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六年级下册英语试题语音语法专项训练 全国版.docx

1、六年级下册英语试题 语音语法专项训练 全国版Recycle (一)一、语法点将台:(一)语音1】国际音标48个1.单元音12个:/i:/ /n加油I/ /e/ / / /a:/ / /:n加油/ / / :/ / / /u:/ /u/ 2.双元音n加油8个 :/ei/ /ai/ /i /n加油 /u/ /au/ /i / /en加油 / /u / 3.辅音28个 :(清浊成对10对+8n加油个)清:/p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ / /n加油 /t/ /ts/ /tr/浊:/b/n加油 /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ / / / /dn加油/ /dz/ /dr/m/ /n/ n加油 /

2、 / /l/ /r/ /h/ /w/n加油 /j/2】26个字母的发音归类 eiA Hn加油 J K i:B C D E G P T n加油V eF L M N S X Z n加油 ju:U Q W aiI Y n加油 uO a:R3】n加油字母及字母组合的发音规则 ei n加油 e n加油ai u n加油 ju:a e n加油 i o un加油 i: in加油 n加油 n加油 w tn加油h wh sn加油h ch t n加油 h n加油 a y n加油 oor air n加油 ear ooa:n加油 ai u n加油 i u:n加油 ar ign加油h ure ear n加油 eer ou

3、 经典题型: (一)根据音标n加油写出单词。 t bin n加油 rubt eni n加油 frist fnskai n加油pa: s w winduz n加油 ka: nt verin加油swi: t heln加油i dunt suf n加油elf a: tn加油dim fa: m knti: n加油n f: k n加油 teibl spu: n(二)根据音标填写出意思正n加油确的单词。1. rait Please _ yourn加油 name on the blackboard.2. mi: tn加油 Lets _ at the shop.-I want tn加油o buy some _

4、for supper. On加油K.3. ai _ have a roundn加油 face and two big _s.(三)找出下列n加油每组单词中划线部分读音与所给音标相同的选项。( n加油) 1. e A. sweater n加油B. great ( ) 2. a: A. fathn加油er B. mother( ) 3. s A. grapes n加油 B. birds ( ) 4. n加油k A. school B. cinema( ) 5. n加油au A. shoulder B. aboun加油t ( ) 6. ai A. child B. n加油children( ) 7.

5、 u: A. school n加油 B. football ( ) 8. ei A. n加油danger B. maths(二)词汇运用:1】n加油名词1.名词的概念:名词是人、事物、地点或抽象概念等n加油名称的词。2.可数名词变复数的构成: 有规则n加油变化 1)一般情况下加-s2)以s ,x ,ch ,n加油 sh结尾加-es 注意以 th 结尾加-n加油s, month-months3)以辅音字母+结尾n加油,变y为i再加- es。注意以元音+y,直接加s。4)以f或fe结尾,复n加油数变f或 fe 为v再加-es eg.knife- knivesn加油5)以o结尾 只有两个加es eg

6、.tomatoton加油matoes potato- potatoes不规则变化:1) 元音字母n加油发变化。 eg.manmen womanwomen加油n2) 词尾发生变化。eg. childchildrenn加油 oxoxen3) 单、复数形式相同。 eg.n加油fishfish3. 不可数名词数不清(没有复数)4.n加油 表示无生命的名词,通常采用“of+名词”的结构n加油来表示所有关系。eg: the gate of then加油 school, the window on加油f room 经典题型: (一)写出下列单词的复数形式。bon加油y tooth fon加油ot mouse

7、 Chinese n加油 policeman n加油 policewoman n加油 sheep n加油 deer (二)用下列名n加油词的正确形式填空。 1. The _ n加油are playing football now. (child)2n加油. There are many _ on the road. (n加油bus)3. Those shoes are _.(Tom)4n加油. These _ are _. n加油(orange)5. How many _n加油_ are there in the river?(fish)n加油(三)单选题。 ( ) 1. The woman

8、ovn加油er there is _ mon加油ther.A. John and Sarahs n加油B. Johns and Sarahs n加油 C. John and Sarah D. Johns andn加油 Sarah( ) 2. They come from differen加油nt B. countrien加油s C. a country D. the countryn加油( ) 3. They are _.A. woman n加油 B. womans C. womenn加油 D. womanes( )n加油 4. The cat caught twon加

