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1、英语标语注意安全英语标语注意安全导读:本文是关于英语标语注意安全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、安全施工莫大意,亲人嘱咐要牢记。The construction safety mo effect, asked to remember their loved ones.2、宁为安全操碎心,不让事故害工人。It is safe not to worry, the accident harm workers.3、安全事故哪有彩排,美好生命不能重来。Safety accidents which have a rehearsal, beautiful life can not be heavy.4

2、、没有比生命更宝贵的财富,没有比安全更重要的幸福。Nothing is more precious than the wealth of life, nothing is more important than safety and happiness.5、生产莫违章,安全有保障。Production is not illegal, safety is guaranteed.6、不绷紧安全的弦,就弹不出生产的调。Do not tighten the security string, you cant play the production adjustment.7、小心无大错,粗心铸大过。Be

3、 careful not to blunder, carelessness is greater than carelessness.8、安全和效益结伴而行,事故与损失同时发生。The safety and efficiency of travel, accidents and losses simultaneously.9、祸在一时,防在平时;宁为安全憔悴,不为事故流泪。At the moment, in the usual safety; Ning haggard, not accident tears.10、安全从点点滴滴做起,事故从细小甚微防范。The security bit by

4、bit from the start, from the tiny little accident prevention.11、生命可贵当珍爱,丝毫麻痹都是害。When life is precious treasure, no paralysis are harmful.12、安全常随监管在,事故总因疏忽来。Safety supervision in total accidents often vary, due to carelessness.13、绊人的桩不在高,违章的事不在小。Tripping of the pile is not high, illegal things are no

5、t small.14、质量是企业的生命,安全是职工的生命。Quality is the life of enterprise, is the workers life safety.15、安全保健康,千金及不上。Safety and health, and not the daughter.16、安全是生命和生活的纽带,幸福之花从自己手中盛开。Safety is the link of life and life, happy flowers bloom from our hands.17、安全知识,让你化险为夷。Safety knowledge, let you change danger

6、into safety.18、宁绕百米远,不冒一步险。Its better to walk around 100 meters, without taking any risks.19、预防保养按时做,生产顺畅不会错。On time and do preventive maintenance, smooth production cant be wrong.20、不比快只求稳,平安回家才是本。Not only faster than Qiuwen, this is home.21、不讲安全搭上命,挣座金山有啥用。Do not speak a safe life, earn what hill.

7、22、良医治未病,得益于先机;安监除隐患,立足于防控。In the cure of disease, thanks to the initiative; in addition to safety risks, based on prevention and control.23、什么事都只有活着才能干,所以平安最重要。What things are only alive in order to do so, peace is the most important.24、保安全千日不足,出事故一日有余。The security Quanqian day, a day more than the

8、 accident.25、有妻有子有家庭,没有安全等于零。If his wife had a family, no security is equal to zero.26、我们的城市有你的血汗,你的平安是我们的心愿。Our city is your sweat, your safety is our wish.27、走人生安全之路,从文明施工起步。Walk the road of life safety, civilization construction from the start.28、安全在于细节,事故出于疏忽。Safety lies in details, accidents ar

9、e due to negligence.29、遵章是安全的先导,违章是事故的预兆。Compliance is safe pilot, illegal accident omen.30、君行万里,一路平安。遵规守纪,防微杜渐。Jun million, May you be safe throughout the journey. Discipline check erroneous ideas at the outset.31、企业效益最重要,防火安全第一条。The most important enterprises, fire safety first.32、不怕千日紧,只怕一时松。疾病从口

10、入,事故由松出。Not afraid of thousands of days tight, just a moment loose. Diseases from mouth to mouth, accidents from loose.33、安全生产筑起中国梦,职工健康走好复兴路。Safety China build dream, the health of workers take Fuxing road.34、爱家就是爱生命,重情更应重安全。Love is love life, love should be more safety.35、安全是增产的细胞,隐患是事故的胚胎。Safety

11、is the production of cells, hidden accident embryo.36、安你我之心,全大家之命,生效益之花,产和谐之果。You my heart, all of you life, health benefits of the flower, the fruit yield of harmony.37、安全第一,预防为主。生命宝贵,安全第一。Safety first, prevention first. Life is precious, safety is the first.38、饱带干粮晴带伞,安全防范不可懒。Saturated with dry su

