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1、UCP600ISBP TESTANSWER0521UCP600/ISBP测试题目(2007)说明:由于题目中涉及的专门用语较多,为避免出现表达歧义,同时使用了中文及英文,内容相同。英文部分大多使用一般现在时或现在完成时表达,未用虚拟语态。个人可根据习惯选择阅读中文或英文题目,必要时可相互参考。除题目另有表述外,需依据UCP600的内容作答。一、单项选择题:(1-28题每题1分,29-36题每题2分)1、UCP600实施的日期是_(A) 2006年10月25日 (B) 2007年1月1日(C) 2007年7月1日 (D) 2007年10月1日 UCP600 will come into forc

2、e on_ (A) Oct.25, 2006 (B) Jan.1, 2007 (C) Jul.1, 2007 (D) Oct.1, 20072、一通过SWIFT电文MT700格式开立的信用证显示:收报日期070702, 发报日期070629,40E场适用规则为UCP LATEST VERSION,该信用证适用的规则是_(A) UCP600 (B) UCP500(C) UCP400 (D) ISBPICC Publication 645A SWIFT L/C in form of MT700 shows: Date of receipt of SWIFT msg: 070702, Date of

3、 dispatch of SWIFT msg: 070629, Field 40E applicable rules: UCP LATEST VERSIONThis L/C should be subject to _(A) UCP600 (B) UCP500(C) UCP400 (D) ISBPICC Publication 645答案 B3、如果客户在UCP600实施后还在开证申请书中要求该信用证受UCP500的约束,作为开证行应该_(A)劝阻客户,告知其UCP500已禁止使用(B)按照客户要求办理,同时提示客户UCP600已实施(C)在信用证中明示受UCP最新版本约束,自然按UCP600

4、处理(D)在信用证中不明示受何种规则约束,自然按UCP500处理If a customer requests that the L/C is subject to UCP500 in his application after UCP600 is in effect, you (as the issuing bank) should_(A)discourage the applicant, telling him that the issuance of a L/C subject to UCP500 is prohibited at that time.(B)issue the L/C ac

5、cording to the applicants request, reminding him that UCP600 has been in effect.(C)indicate “subject to UCP latest version” in the L/C, consequently the L/C is subject to UCP600(D)issue the L/C without indicating what kind of rules the L/C is subject to, consequently the L/C is subject to UCP5004、A银

6、行开立一份仅指定B银行作议付行的远期议付信用证,受益人通过其他银行将单据在规定时间内将单据寄交A银行,请问A银行应对所提交的相符单据做出_(A) 议付 (B) 承付 (C) 即期付款 (D) 回购Bank A issues an usance L/C which is available with Bank B only by negotiation. The beneficiary presents documents to Bank A via another bank within the stipulated period. Bank A should _ this complying

7、 presentation.(A) negotiate (B) honour (C) make sight payment (D) discount the bill drawn on itself5、开证行发出函开信用证次日发现L/C有缮打错误,立即向通知行补发电文(SWIFT MT799)更正。以下哪种说法正确?_(A)此更正电是信用证不可分割的一部分,只要先于函开的原证到达通知行,即可有效。(B)此更正电只要在受益人收到函开的原证前到达通知行,由通知行与原证一起向受益人通知,即可有效。(C)此更正电视同信用证的修改,受益人有权拒绝接受。(D)此更正电只要在受益人交单前通知给受益人,即可有

8、效。An issuing bank finds typing error on the next day of dispatching a mailed L/C, and sends out a SWIFT message in MT799 to the advising bank to modify it. Which comment on the modification is correct? _(A) This message of modification, as an integral part of the credit, is valid provided that it re

9、aches the advising bank prior to the arrival of mailed L/C.(B) This message of modification is valid provided that it reaches the advising bank prior to the arrival of mailed L/C, and is advised the beneficiary together with the mailed L/C by the advising bank. (C) The effectiveness of the modificat

10、ion is as the same as an amendment to the L/C. The Beneficiary has right to reject it.(D) This message of modification is valid provided that it is advised to the beneficiary prior to the presentation of documents made by the beneficiary. 6、A银行开立一份指定B银行作付款行的延期付款信用证。B银行接到受益人的相符交单后向受益人做出延期付款承诺,并随后接到开证

