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1、外贸合同中英文对照版外贸合同买 方: 卖 方: 签订日期: 年 月 日第 1 页 共 14 页The Buyers:买方:Add:地址:Tel:Fax:The Seller:Add:地址:Tel:Fax:This Con tract is made by and betwee n the Buyers and The Sellers: whereby th e Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the un der-me nti oned com modity according to the terms and conditi

2、ons stipulated below:此合同依据下述条款规定由买卖双方签定,买方同意购买并卖方同意出售下述商品DESCRIPTION OF GOODS物描述Item项目Commodity Specificati on商品规格Qua nti ty数量Unit Price单价Total Price 总价TOTAL:总计2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:商品制造商及原产地国:3. PACKINGTo be packed in strong wooden cases or in cartons or in container(s) , suitable

3、for long distanee air freight transportation and change of climate , well protected aga inst moisture and shocks. The Sellers shall be liable forany damage of the commodity and expe nses in curred on acco unt of improper paeking and for any rustattributable to in adequate or improper protective meas

4、ures take n by the Sellers in regard to the pack ing.包装:用牢固的适于长途空运的纸箱或木箱或集装箱包装,卖方对所有因不适当的包 装而引起的锈蚀及损坏而负责任。4.SHIPPING MARKThe Seller shall mark on each package with fadeless paint the package nu mber, gross weight , net weight , measureme nt and the word in gs: “ Keep away from moisture ”, “ Handle w

5、ith Care ” “THIS SIDE UP” etc. and the shipping mark.唛头:卖方应用不褪色的颜料在每个包的包数,毛重、净重、测量和文字:“防潮”,“小心轻放”“此端向上”等和唛头。5. TIME OF SHIPMENT:装运时间:6. PORT OF SHIPMENT:装运港口:7. PORT OF DESTINATION:目的港口:8. INSURANCEFor FOB or CFR Terms to be covered by the Buyers from the shipme nts , for CIF Terms , to be covered b

6、y the Sellers from shipment. , 110% of the invoice value coveri ng All Risks and War Risks.保险:对FO或CFR条款,由买方投保,对 CIF条款,由卖方投保, 金额为发票金额的110% 一切险和战争险。9. PAYMENT付 款(A) The Buyers shall open an irrevocable letter of credit with Bank of China, Beijing , in favor of the Sellers , for the total value of the

7、shipment.The credit shall be available against Seller s draft drawn at sight on the ope ning bank for 90% in voice value accompa nied by the shipp ing docume ntsspecified in Clause 10 hereof. Payme nt shall be effected by the ope ning bank against presentation to them the aforesaid draft and documen

8、ts. The letteday of the shipment is effected.The remaining 10% shall be released against the final acceptance certificate signed by the Buyer and the Seller. 买方将通过中国银行开出一份金额为发货全额以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。 信用证将随同卖方的即期汇票和合同第十章所述单据及向开证行议付 90%金额发票。开证行将凭所提示的上述单据付款。信用证的有效期为发货后的 21天。(B) After shipment , the Sellers

9、 may draw on the Buyers at sight and send the draft together with the shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereofto the Buyers through the Seller s bank and Bank of China , Beijing for collection.发货后,卖方可以通过其银行向中国银行提交合同第十章规定的单据向卖方托收。(C) The Buyers shall effect the payment within fifteen working

10、days by Teleg raphic Transfer against the Buyer receipt the documents stated in Clause 9 of the contract from the Seller and found them in order. 买方在收到卖方按第九章所规定的单据并审核无误后的十五个工作日内以电汇的方式 支付货款。10. DOCUMENT单据(1) Each original and Photostatted Airway Bill marked Freight to Collect/Freight Prepaid , contra

11、ct number and shipping marks , and consigned to Buy ers notifying the Buyers.The third partys documents are acceptable.The Airway Bill issued by Air-Lines (Aviation Co.) or the House Airway Bill(HAWB) issued by the agent named by the Buyer for air transportation shallbe acceptable. The HAWB not issu

12、ed by agent named by the Buyer shall not be acceptable.注明运费预 /到付 ,合同号和麦头收货人为买方,通知买方的空运提单正副本各一 份。第三方文件可以接受。航空公司签发的运单或买方的运输代理签发的分运单可以 接受。非买方的运输代理签发的分运单不可以接受。(2) Invoice in 6 (six ) originals indicating contract number and container numbers made out in details as per the relative contract. 一式六份标明合同号和集装

13、箱号,并详列与附件一致的发票 ( 如有两个以上的集装箱应分别列明 ) 。(3) Packing list in 6 (six ) copies issued by the Manufacturer. 一式两份由生产厂家开出的与发票相符的装箱单。(4) Certificate of quality and quantity issued by the Manufacturer 由生产厂家开出的品质 / 数量证书。(5) Copy of cable/fax/telex to the Buyer advising the particulars of shipme nt immediately af

14、ter shipment is made.一份装船后电传 / 传真通知买方发货的发货通知。(6) For CIF terms , one original and one copies of Insurance Policy for 110% of the invoice value , showing claims payable in China , incurrency of t he draft , blank , covering air transportation All Risks and War Risks.在CIF条件下,保险单一份正本两份副本两份。(7) One Phot

