1、在LSPrepost 建立sph模型地详细过程LS_Prepost关键操作1.模型建立立方体模型球体模型圆柱体模型圆台/锥模型2.参数定义*DATABASE_FORMAT计算结果输出格式IFORMOutput format for D3PLOT and D3THDT filesEQ.0: LS-DYNA database format (default),EQ.1: ANSYS database format,EQ.2: Both LS-DYNA and ANSYS database formats.IBINARYWord size of the binary output files (D3
2、PLOT, D3THDT, D3DRLF andinterface files for 64 bit puter such as CRAY and NEC.EQ.0: default 64 bit format,EQ.1: 32 bit IEEE formatRemarks:1. This option is not available for every platform. Check LS-DYNA Banner upon executionof the program2. By using this option one can reduce the size of the binary
3、 output files which are createdby 64 bits puter such as CRAY and NEC.二进制*DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY结果输出控制NEIPHNumber of additional integration point history variables written to thebinarydata- base for solid elements. The integration point data is writtenin the same order that it is stored in memory-eac
4、h material model has itsown history variables that are stored. For user defined materials it isimportant to store the history data that is needed for plotting before thedatawhich is not of interest.给实体单元增加附加综合的点历史变量二进制数据库,综合点数据目的是储存记忆每个材料模型使它拥有自己的历史变量。对于使用者而言,定义材料对于储存历史数据是很重要的,在数据储存前需要对其进展描绘。NEIPS N
5、umber of additional integration point history variables written to thebinarydata- base for both shell and thick shell elements for eachintegration point, see NEIPH above.给薄壳和厚壳单元增加附加综合的点历史变量二进制数据库,看下面的NEIPH。MAXINTNumber of shell integration points written to the binary database, seealso *INTEGRATION
6、_SHELL. If the default value of 3 is used thenresults are output for the outermost (top) and innermost (bottom)integration points together with results for the neutral axis. If MAXINTis set to 3 and the element has 1 integration point then all three resultswill be the same. If a value other than 3 i
7、s used then results for the firstMAXINT integration points in the element will be output. Note: If theelement has an even number of integration points and MAXINT is notset to 3 then you will not get mid-surface results. See Remarks below.壳单元附加综合的点历史变量二进制数据库,可以参看*INTEGRATION_SHELL.如果采用默认值3,如此结果输出的是最远
8、高和最近下的综合点,结果包含中间轴坐标。如果设置为3,单元有一个综合点,如此三个结果将一样。如果值超过3,如此在单元中的第一个MAXINT综合点将会被输出。注意:如果单元拥有一系列综合点,而MAXINT没有被设置成3,如此你将无法获得中间外表结果值,详见下面的附注。STRFLGSet to 1 to dump strain tensors for solid, shell and thick shell elementsfor plotting by LS-PREPOST and ASCII file ELOUT. For shell andthick shell elements two t
9、ensors are written, one at the innermost andone at the outermost integration point. For solid elements a single straintensor is written.SIGFLGFlag for including stress tensor in the shell LS-DYNA database:EQ.1: include (default),EQ.2: exclude.EPSFLG Flag for including the effective plastic strains i
10、n the shell LS-DYNAdatabase:EQ.1: include (default),EQ.2: exclude.RLTFLGFlag for including stress resultants in the shell LS-DYNA database:EQ.1: include (default),EQ.2: exclude.ENGFLGFlag for including shell internal energy density and thickness in the LSDYNAdatabase:EQ.1: include (default),EQ.2: ex
11、clude.CMPFLG Orthotropic and anisotropic material stress and strain output in localmaterial coordinate system for solids, shells and thick shells.EQ.0: global,EQ.1: local.IEVERP Every plot state for “d3plot database is written to a separate file. Thisoption will limit the database to 1000 states:EQ.
