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外研版三起英语六年级下册Module 7 Unit 1 He spent about twentyone hours in space.docx

1、外研版三起英语六年级下册Module 7 Unit 1 He spent about twentyone hours in spaceModule 7 Unit 1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.教学设计教材分析:He spend about 21 hours in space本课来源于三年级起点新标准英语第八册 Module7 Unit1。本课以 2003 年 10 月中国神舟五号载人飞船 升空为背景,讲述了我国著名宇航员杨利伟的故事。 本单元围绕 In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space.He

2、spent about twenty-one hours in space.说明过去发生的事情并加以具体描述, 这个题材开展多种教学活动,它与Module 6 Unit 2联系紧密,是它的延续。本节课是本单元的重点、难点。语言功能:叙述过去已经发生的事情 语言结构:含有过去时形式的陈述句. 教学目标:语言知识目标: 1.学习目标语句 In October 2003,Shenzhou V flew into space. He spent about 21hours in space. 2.掌握单词 spend (spent) , about, flew,October,video, proud

3、 ,someday了解动词不规则变化。语言技能目标:1.能听懂课文内容,并能回答与课文相关的问题。2.能根据图片或实际情况,运用过去式描述本课杨利伟及神州五号的故事.了解有关中国航天大事件的介绍。情感态度目标:学生初步体验到阅读的快乐,并产生“自主、合作、探究”的精 神和乐于竞争,乐于交流,乐于合作的能力。抓住这个具有历史意义的具有时代感的课文,了解中国航天事业取得的伟大成就,同时提升学生的学习情感,并拓展学生实际语用的能力。教学重难点: 1、重点词汇: became, spend ,spent, excited ,proud, be proud of 2、重点句型:Shenzhou V fl

4、ew into space . He spent about 21 hours in space. 3、教学难点: 能根据图片或实际情况,运用过去式描述过去发生的故事 。本课教法:本课采用情景演示法、问答法、小组合作法,通过精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教 学内容。展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。 学情分析:学生生活经验准备:12岁的六年级孩子们可能没有看到神舟五号飞入太空的场面,但对神舟号有所耳闻,他们有探求新知的激情,所以学生对本课充满好奇。学生相关知识储备:对于过去时的认识和理解,学生在五年级和本课之前的学习活动中已经早有涉及,学生能够基本把握一


6、理解和运用动词过去时的特殊变化形式,以及阅读技巧还存在一定的困难。课前或课外学习准备:预习课文,了解新单词。了解对神舟五号成功升空这一历史,了解杨利伟的事迹,了解我国航天事业的取得的伟大成绩。学习时间年份的表达方法和介词的用法。教学手段:主要以现代化电教手段多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过 程。增加了直观性和趣味性,加大了课堂密度,提高了教学效果。学习资源:教学课件、CD-ROM、单词卡片、图片若干、模范红花、鲜花、记者证、话筒等。设计理念:在小学英语教学中应采用任务型教学法, 培养学生的实践和创新能力,就必须把学生的生活实际和兴趣作为教学的出发点和落脚点。因此为为学生创设生动、鲜活自然的语言环

7、境,让学生积极主动建构语言知识及语言运用方式,激发学生的二次创造,是英语任务教学法的精髓。 在本模块教学中,把语言知识的复习贯穿于任务型的活动中,促使学生积极运用语言。教学过程:一、Warm-up and revision 1.Greetings. T: Hello,boys and girls.Ss:Hello Mrs zhao.2.Lets review some verbs and their past,flew; become ,became; come ,came; make, made see, saw; spend , spent;(设计意图:这一活动既达到了

8、复习效果,为进一步学习扫除障碍,又激发了学生的学习积极性,同时初步感知两个新词spent spend、flew fly.英语教学就是在不断反复的进行语言输入和语言输出的过程习得的,从而为后面教学做好铺垫,使学生明确本课将要学习的相关语法时态。)二、Leading in 通过 ppt 出示一个笑脸,猜猜笑脸后面是谁?引入人物的简单介绍。He is a Chinese taikonaut. He flew into space in 2003.通过简要描述。引出Today we are going to learn somethiing about Yang Liwei.Lets come to

9、Module 7 Unit 1 He spent twenty-one hours in space. (设计意图:通过看图片师生对话,帮助学生复习已学得内容, 激活学生的思维,营造语言学习的氛围,为之后的教学做准备。这是学生最喜欢的活动,在此活动中既让学生巩固复习第六模块第二单元重点句型He is a Chinese taikonaut. He flew into space in 2003.的运用,同时引出本课的新授。) 三、Text teaching 1.进入本课Part 1文本。Look and listen.先看视频动画初步感知并了解句子大意,进行语言输入。Look listen a

