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1、学年高中英语Module4SandstormsinAsiaSectionIntroductionModule 4 Sandstorms in Asia Section Introduction & Reading Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.inlandadj. 内地的;内陆的 2.massadj. 大量的;大规模的 3.campaignn. 战役;活动 4.forecastvt. 预报;预告5.processn. 进程;过程 6.citizenn. 公民;市民 7.maskn. 面罩 .拓展词汇 1.frighteningadj

2、.吓人的;可怕的frightened adj.害怕的frighten vt.使害怕fright n害怕2.desertificationn(土地的)沙漠化desert n沙漠3.dustn沙尘;灰尘dusty adj.满是灰尘的4.strengthn力量;力气strengthen vt.加强strong adj.强壮的5.cyclevi.骑自行车bicycle n自行车cyclist n骑自行车的人1. sandstorm n沙尘暴 联想 各种自然灾害tornado 龙卷风 hurricane 飓风 earthquake 地震 lightning 闪电 volcanic eruption 火山

3、喷发 2. forecast vt.预报;预告 记法fore (前面,预先) cast (投;发射) 预报联想fore开头单词小结foretell v. 预言 foresee v. 预见 forehead n. 前额 3. frightening adj.吓人的;可怕的同义“可怕的”形容词荟萃scary 恐怖的terrible 可怕的horrible 恐怖的terrifying 令人惊恐的二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块 突然遭遇(风暴等) 2.cut_down 砍倒 3.dig_up 挖出 4.wake_up_to 醒来面对;意识到; 认识到 5.p

4、revent_sb._from_doing_sth. 阻止某人做某事 6.as_a_result_of/because_of 因为,由于 7.in_this_situation 在这种情况下8.one_after_another 一个接一个地 1.a major disaster 一个主要灾难 2.solve this problem 解决这个问题 3.a mass campaign 一场大规模的运动 4.strong enough 足够强 a child 作为一个孩子,小时候 6.the most frightening and the most dangerous situati

5、on 最可怕、最危险的境况 7.because of climate changes 因为气候变化 prevent it coming nearer 为阻止它逼近三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes. 沙尘暴常常很浓密,以至于遮住了太阳,有时风力大的足以移动沙丘。“so adj./ adv. that .”表示“如此以至于”。My clock rings so_lo

6、udly_that it will certainly wake me up.我的闹钟如此响,以至于它肯定会叫醒我的。2.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”“沙漠化”导致的沙尘暴近几年在中国似乎有所增加。appear to have done表示“似乎做了”,表示动作的完成。Do let your mother know all the truth; she appears_to_have_been_told everything. 千万要让你

7、母亲知道所有的真相,她似乎已经被告知了一切。3. . traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see. 车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。“make形式宾语宾补真正的宾语结构”,it用作形式宾语。My sister made_it_a_rule_toget_up early. 我妹妹把早起作为一个规定。4.To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees. 为阻止沙漠的逼近,政府正在植树。不定式作目的状语。I g

8、o to his house every day to_help_him_with_his_English.我每天去他家帮助他学习英语。1(教材P31)It has lasted for ten hours and was very frightening. 它持续了10个小时并且非常可怕。 frighteningadj.吓人的;可怕的(1)frightened adj. 惊吓的,受惊的,害怕的 be frightened at 受惊吓 (2)frighten vt. 使惊吓,害怕 frighten sb./sth. away 将某人/某物吓跑 The frightening noise se

9、t her hair on end.恐怖的声音使她毛骨悚然。Frightened (frighten) children were calling for their mothers.受惊的孩子们呼喊着妈妈。The alarm frightened the burglar away. 警报铃声吓走了窃贼。2(教材 P31)Deserts are also created because people cut down trees and dig up grass.沙漠的产生也是因为人们砍树和铲除草皮造成的。 cut down 砍倒;削减,减少 cut in 插入,插嘴 cut off 切断;使

10、隔绝 cut up 切碎 Tom has been asked to have the tree cut down. 有人请求汤姆把树砍倒。Dont cut_in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。We were cut_off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。Please cut the apple up into equal pieces. 请把苹果切成大小相同的块。3(教材P32)Scientists have tried many ways to solve

11、this problem and in China, a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.科学家们已尝试过许多办法解决这个问题,在中国,一场大规模的帮助解决沙尘暴问题的运动已经开始了。 mass adj.大量的;大规模的n.团,块,大量a mass of/masses of 许多,大量 the masses 群众 We want to promote literacy on a mass scale. 我们想大规模地提高文化水平。A great mass of snow has fallen off the roof.从房顶掉下了

12、一大块积雪。In the wartime, the masses (mass) devoted whatever they had to supporting the army in fighting against the Japanese. 在战争时期,人民群众把他们所有的东西都捐给了抗日军队。名师点津我们还学过一些表示“许多”的短语,根据其后所修饰的名词可分为以下三种情况:只能修饰可数名词复数:a large number of; a great/good many; quite a few; 只能修饰不可数名词:a great deal of; a large amount of; q

13、uite a little; 既能修饰可数名词也能修饰不可数名词:plenty of; quantities of/a large quantity of; lots of/a lot of。 4(教材 P32)To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.遭遇沙尘暴是一种可怕的经历。 be caught in突然遭遇(风暴等) be caught in be trapped in be stuck in 遭遇be caught doing sth. 做某事被当场抓住 We were caught in the sto

14、rm and got wet.我们遇上大雨,全都被浇透了。I am often caught in a heavy traffic jam on my way to school. 我在上学路上常常遇到堵车。The boy the teachers considered to be the best was caught cheating (cheat) in the exam, which surprised us very much. 老师们认为的最好的那个男孩被抓住考试作弊,这使我们非常吃惊。名师点津 be caught in的主语往往是被困住的人或物,作状语或定语时,要用过去分词形式c

