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1、幼儿园英语主持稿幼儿园英语主持稿篇一:少儿英语培训校庆主持稿(双语) 迪士尼英语五周年成果展示会 主持稿 Ladies and gentlemen女士们,先生们,dear friends and dear kids亲爱的大朋友和小朋友们,good evening.大家晚上好! People often said that July filariasis and in August is not over.人们常说,七月流火,八月未央。七月是绚丽多彩的,Its gorgeous and fantastic in July, but if we wanna describe August, it

2、must be “freezing”七月是灿烂夺目的,而八月,如果用一个词来形容,应该是“凝结”。Freezing, means a stop. 凝结,意思是,凝固且完结。 August is just like a pure cup of milk. 八月,宛若纯纯牛奶,It would flow as it was, and could be made to any kind of shape.开始可以任意流淌,摆出各种惬意的姿态,is just like the shaking wine in a bartenders hand像调酒师手里不断翻转舞动的什锦酒,映着游离的光晕,哗啦啦啦的

3、。It would become thicker and thicker and finally be changed into cheese.可是会渐渐变浓变厚,化不开来,彼此偎依蜷缩,凝固成奶酪。瓷瓷实实。一些微妙的,小心翼翼的情感被裹在其中,就此完结。Luckily, life is endless to some degree, well never give up. Day by day, year by year, we deserted those sadness, and just hold fast our gains, just try our best to move o

4、n.而所幸的是,人生不息,我们终不言弃。日复一日,年复一年,我们褪掉那些心酸、不堪和陈旧,盘算一年来的收获和成长,如此往复,轮回下去。 Today, we stand on this stage again, for all the students of our Disney , to declare that our school is 5 years old now.今天,我们又站在这里,代表所有迪士尼的学员们,荣幸地宣告大家,我们五岁了。Thank you for your company in those tough or shining days.五年来,感谢您与新动力风雨同舟,不

5、离不弃。5 years, we are together, to create a fantastic condition for our students. 五年里,我们共奋斗,同成长。We are here to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Disney. 今天,我们在这轮回的八月再次迎来新动力英语硕果累累的第五周年校庆。Well present you a more professional and perfect self tonight.我们将向您展示一个更专业,更完美的自己。Now, we are in the name of Neijiang

6、 Dynamic Disney English to declare 下面,请允许我们代表内江新动力英语宣布“内江新动力英语五周年成果展示会”现在开始。 A:XXX, 作为新动力的学生,你觉得最大的收获是什么?XXX:我觉得最大的收获是沉浸在英语世界里的那种快乐。A:嗯,说得太好了。那你今晚一定会非常快乐。XXX:为什么?A:因为你会看到大家很长一段时间来坚持排练,并且把快乐带到英语的童话世界里,为我们演绎一段大家耳熟能详的故事。XXX:哦?那我们就拭目以待了。A: 嗯,那就不多说,赶快请出我们的小朋友们。 The first one is also our routine, our open

7、ing show. Lets welcome them. Look, they are coming.第一个节目依旧是我们的惯例,我们精彩的开场秀,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们,瞧,他们来了 - B: Wow, so wonderful! I think they would never forget their feelings and experiences of tonight. C:是的。每个人都有童年,我们都相信在新动力的日子里,大家一定留下了童年最美好的回忆,同时也感谢新动力的学员们给我们带来这么精彩的瞬间。再次感谢该组学员们给我们带来的精彩表演。B:Ok, now lets wel

8、come the next group from our Disney to present their beautiful pronunciations for us. They would give us a long but nice poem. Its name is . They have perfect intonations, impeccable body languages. So lets appreciate it now. C:好了,下面请大家以热烈的掌声有请来自新动力英语的几位同学给我们带来的优美的全英文配乐诗朗诵。 她们有非常漂亮的美式英文发音,而且用完美的肢体语言

9、将整首诗诠释得淋漓尽致。好了,废话不多说, Forever Friends。B: Welcome! C: 掌声有请。 - D: Do you like fairy tales? E:Yes, of course. D: Do you know the famous fairy character Cinderella? E: Oh, I like her best, she is the most kind and lovely girl I thought. She is hard working and D: Oh, please stop here, and lets appreciat

