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1、heisakindbay改一般疑问句heisakindbay改一般疑问句【篇一:heisakindbay改一般疑问句】yesterday that while he was.(ap photo/japan coast guard)inspection: in this photo released by japan coast guard, a japan coast guard boat, foreground, goes by a chinese fishing boat which japancoast guard officers are on board for inspection

2、 after it collided with two japanese patrol vessels near a chain of disputed islands known assenkaku in japanese or diaoyu in chinese in the east china sea, tuesday, sept. 7, 2010. the collisions occurred near the islands claimed byboth countries after the ship received repeated warnings from japans

3、 coast guard to move out of the waters, officials said.chi-chi zhang,associated press writerbeijingdiplomatic tensions between chinaand japan escalated wednesday whenbeijing called in japans ambassadorafter a chinese fishing boat collidedwith two japanese patrolvessels near achain of disputed island

4、s and tokyoarrested the boats captain, accordingto the associated press.chinese vice foreign minister songtao summoned japanese ambassadoruichiro niwa and urged japan to stopthe illegal interception of chinesefishing boats, the official xinhua newvsagency reported late tokyo, japan coast

5、guardspokeswoman akane yonemori saidwednesday that the 41-year-old chi-nese captain of the fishing boat hadbeen arrested for allegedly obstruct-ing public duties in connection withtuesdays collision near the chain ofislands in the east china sea. she gaveno further injuries were reported

6、from thetwo separate collisions that occurredwithin 40 minutes, japan coast guardspokesman yosuke oi said. the twojapanese patrol vessels sustained minordamage. it was unclear if the chineseship was damaged.the collisions happened in japan-ese territorial waters off the north-western coast of japans

7、 kuba island,just north of uninhabited, disputedislands known as senkaku in japan-ese and diaoyu in chinese. about 120miles (190 kilometers) east of taiwan,the islands are controlled by japan butare also claimed by china and taiwan.inspectionthe collisions occurred after thejapanese patrol vessels o

8、rdered thechinese ship to stop for an inspectionover alleged violation of internationalfishing laws after it repeatedly ignoredearlier warnings to- exit the area, oisaid.the chinese trawler, carrying a crewof 15, first collided with the japanesepatrol boat yonakuni, slightly damag-ing its stern. abo

9、ut 40 minutes later,the chinese fishing boat made a sud-den turn and collided into another.patrol vessel, the mizuki, causing adent on its starboard side and damag-ing its railings, oi said.jiang yu, a spokeswoman for chi-nas foreign ministry, told a regularnews conference tuesday that beijinghad be

10、en in contact with japan overthe incident and was concerned aboutthe situation.jiang said china reiterated its claimto the diaoyu islands and its adjacentislets and urged japanese patrol boatsin the area against any so-called lawenforcement activities or any actionsthat would jeopardize chinese fish

11、ingboats or chinese people.we are keeping a close eye on thedevelopments and reserve the right tomake a further response, she said.japanese officials do not believe theboat is carrying any activists attemptingto make a political statement on theisland, oi said. japan has lodged aprotest with china s

12、everal times overthe entry of chinese vessels into watersnear the islands. activists from hongkong and taiwan have also sailed tothe islands to make territorial claims.a cyour connection to the worldpublic noticetender- motorinsurance 2010s2011the bahamas telecommunications company ltd. (btc) isplea

13、sed to invite tenders to provide the company with motorinsurance coverage.interested companies/firms may collect a tender specifica-tion from the securitys desk located in the administrativebuilding on john f. kennedy drive, between the hours of 9:00a.m. and 5:00 p.m. monday through friday.the deadl

14、ine for submission of tenders is on or before tues-day, september 7th, 2010. tenders should be sealed andmarked tender for motor insurance and should be de-livered to the attention of: ,mr. i. kirk griffin, acting president and ceothe bahamas telecommunications company ltdp.o. box n-3048, nassau, ba

15、hamasbtc reserves the right to reject any or all tenders.* /mybtciraq displays hundredsof recovered artifactsby barbara surkassociated press writerbaghdad (ap) - iraqdisplayed hundreds of recov-ered artifacts tuesday thatwere among the countryslooted heritage and span theages from a 4,400-year-oldst

16、atue of a sumerian king to achrome-plated ak-47 bear-ing saddam husseins image.the 542 pieces are amongthe most recent artifactsrecovered from a heartbreak-ing frenzy of looting at muse-ums and archaeological sitesafter the 2003 u.s.-led inva-sion and in earlier years ofwar and upheaval. the theftss

