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1、四级固定搭配1. account for (数量)占;是。的原因2. accuse sb. of 指控某人(犯。罪)3. charge sb. with 指控某人(犯。罪)4. take sb. to court 控告某人5. adapt to 适应(to为介词)6. add up to 总计;总体来看意味着7. admire sb for 羡慕某人;钦佩某人(for后接说明羡慕别人的原因)8. admit sb to. 准许某人进入;接纳(to是介词后接进入的场所或组织的名称)(常用被动语态)9. agree on 商定;就。达成一致(指就某一具体内容取得一致。如:时间、地点、价格等)10.

2、 agree to 同意;赞成(to 是介词,后接计划、建议等)11. agree with.同意某人;适合于某人12. apologize for .为。而道歉13. apologize to sb for sth14. appeal to .吸引;对。有吸引力(指某事物对某人有吸引力,to是介词后接某人)15. apply for 申请16. applyto. 把。应用于。(to 是介词,后接名词)17. approve of 认可,赞成18. arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事19. associate with 与。有联系(多用被动语态);联想到20. c

3、onnect . with. 把。与。联系在一起21. assure sb of 向某人保证22. attach , to 把。系在。上;依恋23. attend to 留意;照顾(to 是介词,后接名词)24. attribute .to . 把。归因于;认为是。的结果25. base .on . 建立在。基础上;以。为基础26. on the basis of 在。基础上;以。为基础27. believe in . 信仰;崇尚28. belong to. 属于(to 是介词,后接名词)29. benefit from. 从。中受益30. blame sb for . 为。而责备某人31.

4、criticize sb for.为。批评某人32. praise sb for. 为。表扬某人33. break down 出故障;(身体,精神)跨下来 (是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)34. break in 闯入,破门而入(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)35. calm down 镇静下来(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)36. care for . 照顾,护理;喜欢37. carry on . 继续38. carry out 实施,贯彻,执行39. catch up with 赶上,追赶40. cater for .满足,迎合41. check in 办理进入手续(是不及物动词短语

5、,后不能接宾语)42. check out 办理离开手续(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)43. check up/on 调查,核实(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)44. cheer sb up 使某人高兴(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)45. clean up ./ clean up 清除,打扫46. clear away. /clearaway.收拾,清理掉47. clear up 天气放晴(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)48. combine .with. 把。与。结合起来49. come about 发生;产生(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)50. come across .

6、偶然遇见;意外发现51. come to . 打到(数量);谈到,涉及52. come up with. 提出,想出53. comment on . 对。评论54. compare .to把。比作。55. compare .with. 把。与。作比较56. compensate for 补偿;赔偿57. compete against/with. 与。竞赛/竞争58. complain about/of .抱怨,申诉59. make a complaint 抱怨,投诉60. confine .to . 把。限制在;局限于61. conflict with. 与。冲突62. congratula

7、te sb on . 为。向某人祝贺63. connect .to. 把。连接到(常用被动语态)64. connect .with . 把。与。联系起来;由。联想到65. consider as . 认为。是(常用被动语态)66. consist in 主要在于67. consist of . 由。组成68. consult with sb about sth 与某人商量69. contribute .to . 贡献给,捐献给(to 是介词,后接名词)70. contribute to . 有助于(to 是介词,后接名词)71. make contributions to . 对。作出贡献(t

8、o 是介词,后接名词)72. convert .into/to. 把。转换成73. convince sb of 使某人信服74. cooperate with. 与某人合作75. cope with. 应付,处理76. count/depend/rely on 指望,依靠77. cut across . 抄近路穿过78. cut down . 减少;消减79. cut in 插嘴80. deal in . 买卖,经营81. deal with .处理82. deprive sb of 夺去某人的。;剥夺83. devote to . 投身于;致力于84. dedicate to . 致力于;

9、献身于85. die of 死于(疾病)86. die from 死于(某种原因)87. die out 灭绝;消亡(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)88. differ from . 与。不同89. be different from. 与。不同90. be similar to 与。类似91. dispose of . 处理;处置92. distract from. 从。中分散/转移(注意力/心思等)93. draw up . 草拟,制定94. dress up (as) 打扮;装扮成(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)95. drop in 顺便拜访(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)96.