11、行通知表示单据被接受。在付款到期日以前,B银行应受 益人请求提前支付,请问B银行的行为是否受UCP600保护_B(A) 依据B银行所在国规定情况 (B) 是 (C) 否 (D)依据A银行和B银行证外另行签署的协议Bank A issues a L/C which is available with Bank B by deferred payment. Bank B makes the deferred payment undertaking to beneficiary upon beneficiarys complying presentation. Bank A notices Bank

12、 B that the documents are accepted. Prior to the maturity, Bank B makes payment to beneficiary before maturity at the request of beneficiary. Whether the action of Bank B is protected by UCP600 or not. _(A) it depends on the stipulation of the country which Bank B located(B) yes (C) no(D) it depends

13、 on the agreement made by Bank A and Bank B outside the L/C7一份远期信用证限制A银行议付并由该行加具保兑。一旦A银行加保,收到受益人相符交单和议付申请书时,A银行_:(A)承诺到期付款并于到期日付款,不予议付(B)可以根据交单时融资额度等情况自主决定是否议付(C)必须无追索权地议付(D)必须有追索权地议付A usance credit is available with Bank A only by negotiation. Bank A has added his confirmation at request of the iss

14、uing bank. On receipt of a complying presentation and the application for negotiation from the beneficiary, Bank A_(A)must undertake to pay at maturity and will pay at maturity, without negotiation. (B)may negotiate the documents at its own discretion according to some factors, such as balance of cr

15、edit line at the presentation(C)must negotiate the documents without recourse (D)must negotiate the documents with recourse8、A银行开立一份信用证,委托B银行作通知行;B银行无法直接通知给受益人,经联系受益人后将信用证发送给C银行,由C银行通知受益人。请问在此笔业务中,哪家银行是UCP600认可的通知行_(A) 仅A银行 (B) 仅 B银行 (C) 仅 C银行 (D) B和C银行Bank A issues a L/C to Bank B for advising. How

16、ever, Bank B cannot advise the L/C to beneficiary only by himself. Following the instructions of beneficiary, Bank B sends the L/C to Bank C to advise. Bank C finally advises the L/C to beneficiary. Which bank(s) is (are) the advising bank(s) recognized by UCP600? _(A) Bank A only (B) Bank B only (C

17、) Bank C only (D) both Bank B and Bank C9、如下哪些关于通知行责任的说法是正确的_(A)收到一份缺少2/2页的信用证时,该通知行必须在收齐缺失页之后才能通知该份信用证。(B)通知行必须承担信用证议付或付款或承兑的责任(C)通知行必须对所通知信用证的表面真实性负责(D)为避免过多费用的发生,通知行必须自行向受益人通知。如不得不使用另一银行通知信用证,必须得到开证行的许可。(E)如LC所规定的通知行不能或不愿通知,必须毫不延误地告知受益人(F)信用证的修改必须通过信用证的同一通知行进行通知。对受益人接受或拒绝接受修改的通知,该通知行没有义务告知发出修改的银行

18、Which statement on the obligation of an advising bank is correct? _(A)An advising bank receives a credit with page number 2/2 missing. The advising bank will advise the credit only when it receives the missing page.(B)An advising bank is responsible for negotiation or payment or acceptance under the

19、 L/C (C)An advising bank is responsible for the apparent authenticity of its advised L/C.(D) an advising bank must advise the beneficiary of the L/C by itself. If the advising bank has to advise the L/C through another bank, it must obtain the authorization of the issuing bank.(E)If the advising ban

20、k stipulated in the L/C fails to advise the L/C, it must inform the beneficiary without delay.(F)An amendment to the L/C must be advised through the same bank advised the L/C. As for the beneficiarys notification of acceptance or rejection of the amendment, the advising bank is not responsible to in

