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牛津译林版英语八上《Unit 3 A day out》word教案.docx

1、牛津译林版英语八上Unit 3 A day outword教案初中牛津英语教材分析8A Unit Three一、 教材分析本单元的主要话题是度假旅游。开篇通过Eddie和Hobo这两个卡通人物妙趣横生的对话,引出“爬山”这一旅游方式,为后面的主题讨论埋下伏笔;随后介绍了国外一些著名的旅游景点,引出了本单元的主要话题。阅读部分向学生介绍了私人信件的书写方式,信中非正式的语言描写了Linda去北京世界公园旅游的一次经历,并表达了旅游之后的感受。词汇部分介绍了北京的名胜以及在那里可以进行的活动,还介绍了到北京名胜的交通方式。语法部分包括三个内容,通过故事的发展呈现出来,A部分通过讨论学生去的游览地方

2、,介绍了and, but和or的用法;B部分在关于去南山郊游的对话中介绍了带to的不定式的用法;C部分是一个漫画故事,讲述了去南山游览的过程中发生的一件事,在此语境中学习反身代词的用法。综合技能部分展示了一份学校某一次活动的海报,海报后还设置了一个时间表,提供了时间和对应的活动安排,学生可以来检查他们从阅读文章和听力材料中获取的信息是否正确,还可以运用表示提建议和作安排的语言来组织一次活动。学习技能部分介绍了事实与观点的区别,要让学生了解说服他人要会运用语言来表达自己的观点,在广告、新闻、信件以及报告中常把事实和观点结合起来。中心任务部分主要围绕制定旅游计划展开,让学生根据相关信息制定旅游计划

3、。检测部分主要检查学生对所学语法内容的理解和运用情况。二、 总体目标 通过讨论度假旅游及相关的故事,即学习and, but和or这些连词的用法及不定式和反身代词的用法,又了解国内外一些著名旅游景点,特别是北京的名胜古迹,培养学生热爱自然、热爱祖国的情怀。同时,通过词汇的学习、综合技能的训练、学习技能的了解和任务的完成,使学生在各个方面的能力得以提高。三、 教学重点难点A: 重点1、 学习制定和交流自己的假期旅游计划、2、 学会使用and, but和or理解句子;3、 正确使用不定式;4、 掌握反身代词的用法。B: 难点1、 动词不定式的用法;2、 写信邀请朋友外出旅游。四、 学情分析和教学理念

4、对于旅游的话题,学生是非常熟悉又感兴趣的。对于首都北京,虽然很多学生并没有去过,但了解的一定很多,其中著名的旅游景点和名胜古迹,学生应该是如数家珍。在此环节的教学上,学生们应该具有一定的接受能力。教学中科采用Role playing, Practicing, Cooperating, Scanning 和liantening for specific information 的学习策略,利用教学图片以及制作多媒体课件来展开课题Work alone, Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动。词汇教学部分可以通过实物或图片进行,引导学生进行描述,增加对词汇的理解和感受;听力和口语

5、教学一角色扮演模仿对话、写关键词或复述对话、短文为主,加强对主要信息的获取和输出;阅读教学以写关键词语(信息)、复述短文、模仿描述等为主;写作教学以填词造句、模仿写作为主;语法教学以总结规律、模仿操练为主,并做到经常复习。五、 课时安排本单元攻击安排十个课时。具体安排如下:Comic strip and Welcome to the unit: one period; Reading: two periods; Vocabulary: one period; Grammar: two periods; Integrated skills: one period; Study Skills: o

6、ne period; Main task: one period; Checkout: one period.六、 课时教案Period One Comic strip and Welcome to the unitTeaching contents:1. Words and expressions: Ourselves; greeting; greetings; present; foreign; city; come on; coffee shop; block; keep fit; take a boat trip; go past; have a great time; the Ope

7、ra House; the Eiffel Tower; the White House2. Sentences: 1). What are you going to do? 2). Im going to exercise. 3). You need to exercise and keep fit. 4). Come on. Lets enjoy ourselves!Three dimensional objectivess:Knowledge:1. Revise and learn and learn something about the worlds places of interes

8、t;2. Learn and use correct phrases to talk about the means of transportations. Abilites:1. To enable the students to know famouse cites abroad and interesting places in Beijing; 2. To enable the students to communicate about a holiday plan for a trip with deskmates or partners with simple conversati

9、on;Emotions:1. To cultivate the students to love the nature and their motherland by learning and remember some famous places of interest abroad, especially in Beijing.Key points and difficulties of teaaching:1. Learn and identify the places of interest at home and abroad, especially in Beijing;2. Le

10、arn how to discuss which foreign countries they would like to go.3. Enjoy ourselvesthe reflexsive pronouns.Analysis of Students learning and teaching ideas:There are some pictures of the places of interest at home and abroad on the postcards. The students are familiar with them. I think the students

11、 must be interested in these pictures when I show them to the students in class. Of course Ill show them a map of the world and then show the students how to search for some famous places of interest at home and abroad. Based on this, Ill show them how to identify the places of interest at home and

12、abroad, and how to discuss which foreign countries they would like to go.Teaching preparation:Teaching pictures; a recordeer; some postcards and a map of the worldTeaching procedures:1. Warming-up: Get the students to share their travelling experiences with the class, by presenting famous places of

13、interesting theyve ever visited, and ask them to tell what they think of these places. 2. Presentation:A: To introduce the Comic striop by the question If you are free, what are you going to do? Listen for the specific information What do you think Eddie is going to do?B: Go through the pictures and

14、 the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Ask: Is Eddie really going to climb the hill? What is he going to do? C: Read the conversation aloud after the recorder. D: Act it out: Get some pair of students to read it out first, then act it out in roles before the class. 3. Introduction: A: Present a m

15、ap of the world and encourage the students to share the names of the foreign countries in English, such as the USA, the UK, England, Australia; France ect. B: Prensent some postcards or pictures with the drawing of the White House in the Washington D.C. the USA, the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine

16、in Paris, France, the Opera House and the famouse Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia. And help the students to learn something about the these famous places of interest by asking: 1). Do you know the name of this famous building? 2). Do you know where it is (located)? C: Help the students to correctly pronounce the names of the countries

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