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1、针灸学全套精品教学教案 针灸学双语教学教案 Acupuncture Science Bilingualism Teaching Plan 教学单元章节题目 Introduction绪论教学目的教学要求1.针灸发展史中有关专著的英文名称Mastering the English name of concerned monograph in the history of acupuncture development2.针灸发展史Understanding the history of acupuncture development(English description)教学内容提要重点针灸学的

2、定义The definition of the acupuncture and moxibustion.针灸学的发展史The history of the acupuncture and moxibustion.难点、疑点解决方法针灸的历史发展重要时期和经典著作The important classics and periods in the history of acupuncture and moxibustion explanation. 方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided nstruction)计算机辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions t

3、o) 问答(提问)时间安排2学时Two class hours板书设计简介 Introduction1.刺灸法的定义 What is the acupuncture and moxibustion?2.刺灸法的特点The characteristic of acupuncture and moxibustion. 3.刺灸法的源流The history about acupuncture and moxibustion.(1)足臂十一脉灸经,阴阳十一脉灸经The classic of the Eleven meridians on the Foot and Arm and moxibustio

4、n , and the classic of Eleven YinYang meridian and moxibustion.(2)黄帝内经 素问Huangdis Internal classicmiraculous pivot 灵枢 canon of acupuncture (3)难经Cannon of difficult problems(4)针灸甲乙经The systematic classic of acupuncture(5)备急千金要方pressriptions worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (6)铜人腧穴针灸图经Illustrated

5、 Manual an points for A-M on a new Bronze Figure(7)十四经发挥Exposition of the Fourteen Meridian(8)针灸大成The compendium of acupuncture and Moxibustion后记发现问题修改意见备 注复习题:识记具有代表性的针灸著作的英文名称Homework: Memorizing the famous English name of acupuncture representative woks.教学单元章节题目 上篇 经络腧穴 General Introduction to Me

6、ridians and Acupoints第一章 经络总论 Meridians and Collaterals第一节 经络学说的形成与发展The development of the theory of the meridians and collaterals第二节 经络学说的组成The composition of the theory of the meridians and collaterals教学目的教学要求1.掌握经络、经络系统的组成及英语表达。 Mastering the English explanation of the Meridians and and the Comp

7、osition of the System of the Meridians and Collaterals.2.重点掌握十二经脉的循行特点和分布特点。Mastering the law of Circulation and Distribution of the Twelve Main Meridians.教学内容提要重点1.经络是经脉与络脉的总称,是气血运行的通道。 The meridians include the Meridians and Collaterals,which are the pathways through which qi and blood circulate i

8、n the human body.2.十二经脉是经络中的主干。The twelve meridians are the main trunks of the Meridians and Collaterals.3.十二经脉对称性分布,阴经主要分布于胸腹和四肢内侧,阳经分布于头身和四肢躯干。The twelve meridians are distributed bilaterally and symmetrically,and the six yin meridians, travel along the inner aspects of the four extremities, and o

9、n the chest and abdomen.and the six yang meridians and their respective six fu organs, travel laterally on the four extremities, head, face and trunk.难点、疑点解决方法难点:如何理解经络的概念。Difficult point:how to comprehend the the definition of the Meridians and Collaterals.方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机

10、辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问)时间安排2 学时Two class hours 板书设计上篇经络腧穴General Introduction to Meridians and Acupoints第一章 经络总论 Meridians and Collaterals第一节 经络学说的形成和发展The development of the theory of the meridians and collaterals经络 经络学说的含义The meaning of The meridian and the theory of the meridi

11、ans and collaterals(一)经络的含义 The meaning of The meridian(二)经络学说 研究循行、分布、生理、病理及相互关系是一种学说The theory of the meridians and collaterals elaborates on the body-surface distribution, physiological functions and pathological changes of the meridian and collateral system经络系统的组成内容见讲义经络系统表The content of the Com

12、position of the System of the Meridians and Collaterals is showed in the above table十二经脉(英语掌握)The twelve meridians(english explanation)(一)十二经脉的命名Naming of the Twelve Main Meridians(二)阴阳消长、上下分布、脏腑属络The preponderance of yin and yang,distribution in the upper and lower part , connecting-pertaining rela

13、tionship of the zang-fu organs(三)十二经脉的分布规律总体规律四肢分布规律,特殊规律Law of Body Surface Distribution of the Twelve Meridians general law,law in the extremeties,special law(四)十二经脉的属络 关系Connecting-Pertaining Relationship of the Twelve Main Meridians(五)十二经脉的交接规律Linking Law of the Twelve Main Meridians(六)循环Circula

14、tion后 记发现问题修改意见备 注复习题:Homework:1.何谓经络及经络系统(英语表达)?What is the meridian and the System of the Meridians and Collaterals?(answer in English)2.十二经脉的分布规律及交接规律是什么(英语表达)?What is distributing and Linking Law of the Twelve Main Meridians(answer in English) 教学单元章节题目 第一章 经络总论 Meridians and Collaterals 第二节 经络系统

15、的组成The Composition of the System of the Meridians and Collaterals教学目的教学要求熟悉奇经八脉、十五络脉、分布概况、特点及作用。Be familiar with the eight extraordinary meridians, fifteen main collaterals,general distributon,characteristics and functions.教学内容提要重点1.奇经八脉The Eight Extraordinary Meridians督、任、冲、带、阴维脉、阳维脉、阴跷脉、阳跷脉八条别道奇行的

