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Join in 四年级上册知识点.docx

1、Join in 四年级上册知识点Join in 四年级上册(必清知识点) 学 生: Starter unit Welcome back欢迎回来 3Unit 1 When is your birthday?你什么时候生日? 6Unit 2 In the classroom 在教室里 8Unit 3 Mumbers 数字 11Unit 4 School 学校 13Unit 5 Free time空闲时间 17Unit 6 Games 游戏 20Starter unit Welcome back欢迎回来2a 单词分类 bear bird cat dog fish clock schoolbag sh

2、irt skirt jeans socks sweater apple bananas rabbit bread noodles chicken arms face mouth legs cap hair pencils chairs sweaters desk monkeys bananas 3a 短语have breakfast put on T-shirt put out pencils吃早餐 穿上T恤 拿出铅笔put book in schoolbag want to swim say “come in”把书放进书包 想游泳 说“进来”3b 动词及短语eat come play ope

3、n take out 吃 来 玩 打开 拿出swim sit put on put go to school游泳 坐 穿上 放 去上学4 短语close your eyes 闭上眼睛5 句型回顾(1).Whats your favourite game, Ben?(2).Whats your favourite day. Chen Zihan?(3).Whats your favourite colour?(4).Whats your favourite food, Jane?(5).Whats your favourite number?(6).Whats your favourite an

4、imal?6a 复习星期几和数字星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日10111213141516171819207 名词单复数转换a shirtfour capsa sweaterfive _one _six _two _a _two feetone eyeeight teethone _8 句型及单词 (1).The cat is scared. (2).The rabbit is angry. (3).The frog is happy. (4).The mouse is tired. (5).The dog is sad.9 连线What colour are your shoes

5、? Yes,I have.Do you like football? Red and white.How many boys are there? Nine apples.Have you got a bike? No, I dont.Whats in your bag? Twenty-six.Unit 1 When is your birthday?你什么时候生日?2 月份名词JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril一月二月三月四月MayJuneJulyAugust五月六月七月八月SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember九月十月十一月十二月3b 句型(1).

6、When is Zhao Weis birthday? 赵薇的生日是什么时候?(2).When is Thomas birthday?(3).When is Karens birthday?(4).When is Davids birthday?5 对话Today is Pits birthday.- Happy birthday!-Thank you.6a 对话 -Hello,Sam! Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 -Nice to meet you, Liu Ying. Canada. Twelve? When is your birthday? Im twelve.

7、 Where are you from? In October. How old are you?6b 对话 (1).Have you got a pet? Yes, a cat. (2).Do you like your yellow T-shirt? Yes, I do. (3).Whats your favourite colour? Its green. (4).Whats your favourite day? My favourite day is Saturday. (5).When is your birthday? Its in March.8 Colours of the

8、seasons 季节的颜色 Spring is green. Summer is red. Autumn is yellow. Winter is white. 9a 词汇 cool cold hot warm 凉爽的 寒冷的 热的 温暖的Unit 2 In the classroom 在教室里1b 句型和单词 -Whats number 1? 图片1是什么? -Its a floor. floor curtain light window 地板 窗帘 灯 窗户 table chair blackboard door 桌子 椅子 黑板 门1c 句型 (1)-Whats this? (2) -W

9、hat about this?- Its a floor. -Its a cat. 2 句型:方位介词in 在里面on 在上面under 在下面behind 在后面In front of-Where is the ball ?-Its 4b 句型:一般疑问句 Is there a ? Yes. (No) Are there any? Yes. (No) (1).Are there any chair in the room? 房间里面有一些椅子吗? (2).Is there a chair in front of the window? 窗户前有一把椅子吗? (3).Are there any

10、 books in the schoolbag? (4).Is there a board on the wall?(5).Are there any pens in the pencil case?(6).Is there a mouse behind the curtain?5a 句型six seveneight ninethree twogreen blackRed brown How many desks are there? 那儿有多少把椅子? How many chairs are there? How many windows are there? What colour is

