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1、高中自主招生阅读理解专练30篇Passage 1No one can tell you how to adjust to life in the United States. You must make the adjustment through experience, and sometimes, emotional distress. This is the way it usually happens.First, of course, you experience a period of excitement. You have a sense of freedomyou feel

2、liberated from the rules and customs of your own culture, and immensely interested in those of American culture. This period is sometimes called the “the honeymoon” stage. Then certain customs in the United States began to irritate you. For example, we shall consider punctualitythe need to be “on ti

3、me”. Americans look at their watches frequently. They try to be on time for work, for class, for meetings, for games, for religious services, and even for certain events. If you arrange to meet Americans for lunch at 12 but to be there at 12:30, you will probably find that they have either (a) left

4、(b) eaten without you, or (c) become very annoyed (even if they are not hungry). Perhaps you are annoyed that American friendliness seems superficial; or that Americans always act as though they are in a hurry; or that the food never seems to be prepared in the right way. Perhaps you do not even fee

5、l annoyed, just homesick. The reaction can set in within two weeks of your arrival, or six months later, and its symptoms vary greatly. You might have trouble sleeping; you might on the other hand sleep too much. You might find yourself angry at the time, or depressed, or suffering from a vague phys

6、ical illness. You may begin to dislike the United States and its people.Nothing is really wrong with you. You are simply suffering cultural shock. You have a lot of familiar signs and signals, you have discovered that some of your assumptions about human beings are incorrect, and you wish you could

7、make sense of the United States. Then another change comes over you. Sooner or later you begin to laugh at yourself or at the strange things you see in American life, and at that point you begin to recover. Soon, you find yourself living, peacefully, with the same American customs that used to upset

8、 you. You have become bicultural.1) One might feel _ when he first arrives in the United States.A. homesick B. excited C. annoyed D. laughable2) Which of the following makes newcomers in the United States very angry?A. Americans punctuality and superficial friendliness.B. Americans complaint.C. Amer

9、icans education.D. Americans impatience.3) The following are the possible symptoms of cultural shock EXCEPT _.A. sleeping difficulty B. sleeping too much C. a vague physical illness D. a dislike for ones own culture4) According to the passage, which of the following is the best way of surviving in t

10、he United States?A. By ignoring the differences. B. By becoming bicultural.C. By becoming an American . D. By forgetting ones own culture.5) Which of the following best summarizes the passage?A. Life in the United States. B. Customs in the United States. C. Causes and symptoms of cultural shock. D.

11、Traveling in the United States. 参考答案: BADBAPassage 2Paper-cut is a very special visual art of Chinese handicrafts. One saying is that it originated from the religious ceremony or offering sacrifices(贡品). The ancient people cut papers into animals or people. They either buried them with the dead or b

12、urned them on the funerals, wishing that things that paper stood for could be with the dead. Later, they were used during festivals to decorate gates and windows. After hundreds of years development, now they have become a very popular means of decoration among country folk, especially women. It is

13、easy to learn about cutting a piece of paper but very difficult to master it with perfection. Beginners need only a knife and paper. For craftsman, they need knives and gravers of various types to make complicated(复杂的) patterns. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple patterns can be cut

14、 with a knife. For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and then used various kinds of knives to make it. No mistake can be made during the process otherwise the work would fail. Paper cutting covers nearly all topics, from flowers, birds, animals, legendary people, fig

15、ures in classic novels, to types of facial make-up in Peking opera. Paper cutting has various styles in different parts of China. In the past, women living in the countryside gathered in their free time to make paper cutting, which is a way to judge their skillfulness. As society develops, fewer and

16、 fewer people learn this skill while there are some who still regard it as a profession. At present, there are factories and associations for paper cutting in China. Exhibitions and exchanges are held regularly and books of this kind are published. Paper cutting has changed from decoration to a kind

17、 of art. At the same time, paper cutting also appears in cartoons, on stage, in magazines or in TV series. 1. What is the passage mainly about? A. Ancient religious ceremonies. B. A special kind of art form in China. C. Decoration of festivals in ancient China. D. Animals made of paper. 2. Why did a

18、ncient people burn paper animals or people on the funerals? A. They wanted to give them warmth. B. They wanted the dead to have enough food. C. They wanted the animals to accompany the dead. D. They wanted the dead to use them as decoration. 3. From the passage we can see that . A. it is very easy t

19、o become a paper cutting artist B. it takes great patience and skill to make perfect paper cutting C. paper cutting is limited to some topics D. people in different parts of China have similar styles 4. What can we learn from the last paragraph? A. More and more people regard paper cutting as a prof

20、ession. B. Paper cutting is in danger of disappearing in the future. C. Paper cutting is a way to judge a womans skill. D. As a kind of art, paper cutting is still popular today.参考答案: BCBDPassage 3Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best

21、movie maker Hollywood has ever had.He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment. Wilder was one of the first directors to do this. Between the middle 1930s and the 1980s, Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies. During that time he received more than twenty nominations(提名) from the

22、 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He won six of the Oscar awards. His movies have been seen by people around the world.In 1944, Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors. Wilder directed The Lost W

23、eekend in 1945. Ray Milland plays the part of an alcohol rules his life, yet he does not admit it. He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevard. This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies. She plans to return to movies though facing many pr

24、oblems. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Inch. In this movie, a married man wants to cheat on his wife with some of his friends. In 1959, wilder made a funny movie that was v

25、ery popular. It was Some Like It Hot. It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals. They decide to wear womens clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women.Wilder died in March, 2002. He was ninety-five. A current Hollywood producer said, “Billy Wilder made movies tha

26、t people will never forger.”1. The text is mainly about A. The background of American moviesB. wilders achievements in American moviesC. wilders attitude to American moviesD. the development of American movies2. What was Wilder famous for according to Paragraph 2?A. Sharp remarks on society in his m

27、oviesB. His unique style of making moviesC. More than twenty awards he received.D. Almost fifty movies he produced himself.3. Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?A. The lost weekend B. Sunset BoulevardC. Double Indemnity D. Some Like It HotBACPassage 5Brazil has

28、 become one of the developing world s great successes in reducing population growthbut more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rate, Brazil has had a better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.Brazils population gro

29、wth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2. 7 children on average. Marine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes many other Third World countries jealous.Marine

30、puts it down to, among other things, soap opera and installment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the worlds biggest producers of soap operas. Globo, Brazils most popular television network, shows three hours

31、 of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soap operas are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class va

32、luesnot many children, woman working, says Marine. They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and made people conscious of other patterns of behavior and other values, which were put into a very attractive package.Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption was incompatible with unlimited reproduction, sa

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