10、 drop off 逐渐下降,减少(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)97. drop out 退出(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)98. drop put of . 退出99. engage in . 参加;从事100. enter for. 报名参加101. entitle sb to. 给某人权利/资格(to 是介词,后接名词;常用被动语态)102. be qualified for. 有资格胜任103. equip .with 给。装备,配备104. expose .to . 把。暴露于。(to 是介词,后接名词);使某人接触到(常用被动语态)105. get down to 着手进行

11、;开始认真对待106. give away . / give .away 泄露(秘密);赠送107. give in 让步;妥协(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)108. give up. 放弃109. give off. 释放(能量等)110. give out . 分发;发布111. glance at .看一眼;一撇112. go after. 最求113. go against 违背,反对114. go in for . 从事;进入(某个行业)115. go on 发生;进行(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)116. go on with. 发生;进行117. hand down .传

12、承下来118. hand .down . 传承下来119. hand out .分发120. hand over. 移交121. take over.接任122. hang around .徘徊123. hang about 徘徊 (是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)124. hang back 犹豫,畏缩(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)125. hold back . 抑制,隐瞒126. hold on 坚持下去(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)127. hold up .阻碍128. impose .on . 把。强加于别人129. impress on . 印刻在(头脑中)(多用被动语态

13、)130. impress sb with. 以。给人留下印象131. inform sb of . 通知某人;告知某人132. remind sb of . 使某人想起,提醒某人133. warn sb of . 警告某人134. interfere with . 打扰,干扰135. interfere in . 干预,干涉136. involve in . 参与,卷入;专注于(常用被动语态)137. keep away (from) .不让。靠近;避开138. stay away from 远离139. keep off 挡住;避开140. keep .from. 防止。发生;使。不能14

14、1. keep up 坚持;保持;继续142. keep up with . 跟上,不落后于143. knock down . 撞到144. knock into . 撞上145. knock off 下班;打折(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)146. knock on 敲门147. lag behind 楼后于148. laugh at 嘲笑149. lay down . 制定(规则,条例等)150. lay off . 下岗;遣散151. lay out 摆开展示;布置(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)152. lead to . 通往;导致153. let sb down 使某人失望1

15、54. let out . 泄露155. lie in . 位于;存在于156. limit .to 把。限制在。内157. confine .to 把。限制在。;局限于158. line up 排队,列队(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)159. long for 渴望160. look down upon/on . 瞧不起161. look into .调查162. look out 当心;留神(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)163. major in 主修,以。为专业164. make for. 朝。方向去165. make out. 勉强看出;辨别出,弄明白166. make up.

16、 编造(故事);构成167. make up for 弥补,补偿168. object to. 反对169. originate from 起源于170. owe .to . 欠某人(钱);把。归功于171. pass away 结束;逝世;消磨(时间)172. persevere in 坚持不懈,锲而不舍173. persist in . 坚持,执意174. insist on 坚持(主张/想法)175. prefer .to . 偏爱。而不喜欢。176. prepare for . 为。作准备177. prohibit from . 禁止某人(做。)178. pull down 拆除,拆毁

17、179. pull up 车(停下)(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)180. push forward 推行,推进181. put forward. 提出(建议等)182. put aside 把。放在一边183. put off . 推迟,延迟184. put up with 忍受,容忍185. qualify .for . 是某人能够胜任;有资格(常用被动语态)186. range from .to . 从。到。187. refer to . 参考;提到;是指。188. regard as .把。看作是189. relate to . 与。有关(to 是介词,后接名词)(有时用be re

18、lated to)190. remark on 评论,议论191. result from . 源自于,由。引起192. result in . 导致,带来193. reward sb with 用。酬谢,奖赏某人194. rob sb of . 抢劫某人195. run for . 竞选196. run into . 偶然碰见;遭遇到197. see to . 留意,关照(to 是介词,后接名词)198. sentence sb to 判处某人。徒刑199. serve as 用作,起。作用200. set about (doing .) 开始做;着手做201. settle down 安家