11、the board? What colour is the door?6a 故事 B:Look, a frog. 看,一只青蛙 R: Lets catch it! 让我们抓住它。 Well done! Put it in your bag. 干得好!把它放进你的包吧。 B: No! R: Put it on the board! 把它放到黑板上。 B: No! R: Put it under the teachers desk! 把它放到老师的桌子下。 B: No! R: Put it behind the curtain! 把它放到窗帘后面。 B: No! R: Put it in the

12、teachers desk. 把它放到老师的桌子里。 B: Good idea. 好主意。 T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, Sir. T: Open your books, please. 请打开你们的课本。 CROAK CROAK ! Ha Ha Ha Ha! T: Ah, here you are. 啊,你在这儿呢。 Now its my turn. Abracadabra 现在轮到我了。Unit 3 Mumbers 数字2 数字1314151617181920thirty forty fifty sixty30 40 50 60 seve

13、nty eighty ninety a hundred70 80 90 100 4 句型 (1).-What is eighteen plus forty-eight? -Its sixty-six. (2).-What is ninety-nine minus twenty-six? -Its seventy-three.5b 句型 Youre hot. 你很热。 Put it in your pocket. 把它放进你的口袋 Open the door. Thats 70P 那是70磅 Oh,no! Theres a big hole in your pocket. 你的口袋有个大洞。 T

14、ake your money. 拿着你的钱。 Run to shop. 跑去商店。 Say”A big ice cream,please” 说“请给我一个大冰激凌” Look for your money. 寻找你的钱。8 对话A: An ice cream,please. 请给我一个冰激凌B: Here you are. 给你。 A:How much is it? 它多少钱? B: 43P. 43磅。 A: Two banannas,please. B: OK. A: How much are they? 他们多少钱? B: 55P. A: Here you are. B: Thank yo

15、u.Unit 4 School 学校1a 词汇Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。How cool! 多棒啊!library canteen gym 图书馆 食堂 体育馆 classroom computer room playground 教室 电脑室 操场1b 句型 (1).Is their school big? 他们的学校大吗? (2).Is it small? 它小吗? (3).Are there many classrooms? 有很多教室吗? (4).Is there a library? 有图书馆吗? (5).Are there many books

16、 in it? 它里面有很多书吗? (6).Is there a gym at the school? 学校有体育馆吗?2 连线和对话 We have classes in the library. We often read in the computer room. We have lunch on the playground. We play sports in the classroom. We have computer class in the canteen,(1).- Is your school big? (2).-Is there a library?-No, its s

17、mall. -Yes, I often read in the library.3 写作4 故事Timmy Emma: Look,Mum.Here is my prize. 看,妈妈,这是我的奖品。 Mum: Lovely! 很可爱。 Timmy: Timmypencil case Mum: Stop it,Timmy. 不要动,提姆。 Mum: Emma,help me,please. 艾玛,请帮我一下。 Emma: My pencil case! Wheres my pencil case? 我的笔盒去哪儿了? Timmy,wheres my pencil case? 提姆,我的笔盒呢?

18、Timmy: Timmypencil casetree Emma: Tree? Its not here. Mum! Ive got it! 妈妈,我找到它了。5b 短文 She is from Japan. She has got black hair. She is my good friend. She likes Art. She is from America. She has got brown hair. Shes our class teacher. Im from China. I have got black hair. I am eleven. I like sports

19、. He is from Britain. Ha has got red hair. He is our school head teacher. He is our Art teacher, too. 6 人称代词及动词的第三人称变化练习 He or She(1)._ is Parker._ is from China. (2)._ is May._ is from Japan.has got or have got (3).I _ brown hair. (4).Mr Crow _ red hair.Unit 5 Free time空闲时间1 动词及动词短语 draw sing read

20、swim dance 画 唱 读 游泳 跳舞fly a kite play football play basketball放风筝 踢足球 打篮球play the guitar stand on my head ride a horse 弹吉他 倒立行走 骑马2a 情态动词can I can play table tennis. 改否定句:_ I can play the piano. 改否定句:_3.歌曲 My sister,my brother and me. My brother,Julius,is a genius. 我的哥哥,朱利叶斯是个天才。 He can sing. He can

