 出发和到达the departure lounge 候机室反义arrival n. 到达4.split v分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破词块split fire wood 劈柴split up the cost 分摊花费易混spit v. 吐二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.put through 给某人接通(电话);使经历2.decide on/upon 决定,选定3.put off 推迟,推延;使反

4、感4.turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等)5.fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)6.a handful of 少数的,少量的7.split up 分组,分解;分离8.speed up (使)加速 a seat/ticket 预订座位/票2.set up ones own business 成立某人自己的企业3.arrange a trip 安排一次旅行4.make the arrangements 安排5.a beautiful sightseeing destination 一个优美的风景区6.under repair 在修理7.send the form to m

5、e 把表发送给我8.wash away soil 冲走土壤三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.Im a high school student and Im calling to see if its possible to arrange a trip for my class to look around the transport control centre. 我是一名中学生,我打电话是想了解是否能安排我班的学生参观交通控制中心。Its possible to do .,“做是可能的”,其中it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。It_is_possible_to_see as far a

6、s the island on a clear day. 天气晴朗的日子里可以看到远到那座岛屿的地方。2.Hmm, well, we do welcome students to visit this centre, but you will have to fill in a form and then we will decide on the best way to organize the visit. 嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们必须要填一个表格以便我们选定组织这次参观的最佳方式。“do动词原形”表示对谓语进行的强调,多用于一般现在时和一般过去时。Jack sai

7、d he would come and he did_come. 杰克说他要来,他果真来了。1(教材P56)They did not turn up until 10 oclock.他们直到十点才露面。 turn up 出现,到来;调高(音量等);卷起写出下列句中turn up的含义Something unexpected had turned up before he could know. 出现He turned up his coat collar against the cold. 卷起Please turn upthe radio so that we can listen to t

8、he music clearly. 调高(音量等)turn off 关掉,关闭turn on 打开,发动turn out 生产;结果是turn over 移交给;把翻过来;反复考虑turn in 交上;归还turn down 拒绝;调低(音量等)His application was turned_down by the headmaster.他的申请被校长拒绝了。It turned_out that we lost our way in the forest.结果我们在森林里迷路了。2(教材P57)Hmm, well, we do welcome students to visit this

9、 centre, but you will have to fill ina form .嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们必须要填一个表格 fill in 填写(表格);消磨(时间);填满,塞满Its not an easy task tofill in a form for many people.对许多人来说填表不是一件容易的事。He watched TV all day yesterday, filling (fill) in his time.他昨天看了一天电视来打发时间。fill up with 使充满,使填满fill sth. (up) with sth. 用某物把

10、某物填满be filled with . 填满,装满He filled up the tank with oil and set off at once.他把油箱装满油,接着立即就出发了。The room was_filled_with smoke because so many people were smoking here.屋子里满是烟,因为如此多的人在这里吸烟。3(教材P57)We could split up into groups, and come at different times.我们可以分组在不同的时段来。 split (split, split)vi.&vt.分割,(使

11、)分开;撕开,割破split up 分组,分解;分离,分开split (up) . into . (把)分成split sth. between . 在之间分配、分摊某物One of the boxes fell andsplit open.其中一个箱子落了下来,裂开了。Lets split_up now and meet again after school.让我们现在分开放学后再集合。Just split the cake into three and leave one piece for Mary.把蛋糕分成三块,给玛丽留一块就行。Profits will be split betwe

12、en three major charities.利润将在三个主要慈善机构之间分配。4(教材P57)OK, I will put you throughto the receptionist and she can take down your details.好的,我帮你接通接待员的电话,她会记下你的详细情况。 put through给某人接通(电话);使经受(磨炼、痛苦);完成写出下列句中put through 的含义If shes not in, can you put me through to her sceretary? 给某人接通(电话)You have put your fam

13、ily through much suffering._使经受Paul expects to put through the project at the first attempt.完成put away 放好,储存备用put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;把时针向前拨put up 举起;建造;张贴;留宿put off 推迟,拖延put down 放下;镇压;削减;记下put up with 容忍,忍受We decided to put_off holding the party to the next week.我们决定把这个派对推迟到下周举行。Will you please p

14、ut_away the books you read on the bookshelf?把你们读的书放到书架上好吗?5(教材P59)There are many flights to Dalian, and the city has good air connections with most large cities in China, but you need to make reservations in advance.有很多航班飞往大连,大连与中国大多数大城市之间都有航线,但你得提前订票。 reservation n预订,预约;保留意见(1)make a reservation 预订

15、have/express reservations about . 对表示疑问, 对保留意见without reservation 毫无保留地(2)reserve v. 预订;保留;储备n. (动植物)保护区,储备be reserved for . 为所保留Ive made a reservation for you on the morning flight.我已为你预订了早上的航班。This section of the car park is reserved for visitors.这个停车区是留给游客的。I have serious reservations about his a

16、bility to do the job.我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。We accepted their offer without reservation.我们毫无异议地接受了他们的提议。6(教材P59)A new service has just opened between Beijing and Dalian and this has speeded up travel between the two cities.北京与大连之间刚刚开通了一条新的(火车)交通线,这样就大大提高了两市间的旅行速度。 speed up (使)加速Can you try andspeed your