10、nd repeat再跟读形成标准语音语调,进一步学习文本,同时在文中体会flew,并进行操练。板书新单词flew。(设计意图:尽量创设真实的语言环境,从而有效习得语言。)2.进入本课Part2文本。(1)Listen and underline the new words.先听录音初步感知并了解句子大意,找出本课新词。Listen the new words and read after it.学习新词并跟读形成标准语音语调,进一步学习文本做好铺垫,并进行新词操练。板书I am proud of Yang Liwei.并对这个重点短语进行操练。板书新单词spent spend.度过 about

11、 . 大约flew fly . 飞,飞行October . 十月video . 录像proud. 感到自豪的,感到骄傲的someday . 有朝一日 (设计意图:通过听音,找到过去式,在培养听力能力的同 时,学生又会了解动词过去式的语音特点,并以此避免单纯的语法讲解。)(2)Look and Listen.第二次进入文本,看视频动画初步感知并理解文本大意,进行语言输入。(3)Look listen and repeat.第三次进入文本,跟读录音进一步理解课文,Read in groups and show it.小组内读检查文本学习效果,然后通过细读小组内解决深层次的问题,Read in gr

12、oups and answer the questions and show it . What is Yang Liwei?He is taikonaut .When did Shenzhou V fly into space?In October 2003.What did he make in space?H made a video in space.Was his son proud of him?Yes,he was.What did they feel?They felt happy.而这些问题正是本课的重点,同时为最后小组展示提供语言素材。(设计意图:合作阅读能激发学生的团队精

13、神,让学生在合作中找出本文中的知 识点发展学生的自主学习能力,加深对课文内细节的内容的理解。语言教学要归其本真,要遵循语言发展的规律。重视课堂上的朗读教学。朗读可以促进学生听力和思维能力的发展。学生理解了学习任务之后就会构建本小组内的学习方式、检测形式和展示方案。通过对基本问题的回答,文章中的一些较难的语 句得以理解,由不懂到懂,由好的同学带后进的同学,培养团队精神。)3.Look and say.Part 3重点句型的进一步训练,加强记忆。In October 2003,my father flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twent

14、y-one hours in space.He did a lot of work there.板书重点句型He spent about twenty-one hours in space。四、Practice练习1. and 的句子Make sentences.连线,小组内汇报。Shenzhou V flew into space. he did a lot of work there.Yang Liwei spent about lots of people watchedtwenty-one hours in space. the videoYang Liwei made a video

15、 in and Yang Liwei was in Liweis family met they were happy.him at the airport.(设计意图:给好的学生充分展示自己的空间, 由他们代替老师, 成为学习的对象,变换角色,吸引注意力。)2.记者见面会,运用本课所学材料,小组内设计一个记者见面会,展示汇报。T:I am a journalist from CCTV.Nice to meet you.Y:Nice to meet you ,too.T:Can I ask you some questions?Y:Yes,you can.T:Whe

16、re are you from?Y:Im from Liaoning.T:When did you fly into space?Y:In October,2003.T:How many hours did you spend in space?Y:I spent about twenty-one hours in space.T:What did you make in space?Y:I made a video in space.T:How did you feel?Y:I was very happy.T:Are you proud of your father?Son:Yes,I a

17、m very proud of him.T:Whats your dream?Son:I want to go into space someday.T:I am very proud of you,too.Thank you. (设计意图:联系实际,将所学知识与学生自己密切联系起来,将所看到的和学到的容为一体,真正的学以致用,增加趣味性,教师鼓励学生在运用教材中提供的词句基础上灵活运用语言。)五、知识拓展,进行爱国主义教育。通过神舟 5 号,拓展延伸到神舟2号神舟 10 号等神舟号。I m proud of China.How to make our motherland more powe

18、rful.如何使我们的祖国更强大。We should study hard!六、Summary. 总结板书重点A flower for you !All the Chinese people are proud of him!七、Homework. 1.Listen to the tape and read the text.(必做)2.Write about “Shenzhou VII flew into space.搜集神舟七号信息(选做)(设计意图:使课 堂活动延伸到课外,让学生在充分自由的空间里感受到成功的喜悦。)板书设计: Module 7 Unit 1 He spent twent

19、y-one hours in space.(设计意图:五星红旗下鲜花簇拥,吸引学生注意力,激发学生的爱国主义情怀。)课堂实录Ss:Hello,Mrs Zhao. (出示第一张幻灯片:课题)T:Lets chant.(出示第二张幻灯片:动词原形和过去式)show me your fly flew Ss:fly fly flew T:spend spend spent Ss:spend spend spentT: am is was Ss: am is wasT: come come cameSs: come come came T:make make madeSs: make