21、 swim. He can ski. 他会滑雪。 My sister,Barbara,is a superstar. 我的姐姐芭芭拉是个超级明星。She can stand on her head in her bed. I cant sing. I cant swim. I cant ski. I cant stand on my head.Hes a genius.Shes a superstar.But I can drive a racing car. 但是我会开赛车。4 回答问题 (1).Can Julius sing? (2).Look at the boy in yellow.C

22、an he swim? Can he swim?Can he ski? Can he ski? Can he drive a car?6 短文 In our class there are _ pupils. _ pupils can play football. _ pupils cant _. Everybody can _.7 A storyThe new bow and arrow. 一副新的弓箭 Mike: Look,Ive got s new bow and arrow. 看,我得到了一副新的弓箭 Boys and girls: Wow! Super! 哇,太棒了! Girl: L

23、ets go to the park. 让我们去公园吧! Boy: Yes,lets. 好的,走吧。 Mike: Ok,lets go. 好的,咱们走吧。 Girls first. 女孩儿优先。 Girl: Ok. Girl: Your turn,Mike. 轮到你了,迈克。 Boy: Right. 好的。 Boy: You are the winner, Mike. 你赢了,迈克。 Mike: I dare you to shoot the duck. 我向你挑战射那只鸭子。 Girl: Yes,try, Mike! 好的,试试,迈克。 Mike and girl: Wow!Great! 哇

24、,太棒了。 Boy: No,never. 不,不要那样做。 Girl: Thanks,Mike,look! 谢谢,迈克,你看!Unit 6 Games 游戏1 游戏 (1).Whats your name? (2).Throw again. 再扔一次。 (3).Whats your telephone number? (4).What are the colours of the window? (5).Whats your favourite day/food/colour? (6).Miss a turn. 错过一次。 (7).When is your birthday? (8).How

25、many windows/boys/girls are there in your classroom? (9).Name three things in your room / things you can eat / things you can wear / three farm animals / the days of the week / all the months.(10).Go back to 4. (11).Whats sixteen plus sixty? 16加60是多少? (12).Have you got a bike? 你有自行车吗? (13).Can you s

26、wim/play the piano? (14).What colour is your school bag?(15).Do you like English? 2a 短文 Hi, Im Jane from London. Lots of school in Britain have a summer fete in July. Here are pictures of our fete. 你好,我是来自伦敦的简。在英国大多数的学校都会在七月举办一个夏日游乐会。这有些我们游乐会的照片。 We sell our used toys, books,puzzles and other things

27、. The children play many different games. Most of our parents come to the fete. 我们卖掉二手玩具,书籍,拼图和其他东西。 孩子们玩许多不同的游戏。 大多数的父母会来游乐会。2b.回答问题 (1).Whats the girls name? 这个女孩儿叫什么? (2).Where is she from? 她来自哪儿? (3).When do they have their summer fete? 他们什么时候举办游乐会? (4).What do the children do at the fete? 孩子们在游

28、乐会干什么? (5).Do their parents come to the fete? 他们的父母来游乐会吗? - Did you enjoy the fete?3 在游乐会上的直升机游戏 (1).Cut out the shape on page 81. 剪掉81页的形状。 (2).Cut along the _ line. (3).Draw 1cm strips like this. 像这样画1cm的长条。 (4).Colour the strips like this. 像这样给长条上色。 (5).Turn the shape round. 把形状翻转过来。Colour the other strips in the same way. 以同样的方式给其他长条涂色。Use the same colours. 用同样的颜色。 (6).Fold the strips back like this. 像这样把长条折叠刀后面来。 Fix a paper clip here. 在这儿固定一个纸夹。 (7).Get on a chair. 登上椅子。Drop the helicopter. 丢这个纸飞机。 Watch it as it flies. 看它飞。What happens to the strips? 长条发生了什么?They turn into c_. 他们变成了

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