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1、职称英语试题及答案完型填空部分汇编职称英语试题及答案完型填空部分Obtaining Drinking Water from Air HumidityNot a plant to be seen, the desert ground is too 1 . But the air contains water, and research scientists have found a 2 of obtaining drinking water from air humidity. The system is based completely on renewable energy and is t

2、herefore autonomous.Cracks permeate the dried-out desert ground and the landscape bears testimony to the lack of water. But even here, where there are no lakes, rivers or groundwater, considerable quantities of water are stored in the air. In the Negev desert1 in Israel2, for example, annual average

3、 relative air humidity is 64 percent - in every cubic meter of air there are 11,5 milliliters of water.German research scientists have found a way of converting this air humidity autonomously into drinkable water. The process we have developed is based exclusively on renewable energy sources such as

4、 thermal 3 collectors and photovoltaic cells, which makes this method completely energy-autonomous. It will therefore function in regions 4 there is no electrical infrastructure, says Siegfried Egner, head of the research team. The principle of the 5 is as follows3: hygroscopic brine saline solution

5、 which absorbs moisture - runs down a tower-shaped unit and absorbs water from the air. It is then sucked into a tank a few meters 6 the ground in which a vacuum prevails4. Energy from solar collectors heats up the brine, which is diluted by the water it has 7 .Because of the vacuum, the boiling poi

6、nt of the liquid is 8 than it would be under normal atmospheric pressure. This effect is known from the mountains: as the atmospheric pressure 9 is lower than in the valley, water boils at temperatures 10 below 100oC. The evaporated, non-saline water is condensed and runs down through a completely f

7、illed tube in a controlled manner. The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed. The reconcentrated5 brine runs down the tower surface 11 to absorb moisture from the air.The concept is suitable for various water 12 . Single-person units and pla

8、nts 13 water to entire hotels are conceivable, says Egner. Prototypes have been built for both system components air moisture absorption and vacuum evaporation and the research scientists have already 14 their interplay on a laboratory scale. In a further step the researchers intend to develop a dem

9、onstration 15 .词汇:autonomous adj.独立的 thermal adj.热的 permeate v.遍布 photovoltaic adj.光电的 hygroscopic n.吸湿的infrastructure n.基础设施brine n.盐水 interplay n.相互作用 saline adj.含盐的注释:1. Negev desert:内盖夫沙漠(位于以色列南部的沙漠地区,占以色列国土面积一半以上)。2. Isreal:以色列 3. as follows:如下4. in which a vacuum prevails:水箱里是真空状态。Which 指代的是前半

10、句的 tank。 Prevail 意为“占上风”。5. reconcentrated:重新浓缩的。练习:答案与题解:1. A第一段说的是,沙漠没有河流、湖泊等,所以缺水。但空气中含有水汽,可以从空气 中吸取水。根据上下文的意思,dry 是答案。2. B 前面的句子说,虽然沙漠缺水,但空气含有水汽,人们可以从中吸湿制水。最后一句 的意思显然是,科学家已经找到从空气中吸湿制水的方法。在四个选项 route( 路 线 ), way(方法),channel(途径)和 road(道路)中,只有 way 最合适。3. D renewable energy(可再生能源)是解题的重要线索,oil/wood/c

11、oal 不是 renewable energy,只有 solar energy 才是 renewable energy。4. C 这套吸湿制水机靠太阳能驱动,他可以自主独立工作,适合于没有发电厂提供电能的 地区使用。there is no electrical infrastructure 是定语从句,修饰地点名词 regions,连接词应该选 where.5. D 本句说明吸湿制水机的工作原理,promise(答应),progress(进展)或 prospect(前景)都与句意不符,只有 process(工作过程,方法)最合适。6. C of the ground 和 with the gr

12、ound 与句意接不上,below the ground 不合逻辑,因 为从空气中吸湿制水的设备不可能安装在地面之下。Off the ground(离开地面),置 设备于离开地面若干公尺的空气之中就合理了。7. A 同一段的前面句子中出现 absorbs moisture 和 absorbs water from the air,这是 吸湿制水机工作过程的第一阶段(第二阶段是用蒸馏法脱盐以获取淡水)。所以, absorbed 是合乎逻辑的选择。8. D 本段第二句由 “ as the atmospheric pressure is lower than in the valley”,这是解题的

