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1、届高考英语第一轮单元精练复习23Unit 12Culture Shock知识清单重点单词1._ adj. 短暂的;简短的 _ adv. 简短地2_ n. 期待的事物;预期 _ v. 期待;料想 3_ vi. 闲逛;漫游4_ adj. 合理的;正当的_ n. 理由5_ vt. 指示;表明_ n. 指示;说明6_ adv. 好奇地_ adj. 好奇的 _ n. 好奇7_ n. 活动;移动_ v. 搬家;使感动 8_ n. 礼貌;规矩;风俗重点单词9_ adj. 非正式的 _ adj. (反义词)正式的 10_ n. 请求 v. 请求11_ n. 到达;抵达 _ v. 到达12_ vt. 进行;实施

2、 n. 行为;举止13_ vi. 爆发 _ n. 爆发14_ vt. 系;固定15_ vt. 出口;输出 _ vt. (反义词)入口;输入 16_ n. 文学重点短语1._ _ _ _向道歉 2._ _ _ 冒险做某事 3_ _ _ _ 给搭便车 4._ _ _和相反 5_ _ _ _ 坚持做某事 6._ _盯着看7_ _ _ _结束 重点短语8._ _ _给某人送行 9._ _ _期望;盼望 10._ _ _注意;小心11_ _ _ _有胃口的;食欲好 12._ _ _就而言;谈及重点句式1.I was_enjoying my dessert and talking to my Americ

3、an friend Janice at the table when I noticed people staring at us. 2I would_rather stay cosy and read my novel.3I had a similar experience the_last_time I visited China. 4. There_is so much here that is different from home. 5When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had_a_difficult_time understanding

4、 certain aspects of the American way of doing things . 核心语法不定式、动名词与现在分词的用法比较 自我校对重点单词:1brief; briefly2.expectation; expect3.wander4.reasonable; reason5.indicate; indication6.curiously; curious; curiosity7.movement; move8.manners9.informal; formal10.request11.arrival; arrive12.conduct13.erupt; erupti

5、on14attach15.export; import16.literature重点短语:1owe sb an apology2.risk doing sth3.give sb a contrary to5.insist on doing sth6.stare at7.bring / put an end to8.see sb off9.look forward to10.look out for11.have a good terms of重点词汇探究1owe vt.欠(债);把归功于;把归因于;多亏了owe sb money owe money

6、 to sb 欠某人钱owe ones success / ones life / everything to.把成功/某人的生命/每件事归功于owe it to that从句 把归功于;应该感谢owing to because of / on account of / due to 因为;由于1)How much do I _you for the box? 我买这只箱子应付你多少钱?2)I _my success _my parents and teachers. 我的成功应归功于我的父母和老师。3)She _everything _hard work. 她的一切全靠勤奋得来的。4)I _

7、 _ _ _ him. 我应该向他道歉。5)I think I _ _ _ _. 我认为我得向你作出解释。6)_ _ a lack of funds, the project will not continue. 由于缺少资金,该项目将终止。7)I _ _ _ _ that I passed the exam. 多亏了你,我才通过了考试。 【答案】1)owe2)owe; to3)owes; to4)owe an apology to5)owe you an explanation6)Owing to7)owe it to you(1)完成句子1)I _ you an apology _ wha

8、t I said this morning. Anyway, I meant no offence.2)When asked about the secret of his success, Steven said that he _ much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.3)_ whom do we _ the discovery of the wild land?4)We _ _ _ society to make our country a better place.【答案】1)owe; for2)owed3

9、)To; owe4)owe it to(2)名校押题(2009天津)How much do I owe you for lunch?_, its nothing.AYoure welcome BForget itCWith pleasure DThats right【答案与解析】Bforget it“算了吧”;youre welcome“不用谢”;with pleasure“乐意”;thats right“好吧;行”。题意:“中饭我欠你多少钱?”“算了吧,不足挂齿。” 2absorb vt. 吸收;理解;掌握;使全神贯注;吞并be absorbed in / absorb oneself in

10、 专心致志于;热衷于be absorbed by. 被所吸引;被吞并absorb ones attention 吸引某人注意absorbed adj.全神贯注的absorbing adj. 引人入胜的;十分吸引人的1)Black walls _ a lot of heat during the day. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。2)The boy was so _ in his book that he didnt notice me. 这男孩如此专注地看书以至于他没注意到我。3)I havent really had time to _ everything that he said.

11、事实上我还没有时间弄懂他说的一切。4)Most little schools _ _ _ into big ones so far. 到目前为止,大部分小规模学校都已经被并入了大规模学校了。【答案】1)absorb2)absorbed3)absorb4)have been absorbed(1)完成句子1)Water can _ and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environment.2)History is a subject that _ him.3)

12、He seemed to be more _ in his pipe than in what you were saying.【答案】1)absorb2)absorbs3)absorbed(2)名校押题(2009海南模拟)The boy was so clever that he could _ all the knowledge his teacher taught him.Aadmire Backnowledge Cadmit Dabsorb【答案与解析】D题意:那个男孩是如此聪明,以至于他能吸收老师所教的全部知识。admire“羡慕;钦佩”;acknowledge“承认”;admit“

13、认可;承认”;absorb“理解;掌握”。3expectation n预料;期待;期待的事物beyond expectations 超出了预料live up to / meet ones expectations 达到某人的期望expect to do sth 期待做某事expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事expect there to be. 期待会有I expect so. 我认为是这样的。I dont expect so. 我不这样认为。1)Were confident in our _ of a full recovery. 我们满怀信心期待着康复。2)We stoo