15、aught in。有类似用法的短语还有:be lost in“埋头于”,be addicted to“沉迷于”等。Caught (catch) in the rain last week, she caught a cold.她上周被雨淋了,患了感冒。5(教材 P32)The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.中国中央气象

16、站能在沙尘暴到达北京前几周预报沙尘暴,但沙尘暴的力量有时很惊人。 strength nU力量;力气 C长处,优势 (反义词为weakness) (1)build up ones strength 强身健体 (2)strong adj. 强壮的;浓的 strongly adv. 坚强地 strengthen vt. 加强;巩固 I hardly have enough strength left to move my feet. 我几乎连移动双脚的力气都没有了。The black horse is the stronger (strength) of the pair. 这匹黑马是两者中比较强壮

17、的那个。Difficulties strengthen (strength) the mind, as labor does the body. 困难加强思想,就像劳动增强体质一样。辨析比较strength, energy, power, force strength常指力量,力气,体力;也可指长处、优势energy指自然界的能量,能源;也可指人的精力power主要指权力,还可泛指做某事的能力,也可指物理学中的动力、功率force常指促使物体运动的力,复数形式指“武力,兵力”等选择上述单词填空 He pushed the stone into the river with all his st

18、rength. Jack often takes exercise, such as going cycling, so he is full of energy. Force can never destroy right (正义). Im worried about the urgent situation, but it is beyond my power. 名师点津strength的动词形式是在其后加后缀en构成的,我们学过的加后缀en的词还有:shorten 缩短,减少 widen 放宽,变宽deepen 使加深,变深 lengthen 使延长,加长sharpen 削尖;使敏捷 1

19、. They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴常常很浓密,以至于遮住了太阳,有时风力大的足以移动沙丘。(1)本句中的so . that .意为“如此以至于”。so是副词,修饰形容词或副词;that引导结果状语从句。so . that .结构有以下几种形式:so形容词/副词that .so形容词a/an单数可数名词that .somany/few复数可数名词that .somuch/little 少 不可数名词

20、that .This teacher is so kind that we all like him.这个老师非常和蔼,我们都喜欢他。This is so_interesting_a_book that we all enjoy reading it. 这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。He had so_many_falls_that he was black and blue all over. 他摔了很多跤,以至于全身上下青一块、紫一块的。There was so little water left that we had to drink a little each time. 水剩下的很

21、少,我们每一次只能喝一点。名师点津若little表示“小”时,要用such。He is such a little boy that he cant lift the box.他是这么小的小孩,提不动那个箱子。(2)在such . that .结构中,such是形容词,修饰名词,该结构主要有以下几种形式:sucha/an形容词单数可数名词that .such形容词复数可数名词that .such形容词不可数名词that .This is such_an_interesting_film that we all enjoy seeing it.这部电影非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。He has mad

22、e such great progress that the teachers are pleased with him.他进步得很快,老师们对他感到很满意。2. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”“沙漠化”导致的沙尘暴近几年在中国似乎有所增加。(1)appear此处用作系动词,意为“似乎,好像”,本句中appear to have increased表示increase这一动作发生在appear之前,用不定式的完成式。另外,appear后接不

23、定式的一般式表将来,接不定式的进行式表进行。He appears to have known the fact.他似乎已经知道这件事了。No one appeared to_notice (notice) me.似乎没有人注意我。He appeared to_be_sleeping (sleep) when I passed by.我路过时他似乎正在睡觉。(2)appear后还常接形容词、that或as if引导的从句。She did her best to appear more selfconfident than she felt.她竭力表现得比她感觉的更为自信。It appears t

24、hat she left the party alone.她好像独自离开了晚会。It appears as if/as though I was wrong. 好像我错了。3The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.沙尘暴有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。本句中makes it difficult to see是makeitadj./n.(for sb.) to do结构,其中it

25、作形式宾语,不定式to see为真正的宾语,difficult作宾语补足语。该句型的基本结构:主语及物动词it宾语补足语真正的宾语。My car makes it possible for me to reach my office on time.我的车使我按时到达办公室成为可能。(1)常用于以上结构的动词还有feel, think, find, consider等(2)宾语补足语可以是形容词、名词(3)真正宾语可以是不定式短语、动名词或从句I felt it strange for him to_come (come) to school so early. 他那么早就来上学了,我感到很奇

26、怪。We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house. 我们认为把孩子独自留在家里是不对的。.单句语法填空1A frightened (frighten) hedgehog (刺猬) contracts its body into a ball.2The workers are doing all they can to cut down the accident rate. 3The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes t

27、hat we took masses (mass) of pictures of them. 4Caught (catch) in dealing with such a film, you will be sorry. 5He appeared to_be_reading (read) when I entered the room.6It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk. 7He makes it a rule to_read (read) aloud and recite ten English wor

28、ds every morning. 8I find it no use talking (talk) to a person like him about it. 9The work was so difficult that he could not finish it on time. 10As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard. Meanwhile, I should take exercise to strengthen (strong) my body. .选词填空be caught in, cut down, dig up, w

29、ake up to, as a result of, one after another, strength, frightening 1He has been in high spirits, for pieces of exciting news came to him one_after_another. 2.We saw a frightening big snake in the grass yesterday, which frightened all of us to death. 3Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to bui

30、ld up his strength. 4.He hasnt yet woken_up_to the importance of environmental protection. 5I dug_up an old photo from the drawer yesterday, which reminded me of the days we spend together on the farm.6As_a_result_of the pilots strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.7They hurried away for fear that should be_caught_in rain.8If trees continue to be cut_down at the present rate, it wont be long before there are no trees for shade. 一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Bikes ar

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