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1、常见中心意思句【常见中心意思句】1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits (will well deserve punishments) as follows. 从其所做来看,他可以得到如下好处(他将受到如下的惩罚):(e.g. From his great inventions in many fields, man has well deserved punishments as follows. )例:就其很多领域的重大发明而言,人类将会受到如下的惩罚。 2) Sth., if made the best/the wors

2、t of, will bring some distinct advantages/ disadvantages to our social development/ ones growth. 如果得到充分利用/弄砸了,某事物将给社会发展/为一个人的成长带来很大的好处/ 坏处。(e.g. Stock markets, if made the best of, will bring some advantages to oursocial construction.)例:如果得到充分利用,股票市场将为社会建设带来一些的好处。3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of b

3、enefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else. 某事物可能对某人/另一事物有很大的好处/威胁/危害。(e.g. Cloning, as a new-born thing, is expected to do a lot of benefit tothe human progress.) 例:新产生的克隆技术可望对人类进步有很大的好处。4) (Doing) sth. will enrich/ endanger/ influence ones life in more than one aspect. (做)某事将不止在一个方面丰富/危害/影响一个人的生活。 (e.g.

4、Having ones head in the clouds sometimes can enrich a good teachersteaching in more than one aspect.)例:想入非非有时能在多方面是教师的教学得以丰富。 5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in. 一些好的/坏的/出乎意料的结果是出于我们在方面所做的事情。(e.g. Some good effects will certainly come of the efforts we have ma

5、de in birth control.)例:一些好的方面将肯定是我们在控制生育上所做努力的结果。6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in.(First,.Second.) 6 的变化/增加/下降/增长有几个方面的原因/因素。首先,其次 例:人们道德观的剧烈变化可能有不同的原因。 (e.g. There are probably a variety of reasons for the drastic changes in peoples moral concep

6、ts.)7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound. (Some attribute it.Others put it down to.Still others owe it to.)(e.g. The causes for the prevalence of living together are varied and complex.) 7 某事的原因/起因很复杂/不一/深刻。有些人归因于,有些人归结为,还有些人 认为是的结果。 例:流行住在一起的原因既不同又复杂。8) The success/fai

7、lure/change/increase/decline(in sth.) mainly/largely stems/derives/results from the factors as follows.(One lies in.Another is found in.Still another consists in.)(e.g. The rise in Chinas economy mainly derives from a number of factors/the factors as follows.) 8 某事物的成功/失败/改变/增长/下降主要/大体上是由于以下的因素。一个是,

8、另 一个是,还有一个是 例:中国经济的崛起主要是由于以下的因素。 9) Why has/did/is.? (For one thing/.For another.Perhaps the most fundamental/adequate/competent reason is.)(e.g. Why is there a growing drift toward power-seeking in society?) 9 为什么?首先;其次;也许最根本的/最大的原因是 例:为什么社会越来越趋于追求权力? 10) It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/id

9、entify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.(e.g. It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the whole, two factors s

10、houtlouder than others.) 10 要提供/辨别/找到某事物的每一个原因并不简单,但总体上有三个/一些相对较为突 出的因素。 例:要找到青少年离家出走人数增长的每一个原因并不容易,但总体上有两个因素较为突出 。 11) In view of this situation/drift/boom/social disorder/drastic change, people put forward/advance/suggest/propose two countermoves/countermeasures:. (e.g. In view of this population

11、boom in large cities, people have come up with two countermeasures: dispersal of city population and development of an underground city.) 11 鉴于这种形势/(坏的)趋势/剧烈增长/不良社会秩序/剧烈的变化,人们提出了两 个应对措施。 例:鉴于大城市人口的剧烈增长,人们提出了两个应对措施:分散城市人口以及发展地下城 。 12) From the suggested solutions (to.)/measures (against.)/plans (for

12、. .)/moves (toward.)/ideas (on.), two have begun to stand/stick out, namely. .(e.g. 略) 12 对于的建议解决办法/对于针对的措施/对于的计划/对于的提议/对于的 想法,其中有两个已开始突出,即 13) There are believed/expected/supposed to be two effective measures/practical schemes/workable ideas/sound solutions, one of which is.(e.g. There are believed

13、 to two workable ideas on prevention of teenage pregnancy, one of which is the sex education of teenagers.) 13 有人认为/可望/应该有两个有效的措施/可行的计划/可行的想法/可行的办法,其 中一个是 例:有人认为预防青少年怀孕有两个可行的主意,其中一个是对青少年进行性教育。14) To promote/suppress/cultivate/popularize/curb/enhance/root up the thing in question, the public attentio