9、油 _ last night.A. mouses B. min加油ce C. mouse D. mices( n加油 ) 5. Would you like _, please?An加油. two glass of water B. n加油two glasses of water C. two glass of wan加油ters D. two glasses of waters( ) 6. n加油There are some _ in n加油these _.A. knifespencil-n加油boxes B. knivespencils-boxC. knivespenn加油cil-box

10、D. knivespencil-boxes( n加油) 7. _ like _ by ain加油r.A. Greens, traveling B.The Greenn加油, traveling C. The Greens, travn加油el D. The Greens, traveln加油ing( ) 8. There isn加油 no _ in the platn加油e.A.apples B. orangesn加油 C. rice D. eggs(四)n加油按要求写出单词。1. John(名词所有格)_ 2. Len加油ts(完全形式)_ 3. white(反义词)_n加油_4. she(

11、宾格)_ 5. America(形容词)n加油_ 6. there(同音词)_(五)根据汉语或n加油英文提示完成句子。1. _(李明的父母) worn加油k in a big hospital.2. This is _n加油_(我妹妹的语文书)。3. Whats _n加油_(汤姆妹妹的名字)?4. Are these the n加油_(twin) books?5. March 8th n加油is _(woman) Dan加油y.6. Whats the girls name? (同n加油义句) Whats the _ the gin加油rl?2】冠词1. 冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单n加油独使用

12、,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面(相当于名词的帽子),帮助指明名词的n加油含义。2. an与数词one 同源,是一个的意n加油思。a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前。3. 定冠词the与n加油指示代词this,that,these,those同源,有那(这)个n加油 这(那)些的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某n加油些特定的人或东西。 定冠词用在文艺活动n加油,运动场所的名称前。Eg.They are going to thn加油e cinema tonight. 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示n加油一家人: the greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇) n加油在方位名词

13、之前,如:in the west 4. 在某些短语中in加油n the day, in the mon加油rning (afternoon,evenin加油ng),the day after n加油tomorrow,the day before yesn加油terday,in the sky (water,fin加油eld,country)in the dark,in the n加油rain, in the middle (of),in the enn加油d, by the way5. 在三餐、n加油球类运动、季节、月份、星期、国家、地名、人名前面,不加冠词。 n加油 Eg. have bre

14、akfast,play chesn加油s经典题型:(一)用适当的冠词a, an, the 填空, 不n加油需要的地方用“/”表示。1. I have _ pen. _n加油_ pen is black.2. Miss Wan加油ng is _ English teacher.3. I n加油am _ Chinese bon加油y.4. Could you tell men加油 _ way to _ hon加油spital, please?5. I like playing_n加油_ football.6. _ woman in red n加油is our English teacher.7.

15、We usuan加油lly have _ lunch at 12 oclock.(二)n加油单选题。( ) 1. My brothen加油r is _ honest boy, so he n加油has many friends.A.a B.n加油 an C. the D. /( ) 2. n加油Where is Xiaoming? -n加油He is having _ rest ovn加油er there.A.a B. an C. the D. /( n加油 ) 3. _ sun is bigger thn加油an the moon.A. A B. An加油n C. The D. /( ) 4

16、. I men加油t _ friend of mine yesterday.A. an加油 B. the C. an D.n加油 /( ) 5. There is _ “h” in加油n the word “hour”, but _ “h” doesntn加油 make a sound.A.a, a B. a, tn加油he C. the, an D. an,n加油 the( ) 6. My aun加油nt is ill _. I am sorry to hear n加油 hospital Bn加油. in the hospital C. in a hosn加油pital D

17、. at a hospital( ) 7. We han加油ve three meals _day. I have breakn加油fast at 6:30 in _ morning.n加油A. the, the, B. the, /n加油 C. a, / D. a, the ( ) 8. More an加油nd more foreign studentsn加油 come to China to learn _ n加油Chinese.A. a B. an n加油 C. the D. /( ) 9. Lin加油u Changchun is _ first Chinsn加油es to join t

18、he Olympics.A. a B. ann加油 C. the D. /二、直通名校:(一)判n加油断单词划线部分是否有相同音素,打或。1.know kite n加油( ) 2.good food ( n加油 ) 3.hear here ( n加油 )4.them think ( ) 5.tootn加油hache school ( ) 6.morning nurn加油se( )(二)根据句意和首字母,写出句中n加油所缺单词。1.Beijing is the capitan加油l of C .2.We an加油re going on a p_ tomorrow.n加油3.Dont l_ at

