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1、英语畅谈中国文化50主题英语畅谈中国文化50主题1. The Art of Calligraphy 奇妙的书法A: Some critics suggest that different genres of Chinese calligraphy have different political implications. Take Wang Xizhi for example. His calligraphy was repudiated as unorthodox during his lifetime but, only a few decades after his death, wa

2、s established as an orthodox genre. B: Thats for sure! Historically, Chinese calligraphy and politics were closely intertwined. Over 2,000 years ago, Emperor Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor in Chinese history, established the official Chinese writing characters. The new, simplified characters made w

3、riting calligraphy less complicated. It allowed people to use characters with more straight strokes, thus making it easier to write with brushes. This created the Li genre. Over time, other variations were also developed, which eventuallly lead to the formation of the five genres in Chinese calligra

4、phy. These were the Zhuan, Li, Kai, Xing and Cao genres. A: Ive heard that most emperors were good at calligraphy. The Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Shimin was an avid collector of Wang Xizhis writings. B: Thats right. Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian Long played a key role in compiling an authoritative collecti

5、on of calligraphy. To some extent, preferences of the Emperors had an influence on the rise and fall of certain calligraphy genres. A: Ordinary Chinese people also seemed to like calligraohy a lot. B: Part of the reason was the sponsorship by the Emperors. Another reason was the Imperial Civil Servi

6、ce examinations that started in the 7th century. Those examinations were focused on writing and provided a way for ordinary people to achieve a better life. As a result, calligraphy became widely accepted. Calligraphy also had its practical values because it was a good way to make friends and was mo

7、re presentable as a gift rather than jewelry or money. A: Does calligraphy still have these practical functions now? B: Yes. Many people practice calligraphy as a way to raise their cultural accomplishment. Older people use calligraphic writing as a method to keep fit. They believe that when a perso

8、n concentrates on writing calligraphy, his inner wellbeing is stimulated. A: I had thought computers would lead to the disappearance of Chinese calligraphy. Now I understand thats not likely to happen. How can you give your boss computer-printed calligraphy as a gift? B: You dont, unless you want hi

9、m to fire you. 2. The Significance of Chinese Paintings中国画的含意A:Its interesting that Chinese paintings can be created on the spot, even though most of them have similar subjects. Peony, plum blossoms, mountains, creeks or cottages are very popular. There are often painters at significant celebratory

10、and commemorative events.B:Their educational function is, in fact, a unique feature of Chinese painting. Human profiles were used as a method to either glorify heroes or condemn traitors 2,000 years ago. Tang Dynasty officials even tried to bring painting into Confuction ideology. The Court of the S

11、ong Dynasty published an official guide to paintings. This raised criteria not only for human profiles but also for landscape and object paintings.A:Oh, what was that?B:It classified paintings into ten categories covering religious beliefs, Confucianism and state power. This classfication gave an of

12、ficial definition of the value and significance of the paintings. The purpose of landscape paintings was to portray the five mountains, while fruit and birds were used to exemplify or eulogize the Gods. In this case, the subjects were used as references to people in order to deliver moral messages.

13、For example, peony and peacocks represented wealth and fortune; pine trees, bamboo, plum blossoms and orchids represented elegance and accomplishment; and pine trees and cypresses symbolized loyalty.A:As far as I know, painters who did not have to make a living by painting used diffferent skills to

14、those specified in the guide, even though they painted the same subjects.B:Artists are usually against pragmatism. They like to give meaning to the subjects they paint. Bamboo symbolizes integrity and pine trees symbolize never giving up. Artists also like landscapes. It doesnt take a lot of trainin

15、g to paint landscapes. It all depends on the painters personality and ability, as well as his unique touch. Most of todays non-professional painters follow the landscape style. The objective of these painters is purely entertainment and self-satisfaction. The more successful artists have the opportu

16、nity to exhibit at public functions. That is probably the climax of their painting careers.A:What are professional painters doing?B:Some of them make a great effort to improve their painting skills. They want to develop new and innovative painting methods by borrowing from other genres. Others are b

17、usy making money. They have found ways to produre commercially attractive paintings. Some people say they are no longer artists. Instead they have become manufacturers of paintings. 3. Rediscover Confucius 重新发现孔子Did you see the statue of Confucius launched by the China Confucius Fund?A:你看到中国孔子基金会发布的

18、孔子标准像了吗?B:Yes, I did. It doesnt quite match the Confucius image in my mind though. I heard there are many different opinions about this so-called official statue. But, to be fait, its an impossible job to create an official statue of someone who lived more than 2,500 years ago. No one knows what he