17、wept a stunning array ofpriceless antiquities into thehands of collectors far, 5,000 items stolensince 2003 have been recov-ered. and culture officialssaid they hoped the displaywould encourage morenations to cooperate in thesearch for 15,000 pieces stillmissing from the iraqi nation-al mu

18、seum, one of the sitesworst-hit by looters after thefall of baghdad seven yearsago.museumthe director of the nation-al museum, amira alawan,praised the international com-munity for helping iraq findand recover its cultural her-itage. but he said not all coun-tries are cooperating, namingspain and le

19、banon as amongthe nations that have refusedto hand over missing iraqiartifacts.the items displayed at theforeign ministry includedrelics of the worlds mostancient civilizations.the most prominent wasthe headless statue of a kingfrom the ancient sumeriancivilization, which is morethan 4,000 years old

20、. it wasdiscovered in the 1920s at theancient city of ur in southerniraq and was stolen from thenational museum.the fbi listed its theftamong the worlds top 10 artcrimes. experts say the statue,carved from black diorite withcuneiform inscriptions alongthe back and the shoulders,is the oldest known r

21、epresen-tation of an iraqi monarch.officials with the u.s.department of homelandsecurity located the statue inthe united states in may 2006and handed it oqvei to- iraqidiplomats in washington twomonths later.among the newest piecesof iraqs recovered past was achrome-plated ak-47 with apearl hand gri

22、p and a smallimage of saddam next to thegun sight. it was taken fromiraq to the u.s. as a war tro-phy by an american soliderwho found the rifle during a2007 raid in is a celebration iniraq. this is bringing back thecivilization and the culturalheritage of iraq, saidmohammed muhsen ali,

23、deputy director of the nation-al museum.iraqi and world culture offi-cials have for years struggledto retrieve looted treasuresbut with little success.the u.s. military was heav-ily criticized for not protectingthe national museums troveof relics and art after bagh-dads fall in 2003. thieves ran-sac

24、ked the collection, steal-ing or destroying pricelessartifacts that chronicled some7,000 years of civilization inmesopotamia, including theancient babylonians, sume-rians and assyrians.the display also includedmore than 5,000-year-oldcylindrical seals used by thesumerians to seal written doc-uments

25、and a centuries-oldpair of golden earrings fromthe ancient assyrian city ofnimrud, just south of the pre-sent day northern city ofmosul.earringsthe earrings were discov-ered in 1988 under the floorof a palace belonging to anassyrian. king. they werestolen from the nationalmuseum two years later andf

26、ound at an auction house innew york in 2009.the latest recoveries, madeover the past five years, werehailed as a great achievementby government officials whovowed to continue the battleto reclaim looted artifacts.we will not stop, saidforeign minister hoshyarzebari. we will continue ourefforts in or

27、der to return thelast precious pieces to theirlegitimate owners.iraqs ambassador to theu.s. samir shakir sumaidaietold reporters at the eventthat more than 600 pieceshave also been unaccountedfor since last year when theywere transported by theamerican military from theu.s. to baghdad and deliv-ered

28、 to the office of the primeminister nouri ail-maliki.we have confirmationfrom the u.s. military that thepieces that include mostlycylindrical seals reached theprime ministers office lastyear, but until now we haveno information on their cur-rent location, sumaidaiesaid. the prime ministersoffice cou

29、ld not immediatelybe reached for comment. si the tribunepage 20, thursday, september 9, 2010herminegives southtexasanother e. su se av.ktropical i .-lashingby paul j weberassociated press writerraymondville,texas (ap) - tropical stormhermine gave a wet andwindy punch to texas ontuesday but left only

30、 minorscrapes in the storm-wearyrio grande valley, which isproving resilient this hurri-cane season after taking athird tropical system on thechin.hermine lost steam aftercrossing into texas with trop-ical storm strength. a peeled-back motel roof in the coastalfarming town of ray-mondville and scatt

31、ered pow-er outages were. about theworst leftover from the gusty,drenching storm that cameand went quickly after creep-ing up on texas and mexicoin the warm gulf waters overthe long holiday weekend.i think were lucky. itcouldve been worse, saidart nelson, sizing up thehulking aluminum shed thatcollapsed on a farming plowat his john deere store inraymondvil

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