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1、英语过去式和过去分词不规则动词板块一I高频单词1. 一月 January 2. 二月February 3. 三月 March 4. 四月 April 5.五月 May6. 六月 June 7. 七月July 8. 八月 August 9. 九月 September 10.十月 October11.十一月 November 12. 十二月 December 13.学科 subject 14.科学 science 15. 语文 Chinese 16.地理 geography 17.历史 history 18. 音乐 music 19. 美术 art 20. 特别喜欢的 favorite 21.有用

2、的 useful 22.有趣的 interesting 23.令人厌倦的boring 24.困难的difficult 25. 令人放松的relaxing 26.整洁的tidy 27. 红色(的)red 28.橙色(的)orange 29.黄色(的)yellow 30.白色(的)white 31.紫色(的)purple 32.棕色(的) brown 31. 生日 birthday 32.字典 dictionary 33.图书馆 library 34.模型 model 35. 网球 tennis 36. 排球 volleyball 37.篮球 basketball 38.(英式)足球soccer

3、39.蔬菜 vegetable 40.水果 fruit 41.汉堡包 hamburger 42.草莓 strawberry 43. 面包 bread 44.胡萝卜 carrot 45.早餐 breakfast 46. 午餐 lunch 47. 晚餐 dinner 48.夹克衫 jacket 49.毛衣 sweater 50.裤子 trousers 51.短袜 sock 52.衣服 clothes 53.价格 price 54. 第一 first 55.第二 second 56.第三 third 57.星期日 Sunday 58.星期一 Monday 59. 星期二 Tuesday 60.星期三

4、 Wednesday 61.星期四 Thursday 62.星期五 Friday 63.星期六 Saturday 重点短语1.为而感谢thanks for doing sth 2. 向某人要某物 ask sb. for sth. 3.一套,一副 a set of 4.考虑做某事 think about doing sth 5.一双a pair of 6.至少 at least7.从到 from to 8.完成做某事 finish doing sth 9.起飞,脱下take off 10.参加take part in 11.忙于做某事 be busy doing sth 12.促销 be on

5、sale 板块二I. 高频单词1. 唱歌 sing 2. 游泳swim 3. 跳舞 dance 4. 画 draw 5.写作 write 6. 教 teach 7. 锻炼 exercise 8. 吃起来taste 9.开车 drive 10.居住 live 11.横过cross 12.梦想,做梦 dream 13.离开 leave 14. 穿、戴 wear 15.带来bring 16.放松 relax 17.阅读 read 18.觉得 feel 19.记住 remember 20. 保持 keep 21.学会learn 22.睡觉 sleep 23.救助 save 24.杀死 kill 25.

6、洗wash 26. 喝 drink 27.怀念 miss 28.希望wish 2 9.吉他guitar 30.鼓drum 31.钢琴 piano 32. 中心center 33.音乐家musician 34.组、群group 35.车站;电视台station 36.一刻钟quarter 37.地铁subway 38. 一百hundred 39.分钟 minute 40.村庄village 41.桥 bridge 42. 厨房kitchen 43.头发hair 44.熊猫panda 45.老虎 tiger 46.大象elephant 47.狮子lion 48.长颈鹿 giraffe 49.动物

7、animal 50.澳大利亚 Australia 51.南方(的)south 52.非洲 Africa 53.象征symbol 54.旗帜 flag 55.危险 danger 56.水池pool 57.儿童child 58.美味的 delicious 59.年轻的 young 60.懒惰的 lazy 61.聪明的 smart 62.美丽的 beautiful 63.吵闹的noisy 64.可怕的terrible 65. 脏的dirty 66. 重要的 important 67.安静的 quiet 68.很快地 quickly 69.滑稽的funnyII. 重点短语1. 跟说talk to 2.

8、到达 arrive in/at 3. 练习做某事practice doing sth4.与某人打架 fight with sb. 5.对友好 be friendly to 6. 说英语speak English 7.拉小提琴play the violin 8.善于应付的be good with 9. 结交朋友make friends10.穿上衣服get dressed 11. 刷牙 brush ones teeth 12. 要么要么eitheror13.骑自行车 ride a bike 14. 认为 think of 15. 在和之间between and16.实现 come true 17.

