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1、共37套高中人教版英语选修8全册同步练习汇总(共37套)高中人教版英语选修8(全册)同步练习汇总活页作业(一).阅读理解American cities are similar to other cities around the world:In every country,cities reflect the values of the culture.American cities are changing,just as American society is changing.After World War ,the population of most large American

2、cities decreased;however,the population in many Sun Belt cities increased.Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shift(转移)to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society.In the late 1940s and early 1950s,city residents(居民)became wealthier.They had more children so t

3、hey needed more space.They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes.They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区)Now things are changing.The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults.Many,unlike their parents,want to live in the cities.They continue to mo

4、ve to Sun Belt cities and older ones of the Northeast and Midwest.Many young professionals are moving back into the city.They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there;or they just enjoy the excitement and possibilities that the city offers.This population shift is bringing problem

5、s as well as benefits.Countless poor people must leave their apartments in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent.In the 1950s,many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs;now many of these same people do not have e

6、nough money to stay in the cities.Only a few years ago,people thought that the older American cities were dying.Some city residents now see a bright,new future.Others see only problems and conflicts.One thing is sure:many dying cities are alive again.语篇解读:我们对美国这一世界大国都非常熟悉,但我们对美国的城市又知道多少呢?这些城市到底经历了怎样

7、的变迁?它们又有哪些现实的问题亟待解决?作者从一个全新的角度向我们展示了美国城市一些不为我们熟知的侧面。1What does the author think of cities all over the world?AThey are alive. BThey are hopeless.CThey are similar. DThey are different.解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段中的“American cities are similar to other cities around the world.”可知。A、B两项太绝对,D项与文章相矛盾。答案:C2Why did Am

8、erican city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War ?ABecause older American cities were dying.BBecause they were richer and needed more space.CBecause cities contained the worst parts of society.DBecause they could hardly afford to live in the city.解析:细节理解题。从第二段后四句“In the late 1940s a

9、nd early 1950s,city residents(居民)became wealthier.They had more children so they needed more space.They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes.They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区)”可知人们二战后迁向郊区是受了经济和生存空间这两个因素的影响。A项错在并非所有的older American cities都趋向dying的状态;C、D两项论述明显与原文不符。答案:B3A

10、ccording to the 4th paragraph,a great many poor people in American cities_.Aare faced with housing problemsBare forced to move to the suburbsCwant to sell their buildingsDneed more money for daily expenses解析:细节理解题。由第四段中的“Countless poor people must leave their apartments in the city because the owner

11、s want to sell the buildings or make apartments for sale instead of for rent.”可知答案。答案:A4We can conclude from the text that_.AAmerican cities are changing for the worseBpeople have different views on American citiesCmany people are now moving from American citiesDthe population is decreasing in older

12、 American cities解析:主旨大意题。由全文特别是最后一段可知,人们的观点因受时代发展的影响而发生了较大的变化。A项说法太绝对,这些变化我们不能简单地以好和坏来评价。C项过于片面,文中提到很多年轻人正往城市迁移;D项与文章最后一句相矛盾。答案:B.七选五填空When I was 16 years old,a boy gave me an important gift.1_ It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school,and my old school was far away.2_ I was v

13、ery lonely,and afraid to make friends with anyone.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing,I felt my heart broken.I could not talk with anyone about my problems.And I did not want my parents to worry about me.Then one day,my classmates talked happily with their friends,but I sat at

14、 my desk unhappily as usual.3_ I did not know who he was.He passed me and then turned back.He looked at me,with a smile on his face.Suddenly,I felt the touch of something bright and friendly.It made me feel happy,lively and warm.4_ I started to talk with other students and made friends.Day by day,I

15、became closer to everyone in my class.The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now!One day,I asked him why he smiled,but he couldnt remember smiling at me!5_ I believe that the world is what you think it is.If you think it lonely,you might always be alone.So smile at the world and it w

16、ill smile back.AAt that moment,a boy entered the classroom.BHe is living in Australia now and he loves it.CIt does not matter because all the dark days have gone.DIt was a smile.EThat smile changed my life.FIt is practically impossible to make friends here.GAs a result,no one knew who I was.答案:15DGA

17、EC.完形填空(2016高考全国乙卷)A Heroic DriverLarry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was _1_ along 165 north after delivering to one of his _2_.Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights on._3_ he got closer,he found _4_vehicle upside down on the road.One more look and he noticed _5_

18、 shooting out from under the _6_ vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and _7_ the fire extinguisher(灭火器)Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lights on _8_ and told Larry he had _9_ an emergency call.They _10_ heard a womans voice coming from th

19、e wrecked(毁坏的)vehicle._11_ the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay _12_ until the emergency personnel arrived,_13_ she thought the car was going to _14_.Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move _15_ she inj

