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1、Module1OurBodyandHealthyHabits练习与解析外研版必修2Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 练习与解析(外研版必修2)Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 练习与解析3.1 知识精练Zhou Kai,a senior school student,is _about football.Hes _of the class team and hes also a member of the Senior High team.Hes_.That is because his mother always

2、 _they eat very healthily.They live near the sea and they have _about four times a week.Fresh fruit and green _ are a very important part of their _.His family doesnt eat much fat and_,so he doesnt have sweet teeth.But last week,Zhou Kai caught a cold.Thats because he was stupid_to play football in

3、the rain.He _ catches a cold.And he _a lot of exercise and is very fit.Answers:crazy;captain;healthy;makes sure;fish;vegetables;diet;sugar;enough;seldom;takes3.2 语法指导1.Nouns used as verbs 名词转化为动词名词转化为动词是英语语言中一种比较普通的现象,也是词类转化的一个重要组成部分。主要有以下几种情况:(1)许多可以表示物体的名词用作动词(意思也随之有些转变)。例如:Have you booked your ti

4、ckets?你的票订好了吗?Who is to chair the meeting?谁来主持会议?He pinned great hopes on us.他对我们寄予了很大希望。It can seat a thousand people.它能坐(容纳)一千人。We have mapped out a plan of the compaign.我们已经制定了开展这个运动的计划。The speaker pictured the suffering of the poor.那个演讲人描绘了穷人的痛苦。He hurriedly pencilled the time on it.他匆忙(用铅笔)在上面写

5、下时间。By noon he had bagged 3 hares.到中午时,他已捕获了三只野兔。The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.这些钱都进了贪官污吏的腰包。(2)表示身体某部位的名词也可作动词。例如:He handed the book to me.他递给了我那本书。Weve got to back him up.我们必须支持他。He must shoulder his responsibilities.他必须肩负他的责任。She figured the silk gently.她轻轻地抚摸着那缎子。The maize and

6、millet were earing.玉米和粟子正在抽穗。He eyed her every movement.他注视着她的每个动作。Shes always nosing into other peoples business.她总爱管别人的闲事。I elbowed my way through the crowd.我推挤着穿过人群。They headed for the gate.他们朝大门口走去。(3)某些表示一类人的名词也可用作动词。例如:She nursed me day and night for three weeks.三个礼拜以来,她日夜护理我。He feels he can d

7、octor a common cold.他感到他能治疗普通的感冒。He had soldiered in France in his youth.他年轻时在法国当过兵。The army was officered by brave men.这支军队由勇敢的人指挥。He fathered the plan.这计划是他提出来的。Spying is dangerous.当间谍是危险的。(4)一些表示实物的名词也可用作动词。例如:Many villagers volunteered the house to flood victims.许多村民主动提出给遭受水灾的灾民提供住处。We roomed to

8、gether at college.我们大学时同居一室。They must try to bridge the generation gap between them.他们必须填补他们之间的代沟。I believe it is going to flower this year.我相信它今年会开花。He floored the room.他把房间铺上了地板。He oiled his tools and put them away.他给工具擦了油,并把它们收了起来。The pill is coated with sugar.药丸外面包有糖衣。I ducked my head to avoid b

9、eing hit.我低下头,以免被击中。(5)有些抽象名词也可以作动词。例如:The old temple dates back to the third century.这座古庙可追溯到公元三世纪。Where do swallows go for winter?燕子在哪里过冬?We usually lunch at school.我们通常在校吃午饭。It stormed all that day.那天一整天风雨大作。This angered him at first.开头这让他很生气。A good student hungers after knowledge.好学生渴望获得知识。2.“wi

10、ll+不定式”与“be going to”结构表示将来时(1)两种结构在主语指人时,都可以表示“意图、打算”。“be going to”结构往往表示事先考虑过的意图、打算,甚至已作了某种准备,句中有没有表示时间的状语都可以。例如:Im going to post this letter.我打算去寄这封信。What are you going to do today?你今天准备干什么?“will+不定式”结构常用来表示事先未考虑过的某种意图、打算,即说话时临时想到的。例如:Where is the telephone book?电话号码簿在哪里?Ill get it for you.我这就给你拿

