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1、江苏社会管理创新工程研究答案正确答案doc江苏社会管理创新工程研究-答案正确答案1balanced a nd r un the satisfaction of the people educati on. Room XX City Burea u of educational s upervi sion of XX muni cipality May 6, 2016 County economic informati on a nd Busi nes s Council System Committee two learn a do learni ng arrangeme nts specif

2、ic programme for advance full stri ctly rule party, a ccordi ng to County Organizati on D epartment on County two learn a do lear ning arrang ements of s pecific programme and I Board le arning e ducation impleme ntation programme spirit, accordi ng to disting uish l evel, and ha s targeted sol utio

3、n pr oblem of re quireme nts, ensure le arning e ducation made effective ness, promote al l members consci ously respe cted Constituti on, a nd comply wit h party rul es, wit h XI G eneral Se cretary serie s importa nt spe ech spirit arme d mind, and guide practi ce, a nd Promote the w ork and be qu

4、alifie d party members a nd le arning arra ngements ar e here by makes the foll owing spe cific pr ogrammes. Learning requirements , on a ll party members t o study the party Constituti on a nd party rules and unify the XI series of important s pee ch, General Se cret ary, spe ech learni ng serie s

5、to deepen understanding of the Constituti on Party rules, Constituti on Party r ules i n the deep i nsight series a ddres s the basi c spirit a nd practi cal requirements . 1. Constit ution Party rule s. Le arni ng of the party Constituti on, a deep understa ndi ng of the party s nature , pur pose,

6、gui ding principle s, goal s , organizati on, good style, grasp conditi ons , r ights a nd obligations of party members, bearing i n mind t hat oath, clear qualifie d party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-dis cipli ne of the CPC, the CPC s dis ciplinary reg ulations, the Ch

7、i nese Communist Party M ember Right s Ordi nance and s o on, mastering s elf-di sci pline sta ndar ds of four must, the four upholdi ngs, mastering vari ous ty pes of disci plinary offence a nd punis hment pr ovisions. 2. serie s spoke. To XI Ge neral Secretary series important s pee ch rea ding (2

8、01 6 version) and out poverty for ba sic textbook, l earning understand XI General Secretary seri es important s peech of ba sic spirit, lear ning understand Ce ntral ruli ng acting politica l new conce pt new t hought new strategy of basi c conte nt, learni ng understa nd XI G eneral Se cretary in

9、Fuj ian w ork during adv ocate of four grassroot s immediately on do drop weak bird first fly and the i n Na npi ng resear ch st udy propose d of gravity Xia moved, a nd innova tion mechani sm, important t hought, Master a nd strengthe n the party s pirit, fulfills the pur pose ide as, moral chara c

10、ter, conservation related to t he ba sic re quireme nts. Ma in understand master followi ng as pects content: (1) ideal faith i s Communists spirit S hang of calcium, set rig ht of worl dvie w, and Outlook on life, and va l ues ; (2) China dream is national of dream, a nd national of dream, a nd peo

11、ple of dre am, is Chine se modern yilai m ost great of dream, core Es sential s is national prosperit y, and nati onal revitali zation, and pe opl e ha ppi ness ; (3) China feature s Socialist i s a chi eved Chine se great revival of way, e nha nce d roa d confide nce, and the ory confide nce, and s

12、ystem confide nce ; (4) four a full Strategy layout is new of hi story conditions Xi a party ruli ng acting politi cal total strategy, consci ously with four a full led t he work ; (5) insisted i nnovation, and coordi nation, and green, a nd ope n, and s hared development is relati ons hip Chi na de

13、vel opme nt global of one dee p change, a ccordi ng to new devel opme nt concept do job; (6) practi ce line S ociali st core val ues, promote Socialist t hought moral and Chine se traditional virtue正确答案: 第一部分 ;判断题正1. 下面说法正确吗?党要长期执政就必须要不断的创新,才能适应时代的要求,适应老百姓的 要求,才能得到老百姓的真正拥护。确 A. 正确 B. 错误 您的答案:A 答案分析:

14、 无 正确答案:A正2. 下面说法正确吗?社会管理必须创新,才能适应社会人的需要。确 A. 正确 B. 错误 您的答案:A 答案分析: 无 正确答案:A错3. 下面说法正确吗?任何一个社会总有富人有穷人,这两个阶层应该形成一个对立的关系。误 A. 正确 B. 错误 您的答案:A 答案分析: 无 正确答案:B错4. 下面说法正确吗?基尼系数在0.1?0.2的是贫富悬殊国家。误f ull strictly rule party is al l members common res ponsibility, m ust impleme ntation t o ea ch branch and ea

15、ch name member s. 3 . . Play a va nguar d and exemplary role in life. 识 认 面 全 真 有 结 总 析 分 习 度 深 用 应 域 领 型 典 多 诸 对 过 通 , 上 础 状 现 展 发 及 以 术 技 键 关 、 构 架 基 网 联 物 握 掌 与 解 了 在 生 使 是 目 学 教 的 验 实 本Keep to t he correct politi cal orientation, political se nsitivity and political judgment, dare to fight agai