20、 make madeT:go go wentSs: go go wentT:Together.One.Two.Ss:fly fly flew spend spend spentam is wascome come came make make madego go wentT:Very good.And look ,can you guess who he is? (出示第三张幻灯片部分信息:猜猜他是谁?)Ss:No!T:No? He is a Chinese taikonaut. He flew into space in 2003. (出示第三张幻灯片完整信息)Ss:Oh,Yang Liwe

21、i.T:Yes,Its Yang Liwei.Today we will learn Module 7 Unit 1 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.And we will learn more about something Yang Liwei.Now listen. (出示第四张幻灯片: Part 1动画视频)T:Repeat.Read after it.Ss:Look at this spaceship.T:You,please.S:Look at this spaceship.T:Good .Sit down,please.Ss:It

22、s our first spaceship. T:You,please.S:Its our first spaceship.T:Good .Sit down,please.Ss:I flew to the earth in it a long time ago.T:Good .Sit down,please.T:You,please.S:I flew to the earth in it a long time ago.T:Good .Sit down,please.T:You,please.S:I flew to the earth in it a long time ago.T:The e

23、arth.S:The earth.T:Good .Sit down,please.T:Now lets learn new fly flew(出示单词卡片)Ss:fly fly flewT: fly fly flewSs:fly fly flewS: fly fly flewS: fly fly flewT:Good.This group.Ss: fly fly flewT:Very good.Together.T:fly fly flewSs:fly fly flewT:fly fly flewSs:fly fly flewT:And then listen part 2

24、 and unline the new words.Ok?(出示第五张幻灯片:Part 2 录音)T:Ready?Ss:Ready!T:New words.Read after it.Read after it.(出示第六张幻灯片:新单词)Ss:spent spendSs:spent spendSs:aboutSs:aboutSs:flew flySs:flew flySs:OctoberSs:OctoberSs:videoSs:videoSs:proudSs:proudSs:somedaySs:somedayT:Good.T:Now listen and look.T:spend spend

25、 spentSs:spend spend spentT:spend spend spentSs:spend spend spentS:spend spend spentT:Good.S:spend spend spentT:Very good.S:spend spend spentT:Good.S:spend spend spentT:Together.Ss:spend spend spentT:You.This group.Ss:spend spend spentT:Very good.T: This group.Ss:spend spend spentT:Very good.T:Toget

26、her.Ss:spend spend spentT:spend spend spentSs:spend spend spentT:/t/Ss: /t/T:/t/Ss: /t/Ss:about T:aboutSs:aboutT:boysSs:aboutT:girlsSs:aboutT:Good.aboutSs:aboutT:And this word.Ss:proudT:proudSs:proudT:proudSs:proudT:You,please.Ss:proudT:You,please.Ss:proudT:You,please.Ss:proudT:proudSs:proudT:proudS

27、s:proudSs:videoT:videoSs:videoS:videoS:videoS:videoS:videoS:videoT:Good.Together.Ss:videoT:And this.Ss:OctoberT:OctoberSs:OctoberS:OctoberS:OctoberS:OctoberS:OctoberS:OctoberS:OctoberT:Good.T:OctoberSs:OctoberT:And this word.Ss:somedayT:somedaySs:somedayT:somedaySs:somedaySs:somedaySs:somedayT:Toget

28、her.Ss:somedayT:somedaySs:somedayT:Very good.And Look it again.Listen and look.(出示第七张幻灯片:Part 2 动画视频)T:Read after it.Ss:My father Yang Liwei is a taikonout.Ss:And he is very famous.Ss:In October 2003,Ss:my father flew into space in Shenzhou V.Ss:He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Ss:He did a l

29、ot work there.Ss:He also made a video in space.Ss:Then he came back to the earth.T:The earth.Ss:The earth.T:Came back.Ss:Came back.Ss:My mother and I went to the airport to meet my father.Ss:We were very happy.Ss:It was a great day.Ss:I was very proud of him.Ss:Now he still tells me about his space

30、travel.Ss:I want to go into space someday too.T:Very good.T:Now read in your groups and answer questions.(出示第八张幻灯片:文本问题)T:Are you ready?Ss:Ready.T:Read the text.In your groups.T:This group.Ss:My father Yang Liwei is a taikonout.And he is very famous.In October 2003,my father flew into space in Shenz

31、hou V.He spent about twenty-one hours in space.He did a lot work there.He also made a video in space.Then he came back to the earth.T:Good.Sit down please.T:This group.T:Go on.T: Go on .One two.Ss: My mother and I went to the airport to meet my father.We were very happy.It was a great day.I was very proud of him.Now he still tells me about his space travel.I want to go into space someday too.T:V

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