11、。This is a terrible heavy book.这本书太重了。Ill help you to carry it.我来帮你拿。上述句中的will不能改为am going to,因为help和get这些动作不是事先考虑好的。但在很多情况下,也可以通用。例如:Im not going to tell you about it.我不打算告诉你有关那件事的一些情况。其中的am not going to也可换成wont。(2)两种结构都可以表示将来的动作或状态。用“be going to”结构还可表示对未来情况的“预测”,根据某些已经看出的迹象或客观情况预测大概会发生的情况。主语通常是无生命

12、的词,特别是表示自然现象的“it”。例如:Look at those clouds.Its going to rain.看那些云,天要下雨了。Watch out!The pile of boxes is going to fall.当心!那一堆箱子要塌下来了。常用“will+不定式”结构表示说话人“确信、希望、设想”等。例如:It will probably cold.天很有可能会冷。Hell get better after medicine.服药后,他会感觉好些。常用“will+不定式”表示有科学根据的天气预报,而人们对天气的推测则多用is going to结构。例如:There will

13、 be rain in Beijing area during the night.北京地区今晚将会有雨。The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow.天气预报说明天有雨。(3)“be going to”结构可以表示某事发生的可能性,不可避免性或表示某事即将发生。“will+不定式”可以纯粹表示时间,主要用于谈论日子或时间的句子中。例如:The ice is going to melt when the sun comes out.太阳一出来,冰有可能会融化。The holidays will soon be here.假期很快就到了。3.3

14、典例剖析【例1】 He is in bad health now.Now and then he _.I think he should take more exercise.A.makes cold B.gets coldC.catches a cold D.catches cold解析:get/catch a cold意为“患感冒”。有时动词也可用have,即have a cold;a cold中也可换成复数形式,即get/catch colds。表示“患病”的短语常有如下一些:have/get a fever“发烧”;have/run a temperature“发烧”;have/get

15、 a cough“咳嗽”;get/have (the) flu“患上流行性感冒”;get/have a toothache“患上牙痛”;get/have a headache/stomachache“患头痛/肚子痛”等。注意flu前不能加冠词a。答案:C【例2】 Many people _ Germany _ beer.A.connect;with B.join;toC.connect;through D.join;up解析:connectwith意为“把(与)连接起来”,用作及物动词短语,有时也用“connect with”的形式。例如:This corridor connects with

16、 the living room.这走廊与客厅相连接。此外,connectwith还有“把(与)联系在一起思考”的意思,该题就是考查的这层含义,故答案选A项,jointo则无此抽象意义。又如:They always connect the gold deer with bikes.他们总是把金鹿和自行车联系起来。Many people today connect leaders with corruption.当今的人们经常把领导与腐败联系在一起。be connected with“与有关系;与有亲戚关系”,相当于have something to do with“与有关”。例如:The wo

17、rds and phrases are connected with illness.这些单词和短语都与疾病有关。He is connected with the Smiths by marriage.他与史密斯一家有姻亲关系。connectwith与jointoconnectwith与jointo两个短语都有“把相连”的意思,但connect指不密切的“联系”,被联系物仍保持自己的特性,但中间建立了一种相互关系。可用于具体事物也可以用于抽象概念。例如:The two cities are connected by a newly-built railway.一条新建的铁路把两个城市衔接起来。

18、Is the word “show-down” in any way connected with card-playing?(摊牌)这个词和玩牌有任何联系吗?join强调原来的分离性,因此除“连接”外,也有“加入”的意思。例如:Please join the rope to the nail on the wall.请把绳子系到墙上的钉子上。We shall join forces to defeat the flood.我们应把力量联合起来,战胜洪水。答案:A【例3】 Im sure there are no such ghosts in the world._,I have never

19、seen one.A.First of all B.Above allC.More or less D.At least解析:句意为“我确信世界上没有鬼。至少我从未见过”。根据上下文的意思需选D项,at least表示“至少或无论如何”。first of all“首先”;more or less“或多或少”;above all相当于most important of all“最重要”,都不合句意。at least也可写成at the least,意为“最少;至少”,这时常用来修饰数量;当表示“程度”时,常译为“无论如何”。例如:She looks at least 5 years younge

20、r than her real age.她看上去比实际年龄至少小五岁。She may be slow but at least you can depend on her.她虽然性子慢些,但无论如何,你可以依赖她。类似的短语还有:at (the) most“至多,最多”;at (the) latest“最迟,最晚”;at (the) best“最好,充其量也不过”。例如:Please come here at nine at (the) latest.请最晚9点来到这里。We cant get home before 10 oclock at (the) best.我们最快也无法在10点以前到

