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1、小学四年级下册人教版英语教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit1 Unit One重点1To learn the three skills words: , sandwich, floor, mug, cup, wall 2To learn the four skills words and recite the spelling.3To learn the sentences There is are How many? 4. To use the sentences: What can I do for you? Come you clean the table a

2、nd chairs? etc.5.To learn the song and chant.6. To learn the dialogues and the fun story.7. To do the exercises.Lesson 1教学目的1.To learn the new words.2.To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets paste.教学重点The new words教学难点The new dialogue 教学关键The new words教具准备Tape-reporter, sticker教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习

3、安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Sing a song.2. Revise the 26 letters. Do this in pairs.3. Revise some old words.Step 2 The new lesson1. Show the picture and cards to the pupils. And to teach the sentences.This is a pairs.2. Show the picture to the pupils and put it on the blackboard. Ask the question: Is ther

4、e a desk? Help the pupils to answer : Yes.3. Teach the new sentences: There is a new desk. Ask the pupils to read aloud.4. Ask some student to make another new sentences.Step 3. Practice1. Listen to the tape and read in pairs. Then ask some pairs to read in class.2. Ask some pairs to act it out.3. W

5、rite the new words on the blackboard. Get the pupils to recite the new words. And then read the new words in class.4. Lets paste. Paste the word card on the book.板书设计 Unit One Lesson 1 New words Welcome to my home: this is There is.课后作业必作:Copy the new words and revise the dialogue.时间:10 minutes课后小记选

6、作:课文背诵,建议背诵课文,培养语感。Lesson 2教学目的1. To learn the new words.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets chant.教学重点The new words教学难点The new dialogue教学关键The sentence教具准备Tape-recorder, sticker教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Lets draw. Listen and draw them on a paper. Ask someone to do this in c

7、lass.2. Introduce the pictures objects.Step 2 The new lesson1. Show the cards to the pupils. TV sofaarmchairAsk them :Where should these put in the living-room?2. To teach the new words. Ask some pupils to read aloud.3. Ask : Whats in the living-room? How many sofasarmchairs? And revise the sentence

8、s: There is And then explain the sentence How many? 4. Look at the picture ,listen to the tape and read in pairs. Ask some pairs to read in class.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat after it. Then ask some groups to read in class.2. Read the dialogue in groups and act it out.3. Look at t

9、he sticker. Find the right picture after they check it in class.4. Write down the new words on the blackboard. Hghm课后作业必作:Read and revise the new words.Copy the new words.时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Make up the dialogue时间:10 minutesLesson 3教学目的1. To learn the new words.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets p

10、lay.教学重点The new words教学难点The new dialogue教学关键The sentence 教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Lets chant in Lesson 2.2. Show a picture and ask and answer. Whats ? Help them to answer: There is . There are .Step 2 The new lesson1. Look at the picture and see What

11、 . Talk about what you it.3. Describe it and listen to the tape. And explain the sentence :Come into Will you? Get the pupils to read after the tape and read it several times. Step 3 Practice 1. Listen again ,read in pairs and then try to act.2. Ask some pairs to act it out in class.3. Find the righ

12、t words after the learning.4. Write down the four skills words (cake , the blackboard.5. Draw a picture of the new wods.板书设计 Lesson Three New words : New dialogue: Come into Will you 课后作业必作:Copy the new words and recite the dialogue.时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Prepare the next lesson时间:10 minutesLesson 4教学目

13、的1. To learn the new words.2. To learn the new dialogue.3.Lets chant.教学重点The new dialogue教学难点The new words教学关键The sentence教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Revise the dialogue of Lesson 1 to 3. Ask some pupils to finish it.2. Spelling the four skills words.Ste

14、p 2 The new lesson1. First look at the picture by themselves. See what it. Ask them to answer the questions. They can say in Chinese or English.2. Under the answers, turn up the point.1) Do some the desks and chairsmop the floor) Read after the teacher and ask some pupils to read smoothly.2) Listen

15、and act it out.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape with opening the books. Show the dialogue with one of the pupils. Ask some groups to act it out.2. Find the right words after learning.3. Write down the new words on the blackboard. And get the pupils try to recite them and spelling the four skill

16、words. 板书设计 Lesson Four Revise the words and picture new words new dialogue. 课后作业必作:Recite the dialogue and copy the new words时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Prepare the next lesson时间:5 minutesLesson 5教学目的1. To learn the new words.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets sing.教学重点The new words 教学难点The

17、 new sentence教学关键The new dialogue教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Revise some phrases about 1. Put some words pictures on the blackboard. Read them one by one.2. The teacher give them a number. When the teacher says the numbers ,get the pupils to say the word