21、form the bank from which it received the amendment. 答案 C10、指定银行是指_(A)开证行指定负责偿付交单行索汇的银行(B)开证行指定信用证可在其柜台进行付款或承兑或议付的银行(C)开证行指定单据寄至该处进行审单的银行(D)受益人自行选择的交单银行Nominated bank means the bank _(A) which is designated by the issuing bank, being in charge of reimbursing claim from a presenting bank.(B) which is

22、designated by the issuing bank, being expected to act as a paying bank, or an accepting bank or negotiating bank when documents are presented at its counter.(C) which is designated by the issuing bank, to which the documents should be sent for checking(D) to which the documents are presented at the

23、beneficiarys option答案 B11、A银行开立一份即期信用证,允许指定行向开证行电索,并声明“接到索偿次日起第5个工作日起息”。指定行在审核交单后来电要求开证行按照URR525在收到电报次日起第3个工作日起息。开证行应于收到索偿电报次日起第_个工作日起息(A)3 (B)4(C)5 (D)6Bank A issues a sight L/C stipulating that they will remit proceeds to nominated bank, value 5 working days after receipt of their SWIFT advice. Af

24、ter checking the presentation, the nominated bank sents a SWIFT message to Bank A for claiming and request the Bank A value 3 working days after receipt of this SWIFT advice as per the stipulation of URR525. Bank A should value on _ day after the day of receipt of this SWIFT advice.(A) the 3rd (B) t

25、he 4th (C) the 5th (D) the 6th 答案 C12、信用证要求提交由有资格机构签发的检验证,下列单据哪一份不符合要求:_(A)由中国出入境检验检疫局签发的检验证(B)由出口国商检局签发的检验证(C)由SGS签发的检验证(D)由受益人签发的检验证The letter of credit calls for an inspection certificate to be issued by the competent authority, which document is not in compliance with the term? _(A)the inspectio

26、n certificate issued by CIQ(B)the inspection certificate issued by the inspection bureau of exporting country(C)the inspection certificate issued by SGS(D)the inspection certificate issued by the beneficiary答案 D13、按指定行事的指定行、保兑行(如果有的话)及开证行各有含交单日在内至多_个银行工作日用以判断交单是否相符。(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8A nominated

27、 bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, and the issuing bank shall each have maximum of _banking days including the day of presentation to determine if a presentation is complying.(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 814、信用证显示受益人为:“ABC公司,中国深圳建设路10号”。发票显示受益人为:“ABC公司,中国广州流花路15号”。受益人出具的品质证显示受益人为:“A

28、BC公司,中国深圳建设路10号”。下列哪种说法正确?_(A)仅发票有不符点,因其显示的受益人地址与信用证不符。(B)仅品质证有不符点,因其显示的受益人地址与发票不符。(C)发票和品质证都有不符点,因两者不相一致。(D)发票和品质证都没有不符点。L/C stipulates beneficiary as “ABC company, 10 Jianshe Road, Shenzhen City, China”. Invoice shows beneficiary as “ABC company, 15 Liuhua Road, Guangzhou City, China”. The certifi

29、cate of quality issued by the beneficiary shows beneficiary as “ABC company, 10 Jianshe Road, Shenzhen City, China”, the correct comment is_(A)Only the invoice is discrepant for beneficiarys address shown on it differs from the credit.(B) Only the certificate of quality is discrepant for the benefic

30、iarys address shown on it differs from that of invoice. (C)Both invoice and certificate of quality are discrepant, as one is different from another on beneficiarys address(D)Neither invoice nor certificate of quality is discrepant.答案 D15、对于除运输单据、保险单据和商业发票以外的单据,信用证中如未规定单据出具人及措辞或内容,根据UCP600规定,此类单据满足_即

31、可接受。(A)与单据本身数据等同一致(B)与其他单据或信用证中的数据等同一致(C)看似满足所要求单据的功能,且与该单据本身中的数据、其他规定单据或信用证中数据不矛盾(D)内容与提交的其他单据不矛盾If a credit requires presentation of a document other than a transport document, insurance document or commercial invoice, without stipulating by whom the document is to be issued or its data content, such document is acceptable provided that _(A)data in this document is identical to data in itself.(B)data in this document is identical to data in any other stipulated document or credit.(C)it appears to fulfill the function o

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