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1、大学生简单的英语演讲稿范文通用4篇大学生简单的英语演讲稿范文(通用4篇) 大学生简单的英语演讲稿范文(通用4篇) 是为了在会议或重要活动上表达自己意见、看法或汇报思想工作情况而事先准备好的文稿。在现实社会中,能够利用到演讲稿的场合越来越多,还是对演讲稿一筹莫展吗?下面是为大家收集的大学生简单的英语演讲稿范文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 中国有希望了,希望在哪里?希望就在我们这些青年的手中,青年是祖国的未来,是改革的舵手,是祖国的希望,也是改革的希望。 新者取缔旧者,强者取缔弱者,进取者取缔保守者这,这就是改革。“沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。”“长江

2、后浪推前浪,一代新人换旧人。”世间万物的发展无不遵循这一规律。 中华民族要腾飞要发展,需要一大批人才,这批人才应该是具有开拓精神,具有创新精神,具有改革精神,具有勇敢精神的有识之士。祖国和人民对人才的需求是一天比一天强烈,社会和国家的发展需要高水平的建设者。这些人哪里呢?还是我们青年啊! 我们青年是新时代的希望,是祖国和人民的希望,是科学和文化的代表,也是我们新时代的创造者。 同学们,我们不会有负国家,。不会有负民望,不会有愧于“社会主义建设的接班人”这个名称的。让我们拿出自己的全部聪明才智,去为祖国创造灿烂辉煌的明天,让祖国腾飞吧! Dear teachers, dear students,

3、 China has hope, where is the hope? Hope is in the hands of our young people, who are the future of the motherland, the helmsman of reform, the hope of the motherland, and the hope of reform. The new one bans the old one, the strong one bans the weak one, and the aggressive one bans the conservative

4、 one. This is reform. Thousands of sails pass by on the side of the sinking boat, and Wan Muchun is in front of the diseased trees. The Chinese nation needs a large number of talents to take off and develop. These talents should be pioneers, innovative spirits, reform spirits, and courageous spirits

5、. The demand for talents from the motherland and the people is getting stronger day by day, and the development of society and the country requires high-level builders. Where do these people e from? Or from our youth! Our youth is the hope of the new era, the hope of the motherland and the people, t

6、he representative of science and culture, and the creator of our new era. Students, we will not have a negative country. There will be no negative public opinion and no worthy of the name suessor of socialist construction. Let us show all our ingenuity and ingenuity to create a brilliant future for

7、the motherland and let the motherland take off! 冬去春来,转眼之间,我们已经踏入大学校门一年有余。我的父母是山村农民,每每开学,微薄的收入总是让俩老捉襟见肘。我曾想过放弃,但求知的欲望让我坚持了下来,而没有文化的父母,更清楚知识的重要性。他们不愿年到子女继续他们的生活轨迹,耕种贫瘠的一亩三分地,因而选择了四处漂泊,赚取微薄的薪资来供养我们。即便如此,我们仍一度面临辍学的危机。是你们,在我们最困难的时候雪中送炭,慷慨解囊,向我们伸出了温暖的双手。你们的资助不仅解决了我们的学习和生活的难题,更让我感受到这个充满正能量的世界传递给我们的善意。因此,在这

8、里我代表大家,感谢祥兴集团给予我们无私的关爱和帮助。 在过去一年的学习生涯里,虽然我们不能像富家子弟那般潇潇洒洒,但是我们的生活依然丰富多彩。我们有的人勤奋学习,天天泡图书馆,拿了奖学金;有的人积极参加学生会,在学生会里提升自我;有的人培养和发展各种兴趣,参加各种社团,在社团中认识各种各样的人;有的人在学习之余参加各种比赛,在比赛中学习知识,增长见识;有的人则走出校门,在社会实践中增长见识,增强竞争力!在今后的学习生涯里,我们一定会更加勤奋学习产,争取以更优异的成绩来回报你们,回报社会。 我们从不畏惧家境的贫困,不害怕生活的压力;我们会顽强坚毅,拼搏努力;我们不畏过去,不惧将来。我们相信,有你

9、们与我们同在,明天的我们一定会绽放出更绚烂的光芒。 From winter to spring, in a blink of an eye, we have entered the university for more than a year. My parents are farmers in mountain villages. When school starts, the meager ine always stretches the two people. I had thought about giving up, but the desire for knowledge mad

10、e me persevere, and parents without education knew more about the importance of knowledge. They do nt want their children to continue their life trajectory every year, and they cultivate a barren one-third of an acre, so they choose to wander around and earn a meager salary to support us. Even so, w

11、e still faced the crisis of dropping out of school. Its you, who sent charcoal in the snow when we were the most difficult, generously released our bags, and extended warm hands to us. Your support has not only solved the difficulties of our study and life, but also made me feel the goodwill passed

12、to us by this world full of positive energy. Therefore, on behalf of everyone, I would like to thank Xiangxing Group for giving us selfless care and help. In the past year of study, although we cant be as dashing as the rich children, our lives are still colorful. Some of us study diligently, soak t

13、he library every day, and get a scholarship; some actively participate in the student union and improve ourselves in the student union; some people cultivate and develop various interests, participate in various societies, and recognize various in the societies All kinds of people; some people parti

14、cipate in various petitions in addition to learning, learn knowledge and increase knowledge in the petition; some people go out of school, increase knowledge and enhance petitiveness in social practice! In our future study career, we will definitely study harder and strive to reward you with better

15、results and society. We are never afraid of the poverty of our family and the pressure of life; we will be stubborn and persistent, and work hard; we are not afraid of the past and the future. We believe that if you are with us, tomorrow we will definitely shine more brilliantly. 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学: 大家好! 这