19、your cn加油lassmates.4.The G_ Wall in加油s the longest wall in tn加油he world.5.E_ are the biggest n加油animals on land.6.Plann加油ts cant grow well w_ water n加油and air.7.Please sayn加油 it again, I cant h_ yon加油u.8.Womens Day is on the e_n加油_ of M_.9.Thursday is the fn加油_ day of the week in n加油the UK.10.The bo

20、x is h_n加油_. I cant carry it.(三)单项选择。 ( n加油 )1.Mary likes playing _ basketn加油ball, but she doesnt like pn加油laying _ piano.A./ ; /n加油 B.the ; / C.the ; n加油the D./ ; the( )2.n加油Lily is going to France soon.n加油 She will arrive _ Paris _ the mon加油rning of January ; in n加油 ; in ; on D.

21、at ; on加油n( )3.Would you like _n加油_ juice? Yes, please.n加油A.any B.some C.a D.an加油n( )4.Ive got a toothn加油ache. Im going to see a _.n加油A.park C.teacher n加油 )5.May I _n加油_ your bike? Surn加油e.A.ride B.riding C.rode n加油 ride( )6.Whose run加油ler is it? Maybe its _.n加油A.Peter B.Pe

22、ters C.Marys D.Pn加油eters( )7.I want to sen加油e the film. I am going to the _n加油_.A.cinema C.mun加油seum )8._ will n加油you do this Saturday? Ill n加油play football.A.What n加油 B.When C.Where Dn加油.How( )9.My father _ a n加油new car. He _ it very much.A.n加油have ; like B.has ; liken加油s C.has ; l

23、ike D.haven加油 ; likes( )10.More and mn加油ore people in the world enjoy _n加油_ now.A.swim B.swn加油imming swim D.swimsn加油(四)用动词的适当形式填空。1.My father _n加油_(like) _(play) foon加油tball.2.He _n加油(visit) the farm nextn加油 week.3.Look! The baby pn加油anda _(get) down fn加油rom the tree.4.She _n加油_(be) short in 20

24、19, but now she _n加油_(look) taller.n加油5.My sister swims very _(well). n加油But my brother swims _n加油_(well) than my sister.6.Miss Chn加油en _ _(start) from Mn加油acao two hours ago. All of the studentsn加油 _ _(wait) her heren加油 now.(五)按要求改写句子。1.He don加油es some reading every dayn加油.(改为否定句)He _ _ _n加油_ readi

25、ng every day.2.Its Junn加油e 29th today.(就划线部分提问)What _n加油_ _ _ today?3.n加油She is a very strict teacher.(改为感叹句)_n加油_ _ strict ten加油acher she is!4.The tn加油eacher always takes good n加油care of my son in then加油 kindergarden.(改为同义句)n加油The teacher always _ _n加油_ my son in the kindergardenn加油.5.There are som

26、e English books inn加油 the bag.(改为否定句)Then加油re _ _ English books in n加油the bag.6.Its time for supper.(改n加油为同义句)Its the _ _n加油_.(六)请把Betty与Tim之间的对话重新排列n加油,使句意通顺,将正确的序号写在横线上Bettn加油y: Tim:1.Byn加油e! 6.Hello, Bob.2.Hello, 65037n加油94. 7.OK. Thanks, goodbye!3n加油.Oh, sorry! Hes not at home. 8.Hi, Bn加油etty, t

27、his is Tim.4.No, this is n加油Betty. 9.Is Bob in? Ben加油tty!5.Fine, thanks, Tim. 10.Hon加油w are you?(七)完型填空。Two friends 1 n加油 in the forest. One is thin and talln加油. 2 is fat and short. The tall mann加油 says to the short man, We are good n加油friends. If any beast 3 n加油at us, I 4 help you. The short mn加油an

28、 says, Of course, we are good friendn加油s. We will help each other.n加油 At that time a bear 5 to tn加油hem. The tall man climbs up the tn加油ree quickly. The shorn加油t and fat man cant 6 the tree. He n加油says to his friend, Help me, I cant cn加油limb up. The tall man sayn加油s, No, you cant stay with me. Thn加油e tree is not strong. The bear n加油 7 . The fat man thn加油rows himself on the

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