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1、新版人教新目标七年级上英语教材知识体系与知识点整理Pronunciation英语不同于汉语,它是拼音文字,读音和拼写之间有直接的联系。因此,掌握英语语音基本知识是学好英语的基础。在本套教材七年级上、下册以及八年级上册中,我们结合每个单元的内容,设计了“音素、音标字母与字母组合的读音朗读技巧”三个阶段的语音训练,来帮助学生学习英语语音。.字母发音Aa /e / Hh /e t / Oo / / Vv / i:/Bb /bi:/ Ii /a / Pp /pi:/ Ww /d bj :/Cc /si:/ Jj /d e / Qq /kj :/ Xx /eks /Dd /di:/ Kk /ke / R

2、r /: (r)/ Yy /wa /Ee / i:/ Ll /e/ Ss /es/ Zz /zed/, /zi:/Ff /e / Mm /em/ Tt /ti:/ GG /d i:/ Nn /en / Uu /j :/.英语语音音素英语共有44个音素,其中元音20个,辅音24个。英语辅音和元音在语言中的作用相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。记录英语音素的符号叫作音标,本套教材以最新“国际音标”来标记英语字母和单词的读音。音标放在两条斜线(/)内,以免和字母混淆。1. 元音/i:/ / / /e/ / / /:/ /:/ /:/ / / :/ / / /a / / I/ / / /a / / / /e/

3、 / /2. 辅音清音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ / /s/ / /t/ /tr/ /ts/ /h/浊音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ / /z/ / /d/ /dr/ /dz/ /r/m/ /n/ / w/ /j/为了方便学生学习,我们把四个辅音连缀(/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/)也放在这里。另处上述音素为英式发音。. 英语字母在单词中的读音1. 元音字母与元音字母组合在重读音节中读音a/e /game late name plane sale same take table David/bat bag black dad fat math map thank happy

4、jacket/ or/:/watch what want/:/ or/(在f, s, th等前)after ask last class basketball fatheral/:/all ball call small talk walkay/e/day May play sayar/:/art car card party March stare/i:/he me she we these/e/bed egg help ten get desk let next sell twelveea/i:/eat please speak easy teacher/e/head bread brea

5、kfast healthy sweateree/i:/beef green meet need see free three week fifteener/: (r)/her hers termear/ (r)/or/r/dear near hear cleari/a /like nice nine price time white tidy/ /big quilt thing think trip with middleir/: (r)/first girl shirt skirt third birthday thirtyo/no go so old those clothes phone

6、 photo sofa/or/:/, /:/box clock dog long lost sock dollar modal/(在m,n, th, v前)come love month son brother mother Mondayoo/book good look foot/ :/cool food room school tooor/: (r)/short sport morning ou/a/found sound about trousersow/a/brown how nowoy/ / boy toyu/j :/music excuse student Tuesday usef

7、ul computer/ /but cup fun lunch much must number subject uncle/ :/blue June rulerur /: (r)/turn burger purple Thursday2. 元音字母和元音字母组合在非重读音节中的读音a/(/ (r)/)about China salad sofa banana vegetablee/ihello science Aprilo/orcarrot second favorite tomato color doctorar/erdollar brother dinner under numberu/

8、urAugust difficult Saturdaye/eraser eleven relaxingiEnglish evening morning music2. 辅音字母和辅音字母组合的读音b /b/ bat ball Bobc /k/ call can music /s/ city pencil priced /d/ dad date readf /f/ father fun afterg /g/ get go big/d/orange geography vegetableh /h/ head happy heavyj /d/ July jacket subjectk /k/ key

9、 book weekl / look like Julym /m/ map math gamen /n/ name need ninep /p/ pen party cupr /r/ red rice breads /s/ some sister sock /z/ his always yourst /t/ tape table setv /v/ very vegetable havew /w/ week well watchx /ks/ six exciting excuse /gz/ exam exampley /j/ yes your yellowz /z/ zero zoo sizec