10、e this fairy play with the audiences. E: Yeah, its name is , with a big hand. A: Most of us like singing, and the next program is a very cute song, come on, everybody, please sing with us, , with a big hand. B: Wow, wonderful. Lets cheer for them again. Everybody has friend. C: Yeah, everybody needs

11、 friends. B: If you are happy, you need a friend to share your happiness. C:If you are sad or in trouble, you also need a friend to stay with you and give you some help. B: Lets welcome . D: Gorgeous! With a big hand. We have enjoyed so many programs from our schoolmates, and now, its our teachers t

12、urn, lets welcome our dear teachers. They would present a short play for us. It would let us know the other aspect of them. Its a comedy, its name is “Jenny and her dating.” Welcome. A: Lets cheer for our respected teachers. B: With a big hand. A: So, XXX, do you like rabbit? B: Yes, of course. A: S

13、o the next short play is coming, its name is . B: Wow, Im expecting it. Welcome. C: Bravo, with a big hand. Most of you have heard about the story of , but not everyone could understand it in English, and perform it in English. D: Huhhuh, yeah, but today, our schoolmates from Naxi branch would prese

14、nt a short play for us. Lets welcome. E: XXX, we have so many excellent schoolmates, is it right? F: Yes, were so proud of them and our dear Disney. E: XXX, do you like English songs? F: Yeah, I like them very much. E: So lets appreciate the English songs brought by Huilong branch. F: Welcome. A: Go

15、rgeous! B: With a big hand. A: We are so A:We gathered together here today to celebrate for our Disney. B:今天,我们在丰收喜悦中,为我们迪士尼的生日欢呼雀跃! C:We know that today isnt a stop, and next time when we meet, well become better than now. D:我们都知道今天的相聚不代表结束,下次,当我们再次聚首,我们将会更好! E:Dear friends, well never forget your

16、encouragement and your cheer. F:亲爱的朋友们,我们绝不会忘记您们对迪士尼的鼓励和喝彩。 ALL:内江新动力迪士尼五周年成果展示会,现在结束,See you next year! See you! 篇二:幼儿园双语主持稿 东湖洲幼儿园庆“六一”幼儿早操展示暨游园活动方案主持稿 木偶表演 晶晶:尊敬的园长 Dear the head of the kindergarten 思远、张维:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、 Dear Dad, Mom,Grandpa and Grandma. 娇:可爱的老师小朋友们 Adorable teachers and kids 合:

17、:大家早上好! Good morning 晶晶:最红的彩霞升在早晨 The rosy clouds are slowly rising in the morning 娇娇: 最甜的彩梦做在六月 The sweet dreams are beginning to sprout in June 思源、张维:走进六月,就走进了多彩的季节。 Stepping into June, we are coming to a colorful season. 合:走进六月,就走进了童真的世界。 We are stepping into the world of purity. 晶晶: 小朋友们,你们知道6月1

18、日是什么节日吗?(六一儿童节) My little ladies and gentlemen, do you know what holiday is it today? 思远、张维:对,今天是儿童节是我们小朋友自己的节日。 Yes! You are right! Today is Childrens Day, and is our own holiday! 娇:今天在这绿地如茵,风景如画的运动场,我们要用自己的方式庆祝六一国际儿童节。 Today we are going to celebrate our Childrens Day in a special way at this spec

19、tacularly verdant playground. 合:现在.我宣布.东湖洲.国际幼儿园.“庆六一”.幼儿早操.展示.暨.游园活动.现在开始 Now I would like to declare that East Lakes International Kindergartens Celebration of Childrens Day is starting. 晶晶:首先请运动员入场! First, lets give a warm welcome to the little athletes. 晶晶:今天,我们所有的小朋友都是精神饱满、信心十足,希望你们能在快乐的游戏中度过一个

20、难忘的六一儿童节! Today all of you are so vigorous and confident. We believe you can have a very good time in the games and have a unforgettable Childrens Day. 二:举行升旗仪式环节 晶晶:现在即将举行的是升旗仪式, Now is the ceremony of raising national flag. 娇:请全体起立,升旗仪式现在开始 Please stand up, the ceremony now begins. 思源:下面有请升旗手进场 No