13、重要线索。此外,根据科学常识,大气压力降低,水的沸点也 随着降低。所以,lower 是答案。9. B 根据上下文的意思,可以判断出,答案是 there,因为这里的意思是“那儿的大气 压”。10. B 首先要知道四个选项英语单词的词义。gradually(逐渐地)below 100,necessarily below 100(必须地)或 possibly(可能地) below 100,都不符合“大气压力降 低,水的沸点也随着降低”的原理。所以。只有选 distinctly 最合适。11. A 从上下文判断,只有 again 才是答案。其余三个选项填入句子中都说不通。12. A 后面句子的 sin

14、gle-person(units)和 hotels 是吸湿制水机的用户,提示了本题的 答案是 users.13. C 本句的意思是:适合个人使用的吸湿制水机及可供整间酒店用水的吸湿制水厂是有望 制造成功的。Supplying 是答案。吸湿制水机或吸湿制水厂本身不会“使用”(using) 水。Obtaining(获得)后接 from,而本句用的是 to,所以不是答案。Cleaning 也不是 答案,因为若吸湿制水机或吸湿制水厂为酒店清洁用水,cleaning 后要接 for,而不是 to。14. D 从上下文判断,再加上 on a laboratory scale 的提示,本题要选 tested

15、。15. C 本题前面的句子谈到,科学家已经制成了吸湿制水机的原型并在实验室中进行了试验运行,下一步该做什么呢?demonstration 提供了线索,答案应该是(demonstration) facility(示范设备)。第一篇 Captain Cook Arrow LegendIt was a great legend while it lasted,but DNA testing has _1_ ended a two-century-old story of the Hawaiian arrow carved from the bone of British explorer Capt

16、ain James Cook_2_ died in the Sandwich Islandsin 1779.“There is _3_ Cook in the Australian Museum,museum collection manager Jude Philip said not long ago in announcing the DNA evidence that the arrow was not made of CookS bone.But that will not stop the museum from continuing to display the arrow in

17、 its_4_,“Uncovered:Treasures of the Australian Museum,” which_5_include a feather cape presented to Cook by Hawaiian King Kalaniopuu in 1778.Cook was one of Britains great explorers and is credited with_6_ the“Great South Land,_7_ Australia, in 1 770.He was clubbed to death in the Sandwich Islands,n

18、ow HawaiiThe 1egend of Cooks arrow began in 1 824 _8_ Hawaiian King Kamehameha on his deathbed gave the arrow to William Adams,a London surgeon and relative of Cooks wife,saying it was made of Cooks bone after the fatal_9 _ with islanders.In the 1890s the arrow was given to the Australian Museum and

19、 the legend continued _10_ it came face=to-face with science.DNA testing by laboratories in Australia and New Zealand revealed the arrow was not made of Cooks bone but was more _11_ made of animal bone。said Philp.However, Cooks fans _ 1 2 _ to give up hope that one Cook legend will prove true and th

20、at part of his remains will still be they say there is evidence not a11 of Cooks body was _1 3 _ at sea in 1 779.“On this occasion technology has won,”said Cliff Thornton,president of the Captain Cook Society, in a _14_ from Britain.“But I am _15_ that one of these daysone of the Cook l

21、egends will prove to be true and it will happen one day.词汇:DNA n.脱氧核糖核酸Hawaiian adj.夏威夷的Uncovered adj.被发掘的cape n.斗篷credit v.把归功于club v.用棍棒打1. A. finally B. firstly C. lately D. usually2. A. whose B. who C. which D. what3. A. some B. none C. neither D. no4. A. cinema B. exhibition C. shop D. market5.

22、 A. must B. did C. has to D. does6. A. discovering B. visiting C. traveling D. using7. A. then B. now C. past D. previously8. A. how B. where C. when D. that9. A. conversation B. fight C. meal D. dance10. A. however B. until C. after D. whenever11. A. helpfully B. usefully C. likely D. readily12. A.