10、h /t/ chair teacher Marchck /k/ black chicken Jackdr /dr/ draw drum childrends /dz/ beds cards soundskn /n/know knifeng / long English morningnk /k/ think thank Frankph /f/phone photo geographyqu /kw/ quilt queen questionsh / she shoe finishtch /t/ watch match catchth / thank thing math/ that this b

11、rothertr/tr/trip trousers strawberryts /ts/ bats hats habitswh /w/ what white when /h/ who whose wholewr /r/ writer wrong write.英音和美音的读音简要对比情况英音美音1. 英式英语中字母r有的发音,有的不发音;美式英语中无论在何种情况下字母r都发音。sport/sp: t/star/st:(r)/first/f:st/sport /sp: rt/star/st:r/first/f: rst/2. 英式英语中元音字母a读非卷舌音/:/,美式英语中元音字母a读/,但有的词例

12、外,例如:father, calm。ask/:sk/after/:ft(r)/father/f:(r)/calm/k:m/ask/sk/after/ft(r)/father/f:(r)/calm/k:m/3. 英式英语中长短音比较明确,而美式英语中基本上不分长短音,短元音可以读成长元音,例如:1) 在英式英语中许多单词读作/的,在美式英语中读作/:/;2) 在英式英语中许多单词读作/的,在美式英语中读作/:/或/:/。box/bks/sock/sk/long/want/wnt/box/b:ks/sock/s:k/long/:/want/w:nt/;/w:nt/. 朗读基本知识1. 单词重音英语

13、单词有单音节词、双音节词和多音节词之分。含有一个响亮音素的声音片断叫作一个音节。英语里的元音都是响亮的音素。由一个音节构成的词叫作单音节词,例如:hi, mom, dad, first, meet等等。由两个或两个以上音节构成的词叫作双音节词或多音节词。对于双音节词或多音节词,有的音节须读得重些,叫作重读音节;有的音节要读得轻些,叫作非重读音节。重读音节用重音符号“”标出。双音节词的重读一般落在第一个音节上,例如:jacket/dk t/, question/kwestn/, sweater/swet/少数双音节词的重读在第二个音节上,例如:excuse /kskj :z/, July/d a

14、 /, about/bat/三音节词的重读一般也在第一个音节上,例如:favorite/fe vr t/,vegetable/vedtb /, interesting/ ntrst /少数三音节词的重音在第二个音节上,例如:computer/kmpj :t(r)/,tomato/tm:t/, December/d semb(r)/有的双音节词和多音节词有两个重音,一个是主重音,一个是次重音,次重音用“、”表示,标在次重音的左下方。例如:thirteen/ : (r) t i: n / fifteen/ f ti:n/, afternoon/ : ft n :n/(/ ftr n :n/)2.

15、连读(Liaison) 在朗读中,意义上有联系的词前一个单词末尾的辅音和后一个单词词前的元音有时可连起来读。连读现象是在语言交际中,特别是随着语速的加快而自然产生的,可用符号“”表示。常见的连读情况有:1) 辅音+元音 前一个词的词尾是辅音,后一个词以元音开头,这时两个词可以连读,例如:Its a good idea. Come on, Jack! Is it on the desk? Look at it. Let me get it. Can you play games with us?2) r/re+元音前一个词的词尾是r或re,后一个词的词首是元音,这时两个词可以连读,中间增加一个/

16、r/音。例如:Ask the teacher for it. I need a pair of sports shoes for school. 分单元语音练习Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Listen and read./e / / /i:/ /e/Dale map he pen same thank these yesGrace black evening spellStarter Unit 2 Whats this in English?Listen and read./a / / / / /or/:/,/:/hi is no dogfine this OK n

17、otwhite quilt those orangePronunciationStarter Unit 3 What color is it?Listen and read./j :/ / :/ /use blue cupexcuse ruler buscomputer June mustUnit 1 My names Gina.1. Listen and read./i:/ / /e/ / /: (r)/ /(r)/she six egg black her rulerwe his spell jacket first number evening middle seven Alice gi