12、nny umbrella, security can not be lazy.39、文明行车千里共婵娟,遵纪守法万家得团圆。The road of civilization partings, law-abiding 10000 reunion.40、安全送人情,等于要人命。Human sacrifice is equal to human life.41、管理基础打得牢,安全大厦层层高。The management foundation is firmly, building layers of high security.42、安全来自长期警惕,事故源于瞬间麻痹。Security guar

13、d from the long-term, from the moment of the accident paralysis.43、安全生产勿侥幸,违章蛮干要人命。Safety production not lucky, illegal foolhardy to life.44、把安全抓出新常态,让监管成为进行时。The safety catch new normal, let be of supervision.45、安全伴我在校园,我把安全带回家。Safe with me in the campus, I get home safe.46、危险物品,隔离放置,标识清晰,注意防火。Dang

14、erous goods, separated clear identification, pay attention to the fire.47、亲人有交代,系好安全带,开车不比赛,平安时刻在。Relatives have confessed, fasten the safety belt, driving game, peace in time.48、千忙万忙出了事故白忙,千苦万苦受伤害者最苦。Thousand million busy busy accident white busy, thousands of suffering hardships hurt the most bitt

15、er.49、为了你的幸福,请你注意安全。For your happiness, please pay attention to safety.50、爱家就要爱生命,重情更应重安全。Love is to love life, love should be more safety.51、求快不求好,事故常来找。Seek fast, do not seek good, accidents often come to find.52、集众诚之力,创安全之光。Set a security force of Zhongcheng, light.53、安全你一人,幸福全家人。Safe you, happy

16、family.54、查患纠违从我做起,行为安全时刻牢记。Check with Jiuwei begin from me, keep in mind safety behavior.55、出门挣钱不容易,安全千万要注意。Go out to earn money is not easy, be sure to pay attention to safety.56、沾沾自喜事故来,时时警惕安全在。The accident to be vigilant pleased with oneself, in safety.57、快刀不磨会生锈,安全不抓出纰漏。Kuaidao mill will not ru

17、st, do not catch security flaws.58、道路牵着你我他,安全系着千万家。The road with you and I he, tens of millions of home security system.59、安全施工,拥抱平安。Safe construction, embrace peace.60、一线工人请注意,品质效率在于你。Please pay attention to the quality of front-line workers, the efficiency is that you.61、小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A big hole in ha

18、rdship.62、防火须不放过一点火种,防事故须勿存半点侥幸。Fire to let off a little fire, accident prevention should not keep the slightest chance.63、安全象只弓,不拉它就松;要想保安全,常把弓弦绷。Safety like a bow, do not pull it loose; to ensure safety, often the bowstring stretched.64、心明眼亮查隐患,防止事故保平安。Clearly find hidden danger, prevent safety ac

19、cident.65、麻痹是最大的隐患,失职是最大的祸根。Paralysis is the biggest hidden dangers, dereliction of duty is the greatest curse.66、日复一日重安全,年复一年保平安。Safety safety day in and day out, year after year.67、安全编织幸福的花环,违章酿成悔恨的苦酒。Safe and happy weaving garlands, illegal lead to bitter remorse.68、只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。Only careless, n

20、ot careful fooled.69、重视安全硕果来,忽视安全遭祸害。Pay attention to safe fruits, ignoring safety by the scourge.70、千条线,万条线,安全红线是底线。Thousands of lines, 000 line, safety line is the bottom line.71、头脑清醒珍惜生命,安全生产警钟长鸣。Sober cherish life, safety alarm bells ringing.72、消除事故无隐患,安全工作把家还。Eliminate accident hidden trouble f

21、ree, safe work back home.73、以人为本,平安为先,加快建设平安校园。Safety first, people-oriented, accelerate the construction of safe campus.74、安全第一,预防为主。Safety first, prevention first.75、疾病从口入,事故由松出。Diseases from mouth to mouth, accidents from loose.76、不懂莫逞能,事故不上门。Dont know not Chengneng, accidents do not come.77、井然有序

22、谋求和谐交通,车水马龙共创平安大道。In order to create a safe and harmonious traffic, heavy traffic road.78、高高兴兴上学,平平安安回家。Go to school happily, go home safely.79、建筑施工安全为先,漫长人生平安是福。Construction safety first, long life is a blessing of peace.80、质量是安全基础,安全为生产前提。Quality is the basic safety and security for the production of the premise.

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