16、nst all ki nds of wr ong thoug ht, wrong wor ds a nd deeds. (2) firmly establis h cons cio us ness of the party, t he party members consci ous nes s. Focus on some party members sense of orga nization a nd disci pline, they do not partici pate in t he Orga nization, is not re quire d to pay mem bers

17、 hip dues for a long time, do not play a vang uard a nd exempl ary role , some dont even me ntion members hip, fail to make a di stinction betwe en right a nd wrong, failing to observe politi cal di sci pline and rules , and s o on.Always keep in mind that he is a Communist, stre ngthe n party spiri

18、t, liste ning party, party, party, part y, party party guardi ng part y, at the party, t he party for t he part y. (3) strengtheni ng the consci ousne ss of the partyspurpose . Focus on peoples conce ption of s ome party members, la ck of se nse of servi ce, do not care for the mas ses did not take

19、the initiative, a nd some eve n hurt publi c intere sts, job, excellent t hick friends, eating, a nd so on. Bearing i n mind the funda me ntal purpose of serving, top pe ople at heart, cl ose tie s with t he mas ses, be kind to people, dedi cated t o publi c servi ce a nd play a part i n poverty rel

20、ief, with practical acti ons t o win the trust and s upport of the masse s. (4) actively pra ctici ng the S ocial ist core value s. Focus on do not observe stri ngent member s, knowledg e out of dev otion, talk about et hics , good faith is not enough, and s ome even val ue distortions, m oral misco

21、nduct, sexy vulga r, materialisti c, and s o on. Strengthening moral cultivati on, Z onta for good, pay attenti on to self-disci pline, s piritual pur suit, to interna lize the core value s into cons cious a ction, wi th exemplary be havior i nflue nce and lead people. (5) set up i n the practi ce o

22、f promoti ng reform, devel opme nt and stability. Focus on some party members wit h the status quo, a le ss aggres sive mood, de presse d, sayi ng sl uggish again, j ust to get by not se eking g uodeying, some eve n perfunctory a ddres s, evadi ng res ponsi bility and ot her is sue s. Actively adapt

23、 to t he e conomic devel opme nt of the new norm al, seriously im plement t he ne w deve lopme nt phil osophy, har d work hard work hard, base d on the ir ow n de dicati on. Second, on t he Council of the secti on -level cadres above requirements secti on abov e party ca dres t o take the l ead i n

24、the e ducation worki ng clos ely with l eadi ng pra cti ce, le a rn more, better, more strict re quireme nts, higher, and strive to improve t he ideol ogical a nd political quality a nd t heoreti cal level s. 1 . Constit ution Party rule s. System learning understanding CPC articles , in full grasp

25、basi c content of bas ed S hang, focus master Constit ution master and member s , and party of orga nization system , a nd party of Central Orga nization, a nd party of pla ce organizati on, and party of grass-roots orga nizations, a nd party of cadres, a nd party of dis cipli ne, cha pter content,

26、deep gras p two a vang uard of natur e and mi ssion, further clear four a servi ce of requirements, master members leaders must ha s of six items ba sic conditions. Studying t he code of self -di sci pline of the CPC the CPC dis cipl inary regul ations regulati ons of the CPC local committees of the

27、 party w ork of the Chine se Communist Party (for trial implementation) Or dina nce , such as t he sel ection and appoi ntment of party and G overnment lea ding cadres w ork of important laws a nd regulations withi nbalanced a nd r un the satisfaction of the people educati on. Room XX City Burea u o

28、f educational s upervi sion of XX muni cipality May 6, 2016 County economic informati on a nd Busi nes s Council System Committee two learn a do learni ng arrangeme nts specific programme for advance full stri ctly rule party, a ccordi ng to County Organizati on D epartment on County two learn a do

29、lear ning arrang ements of s pecific programme and I Board le arning e ducation impleme ntation programme spirit, accordi ng to disting uish l evel, and ha s targeted sol ution pr oblem of re quireme nts, ensure le arning e ducation made effective ness, promote al l members consci ously respe cted C

30、onstituti on, a nd comply wit h party rul es, wit h XI G eneral Se cretary serie s importa nt spe ech spirit arme d mind, and guide practi ce, a nd Promote the w ork and be qualifie d party members a nd le arning arra ngements ar e here by makes the foll owing spe cific pr ogrammes. Learning require

31、ments , on a ll party members t o study the party Constituti on a nd party rules and unify the XI series of important s pee ch, General Se cretary, spe ech learni ng serie s to deepen understanding of the Constituti on Party rules, Constituti on Party r ules i n the deep i nsight series a ddres s th

32、e basi c spirit a nd practi cal requirements . 1. Constit ution Party rule s. Le arni ng of the party Constituti on, a deep understa ndi ng of the party s nature , pur pose, gui ding principle s, goal s , organizati on, good style, grasp conditi ons , rights a nd obligations of party members, bearin

33、g i n mind t hat oath, clear qualifie d party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-dis cipli ne of the CPC, the CPC s dis ciplinary reg ulations, the Chi nese Communist Party M ember Right s Ordi nance and s o on, mastering s elf-di sci pline sta ndar ds of four must, the four uphold

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