21、w please welcome the flag-bearers. 娇:升国旗、奏国歌、行注目礼 (请家长坐下) Raising the national flag and playing the Anthem. 晶晶:请全体运动员向后转 All little athletes about fave! 二:领导讲话 晶晶:下面我们用热烈的掌声欢迎钟园长致辞! Lets give a warmest welcome to Head of the kindergarten to make an opening speech. 娇:非常感谢钟园长对我们的祝福 Thanks very much to

22、 the best wishes of Miss Zhong. 思源、张维:请小运动员代表讲话 Now please welcome the deputy of our little athletes to say something. 三:各班艺术类表演活动开始 娇:现在请运动员们退场,接下来的艺术表演活动开始啦 Now all the athletes please exit and next our artistic performances are starting. 晶晶:首先请大家欣赏花花班小朋友给我们带来的表演我真的很不错掌声有请。 The first to perform is

23、 the kids from Huahua Class. They will take with us “ I am really nice”. 娇:好!非常感谢花花班的精彩表演。人人爱卫生、世界更漂亮!许多小朋友们爱玩,而我们最爱洗澡,接下来请欣赏苗苗班带来的表演我爱洗澡掌声有请。 Great. Thanks to the wonderful show of Flowers Class. We all know that if everybody pays attention to hygiene and the world would become much cleaner. Some b

24、abies like playing but we like having showers. So lets welcome the next show “I love bathing” from Miaomiao Class. 四:早操表演统一开始 解说:石芸 五:游园活动 晶晶: 非常感谢全体小朋友的精彩表演,我们也准备了很多好玩的游园活动,而且有丰富的奖品等着大家领取。 We are very happy watching these great shows from out little friend. And also we prepared a lot of games and p

25、rizes for you to get them. 娇:现在请各班老师有秩序的带领小朋友回到班上休息十分钟,当音乐响起的时候,就请家长带领着自己的宝宝进行游园活动 Now lets have a break for about ten minutes and all of you please follow your teachers. By the way when music starts, parents can take your baby to have a visit at our beautiful kindergarten. Just have fun. 六 :抽奖活动 晶晶

26、:游园活动即将结束了, The kindergarten tour is about to end. 娇:各位家长,现在是我们的抽奖活动时间,首先有请钟园给们抽出今天的四等奖。 Now its time to draw the winners. Lets invite Miss Zhong to draw todays Fourth Prize. 晶晶:下面钟园长将抽出今天的三等奖 Now is the Third Prize. 娇:下面钟园长将抽出今天的二等奖 Now is the Second Prize 娇:下面钟园长将抽出今天的一等奖 At last, we will reveal t

27、he First Prize 晶晶:最惊心动魄的时刻到了,今天的特等奖将花落谁家呢 Here comes the most exciting moment, who will win the Grand Prize? 七 :结束 思源:六一的风是轻轻的, The breeze of June 1st is soft 张维:六一的歌是甜甜的, The song of June 1st is sweet. 晶晶:六一的祝福是深深的。 The wishes of June 1st is profound. 娇:六一的小朋友是快乐的! The children of June 1st are extr

28、emely happy 晶晶:在这个充满爱和祝福的日子里,我们仍将重复那句话 At this day with love and happiness, we would like to repeat that blessing sentence. 合:“祝所有的小朋友,天天快乐,身体健康,节日快乐!” Best wishes to all the children. Happy Childrens Day. 娇:东湖洲国际幼儿园“庆六一”幼儿早操展示暨游园活动到此结束 East Lakes International Kindergartens Celebration of Childrens

29、 Day is coming to the end. Thanks you for coming. 篇三:今都幼儿园英语主持词 今都幼儿园英语主持词 原句1:The flag raising ceremony will begin now. 改后1:The flag raising ceremony begins now. 原句3:Raise a flag. 改后3: 原句5: 改后5: 原句6: 改后6:Raise the national flag. The speech under the national flag. Now lets welcome _, to give us a speech. The flag raising ceremony end. Thank you! The flag raising ceremony ended. Thank you!

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