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1、名词单复数资料引用 英语语法2-名词单复数可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。这和汉语不同。比如,在汉语中,我们说一个苹果,那就是一个苹果,没什么特殊变化。你要说三个苹果,只需把“一”换成“三”就可以了。而在英语中,一个苹果是oneapple,三个苹果是threeapples,不尽数量词变化了,名词也有相应的变化。名词变复数的规则:分为规则变化和不规则变化。第一部分:规则变化情况 构成法 读音 例词1.一般情况(包括以e结尾的名词)加-s-s在清辅音ptkf后读s在浊辅音和元音后读z在辅音szd?后读iz口诀:清清浊浊元浊Cups,cats,cakes,roofs,flags,keys,faces2

2、.以s,x,ch,sh结尾 加-es在sz?t?后读izClasses,boxes,watches,brushes3.以辅音+y结尾 变y为i,加es 读zCities,countries,studies4.以元音+y结尾 加-s 读zBoys,rays,days有人还把以下两个加入了名词有规则变复数的行列。情况 构成法 读音 例词 5.以o结尾 加-es 读zHeroes,tomatoes,potatoes,Negroes6.加-s 读z Bamboos,radios,zoos,photos,pianos7.以f,fe结尾 变f,fe为v,再加-es 读vzLeaf-leaves Life-

3、lives Wife-wives加-s 读sRoofs,proofs,chiefs第二部分:不规则变化我们经常会看到有些名词变复数时并没有遵循上述规则。这就是名词的不规则变化。我们经常看见的有man-men,woman-women,child-children等等。还有一些名词,单复数是同一个形式的。不过,我们还是可以通过一些比较,发现其中的一些奥妙。以下我将为大家讲讲名词的不规则变化。(下面内容,可以量力而行。有的可能很难,需要以后慢慢消化吸收)一、以-us结尾的名词(多为外来词),通常将-us改变为-i构成复数。读音变化:尾音Es改读ai,其中kEs要改读为sai,gEs要改读为dVai。



6、manwomen;childchildren;personpeople;八、一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词:例:oxoxen;childchildren;brotherbrethren九、一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词例:analysisanalyses分析;basisbases基础;datumdata数据;footfeet; formulaformulae/formulas公式;goosegeese;louselice虱子;manmenmousemice;mediummedia/mediums媒介;memorandummemoranda/memorandums备忘录;parent



9、ousers十五、另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,例:goods货物,waters水域,fishes(各种)鱼十六、除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。例:adollar,twodollars;ameter,twometers英语名词的单复数与一致性1. 并列结构作主语时与谓语的一致关系a) 由and连接两个名词或者代词作主语时A and B分为以下四种情况:i. A、B表示不同的人、物或者观念的时候,谓语动词要用复数形式Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students.Both the parents and the child

10、ren are here.ii. A、B表示同一个人、物或者观念的时候,谓语动词要用单数形式A journalist and author lives in the sixth flat.The turner and fitter is under twenty-five.iii. And连接几个单数主语,主语由each、 every、 no、 many等词修饰的时候,谓语动词要用单数Each boy and each girl is invited.Every boy and girl is invited.No boy and no girl is there now.iv. A、B为两个

11、不可分的东西时,谓语动词用单数A law and rule about protecting environment has been drawn up.Bread and butter is nutritious.b) 由or, not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor连接主语时,谓语的人称和数与靠近的主语一致(注意,叙述句和疑问句随语序不同而不同)Either you or I am mad.Neither you nor he is naughty.Not only the farmer but also his family were friendl

12、y to me.c) 当主语后跟有with, along with, together with, besides, except, like, including, as well as, rather than等词的时候,谓语动词不受词组的影响,仅和主语保持一致All but one were here just now.A library with five thousand books is offered to nation as a gift.2. 单一主语的情况a) 以复数形式结尾的名词作主语时,例如physics, maths, economics, news, means,

13、works, 等一般在谓语动词中用单数形式, 当然,若表示复数的意思则另当别论Physics is very important.Every means has been tried.b) 表示双部分工具的名称,衣服名称等作主语时,例如trousers/pants, shoes, glasses, scissors剪刀, goods, clothers等,谓语用复数形式;如果这些词由Pair(suit, piece, series, kind)+ of修饰的时候,谓语动词要用单数My trousers are white and his clothes are black.A pair of

14、scissors is lying in that drawer.但是在these/those pairs () of + 复数名词之后,谓语动词则用复数形式These kinds of glasses are popular this summer.3. 动名词,不定式,从句作主语的时候,谓语动词一般要用单数To see is to believe.Swimming is a good way to keep health.Who is her father is not known.4. 集体名词作主语时a) mankind/humanity/man(人类)作主语的时候,谓语动词一般用单数

15、形式Only man is knows how to cook.b) 由people, police, cattle, youth等集体名词作主语的时候,谓语动词用复数形式The cattle are grazing in the field.c) Family, croud, class, public, enemy等集体名词作主语的时候i. 若当整体看,则谓语动词用单数形式Our class is very diligent.ii. 若他们表示的人或者事物当作若干个个体来看,谓语动词则用复数形式When I came into the room, his family were watch

16、ing TV.iii. A family/group/class作主语时,谓语动词用单数families/groups/classes作主语时,谓语动词用复数A group is coming to the zoo. 5. 其他情况a) 主语为表示距离、时间、长度、价值、金额、重量等复数名词的时候,谓语动词用单数形式3 kilometers is not very far.Three times three makes nine.b) one, every/each one, each, anyone, either, neither + of + 复数名词谓语动词一般用单数形式,因为of之后

17、的复数名词不是主语而是介词of的宾语,of前面的one, every one 才是主语Neither of them is right.Each of them has a slide.c) none of + 不可数名词谓语动词用单数形式none of + 可数名词谓语动词单复均可None of that money in the desk is his.None of his classmates knows the truth.d) 分数或百分数 + of + 词组分数或百分数+ of +词组作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于of后的名词或者代词的数;若名词或代词是复数,谓语动词用复数,若名词

18、或代词是单数,则谓语动词用单数Three-thirds of the surface of the earth is sea.Tens of tons of waste goes into the air with the smoke every day.e) more than one +(单数名词)+单数动词more than two +(复数名词)+复数动词More than one white rose has bloomed.More than two white roses have bloomed.f) a (great) number of + 复数名词 用复数动词the nu

19、mber of + 任何名词 用单数动词A great number of tourists have been to the Great Wall.The number of students in the computer class is limited to ten.g) the + 形容词,表示一类人 谓语动词用复数the + 形容词,表示一类物 谓语动词用单数The rich are for the decision but the poor are against it.The beauty is here.h) every, any, some, no 构成的复合词everyone, everybody, everythinganyone, anybody, anything这些复合词作主语的时候,谓语动词用单数形式 someone, somebody, something,no one, nobody, nothingEveryone in the class was surprised at the news.Listen, someone is knocking at the door.

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