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1、专接本考试英语试题2004年专接本考试(英语)试题分类:真题资料2006.10.8 01:00 作者:zsbhb | 评论:2 | 阅读:11175 (满分:150分) I、Phonetics(10points) 1、A、tea B、weather C、leather D、bread 2、A、chemistry B、stomach C、machine D、Christmas 3、A、cool B、book C、fool D、booth 4、A、ground B、sound C、around D、country 5、A、heart B、earth C、learn D、heard 6、A、part

2、y B、army C、warm D、farming 7、A、pine B、exist C、besides D、bicycle 8、A、easy B、reply C、friendly D、activity 9、A、cover B、crop C、city D、copy 10、A、wheel B、where C、white D、whosec Vocabulary and Structure(40points) 11、The reason_he came late for the meeting was difficult to say A、because B、as C、why D、for 12、_

3、we are allowed to go abroad is still a question A、If B、Whether C、That D、As 13、Please dial 120_ traffic accident A、in case B、in the case of C、lest D、in case of 14、It is only _ walk to go there on foot A、ten minutes B、ten minutes C、ten minutes D、ten-minutess 15、Would you like tea or coffee? Oh,_ A、eac

4、h one is good B、each will be fine C、either dose well D、either will do 16、She has got a chair_ A、to sit B、for sit on C、to sit on D、for sitting 17、_ he came ,he would take some pieces of mews A、Every time B、after C、since D、Now that 18、Tom had opened the door_ Mary had time to knock A、until B、before C、

5、as D、although 19、I was_ to leave the room when the telephone rang A、already B、start C、off D、about 20、They had stored a _ quantity lf grain in their house A、large B、much C、many D、lot 21、Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature_ A、taken B、taking C、to take D、take 22、Do you think he studies ha

6、rder than _ in his class? A、any other boy B、any boys C、another D、any other boys 23、The roof of the house is white, It_ last night A、should rain B、must have rained C、must rain D、should have rained 24、_,Id have told you A、If I would have known tit B、If I have had known it C、Had I known it D、Should I k

7、now it 25、Are you sure you_ use the new machine? A、know to B、know the C、know how D、know how to 26、We can overcome all the difficulties _ we are closely united A、as long as B、as for as C、as well as D、as good as 28、Never once _ for class when he was at college A、did he late B、was he late C、he was late

8、 D、he did late 29、The bus was held up on the way to the airport, otherwise I _the plane A、must catch B、have caught C、could have caught D、ought to catch 30、It ix generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants A、whichever B、however C、wherever D、whatever 31、You dont need to introduce him

9、 to me. I_ him several times A、had met B、met C、have met D、meet 32、Would you like a drink first_shall we get down to have the discussion right away? A、or B、otherwise D、then D、when 33、Ill be away about ten minutes. Would you mind keeping an eye on my suitcase? Not at all._ A、I d rather not B、I ve no t

10、ime C、I d be happy to D、You may go 34、If it_ this evening, I wont go to the cinema with you A、will rain B、have rain C、rained D、rains 35、The ideal_he had sought all his life no longer seemed important to him A、after which B、from which C、with which D、at which 36、much_she likes him, she doesnt intended

11、 to marry the rich man A、since B、as C、until D、when 37、_their difference in characters, they are good roommates A、Instead of B、In case of C、Besides D、In spite of 38、The higher the temperature, _ A、the pressure is B、the greater the pressure C、the pressure is great D、the great the pressure 39、Lets_when

12、 the train will arrive A、discover B、find C、find out D、look 40、It is important that you_what the speaker says at the meeting A、will write down B、are writing down C、are written down D、write down 41、The teacher says your article needs_ A、to rewrite B、rewriting C、be rewritten D、being rewriting 42、there

13、is_to eat in the house, so I must go to the street to have_noodles A、anything.any B、something.some C、nothingsome D、nothing.any 43、_quit capable of working out this problem A、Either of the children is B、Either of children are C、Either of the children are D、Either of children is 44、The population of t

14、he developed countries is declining, while_of the developing countries is growing A、that B、this C、those D、these 45、If this continues to take place at the present rate,_another fifty years, the world will be crowded with big ants A、at B、for C、in D、on 46、_it had been very dry last year, the villagers

15、still had a good harvest A、however B、since C、Although D、Furinmore 47、He didnt remember_the book and said he would give it to me the next day A、to return B、to be return C、returning D、bing returned 48、Im looking forward to_form you A、hearing B、hear C、heard D、listen 49、John will_Jack to be the general

16、manager, for Jack is going to change his work A、take place B、take the place of C、take his place D、take the place 50、All the family stayed home on the New Years Day with the doors_ A、to close B、closed C、closing D、close .Pointing out Mistakes(10points) 51、Every year they A(earn) a lot of money B(from)

17、 the C(fields) they D(take care) 52、After a A(visit) to the village ,I decided to help the B(poor) children C(as more as) I D(could) 53、A(Though) the birth rate is B(reducing rapidly), but the C(worlds)population is still D(increasing) 54、A(By) B(the end of 2005), the number of students in C(the)sch

18、ool D(will reach) 10,000 55、 A(Would) you please ask please ask them B(dont) speak C(too) loudly? I cant D(hear) the teacher 56、I told her I A(am) worried B(about) the boys C(the teacher) sent D(to me) 57、He is A(the very)person B(takes) charge C(of) the school-factory D(all by) himself 58、 A(This)

19、small mountain village is B(such) beautiful that people like C(to have) a visit D(there) 59、It was very much quiet A(and) you B(could hear) the sound of a pin C(drop) D(onto) the floor 60、The man A(that) went B(back) home was not suitable C(for) the job D(given him) .Reading Comprehension(40points)

20、Passage one In only two decades Asian Americans have become the fastest growing US minority. As their children began moving up through the nations schools, it became clear that a new class Of academic achievers was emerging Their achievements are reflected in the nations best universities, where mat

21、hematics, science and engineering departments have taken on a decidedly Asian character. This special liking for mathematics and science is partly explained by the fact that Asian-American students who began their educations abroad arrived in the US with a solid grounding in mathematics but little o

22、r no knowledge of English. Thy are also influenced by the promise of a good job after college, Asians feel they will be judged more objectively. And the return on the investment in education is more immediate in something like engineering than with an arts degree. Most Asian-American students owe th

23、eir success to the influence of parents who are determined that their children take full advantage of what the American educational system has to offer, An effective measure of parental attention is homework, Asian parents spend more time with their children than American parents do, and it helps, M

24、any researchers also believe there is something in Asian culture that breeds success, such as ideals that stress family values and emphasize education Both explanations for academic success worry Asian-Americans because of fears that they feed a typical racial image. Many can remember when Chinese,

25、Japanese and Filipino immigrants were the victims of social isolation(隔绝). Indeed, it was not until 1952 that laws were laid down giving all Asian immigrants the right to citizenship 61、While making tremendous achievements at college, Asian-American students_ A、feel they are mistreated because of li

26、mited knowledge of English B、are afraid that their academic successes bear a strong character C、still worry about unfair treatment in society D、general feel it a shame to have to depend on their parents 62、What are the major factors that determine the success of Asian-Americans? A、A solid foundation

27、 in basic mathematics and Asian culture B、Hard work and intelligence C、Hard help and a limited knowledge of English D、Asian culture and the American educational system 63、Few Asian-American students major in human science mainly because_ A、their English is not good enough B、they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas C、there is a wide difference between Asian and western cultures D、they know little about American culture and society 64、why do the two explanations(Line1, para . 3)worry Asian-Americans? A、They are

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