20、ured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man _16_ and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the _17_ if he was needed or _18_ to go.They let him and the other man go.One thing is _19_ Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehic

21、le!His _20_ most likely saved the womans life.语篇解读:文章讲述了Larry用自己的努力挽救了一个女人的生命的英勇事迹。1A.walking BtouringCtraveling Drushing解析:由文章的标题A Heroic Driver及上下文可知,Larry正沿着165公路往北行驶(traveling)着。答案:C2A.passengers BcolleaguesCemployers Dcustomers解析:根据前面的“Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc”可知,此处表示他将货物运送给一个顾客(c

22、ustomers)后。答案:D3A.Since BAlthoughCAs DIf解析:根据语境可知,此处填As表示当他离得更近一些的时候,符合语境要求。答案:C4A.each BanotherCthat Dhis解析:此处的车与前一句的亮着灯的车并不是同一辆车,故此处指另一辆车,填another。答案:B5A.flames BsmokeCwater Dsteam解析:由后面的the fire extinguisher(灭火器)和the fire可以判断,此处该填flames“火苗”。答案:A6A.used BdisabledCremoved Dabandoned解析:根据第二段中的the wr

23、ecked(毁坏的)vehicle可知,此处该填disabled。disable可表示“使无效,使不能运转”,此处为过去分词作定语,表示被毁的车。答案 hold of BpreparedCtook charge of Dcontrolled解析:Larry把车停在路边,拉好手刹,拿出了灭火器。get hold of意为“找到所需要的东西”,与语境吻合;take charge of是“负责,掌管”的意思,显然不符合语境要求。答案:A8A.came down Bcame throughCcame in Dcame over解析:车灯一直亮着的车的车主走了过来(came over)。

24、come down“下降,降低,被拆毁”;come through“经历而活着,安然度过”;come in“进入,卷入”。答案:D9A.returned BreceivedCmade Dconfirmed解析:make a call是固定搭配,意为”打电话”。此处表示那个男子告诉Larry他已经拨打了急救电话。答案:C10A.then BagainCfinally Deven解析:就在那时(then),他们听到从被毁坏的车里传来一个女人的声音。答案:A11A.Starting BParkingCPassing DApproaching解析:靠近(Approaching)车,他们看到一个女人正试

25、图从碎了的车窗里爬出来。答案:D12A.quiet BstillCaway Dcalm解析:根据下文的“she should not move”可知,此处表示他们告诉她要保持不动(still)的状态,直到救护人员到达。quiet“安静的”;away“不在,离开”;calm“镇静的”。答案:B13A.for BsoCand Dbut解析:根据语境可知,此处存在转折关系。故填but。答案:D14A.explode Bslip awayCfall apart Dcrash解析:根据后面的“Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and

26、she should not move”的安慰语言以及常识可知,此处表示但是她认为车子即将要爆炸(explode)了。答案 if BunlessCin case Dafter解析:此处表示Larry叫她不要动,以免(in case)伤到脖子。答案:C16A.stepped forward Bbacked offCmoved on Dset out解析:由后面的“let them go to work”可知,当消防人员和救护人员到了后,Larry和另一个男子便往后退(backed off),方便他们施救。答案:B17A.woman BpoliceCman Ddriver解析:发生

27、了交通事故,警察应该到场,且下文“They let him and the other man go”中的“They”指代本空,故只能选B项。答案:B18A.forbidden BreadyCasked Dfree解析:Larry问警察他需要留下来还是可以自由(free)离开。答案:D19A.for certain Bfor considerationCreported Dchecked解析:有一件事情是可以肯定的(for certain)。答案:A20A.patience BskillsCefforts Dpromise解析:他的努力(efforts)在极大程度上挽救了那个女人的生命。答案:

28、C.语法填空California is the most multicultural state in the USA.It is the third 1._ (large) state in the USA but has the largest population.This is not surprising when you know the history of California,2._ has attracted people from nearly every country in the world.No one really knows what time the fir

29、st settlers arrived in what we now know as California.The scientists believe that the Native Americans reached Alaska 3._ means of a land bridge.In the 18th century,California 4._ (rule) by Spain.Of the first Spanish 5._ (go) to California,the 6. _ (major) were religious men.In 1848,gold was discove

30、red in California and the dream 7._ becoming rich quickly attracted people from all over the world.In fact,few achieved their dream,but most remained in California to make 8._ life for themselves.In more recent decades,California became home to people from Asia and 9._ is believed that before long t

31、he mix of nationalities will be so great that there 10._ be no major racial or cultural groups.答案:1.largest2.which3.by4.was ruled5to go6.majority7.of8.a9.it10.willUnit 1 Section .用所给词的适当形式填空1As is known,the US president is elected (elect) every four years.2We call air a mixture (mix)of gases.3The manager had no reaction (react)to the argument between the two workers.4One th

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