16、经脉。命名、分布概况、作用及特点。They are eight meridians distributed different from the twelve regular meridians.They are called Governing Vessel(Governor vessel),Conception Vessel(Conception vessel), the Thoroughfare/Penetrating Vessel(Thoroughfare vessel), the Belt Vessel( Dai Mai), Yin Heel Vessel (yin heel ves

17、sel), Yang Heel Vessel(yang heel vessel), Yin Link Vessel (yin link vessel) and Yang Link Vessel (yang link vessel).Name,general distribution,function and characteristic2.十五络脉的含义、分布特点及主要作用Meaning ,distribution characteristic and main function of the fifteen main collaterals.难点、疑点解决方法难点:奇经八脉的分布概况及作用特

18、点。Difficulties:general distribution and function characteristics of the eight extraordinary meridians.方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问)时间安排共2学时Two class hours 板书设计上篇经络腧穴Meridians and Acupoints第一章 经络总论 pandect of meridians and collaterals第二节 经络系统的组成

19、 The composition of the system of the meridians and collaterals一.奇经八脉(含义). The eight extraordinary meridians(meaning)(一)奇经八脉的命名naming of The eight extraordinary meridians(二)分布概况general distribution(三)作用与特点function and charateristic二.十五络脉(含义). Fifteen main collaterals(meaning)(一)分布特点distribution char

20、acteristic(二)主要作用main function后 记发现问题修改意见备 注复习题:Homework: 1.奇经八脉的分布概况试说明之。The distributon of the eight extraordinary meridians教学单元章节题目 第一章 经络总论Meridians and Collaterals第四节 经络的作用和经络学说的临床运用The functions of the meridians and collaterals and The clinical applications of the theory of the meridians and c

21、ollaterals教学目的教学要求1.熟悉经络的生理功能、病理变化。Be familiar with physiological functions and pathological changes of meridians and collaterals2.掌握经络学说的临床运用。Mastering the clinical application of the theory of meridians and collaterals教学内容提要重点经络学说的临床应用。The clinical application of the theory of meridians and collat

22、erals难点、疑点解决方法难点:如何指导临床应用,有哪几个方面?Difficulties:how to guide clinical application?how many aspects contained?方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问)时间安排2学时Two class hours 板书设计上篇经络腧穴Meridians and acupoints第一章 经络总论 meridians and collaterals第四节 经络的生理病理及临床应用ph

23、ysique,pathology and clinical applications of meridians and collaterals一、经络的生理功能 physical functions of meiridians and collaterals二、经络的病理变化 pathological changes of meridians and collaterals三、经络学说的临床应用 clinical applications of the theory of meridians and collaterals后 记发现问题修改意见备 注复习题:经络的生理功能有哪些?Homewor

24、k:What are the physical functions of meridians and colletarals?教学单元章节题目第二章 腧穴总论General introduction to acupoints第一节 腧穴的发展、分类与命名 The development,classification and nomenclature of acupoints 第二节 腧穴主治特点和规律The applications of the acupoints in the diagnosis 教学目的教学要求1.掌握英语表述腧穴的概念。Master the ability of exp

25、ressing the concept of acupoints in English2.掌握英语表达腧穴的分类。Master the ability of expressing the classification of acupoints in English3.掌握英语表达腧穴的治疗作用。Master the ability of expressing the function of acupoints in English教学内容提要重点1.腧穴的含义、发展、分类及穴的标准化方案的特色The meaning,development, classification and the cha

26、racteristics of standardized scheme2腧穴的命名The nomenclature of acupoints3.腧穴的治疗作用近治作用、远治作用、特殊作用The functions of acupoints: Local functions, Distal functions, Special functions 难点、疑点解决方法腧穴的治疗作用The functions of acupoints方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问

27、)时间安排2学时Two class hours in total 板书设计第二章腧穴总论General Introduction to Acupoints第一节腧穴的发展、分类与命名2.1 The Development, Classification and Nomenclature of the Acupoints一. 腧穴的含义 2.1.1 The Meaning of the Acupoints二. 腧穴的发展 2.1.2 The Development of the Acupoints三. 腧穴的分类 2.1.3 Classification of the Acupoints四. 腧

28、穴的命名2.1.4 The Nomenclature of the Acupoints第二节腧穴在诊断上的应用2.2 The Application of the Acupoints In Diagnosis 第三节 腧穴的治疗作用2.3 The functions of acupoints一.腧穴的主要治疗作用2.3.1 The main functions of acupoints二.腧穴的主治规律三.2.3.2 The Law of Indications of Acupoints后 记发现问题修改意见备 注复习题:Homework:腧穴的主要治疗作用有哪些(英语回答)?What are

29、 the main treating functions of acupoints?(answer in English)教学单元章节题目第二章 腧穴总论General introduction to acupoints 第三节 特定穴 Specific points第四节 腧穴的定位方法Methods of locating acupoints 教学目的教学要求1.掌握英语表达各类特定穴的含义、内容、临床应用。Mastering the ability of expressing the meaning ,concept and clinical application of the Spe

30、cific Points in English 教学内容提要重点一、掌握五输穴、原穴、络穴等八类特定穴的含义、内容、临床应用。Mastering the meaning ,concept and clinical application of the Specific Points,such as the Five-transport points, Yuan-source, Luo-connecting etc.二、掌握腧穴的取穴方法:Mastering the methods of locating points难点、疑点解决方法特定穴的临床应用The function of the Specific Points方法形式实施步骤CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机辅助教学Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问)时间安排 共4学时Four class hours 板书设计第二章 腧穴总论 General Introduction to Acupoi

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