9、听listen to 18. 洗餐具do the dishes19.对某人要求严格 be strict with sb. 20.由组成 be made of 21.kind of 有点儿 afraid of sth害怕某物板块三I高频单词1.天气weather 2.难题problem 3.加拿大 Canada 4.夏天summer 5.冬季winter 6. 果汁 juice 7.欧洲Europe 8.高山 mountain 9.国家 country 10. 餐馆restaurant 11.警察 police 12.医院 hospital 13.北方(的)north 14.十字路口c

10、rossing 15.街区 neighborhood 16.高度 height 17.电影院 cinema 1 8.人 person 19.鼻子nose 20.嘴 mouth 21. 艺术家artist 22. 面条noodle 23.牛肉beef 24.土豆 potato 25.饺子dumpling 26.薄饼 pancake 27.世界world 28.蜡烛 candle 29.答案answer 30. 奶牛 cow 31.农民 farmer 32. 农村countryside 33.花 flower 34.博物馆 museum 35.火 fire 36.油画painting 37. 导游

11、guide 38.礼物 gift 39.扎营 camp 40.海滩 beach 41.老鼠 mouse 42. 语言language 43. 印度India 44.蛇 snake 45.森林forest 46.有风的 windy 47.多云的 cloudy 48.温暖的warm 49.下雪的snowy 50.免费的free 51.直的straight 52.瘦的thin 53. 重的heavy 54.英俊的 handsome 55. 圆形的round 56.特别的special 57.大的large 58. 受欢迎的popular 59.极好的 excellent 60.使人兴奋的exciti

12、ng 61.可爱的 lovely 62.昂贵的expensive 63.黑暗的dark 64.自然的 natural 65.吓坏了的 scared 66.干燥的dry 67. 滑冰 skate 68. 爬 climb 69.描述describe 70.喂养feed 71.采,摘pick move 73.在周围 around 74.幸运地luckily 75.容易地 easily 重点短语 1.捎个口信 take a message 2. 度假 on (a) vacation 3. 在对面across from 4.在前面 in front of 5.喜欢做某事 enjoy doin

13、g sth 6. 中等身材(be) of medium build 7 . a little 一点 8. 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses 9.最后in the end 10. 点菜 take ones order 11. 一(大)碗 one large bowl of 12. 吹灭 blow out 13.切碎 cut up 14. 给带来好运bring good luck to 15. 骑马 ride a horse 16. 相当多quite a lot (of) 17.担心某人worry about sb. 18. 总的来说 all in all 19.对感兴趣 be int

14、erested in 20. 熬夜stay up late 21. 冲某人大喊大叫 shout to sb. 22.使某人感到惊讶的是to ones surprise 23.把某人叫醒wake sb up 24.为付款pay for 25.向右/左转 turn right/left 和是不同的 be different from 27.花时间做某事spend time doing sth板块四I. 高频单词 1. 母鸡 hen 2.活动 activity 3. 建筑物building 4.商人 trader 5.差别 difference 6.雨伞 umbrella 7. 鸭 duck 8.家

15、务事 housework 9.节目 program 10. 秋千swing health 12.结果result 13.心智 mind 14. 牙科医生 dentist 15.杂志 magazine 16. 得分 point 17.比赛 competition 18. 镜子 mirror 19.成绩等级 grade 20. 精彩的 wonderful 21.厌倦的bored 22.潮湿的wet 23.足够的enough 24.饥饿 hungry 25. 外向的outgoing 26.勤奋的 hard-working 27.有才能的 talented 28.严肃的serious 29

16、.必需的 necessary 30.在任何地方 anywhere 31.我自己myself 32.你自己 yourself 33.在下面 below 34.两次twice 35.尽管although 36.差不多almost 37.大声地 loudly 38.安静的quietly 39.清楚地 clearly 40.真正 truly 41.似乎 seem 42.想知道 wonder 43.等候wait 44.(使)摆动 swing 45.死亡 die 46.赢得 win 47.伸手reach 48.感动;触摸touch 49.打破 break 50.信息informationII. 重点短语

17、1. 相当多quite a few 2.写日记 keep a diary 3. 决定做某事decide to do sth 4. 尝试做某事 try to do sth 5. 因为 because of 6.至少 at least 7.例如 such as 8. 多于 more than 9.少于 less than 10. 关心 care about 11.只要;既然 as long as 12.与不同 be different from13.使表现出 bring out 14.和相同 the same as 15.实际上 in fact 16.与相似的 be similar to 17.

18、几乎从不hardly ever 18. 感觉到feel like 19.充满be full of 20.与某人分享某物 share sth with sb 21. 嘲笑某人laugh at sb 板块五I. 高频单词1.戏院theater 2.票ticket 3.歌曲song 4.选择choose 5.相当pretty 6.贫穷的poor 7.给give 8.新闻news 9.计划plan 10.希望hope11.发生 happen 12.著名的 famous 13.变成 become 14.富有的 rich 15.电影 filmII. 重点短语1.到目前为止so far 2.编造 make

