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1、高级英语复习1.ends-goals2.take the bull by the horns-confront the question fearlessly3.drunk through with-overwhelmed by4.matter-of-fact-realistic5.mean-midway6.extreme moral rectitude-absolute moral righteousness and correctness7.alphabetize-arrange in alphabetic order8.take clearer and clearer shape-are

2、 gradually formed and developed9.bums and clods-lazy and stupid10.get the whole thing over with-finish quickly what they have to do11.cut a clean swath through-destroy ruthlessly the main part of 12.drummed into-repeatedly made known to13.boomeranged-produced the result opposite from what was intend

3、ed14.threshold pains-pains of a certain level above which some effects will reveal15.subjected to-forced to his magic-create supernaturally wonderful effect17.cut down in their prime-forced to drop out at the top of their career18.psychological cripples-mentally unbalanced or disabled

4、 individuals sufferers of long-term poor health19.unremitting barrage-endless and overwhelming outpouring 20.intoxicated-excited bymade the most of-used to the greatest advantage21.ruinous of aspect-decayed in appearanceaches with-is filled withthrills with-is excited by22.screening-showing23.touch-

5、sensecommunicate-manifest24.a flavor-a thing that people can choose freely as they please a prevailing standard of beliefa temper-state of the mind25.society-company26.rages-spreads or prevails forcefullyadvantages-benefits27.gets the day-wins28.have a correspondent depth of seat in the human consti

6、tution-be equally deep-rooted in human nature29.stands on-depends oninfinitude-state or quality of being unlimited30.tends to-pays attention to31.the crown of its approbation-the best it has to offer32.1.We are caught on the D. horns of a dilemma.2.Thousand of salves had to toil and moil in the A. f

7、erocious heat of the South.3.Not all the farmers agree to D. proscribe the importation of raw fruits.4.The rich heiress kept B. dodging the reporters questions about her5.The election was a mere C. farce since it was fixed.6.Mr. Edwards failed to become a Congressman by only a small A. margin.7.The

8、human fetus usually becomes C. viable by the end of the seventh month.8.What C. witchcraft is this? Are you trying to tell me that the dead9.Because he had invited two girls to the dance, she found herself in a terrible D. predicament.10.The kids spoke a C. jargon of their own that no one else under

9、stood.11.During the owners absence, the lawn became dreadfully D. unkempt.12.All my pupils are talented, but Susie is really C. exceptional.13.The more unpopular an opinion is, the more necessary it is that the holder should be somewhat A. punctilious in his observance of 14.The nurse C. cleansed th

10、e wound for the injured before stitching it.15.Trees in the schoolyard are regularly D. trimmed by workers assigned for the job.16.The Romans used to B. flagellate criminals with a whip that had17.The lorry lost its B. momentum as it tried to ascend the steep hill.18.Negotiations between workers and

11、 management reached an A. impasse since neither side would compromise in any way.19.Geraniums thrive if you C. transplant them from indoors to your20.Only a(an) A. bipartisan senate committee can make a decision 21.Is it true that all politicians love the B. trappings of power?22.It is advisable tha

12、t speakers pause from time to time to let their words soak B. in.23.The studio audience was disappointed to learn that the guest speaker was A. indisposed.24.Anyone with a D. modicum of common sense could have seen that25.In the opera “La Boheme” we get a picture of the C. promiscuous life led by th

13、e young artists of Paris.26.One of Willa Cathers major B. preoccupations in her writing was27.Except noses are usually more A. controllable than unexpected ones28.A dictionary will always give us the D. denotation of a word29.Having dialed their number all day only to hear a busy signal, she became

14、D. exasperated and called the operator for assistance.30.Current research indicated that vitamin C has, A. at best, very limited. 31.C. Vagrancy and begging has become rare in this Asian metropolis.32.She is looking for a more A. congenial place to live in.33.An Italian hostage was released near Kab

15、ul today after more than six weeks for B. captivity.34.The teacher is anxious that student absenteeism has got D. out of hand35.Since an in-house search failed to reveal the culprit, an outside investigation was A. instigated.36.Samuel Morse requested from the Congress of the United States an D. app

16、ropriation to construct an experimental telegraph line.37.She is D. optimistic about her chances of winning a gold medal38.Close inspection shows A. up the cracks in the woodwork.39.There were many soldiers present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so Mara only caught a C. glimpse of him.40.No

17、ne of us was aware of the critical points involved, so our choice was rather B. arbitrary. 41.The young blacksmith was not used to meeting such elevated A. personages as bishops and lords.42.The explorers were C. smitten by the landscapes43.It is high time the nurses realized that there is great B.

18、disparity between the amount of work44.The B. incessant rain is bad for the crops.45.Young as he is, Oliver wisely C. husbands his money.46.Chronic fatigue is also one of the A salient features of depression.47.All the factorys employees are D. entitled to at least there weeks48.What seems confusing

19、 or fragmented at first might well become D. clear and organic a third time.49.He proposed to the aging billionaires more because of A. avarice than because of love.50.I detest her D. haughtiness because she is no better than we are.China is known as a state of etiquette1.For an instance 2. in the w

20、ay-on the way 3. through hiseffort-in his effort 4. discounts-counts 5. unless-except6.informal-formal 7. conveying-convey,food,(or) hobbies 9.Similarly-Similar 10. Will (never) put you intoThe “standard of living” of any country means1.but (on) things 2.what-which 3.good-well

21、ost-least 6.for-from 7.enabling-enable 8.serving-served 9.numerical-numerous 10.well-betterMost studies suggest that when woman and man1.from (the) fact 2.more-fewer 4.part-time-full-time 5.its-their 6.Second-Secondly 7.different-same 8.On-In 10.relative-relativelyMost educa

22、ted people will not 2.which-that 3.related-unrelated 4.includes-including 5.soundly-sound 6.their-its 7.(as) a result 8.questioning-questioned an accordance 10.intend-intentionScientific and learned English is not1.nationally-internationally 3.reach for

23、bject (other) than 6.that-what 7.few-fewer 8.the much9.amount-number 10.where-whichThe horse and carriage is a thing1.aftermath-result 2.did-do 3.find out a part5.approval-disapproval 6.because (of) the 7.forces (or) pursue8.inside-outside mon-uncommon 10.originality-originOnce the tallest stru

24、cture in the world1.for-without 2.raises-rises 3.celebrating-celebration4.although-despite (into) the 6.and yet one 7.from (his) revolutionary 8.It-He 9.million of nails 10.on-untilA browser is a computer 2. Advantages-advantage 3.(such) as 4.the (same) features 5.Browsers tha

25、t 6.everywhere-elsewhere 7.(and) your 8.following-follow 9.differ from 10.upload-downloadIn the English common law tradition1.volunteer-voluntary (for) necessities 3.rearing up4.(not) the same 5.what-how 7.therefore-however 8.and-or 9.might-may 10.upon areIn October 1962, a US

26、spy plane1.knew(about) 2.against-around 3.destroying-destruction 4.Each-No an exchange 6.their-its 8.uponfor 9.relation-relations 10.from (his) inauguralAmericans are proud of their variety1.less-more 2.civil-civilian (expect) superior 4.has-is5.identification-identity 6.but-and 7.for-against 8.individualism-individuality 9.with-on 10.smaller-greaterAs suburbs grew, business moved into1.kind-variety 3.time-hours 4.a better 6.consequently-too 7.Developing-Developed8.had about 9.In (the) middle of 10.grew-became

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