17、work up a bit?你能不能设法稍微加快一下你的工作进度?reduce speed 减速pick up/gather speed 加速with all speed 全速at a speed of . 以速度at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速度He reduced_speed and turned sharp left.他减慢速度,向左急转。We adjusted our speed and rode our horses with_all_speed.我们调整速度骑马全速前进。Hmm, well, wedo welcome students to

18、 visit this centre, but you will have to fill in a form and then we will decide on the best way to organize the visit.嗯,哦,我们的确欢迎学生们来参观该中心,但是你们必须要填一个表格以便我们选定组织这次参观的最佳方式。用“do动词原形”对句子的谓语进行强调是英语中强调句型的一种。在这种句子中,助动词do体现整个句子的时态。do应重读,且需符合下列两个条件:(1)句子是肯定句;(2)句子中的谓语动词是一般现在式或一般过去式。可译为“真的;果真;的确;确实”等。Idid think

19、he was a talented artist.我的确认为他是一个很有天赋的艺术家。Online shopping does (do) have some benefits, but its potential dangers cant be ignored.网上购物确实有些好处,但不可忽视它潜在的危险性。名师指津在祈使句中,do表请求,而不是命令,有时它可以使邀请对方的心意更加客气、热情、友好,而且亲切,此时的do可译为“务必”等。Do be carefulwhen walking on the icy road.走在结冰的路上时,务必要小心。Do_tell_me all about it

20、. Ill keep it a dead secret.一定把这件事全部告诉我,我保证严守秘密。.单句语法填空1We have received over 300 enquiries_about the job since it was advertised in the local newspaper.2The train runs at a speed of 70 miles an hour so we have to drive at full speed if we want to catch up with it.3Before us lies the biggest room, f

21、illed (fill) with things like guns, dolls and old clothes.4The experiment, though they had tried their best, turned out to be a failure.5Production will start up again when these changes have been put through.6I do hope the above advice can be of some help to you.7The article is easier to read if he

22、 splits it up into sections.8Hilton Hotel. Can I help you?Id like to make a reservation for a double room for this Friday night.9A handful of onlookers stood in the field watching. 10I am already an adult, so its time to_decide (decide) on my own life.完成句子1他们彼此很友好,总是共同分担工作。They are friendly to each

23、other and they always split_up_the_work_between_them.2我们的物理老师说光以每秒30万千米的速度传播。Our physics teacher said that light travels_at_a_speed_of 300,000 km per second.3在空格中必要的地方填入冠词。Fill_in_the_blanks with articles where necessary.4一旦他决定做某事,他是不可能改变主意的。It is impossible for him to change his mind once he has_de

24、cided_on_doing_something.5请让经理接一下电话好吗?我有非常重要的事情要与他谈谈。Could you please put_me_through_to_the_manager? I have something very important to talk with him.6他像他承诺的那样按时出现了吗?Did he turn_up_on_time as he had promised?7“五一”到来之际,建议顾客提前订好座位。Customers are advised to_make_seat_reservations_well in advance when Ma

25、y Day is coming.8许多人询问我们新开设的伦敦里约的航班情况。Many people are making_inquiries_about our new londonRio service.一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1He is always punctual (守时的) for appointments.2My travel agent has made all the reservations (预订) for my journey.3We invited 30 people, but only a handful (少数的人) came.4The storm

26、split (使分离) a branch off the main trunk.5Steel output reached an annual (每年的) figure of one million tons.6He worked as a receptionist (接待员) in a hotel.7I saw Simon shortly before his departure (启程) for Russia.8The lifeboat ferried (渡运) the crew and passengers to safety.单句语法填空1Please fill in this for

27、m if you want to join our club.2These trucks, filled with all kinds of relief supplies, are speeding up to the flooded areas.3Many graduates applied for jobs in this company, but only a handful of them were employed.4Mary liked her guests to be punctual,_but they didnt arrive punctually this time. (

28、punctual)5Two men have been helping the police with their enquiries (enquiry)6It is possible to_get (get) ready for the party in half an hour.7Due to the absence of the manager, we were unable to decide on the date of the celebration.8I went to see my cousin before his departure from/for London.9He

29、said that he had_turned (turn) in a report about his retirement, and he is waiting for the result.10Please dont split up when we get to the museum.完成句子1她把李娜的照片挂在床边来提醒自己实现自己的梦想。She put_up_a_picture_of_Li_Na beside her bed to remind herself of her dream.2事实证明昨晚的晚会非常成功。It_turned_out_that the party last

30、 night was a big success.3为了给未来的老板留下好印象,你应穿着整洁、守时并表现出你对这份工作的兴趣。To impress a future employer, you should dress neatly, be_punctual,_and display interest in the job.4采用这些建议以让你的像乌龟一样慢的电脑加速吧!Use these tips to_speed_up_your_computer which is like a tortoise!5申请这个职位之前请先填一下这个表格。Please fill_in_this_form before you apply for this position.6杰克不在这里?可我刚才的确看见他了。Isnt Jack here? But I_did_see_him just now.7获得精通英语的能力对我们来说非常重要。Its_very_important_for_us_to_acquire excellent English language skills.8高速飞行时总是需要非常小心。Extre

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