21、家。At most 200 people attended the press conference today.最多有200人出席了今天的记者招待会。答案:D【例4】 He is a warm-hearted person._ does he refuse to help others.A.Always B.RarelyC.Sometimes D.Often解析:rarely为否定副词,意为“很好,难得”,相当于seldom,当其置于句首时,这个句子的语序就要用倒装语序。例如:Rarely do I dream these days.最近我很少做梦。Im very busy these da

22、ys,so I rarely go to visit him.近些日子我很忙,故很少去拜访他。类似的否定副词还有:seldom,scarcely,hardly和never等,当把它们放在句首时,也要用倒装语序。例如:Ive seldom seen such a big apple.我很少见过这么大的苹果。Hardly had we stopped the talk about him when he came in.我们刚一谈论完有关他的事,他就进来了。此外,含有否定意义的一些介词短语也有相同的用法,如:in no way“无论也不”;by no means“决不”;on no conditi

23、on“决不”;at no time“从不”,等等,当它们置于句首时,句子也用倒装。例如:At no time will I give myself up before any difficulty.在任何困难面前,我都不会放弃。By no means could we solve the problem ourselves,so we turned to our teacher for help.有一道难题,我们怎么也算不出来,就向老师求助了。答案:B【例5】 There is one proverb going like this:An apple a day _ the doctor _.

24、A.keep;out B.keep;backC.keeps;away D.keep;up解析:keep away可作及物或不及物短语,意为“避开;离开;使离开,使不靠近”。例如:Youd better keep away (from me),I have a bad cold.我患了重感冒,你最好不要靠近我。keep加副词构成的动词短语常见的还有:keep back“后退;使后退;抑制;隐瞒”;keep off“离开;使离开”,keep out“不进去;使留在外面”;keep up“保持;使熬夜”;keepfrom doing则表示“不让做某事”,相当于stopfrom doing或preve

25、ntfrom doing,其意义、用法都相同。例如:I could not keep back my tears.我抑制不住自己的眼泪。Keep off the grass.请勿践踏草地。Mother always advises me to keep out of other peoples quarrels.母亲建议我不要卷入别人的争吵。Will the weather keep up?这样的天气会持续下去吗?此外,keep后面还常出现复合宾语,即“keep+宾语+形容词、副词、现在分词、过去分词、过去分词、介词短语或名词作宾补的”结构形式。例如:You cant keep the emp

26、loyees working there.Its raining hard.雨下大了,不能再让雇工们继续在那儿工作了。All day his door was kept locked.他家的门一整天都锁着。答案:C【例6】 Can you _ any Chinese proverbs connected with health?A.think over B.think aboutC.think out D.think of解析:该题句意为“你能想起一些与健康有关的汉语谚语吗?”think of/about都有“想;想到;考虑”的含义,但think of还能表示“记起”,与remember同义。

27、think out表示“想出”;think over表示“仔细考虑”。例如:Everyone is thinking about/of our bright future.每个人都想着我们光明的未来。I cant think of his name at the moment.我一时记不起他的名字。The co-op leader tried to think out a plan to raise the output.合作社主任在设法想出一个提高产量的计划。I hope you will think over what I have said.我希望你能好好想想我所说的话。此外,在口语中“

28、I think”后面的从句如果是否定句,往往需要一种比较特殊的结构,即把否定词从从句移到主句。例如:I dont think this is worth trying.我看这不值得一试。I dont think its right to make such a decision.我认为作出这样一个决定是不正确的。答案:D【例7】 The doctors _ his health.A.are eager about B.are eager forC.anxious about D.are anxious about解析:be anxious about意为“为担心,为着急”,相当于be worr

29、ied about,后接表示人或事物的名词。例如:The students are getting anxious about the results of their examination.学生们都在为他们的考试成绩担心。We are anxious about their safety.我们为他们的安全担忧。There is no need to be anxious about his health.没有必要担心他的健康。be anxious for意为“渴望得到”或“渴望知道”,相当于be eager for,后接具体事物名词或抽象名词。例如:I was anxious for a

30、new bike.我渴望得到一辆新自行车。We were anxious for the news of your safe arrival.我们渴望知道你安全到达的消息。此外,be anxious to do sth.“渴望做某事”;be anxious for sb. to sth.“渴望某人做某事”;以及be anxious后面跟宾语从句从句的谓语动词要用(should) do的形式的结构都是常用的,望能牢记。例如:She was anxious for them all to leave the room.=She was anxious that they all (should) leave t

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