16、天,我要演讲的题目是我的理想。 有志者,事竟成。谈到理想我相信许多同学都立下宏大的志愿:有做经理的,有做商人的,有做环保卫士的然而,我的理想做一名教师。 列夫、托尔斯泰说:理想是指路的明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向,没有方向,就没有生活。的确,远大的理想是黑暗中的明灯,它,会成为你开启成功之门的钥匙。如果没有理想,就没有动力。水,不会激石则鸣,人,不会激志则宏。 记得我在一本书上看到过一个故事:一个国王要给最有贡献的人颁奖。首先,上来了个医生,他说,他在疾病流行期间,曾救过9999个病人。国王摇了摇头。然后,上来了一位诗人,他说,他的诗和李白、杜甫不分上下。国王依然摇了摇头。之后,许多人都陆

17、续登上台,可没有一人获奖,沮丧地离开。突然,一位年过六旬的老人拉着一位小孩,并拿着一本厚厚的课本走上台她亲切地对国王说:“祖国和春天,到处都是花红柳绿,累累的果实需要园丁去培养。”国王顿时笑逐颜开,他激动地说:“你是最有贡献的人!”之后,献上花环,自己亲自给她颁发奖牌。 从此,我对教师有了深刻的理解。此时,又激起了我宏大的志愿,崇高的理想。 Dear teacher, dear students, Hello everyone! On this day, the topic of my speech is My Ideal. People who have lofty ideals, thin

18、gs are done. When it es to ideals, I believe that many students have made ambitious volunteers: some are managers, some are businessmen, and some are environmental guards . However, my ideal is to be a teacher. Lev and Tolstoy said: Ideal is the beacon of the way. Without ideals, there is no firm di

19、rection, and without direction, there is no life. Indeed, the lofty ideal is a beacon in the dark, and it will bee your key to suess. If there is no ideal, there is no motivation. Water will not irritate the rocks, but people will not irritate the ambitions. I remember a story I read in a book: A ki

20、ng is going to award the most contributors. First, a doctor came up. He said that he had saved 9999 patients during the epidemic. The king shook his head. Then, a poet came up. He said that his poems were indistinguishable from those of Li Bai and Du Fu. The king still shook his head. After that, ma

21、ny people took to the stage one after another, but no one won the prize and left in frustration. Suddenly, an old man over sixty took a child and took a thick textbook to the stage. She kindly said to the king: The motherland and spring are full of flowers and willows. Cultivate. The king smiled sud

22、denly, he said excitedly: You are the most contributor! After that, she presented a wreath and personally awarded her a medal. Since then, I have a deep understanding of teachers. At this time, it aroused my grand aspirations and lofty ideals. 尊敬的老师、各位同学: 大家好! 风再冷,不会永远不息;雾再浓,不会经久不散;风息雾散,仍是阳光明媚。如今我们年

23、少的青春,只有希望,向着远方的未来,我们愿张开双臂,迎接新的未来。相信自己,明天是美丽的。 学习,是一个艰苦求知的过程。它像是一座陡峭,充满挑战的高山。当你决定攀登这座高山时,抬头仰望,它仿佛是那么的雄伟。那么的不可逾越,心里不免产生一丝恐惧,但更多的是兴奋与好奇,不禁让我们跃跃欲试。 前进的路上,不可能是一帆风顺的,一定要历尽艰苦,才能一步一步迈向自己的目标,到那时,回头看看那些被自己克服了的陡坡,心中自会油然而生一种自豪,一份喜悦,可能当你抬头看那遥远的,未曾尝试过的路程时,可能脑中又会闪过一缕忧愁然而,这正是考验你的时刻,你只有重新振奋精神,继续向着目标前进,才有可能成功。 当你经过无数

24、次跌倒,又爬起后,你的意志就会变得愈加坚强。 永远不能放弃的念头,想想吧,当你站在山之巅上,那是一份何等的荣耀,一瞬间,所有的人的目光都投向你,沐浴在春天里,沐浴在阳光下,以往的艰辛都得到了回报,这所有的一切都属于你。 因为你是不畏艰难险阻,克服种种困难挫折登上山顶的胜利者。 向着美好的未来冲刺把,成功永远属于不懈努力的人! Dear teachers and fellow students, Hello everyone! No matter how cold the wind is, it wont last forever; No matter how thick the fog is,

25、 it wont last forever. Now that our youth is young, there is only hope, towards a distant future, we are willing to open our arms and greet a new future. Believe in yourself, tomorrow is beautiful. Learning is a difficult process of seeking knowledge. It looks like a steep and challenging mountain.

26、When you decide to climb this mountain, look up, it seems so majestic. So insurmountable, there is a trace of fear in my heart, but more excitement and curiosity, can not help but make us eager to try. On the way forward, it cant be smooth sailing. You must go through hardships to reach your goal st

27、ep by step. By then, look back at those steep slopes that you have overe, and you will feel a sense of pride in your heart. A joy, maybe when you look up at the distant, untryed journey, there may be a sorrow in your mind . However, this is the moment to test you, you only have to reenergize Only by

28、 continuing to move towards the goal can we sueed. When you fall through countless times and climb up again, your will will bee stronger. The thought of never giving up, think about it, when you stand on the top of the mountain, what a glory it is. In a flash, all people s eyes are on you, bathed in

29、 spring, bathed in sunlight, past The hardships are paid off, all of this belongs to you. Because you are the winner who has overe all kinds of difficulties and setbacks on the top of the mountain. Sprint towards a better future, suess always belongs to people who work hard! 【大学生简单的英语演讲稿范文(通用4篇)】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 模板,内容仅供参考

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