18、s in right numbers. Then do it again and try to do it in pairs.3. Listen to the tape, attention to the new sentences : What can I do for you? Get the pupils to practice the dialogue in groups.4. Act the dialogue out in class. Step 3 Practice 1. Find the right words after learning the new words.2. Wr

19、ite down the four skills words on the blackboard. Get the pupils try to recite the new words.3. Listen twice, and learn the song after the tape. Then sing the song in class together.4. Group work. Review this lesson and do the exercises.板书设计 Lesson Five Revise the words and picture new

20、 words new dialogue. 课后作业必作:Read and recite the dialogue, copy the words时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Prepare the next lesson时间:5 minutesLesson 6教学目的1. To learn the fun story.2. To revise the words and dialogue.3. Check.教学重点The story教学难点The new words教学关键The sentences教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方

21、法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Spelling the four skills words in orally.2. Translate some sentences into English.1) What else can I do for you?2) Cover the computer first and then clean the windows with me.3) Please the wall.Step 2 The new lesson1. The teacher and a student do this part in

22、 T: Can you do some you do? S: Mop the floor Make the bed clean the windowsWash the mugs and cups (Revise some phrases like this.)2. Ask several pupils to do this.3. Listen to the tape and repeat after the tape .Then read in pairs and act it out in class.Step 3 Practice1. Read the story together.2.

23、Listen and check the answer.板书设计 Lesson Six课后作业必作:Recite the fun story.时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Revise the Unit One.时间:15 minutes第一单元的单元小结本单元重点学习家中及生活中所涉及到的单词及句子。重点学习的句型是:There is a cake on the table.There are some table cake you do some I do for you?并能在实际情景中进行运用。3能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:There are some the table

24、.但是我发现学生在做题时个别学生不能分清There is 与There are 的区别,这应该是我上第一节疏忽没有将他们的区别讲予学生导致之后学习带来的困惑。4了解英美国家关于饮食的习惯。Lesson 7教学目标:1. To learn the new words and phrases. 2. To learn the new dialogue.重点:The new words难点:The new dialogue1. 热身复习 (Warm-upRevision) 教师在黑板上画出一个大表盘,带领学生一起复习1点到12点整点时间的英语表达。 T:What time is it? Ss:Its

25、 one oclock T:What time is it? Ss:Its twelve oclock.2. 新课导入 (Presentation)1) 教师请两名同学到前面来表演他们每天早上醒后都做些什么?2) 学生在做起床、刷牙、洗脸和吃早餐动作的同时,教师要用英文说出这四个词组:get up,brush your teeth,wash your face, oclock.教师请另外两名学生或男女生两大组分别表演此场景对话。6) 教师要求所有男学生扮演Peter,女学生扮演妈妈来一起表演第三幅图的场景对话。Girls:Brush your teeth and wash your face.

26、Boys:OK,Mum. (做刷牙,洗脸的动作)7) 教师扮演妈妈,全班同学扮演Peter表演第四幅图的场景对话。在表演前,教师让学生观察Peter的早餐都吃些什么。学生回答:Milk,bread and egg。T:Lets egg. I like them. Thank you,Mum.要求同桌之间互相练习此段对话。8) 教师放录音,让学生跟读课文。9) 学生两人一组分角色表演课文内容。10) 教学四会单词。教师板书单词egg,milk的写法,让学生在各自练习册上练习。3. 趣味操练 (Practice)1) 以小组为单位,学做单词和词组卡片,然后在班内展示,师生共同进行评价。2) Let

27、s sing通过学唱英文歌曲This is the way巩固所学重点词汇,学生为歌曲编排动作,大家一起边唱边表演。使学生在欢快的节奏中感受学习的情趣、体验学习的乐趣。4. 补充活动 (Additional activities)学生把自己每天早晨起床后所做的事情画成图片,然后用英语向别人介绍。板书设计Lesson 7get up brush (your) teeth wash (your) face have (your) breaskfast作业单词抄两行 练习册教学反思课题 Lesson 8需用时间40minutes教学目的1. To learn the new words and ph

28、rases.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets play.教学重点The new words教学难点The new dialogue教学关键The new phrases教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revision1. Lets sing a song : This is the way.2. Draw a picture of a clock. Chang the oclock.T: Its time to get up.Make sentences wit

29、h the model.Step 2 The new lesson1. The teacher say a timetable. Ask the class : What should we do at this time?T: Its seven oclock. S: Its time to get up. Its time to go to school.T: Its eight oclock. S: Its time for class. 2. The teacher ask the class to take out their school timetable. And talk about it in pairs.Step 3 Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat. Then act it out in class.2. Ask and talk about their timetable.3. Copy the new words.板书设计 Lesson eight maths cl

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