18、rl color2. Listen and read. 1)A: Whats your name? B: My names Jenny. 2) A: Whats your telephone number? B: It s 555-8903. 3) Hes Alan. Shes Linda. Im Bob. Unit 2 This is my sister. 1. Listen and read./ :/ / /: (r)/ /or/:/ /: (r)/ /too good four not art sonschool look short Bob card motherruler book

19、sport clock party number2. Listen and read. 1) This is my mother. Mom, this is John. 2) These are her parents and those are her brothers. 3) Hi, Im Jenny. I have a very nice family.Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 1. Listen and read. /au/e /a / (r)/ or / r/e (r)/or/er/thesenownameminedearchairphotohowsam

20、eChinanearpearsofafounderaserlibraryhereparent2. Listen and read.1) A: Is this your ruler? B: Yes, it is.2) A: Is that your schoolbag? B: No, it isnt.3) A: Are these her books? B: Yes, they are.4) These are my keys. Are those your keys?Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? 1. Listen and read./p/b/t/d/k/g/s/z/

21、pencilbooktidydogkeygirlspellzeropicturebluetabledeskcolorgrandpasomeyourstapeBoblastbedaskbagniceplease/ / /m/n/ /w/ y/thingthisminenineringwatchyesthanktheymodelknowthankwhatyourthreemotherroompenmorningwhiteyellow2. Listen and read.1) A: Wheres my pencil box? B: Its on the sofa. A: How about my s

22、choolbag? B: Its on the table.2) A: Whats yourname? B: My namesLinda.A: Whats your phone number? B: Its 237-6577.Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1. Listen and read./f/v/ /t /d3/FindveryshechairJanefuneveningshortteacherjacketafterloveEnglishwatchorange/tr/dr/Its/dz/l/r/h/treedrawbatsbedsletringhat

23、trousersdrumhatscardslookgreathersstrawberrychildrensportsoundsplayfriendhere2. Listen and read.only after always picture about excuse hello becauseUnit 6 Do you like bananas? 1. Listen and read.a /e / /a:/or/ /ai /e / ay /e /al / aw / samefat lastmaildaycalldrawtapeapple classrainMaybaUlawradiosala

24、d fatherpaintplaysmallstrawberry/s/z/ z/ts/dz/mapsgirlsclasseshatsbedscupsphotoswatchesparentscardsdesksfamiliesorangesstudentsfriends2. Listen and read hamburger strawberry difficult interesting telephone banana tomato relaxing computer SeptemberUnit 7 How much are these socks? 1. Listen and read.e

25、/i:/e/ea /i:/e/ee /i:/ear /i (r)/ or/ r/e (r)/ or/er/wehelppleasesweaterneeddearpearbeselleasybreakfastmeetnearbearthesetwelveteacherhealthythirteenclearwear2. Listen and read. thirty twenty question dollar purple thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen eighteenUnit 8 When is your birthday? 1. Listen and

26、read.i /a / y /a / /i/j/x/ks/icetripmypartyyessixtimefifthwhyhealthyyournextpricemilkJulybusyyellowexcusec /k/s/ck /k/ch/t g /g/ /d cupniceclockChinagameagecolorpenciljacketMarchgreenorangecomputerpricechickenlunchAugustvegetable2. Listen and read. festival telephone family library September October

27、 November DecemberUnit 9 My favorite subject is science. 1. Listen and read.o / u/ / or /a:/, / / /oo /u:/u/ou /au/ow /au/ u/oldlonglovefoodgoodfoundhowknowhomeclocksomecoolbooksoundbrownshowsofadollarcolorschoollookaboutnowyellow2. Listen and read.1)A: Why does Tom like math? B: Because its interesting.2)A: Why do you like art? B: Because its fun.3)A: Do you like English? B: Yes, Ido.4)A: Do

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