19、looked like, just like no one in the West knows what Plato looked like. Nevertheless, Confucius was a great philosopher, an educator, a plitician, as well as the founder of Confucianism, which still has a tremendous influence over people today.B:看到了,但它不完全是我心目中的孔子形象。据说有很多人对这个标准像持不同意见。这也难怪,也已毕竟生活在多年前,

20、没有谁能够想像他真实的长相,就像你们西方人不知道柏拉图的面孔一样。但是,孔子对今天中国人的生活和思想依然有着重大的影响。他是中国古代的思想家、教育家、政治家,也是儒学的创始人。A:Confucianism seems to be back in fashin again. As far as I know, about five to six million Chinese students are currently studying The analects of Confucius. Some companies are using Confucianism as a managemen

21、t tool. The govemment is also promoting the Confucian values of ethics, fairness, and honesty. They see it as a way to address the social problems that have emerged as a result of the accelerated economic growth.A:儒家思想似乎又风行起来了。就我所知,中国有五六百万的孩子在学习论语;不少企业家把儒家思想引进到企业管理中;中国政府也试图通过倡导道德、公正和廉洁的儒家思想,来解决经济调整发

22、展带来的社会问题。B:Confucianism is the backbone of Chinese culture. Confucius developed his philosophy around the concept of benevolence. The Analects of Confucius is a record of his political views. Confucianism represents a set of moral principles because it stresses fairness and harmony in guman relation

23、ships, as well as the individuals social responsibility for their country. For Confucius, political honesty is based on individual ethical integrity.B:儒家思想是中国传统文化的主干。孔子的哲学体系以“仁”为核心,论语记载着他的政治学说。儒学是一套伦理道德,强调的是为人处事的正派、人际关系的和谐以及个人对国家的责任感。在孔子看来,政治的说法是以人品的正直为基础的。A:Some American scholars did a comparative

24、study of confucius with Greek and Roman philosophers. Their conclusion was that there is more practical value in Confucianism. Why it that?A:有的美国学者将孔子与古希腊哲人相比较,认为他的思想更具有实用价值。为什么?B:Well it has extensive application in Chinese society. Confucius was also an accomplished educator. He treated his studen

25、ts as his equal by teaching them democratic and open-minded ideas . In the words of the American scholars, Confucius wanted to train his students to become more unrestrained and adaprable to external influences.B:因为它被广泛运用于中国社会。孔子还是个了不起的教育家,他平等对待学生,教给他们民主、开放的观念。用美国学者的话说就是:培养能够自然从容并适应环境的君子。A:There is

26、also an increasing awareness of Confucianism in other parts of the world. This may be a result of various political, cultural, and environmental challenges due to Chinas growing economic importance. As a result, the rise of individualism in the community has become a serious threat to social harmony

27、 and progress. A different set of values are needed as a counterbalance. Confucianism emphasizes courtesy and respect whendealing with people or nature so it should be very beneficial for building harmony in any society.A:据我所知,儒家学说也在世界其他地方逐渐引起了重视。这也许与中国经济的高速发展所带来的各种政治、文化,以及环境等问题的巨大挑战有关。个人主义在商品社会中的极端

28、发展,对社会的和谐与进步构成威胁,必须寻求另一种价值观来取得平衡。而孔子的学说恰好提倡以“礼”来处理人际关系及与自然的关系,对于和谐社会的构建大有益处。B:You are right. A scholar once said that answers concerning our survival can be found in the wisdom of Confucius, even though he lived more than 25 centuries ago.B:有道理。正如一位学者所说:世纪的生存问题,必须回到个世纪之前孔子的智慧中去寻求解决的答案。04-Differences

29、 Between Chinese and Western Medicines中西医的差异A: For many years, there have been repeated discussions to give up Chinese medicine. Its recently become a hot topic once again. And because believe the Chinese medicine is not scientifically based in comparison to Western medicine. B: Although it is debat

30、able why Chinese medicine is scientifically sound .You cannot deny it has a rich philosophic significance. This is very different from Western medicine. Usually, a Chinese medicine practitioner approaches on the home and abroad perspective, emphasis its entirety and dialectical implications. This is

31、 why some people view it as a holistic medicine. In contrast, a Western doctor deals to recipe with symptoms. For instance, if someone has a sore throat, a Western doctor will treated it as a throat problem while a Chinese doctor may link it to the disorder of the patients stomach.A: Whats the diffe

32、rence between Chinese and Western medicines? B: A Chinese doctor examines its patients by using methods like observing, smelling , asking and feeling. His Western counterparts relies on symptoms or evidence, like body temperature and lab tests . A Chinese doctor determines the problem of patients interior organs by influence through observing very exterior signs such as complexion or the tongue .A Western doctor, on the other hand, makes his judgement based on the results of lab tests on the internal organs. He then reinforces its judgement by examining exterior symptoms. A W

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