23、 refuse B. return C. regain D. reply13. A. collected B. washed C. stored D. buried14. A. statement B. suggestion C. proposal D. guess15. A. safe B. weak C. sure D. lucky在线作业参考答案:Captain Cook Arrow Legend1. A. 分析:借助搭配“.地已经结束了.”直接判断A(最终地)2.B.分析:考察定语从句,从句需要主语,且该主语指代Captain James Cook,所以B合适。3 D。 分析:考察否定

24、副词。借助搭配特点空格后直接出现了名词,所以D是答案(no否定名词)4. B. 分析:借助句子中的相关词语museum(博物馆).display(陈列)直接猜测答案为B(展览会)5. D. 分析:借助上文时态一般将来时,及与空格处的搭配结构“考古发现:澳大利亚博物馆的宝藏”包括.直接判断D为答案该题考点:上下文时态和定语从句。6. A。分析:借助句子中出现的词语:explorers (探险家)Great South Land,判断A(发现)是答案。7. B。分析:该题考察插入语结构(插入语结构往往是对前面的名词/代词进行描述,或补充说明,该结构往往以定语(定语从句),状语(状语从句),或同位语

25、的语法结构形式出现)8. C.分析:空格前出现典型时间词1824,空格后是句子,所以直接判断when 可能是答案。 考察:定语从句结构。9. B. 分析:该题考察上下文内容的呼应:前面出现“被棍棒打死”,所以这里选择B(打仗)最合适。10. B.分析:借助空格所在结构的特点和搭配结构含义(持续到.)直接判断答案B(直到)。11. C.分析:分析:根据空格相关结构含义(不是由cook的骨头制成,而是更.是由动物的骨头制成)判断C是答案。12.A. 分析:直接借助搭配结构特点(v. + to 引导的不定式结构)判断A是答案。13.D.分析:借助上文句意和该句句意(不是所有的cook的尸体都在177

26、9年被。海里)判断D(埋葬)是答案。14.A.分析:借助被选项的关系:suggestion和 proposal是近义词,且用法接近,所以相互排除掉,比较A和D,判断A(来自伦敦的)声明)正确。15.C.分析:借助语感(I am sure.)直接猜测答案。第二篇 Avalanche and Its Safety An avalanche is a sudden and rapid flow of snow, often mixed with air and water, down a mountainside. Avalanches are 1 the biggest dangers in th

27、e mountains for both life and property. All avalanches are caused by an over=burden of material, typically snowpack, that is too massive and unstable for the slope 2 supports it. Determining the critical load, the amount of over-burden which is 3 to cause an avalanche, 4 a complex task involving the

28、 evaluation of a number of factors. Terrain slopes flatter than 25 degrees or steeper than 60 degrees typically have a low 5 of avalanche. Snow does not 6 significantly on steep slopes; also, snow does not7 easily on fiat slopes. Human-triggered avalanches have the greatest incidence when the snows

29、angle of rest 1is 8 35 and 45 degrees; the critical angle, the angle at which the human incidence of avalanches is greatest, is 38 degrees. The rule of thumb2 is: A slope that is9 enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski has the potential to generate an avalanche, regardless of the angle. Additio

30、nally3, avalanche risk increases with 10 ; that is, the more a slope is disturbed by skiers, the more likely it is that an avalanche will occur. Due to the complexity of the subject, winter travelling in the backcountry4 is never 100% safe. Good avalanche safety is a continuous 11 , including route

31、selection and examination to the snowpack, weather 12 , and human factors. Several well-known good habits can also 13 the risk. If local authorities issue avalanche risk reports, they should be considered and all warnings should be paid 14 to. Never follow in the tracks of others without your own evaluations; snow conditions are almost certain to have changed since they were made. Observe the terrain and note obvious avalanche paths where plants are 15 or damaged. Avoid traveling below others who might trigger an avalanche. 词汇: avalanche n.雪崩 trigger v.

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