15、ostatted copy of effective Export License issued by the Governm ent , if necessary.如有必要一份政府出具的出口许可证。In addition , the Seller shall , within 7 days after shipment , send by air mail one set of aforesaid documents (except item 5) one set directly to theBuyers and one set to the Buyers by Fax within 48

16、 hours after shipment.另外,卖方应在交货后的七天内空邮上述一套单据 (不含第五项 ) 给买方,并在发货后 4 8小时内传真一套给买方 .The number of the document and their contents shall be complete and correc t, if the Buyer fails to pass the Customs and take-over the goods in time due to the Seller not having provided the documents specified as above ,

17、 all losses shall be borne by the Seller.上述文件的数量和内容应是完整无误 . 若由于卖方没有提供上述单据而造成买方不能及 时报关,所有损失均由卖方负担。11. SHIPMENTThe seller shall , 15 days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Clause 5 of the contract , advise the Buyer by fax of the contract No. , commodities , quantity , value , number of pa

18、ckage , gross weight , measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment.The Seller shall pay any taxes , custom duties and fees as well as chargeslevied in respect of the exportation of the goods contracted , and bear ris ks of the goods before the goods have been delivered to the above-men

19、tioned air carrier at the port of shipment specified in the contract.卖方应在本合同第 5条所述的装运日期前 15天以传真通知买方合同号,商品名称,数 量,总价,装箱数量,重量,体积及在起运港的备货日期。卖方应自负与出口货物有关的各种税赋,关税及费用,并承担货物的全部风险直到货 物被交付前述的起运港空运承运人掌握。In case of FOB:The Seller shall deliver the goods within the time of delive r into the charge of the air car

20、rier or his agent named by the Buyer at the port of shipment specified in the contract.在FOB青况下:卖方负责在装运期内将货物运输到合同规定的交货港交付由买方指定的 空运承运人或其代理掌握。In case of CFR:The Seller shall deliver the goods within the time of deliveimmry from the port of delivery to port of destination. The Seller shall ediately afte

21、r dispatch of the goods , advise the Buyer by fax of the contract No. , commodity , invoice value and the date of dispatch for the Buyer to arrange insurance in time.Should the port of destination marked on the airway bill be found not in co nformity with the stipulations of this contract , the Buye

22、r shall have theright to refuse to effect the payment.在CFR青况下:卖方负责在装运期内将货物从装运港运输到目的港。卖方应在货物起运 后立刻用传真通知买方合同号,商品名称,发票金额,装运日期以便买方及时安排保 险。如果空运单据上标明的目的港与合同规定不符,买方有权拒付货款。In case of CIF terms:The Seller shall ship the goods within the time of shi pment from the port of shipment to the port of destination.

23、The air freigh t, insurance premium in respect of the exportation of goods contracted sha ll be borne by the Seller.在CIF情况下:卖方负责在装运期内将货物从装运港运输到目的港。与出口货物有关的 合同货物的运费,保险费由卖方承担。12. SHIPPING ADVICEThe Sellers shall , immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods , advise by fax the Buyers o

24、f the Contract No. , commodity , quantity , invoiced value , gross weight and date of sailing etc. In case the Buye r fails to arrange insurance in time due to the Seller not having informed in time , all losses shall be borne by the Seller. 装运通知:卖方应该在货物装船完毕后,立刻通知买方合同号,货物,数量,发票金 额,毛重,船名及起航时间。如果由于卖方没

25、有及时通知买方发货时间而导致买方没 有投保,所有的损失将由卖方负担。13. GUARANTEE OF QUALITYThe Sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materia ls with first class workmanship , brand new and unused , and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract a nd conforms to

26、the data sheets or technical manuals of the commodities cont racted. The guarantee period shall be 12 months counting from the date on w hich the commodity arrives at the port of destination , and /or counting from the date on which the Acceptance Certificate has been signed by the repr esentatives

27、of both parties , if the installation and inspection for acceptance of the commodities contracted are required.品质保证:卖方保证此货物是用最好的材料,一流的工艺,是原厂、原包装,符合合 同的规定的品质和级别的新产品,担保期为货物到达目的港之日起或双方签署验收报 告之日(如有安装) 12个月。14. CLAIMSshould theWithin 120 days after the arrival of the goods at destinationspecification , o

28、r quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulation s of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance company or th e owners of the vessel are liable , the Buyers shall , on the strength of the Inspection Certificate issued by the State Administration of Import and Export Commodit

29、ies Inspection of the People s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as SACI) , have the right to claim for replacement with newgoods, or for compensation or repair and all expenses (such as inspection charges , repairing fee , freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement , o

30、r the repaired goods , insurance premium , storage and lo ading and unloading charges etc.) shall be borne by the Sellers. As regards quality , the Sellers shall guarantee that if , within 12 months from thedate of arrival of the goods at destination , or 12 months counting from the date on which th

31、e Acceptance Certificate has been signed by the represent atives of both parties , if the installation and inspection for acceptanceof the commodities contracted are required , damages occur in the course o f operation by reason of inferior quality , bad workmanship or the use of inferior materials

32、, the Buyers shall immediately notify the Sellers in writ ing and put forward a claim supported by SACI.The Certificate so issued shall be accepted as the base of a claim. The Sel lers , in accordance with the Buyers claim shall be responsible for the im mediate elimination of the defect(s) , complete or partial replacement of the commodity or shall devaluate the commodit

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