12、0: more than one state can be on each plotfile,EQ.1: one state only on each plotfile.BEAMIP Number of beam integration points for output. This option does notapply to beams that use a resultant formulation.DP Data pression to eliminate rigid body data:EQ.1: off (default), no rigid body data pression
13、,EQ.2: on, rigid body data pression active,EQ.3: off, no rigid body data pression, but nodal velocities andaccelerations are eliminated from the database.EQ.4: on, rigid body data pression active and nodal velocitiesand accelerations are eliminated from the database.SHGEOutput shell hourglass energy
14、 density:EQ.1: off (default), no hourglass energy written,EQ.2: on.STSSZ Output shell element time step, mass, or added mass:EQ.1: off (default),EQ.2: output time step size,EQ.3: output mass, added mass, or time step size.See remark 3 below.N3THDTMaterial energy write option for D3THDT databaseEQ.1:
15、 off, energy is NOT written to D3THDT database,EQ.2: on (default), energy is written to D3THDT database.IALEMAT Output solid part ID list containing ale materials.EQ.1: on (default)NINTSLD Number of solid element integration points written to the LS-DYNAdatabase. The default value is 1. For solids w
16、ith multiple integrationpoints NINTSLD may be set to 8.Currently, no other values forNINTSLD are allowed. For solids with multiple integration points, anaverage value is output if NINTSLD is set to 1.PKP_SENFlag to output the peak pressure and surface energy puted by eachcontact interface into the i
17、nterface force database. To obtain the surfaceenergy, FRCENG, must be sent to 1 on the control contact card. WhenPKP_SEN=1, it is possible to identify the energies generated on theupper and lower shell surfaces, which is important in metal forming appli- cations. This data is mapped after each H-ada
18、ptive remeshing.EQ.0: No data is writtenEQ.1: Output the peak pressures and surface energy by contactinterfaceSCLP A scaling parameter used in the putation of the peak pressure. Thisparameter is generally set to unity (the default), but it must be greaterthan 0.MSSCL Output nodal information related
19、 to mass scaling into the D3PLOTdatabase. This option can be activated if and only if DT2MS 0)may make the database inpatible with other 3rd party software.EQ.0: (default) output temperatureEQ.1: output temperatureEQ.2: output temperature and fluxEQ.3: output temperature, flux, and shell bottom and
20、top surface temperatureRemarks:1. If MAXINT is set to 3 then mid-surface, inner-surface and outer-surface stresses areoutput at the center of the element to the LS-DYNA database. For an even number ofintegration points, the points closest to the center are averaged to obtain the midsurfacevalues. If
21、 multiple integration points are used in the shell plane, the stresses at the centerof the element are found by puting the average of these points. For MAXINT equalto 3 LS-DYNA assumes that the data for the user defined integration rules are orderedfrom bottom to top even if this is not the case. If
22、 MAXINT is not equal to 3, then thestresses at the center of the element are output in the order that they are stored for theselected integration rule. If multiple points are used inplane the stresses are firstaveraged.2. Beam stresses are output to the LS-DYNA database if and only if BEAMIP is grea
23、ter thanzero. In this latter case the data that is output is written in the same order that theintegration points are defined. The data at each integration point consists of the followingfive values for elastic-plastic Hughes-Liu beams: the normal stress, rr; the transverseshear stresses, rs and tr;
24、 the effective plastic strain, and the axial strain which islogarithmic. For beams that are not elastic-plastic, the first history variable, if any, isoutput instead of the plastic strain. For the beam elements of Belytschko and his coworkers,the transverse shear stress ponents are not used in the f
25、ormulation. No datais output for the Belytschko-Schwer resultant beam.3. If mass scaling is active, the output of the time step size reveals little information aboutthe calculation. If global mass scaling is used for a constant time step, the total elementmass is output; however, if the mass is incr
26、eased so that a minimum time step size ismaintained (DT2MS is negative), the added mass is output. Also, see the control card*CONTROL_TIMESTEP.*DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT结果输出时间步长DTTime interval between outputs.CYCLOutput interval in time steps (a time step is a cycle). For the D3DRFLfile a positive numb
27、er n will cause plot dumps to be written at everynth convergence check intervalspeci- fied on the *CONTROL_DYNAMIC_RELAXATION card.NR Number of Running Restart Files, RUNRSF, written in a cyclicalfashion. The default number is one, i.e. the same file is overwritten eachtime.LCDTOptional load curve I
28、D specifying time interval between dumps. Thisoption is only available for the D3PLOT, D3PART, D3THDT andINTFOR files.BEAM Option flag for *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT or D3PART.EQ.0: Discrete spring and damper elements are added to theD3PLOT or D3PART database where they are display as beamelements. The
29、 element global X, global Y, global Z and resultantforces are written to the database,EQ.1: No discrete spring and damper elements are added to theD3PLOT or D3PART database. This option is useful whentranslating old LS-DYNA input decks to KEYWORD input. Inolder input decks there is no requirement th
30、at beam and springelements have unique IDs, and beam elements may be created forthe spring and dampers with identical IDs to exist- ing beamelements causing a fatal error. Contact interfaces which are basedon part IDs ofseat- belt elements will not be properly generated ifthis option is used.EQ.2: D
31、iscrete spring and damper elements are added to theD3PLOT or D3PART database where they are displayed as beamelements (similar to option 0). In this option the element resultantforce is written to its first database position allowing beam axialforces and spring resultant forces to be plotted at the same time.This can be useful during some post-processing applications.NPLTC DT=ENDTIME/NPLTC applies to D3PLOT and D3PART o
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