19、落户,安顿下来(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)202. specialize in . 专长于,以。为专业203. spring up 冒出,突然出现(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)204. stay up 熬夜(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)205. stick to . 坚持,固守206. succeed in 在。上取得成功207. suffer from 遭受208. take after . 与某人相像209. take in . 吸收,吸入210. take sb in 使某人上当211. take on . 承担;呈现212. take over .接任213. take

20、up 占(时间、空间等);开始从事214. thanks to . 幸亏215. think .over 认真考虑216. trace .back to 追踪,追溯217. trap .in 陷入,被困在。里(常用被动语态)218. turn down 关低;拒绝219. turn to . 求助于220. use up 用光(是不及物动词短语,后不能接宾语)221. yield to . 屈服于222. bear .in mind 牢记223. can not help (doing.) 情不自禁224. catch sight of . 看到225. do good to. 对。有好处22

21、6. do harm to 对。有坏处227. draw lots 抓阄228. earn a living 谋生229. fail to do . 没能(做到)230. feel pity for. 同情231. fly into rage 勃然大怒232. get rid of . 去除233. give credit (to sb )称赞某人234. give rise to . 引起,产生235. give sb a hand 帮个忙236. give sb a lesson 给某人一个教训237. have a hard time 日子难过238. have access to .

22、能接近,进入239. have an effect on . 对。有效果240. have an impact on . 对。有影响241. have enough 受够了242. have nothing to do with 与。没有关系243. have something to do with 与。有关系244. help yourself to . 别客气,请随意245. hold ones breath 屏息,不出声246. keep pace with 跟上。的步伐247. lose ones temper 发脾气介词短语和副词短语248. after all 毕竟249. as

23、 for 至于,关于250. as long as . 只要251. as regard 关于,至于252. as though . 好像253. as well (as) 也254. at a time 每次255. at all times 始终,随时256. at any price 不惜任何代价257. at any rate 不管怎样,至少258. at ease 放松,自在259. at hand 手头边260. at length 最后,终于261. at no time 绝不262. at one time 曾经263. at the cost of 以。为代价264. bac

24、k and forth 来来回回265. by accident 偶然地266. by all means 务必267. by no means 绝不268. even if .即使269. even though . 虽然,即使270. for fear that .唯恐271. for the sake of .为了。起见272. if only .只要273. in a sense 从某种意义上274. in advance 提前,预先275. in any case 无论如何276. in brief 简言之277. in case 以防万一278. in case of 如果(发生)

25、;以防(发生)279. in charge (of .) 负责280. in conclusion 总而言之281. in contrast 相比之下;相反282. in contrast to /with. 与。形成对比283. in debt 负债284. in despair 绝望地285. in detail 详细地286. in doubt 拿不准287. in favor of . 赞成,支持288. in good/bad condition 状况好/坏289. in harmony with .与。和谐290. in honor of 为了纪念291. in memory of

26、 . 为了纪念292. in no case 绝不293. in no circumstances 绝不294. in no time 立刻295. in person 亲自296. in place of . 代替297. in public 公开地298. in response to . 对。的反应299. in return 回报300. in short 简言之301. in spite of . 尽管302. in terms of .从。方面来说303. in the long run 从长远来看304. in the world 究竟,到底305. in time 及时306.

27、 on time 准时307. in turn 轮流308. in vain 徒劳309. instead of .代替,而不是310. little by little 逐渐地311. now that . 既然,由于312. off and on 断断续续地313. on account of . 因为,由于314. on behalf of . 代表315. on business 出差316. on earth 究竟,到底317. on sale 大减价318. on the basis of . 在。基础上319. on the contrary 正相反320. on the edg

28、e of . 在。的边缘321. on the occasion (of. ) 在。场合322. on the spot 当场323. other than . 除了324. out of stock 已脱销325. out of the question 不可能326. owing to 由于327. prior to . 在。之前328. regardless of 不管,不顾329. safe and sound 安然无恙330. to some extent 在某种程度上331. under . circumstances 在。情况下332. be absorbed in . 专注于,被吸引333. be accessible to . 易接近的,可进入的334. be accustomed to . 习惯于335. be bound for 开往(某地)336. be bound to do . 必定会,很有可能337. be capable of . 能够,有能力338. be caught in . 遭遇到339. be conscio

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