19、up 3.查明find out4.愿意迅速做某事be ready to do 5.确信be sure about 6.确保make sure7.在开始 at the beginning of 8.写下write down 9. 同意agree withI. 高频单词 1.纸张paper 2.海洋sea 3.天空sky 4.太空space5.危险的dangerous 6. 假期holiday 7.单词word 8.西瓜watermelon 9.最后finally 10. 工厂factory 11.挖dig 12.秋天autumn13.片;块piece 14.英格兰England 15.糖suga

20、r 16.盐saltII. 重点短语 1.切碎 cup up 2.参与 play a part 3.多次 over and over again 4.许多hundreds of 5.倒下fall down 6.寻找look for 7.去旅行take a trip 8.照料look after 9.拒绝turn down10.混合在一起mix up 11.把加到add to 12. 打开turn on13.在岁时at the age of 14. 一百年之后in a hundred years板块七 I. 高频单词1. 考试exam 2.工作日weekday 3.难过的sad 4.高兴的gla

21、d 5.惊奇的surprised 6.音乐会concert 7.未来future 8.抓住 catch 9.会议 meeting 10.巧克力chocolate 11.难过upset 12. 的士taxi 13.建议advice 14. 旅行travel 15.钱包wallet 16.生气的 angry 17. 粗心的careless 18.错误mistake 19. 小心的carefulII.重点短语1.准备prepare for 2.下一次another time 3.闲逛hang out 4.照顾look after 5.拒绝turn down 6.期待look forward to 7

22、.收到某人的信hear from 8. 保持秘密keepto oneself 9.分半in half板块八I. 高频单词 1.发烧 fever 2.休息 rest 3.生病的 sick 4.护士nurse 5.孤单的lonely 6.强壮的strong 7.独自alone 8.修理repair 9.信letter 10.打开open 11.门door 12.激动的excited 13.聪明的clever 14.理解 understand 15.扫地sweep 16.扔throw 17.借入borrow 18.借出lend 19.厌恶hate 20.衬衫shirtII. 重点短语 1.躺下lie

23、 down 2.感冒have a cold 3.下车get off 4.马上right now 5.习惯做某事be used to doing sth. 6.过去常常做某事used to do sth. 7.打扫clean up 8.分发give out/ hand out 9.想出 come up with 10.推迟put off 11.打电话call up 12.修理fix up13.赠送give away 14建立set up 15.尽快as soon as 16.总是,反复 all the time 17照顾take care of/ care about板块九I. 高频单词1. 允

24、许allow 2.错误的wrong 3. 争吵,争论argue 4. 代替instead 5. 焦虑的nervous6. 自愿给予offer 7.解释,说明explain 8. 归还return 9. 不再anymore 10. 成员member 11. 压力pressure 12. 迅速的quick 13. 持续continue 14. 推动,督促push 15. 造成,引起cause 16. 奇怪的strange 17. 报道report 18. 窗户window 19. 倚,碰,撞against 20.突然suddenly 21. 认识到realize 22. 篇章passage 23.

25、 沉默silence 24. 最近recently 25日期,日子date 26. 事实truth 27. 虚弱的weak 28. 隐藏,隐蔽hide 29. 欺骗,骗子cheat 30. 妻子wife 31. 没有人nobody 32. 丈夫husband 33. .地,地面ground 34. 声音voice 35. 勇敢的brave II. 重点短语1. look through 浏览,快速查看 2. work out 解决,算出 3. compare with 比较,对比4. get on with 和睦相处;关系良好 5. so that以便 6. in one s opinion

26、依看7. pick up 接电话,捡起,拾起 8. fall asleep 进入梦乡, 睡着 9. at first 首先11. wake up 醒来 12. instead of 代替 13. turn into 变成14. a bit (of) 有一点,一会儿 15. once upon a time从前,很 XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我模块十 高频单词1.政府government 2.米,公尺meter 3.深的deep 4.沙漠desert 5.人口population 6. 油,石油oil 7.旅行,旅游tour 8.保护,防护protec

27、t 9.古代的ancient 10.墙wall 11.宽阔的wide 12.厚的thick 13.包括,包含include 14.成功(v.)succeed 15.完成achieve 16.自然nature 17海洋 ocean 18.解释,说明explain 19.成年的,成人adult 20.研究research 21.病,疾病illness 22. 现代的modern 23. 属于,归属belong 24. 唱片,记录record 25.岛island 26.页,张page 27.匆 忙,赶快hurry 28.朝,向towards 29.大地,陆地land 30.船ship 31.科技 technology 32. 介绍introduce 33.永远forever 34.在国外abroad 35.南方的southern II.重点短语1. 放弃give up 2. 即使;尽管even though=even if 3. 据我所知as far as I know 4. 到达,至多有up to 5. 跌倒fall over 6. 绊倒fall over 7. 照顾take care of 8. 充满be full of 9. 快点hurry up 10. 成长grow up 11. 属于belong to 12. 实现梦想achieve ones dream

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