14、d there, not knowing what _ _ of us.我们站在那儿,不知道会被要求做什么。3)Some parents _too much of their children, with the result that they are disappointed. 一些父母对孩子的期望值太高,结果使他们非常失望。4)The plan has succeeded beyond our _. 这计划成功了,完全超出了我们的料想。【答案】1)expectations2)was expected3)expect4)expectations(1)用expect的相关短语填空1)We c

15、an never _ a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.2)Schools across China _ _ _ hire 50,000 college graduates this year as shortterm teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, to help reduce unemployment pressure.3)The walk _ _ to last all day, so bring a packed lunch.4)I wo

16、nt call you, unless something _ happens.5)Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this.【答案】1)expect2)are expected to3)is expected4)unexpected5)expected(2)名校押题(2010浙江余姚中学检测)Did the film _your expectations?Yes, I have never seen such an interesting film like that before.Atake part inBma

17、ke ends meetClive up to Dlook forward to【答案与解析】C题意:“这部电影达到了你的期望吗?”“是的,这是我看过的最有趣的电影。” take part in “参加”;make ends meet“量入为出;收支平衡”;look forward to“期待”,均不能和expectation搭配。4request vt. & n. 请求;要求 request n. / pron. 请求;要求request sb to do sth 请求某人做某事request sth from / of sb (正式或礼貌地)向某人请求、要求某物request that 从

18、句 (用虚拟语气)request of sb that 从句 (用虚拟语气)at sbs request 应某人请求表示“命令;要求;劝告”的词,其后的从句一般要用虚拟语气,包括:主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句和宾语从句。主要有:insist“坚持要求”;order / command“命令”;advise, suggest, propose “建议”;request / require / demand / desire “请求或要求”。 1)I request that you _the meeting on time. 我请求你按时到会。2)What do you request _me

19、? 你对我有何要求?3)Tom arrived at the meeting _my request. 汤姆应邀到会。4)All the students _ _not to be late for class. 要求所有学生上课不能迟到。【答案】1)(should) attend2)of / from3)at4)are requested (1)完成句子1)The workers requested that their working conditions _ _ _ (进一步完善)2)Its requested that no one _ (触摸) the exhibits.3)I re

20、quest him _ _ (留下)4)She made repeated requests that I _ (帮助) her.【答案】1)(should) be further improved2)(should) feel / touch3)to stay4)(should) help(2)名校押题(2010福州八校联考)John put in a special _ for an extra days holiday so that he could attend his daughters wedding.AdemandBrequestCproposalDenquiry【答案与解析】

21、B题意:约翰提出增加休假一天的特别请求,以便参加女儿的婚礼。demand“要求”;proposal“建议”;enquiry“询问”,均不合题意。5attach vt.&vi. 贴上;系;附上;使依恋attach sth to sth 将某物系在 / 附在上attach to 贴上;附上;依恋;依赖attach oneself to 依附attach importance to 认为重要1)They have _a number conditions to the agreement. 他们在协议上附加了一些条件。2)He _labels to his luggage. 他把标签贴在行李上。3)

22、Dont _your cow to the tree, for its too young. 别把母牛系在这树上,它太小了。4)No blame _him for the accident. 这次事故不应该责怪他。5)She _herself to the university where she had worked for nearly 40 years. 她对那所大学依依不舍,在那工作了近四十年。6)Im greatly _to the children. 我非常喜爱这些孩子。【答案】1)attached2)attached3)attach4)attaches to5)attached6

23、)attached(1)用attach 的相关短语填空1)How can you attach the blame _this accident _the taxi driver.2)The horse _to the tree belongs to Lao Wang.3)The hospital _ _ _ the university.4)They _ great _ _ (重视) the project.【答案】1)for;to2)attached / fastened /tied3)is attached to4)attach; importance to(2)名校押题(2010浙江余

24、姚质检)The government is _to everyone to save energy to carry out the construction of “twooriented society”(两型社会)in Wuhan and other circle cities.Aattaching BadaptingCadjusting Dappealing【答案与解析】Dattach to“附属;归因于”;adapt“使适应”;adjust“调整”;appeal“呼吁”。根据题意“政府呼吁大家节约能源”,应选D项。6conduct vt. 指挥;带领;进行;实施 n举止;行为cond

25、uctor n. 指挥;售票员;列车长;导体conduct sb to some place 把某人领到某地conduct a survey / an interview / an experiment 进行调查 / 面试 / 实验conduct sb around some place show sb around 带某人参观1)Were _ a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company. 我们正在对新员工进行调查,为了弄清楚是什么使他们选择了我们的公司。2)On arriva

26、l, I was _ into the bosss room. 一到那里,我就被带到老板的办公室。3)He is famous for his good _. 他因为良好的操守而远近闻名。【答案】1)conducting2)conducted3)conduct(1)用conduct的适当形式填空1)Who is to _the concert this evening?2)The economic impact study was _ by a group of specially selected MBA students at the University of Kansas.3)How

27、do you find the concert in the Beijing Ground Theatre last night?I dont think much of it. But the _ was perfect.4)The interview was _ in English.【答案】1)conduct2)conducted3)conductor4)conducted(2)名校押题(2010湖南岳阳一中月考)A survey _ by scientists shows that more and more young men _ work after senior school.Aconducted; go to Bconducting; goes toCconducted; going to Dto conduct; go to【答案与解析】Aconducted 作后置定语。根据主句时态show可知从句也用一般时,故用go。7consider vt.考虑

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