14、n/more stress/emphasis is placed/put/focused upon two proposals/moves/measures/solutions:.(e.g. To root up the prostitution in our society, the public attention is focused on two solutions: a permanent ban against unhealthy recreations and a long -term moral education.) 14 为了改善/压制/培养/普及阻止/提高/消除该问题,公

15、众的注意力/进一步的强调放 在了/ 集中在两个提议/举措/措施/解决办法上: 例:为了消除社会卖淫现象,公众的注意力集中在两个解决办法上:永久禁止不健康的娱乐 和长期的道德教育。15) When it comes to the comparison between A and B, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.(e.g. When it comes to the comparison between travelling by car and travelling by train, each has advantages and

16、 disadvantages of its own.) 15 谈到A与B的比较,各有各的长处和短处。 例:谈到开车旅行和坐火车旅行的比较,各有各的长处和短处。 16) Ideas/Views on the issue in question vary from person to person/vary widely. A(e.g. Ideas on the way of reading vary from person to person. 16 对于讨论该问题的看法,人与人之间有差距。 例:对于阅读方式的看法,仁者见仁,智者见智。 17) As to whether it is a ble

17、ssing or a curse, however, people take different views/positions/attitudes/stands(或peoples attitudes are quite opposite toeach other.).A(e.g. As to whether birth of various associations on campus is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different stands.) 17 至于这是好事还是坏事,人们看法/立场/态度不一。(人们的态度互不相容)

18、 例:可是至于校园出现各种社团是好事还是坏事,人们立场不一。 18) Peoples views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. A或:People are divided in opinion/outlook/view on the matter in question. A(e.g. Peoples views, however, are divergent on the newborn thing.) 18 然而人们讨论这一问题的看法互有分歧。或:人们对此问题的观点不一。 例:但是,人们对新生事物的看法有分歧。19)

19、People respond/react the manners/ways opposite to each other.A(e.g. People respond to the stress in the manners opposite to each other.) 19 人们对的回应方式互相对立。 例:人们对压力的反应方式互不相同。20) Although people arrive at/reach/achieve the common understanding of sth., their views/ideas about its influence/future/

20、impact (on our life) are at opposite poles. A(e.g. Although people have arrived at the common understanding of Chinas achievement, their views about her future are at opposite poles.) 20 尽管人们对某事达成了共识,但他们关于其影响/未来/对我们生活的影响看法不一 。 例:尽管人们对中国的成就有共同的认识,但他们对中国的未来看法不一。21) There are several/a number of reason

21、s/factors for my choice/pursuit ( o f.)/fondness (for.)/adaptability (to.)/concentration (on.)/advocacy (of. .)/belief (in.) (或my seeking/choosing to do sth.)(e.g. There are several reasons for my fondness for the sports.) 21 我的选择/我对的追求/对的喜欢/适应/专注于/拥护/相信有几个方面 的原因。(我寻求/选择做某事) 例:我喜欢运动有几个方面的原因。 22) Amo

22、ng the factors that contribute to my achievement/choice/struggle/. ., three/a few shout louder/weigh more heavily/stand out. (e.g. Among the factors that contribute to my success in studies, three shout louder.)22 在我的成就/选择/奋斗背后的因素当中,有三个/几个比较突出/比较重要。 例:在我学习上成功的因素当中,有三个方面相对更为重要。 23) The reasons/factor

23、s/causes for my love (of.)/interest (in.)/determination (to do sth.)/objection (to sth.)/.are varied and individual.(e.g. The reasons for my pursuit of the career are varied but individual.)23 我喜欢/对感兴趣/决定做某事/反对某事有不同的个人的原因。 例:我追求这一职业有不同的个人的原因。24) A variety of/Quite a few factors have led me to do sth

24、.(e.g. Quite a few factors have led me to form the habit of collecting stamps .) 24 有相当多的因素致使我去做某事。 例:有相当多的因素致使我形成收集邮票的习惯。25) My outlook (on.)/choice (of.)/participation (in.)/devotion (to.) stems from/derives from/results from some/several chief factors. 25 我对的看法/对的选择/对的参与/致力于源于几个主要的因素。 例:我对中文老师美好的

25、回忆源于几个主要的因素。(e.g. My pleasant memory of my Chinese teacher stems from several chief fact ors.) 26) Our life/history/society abounds with/is rich in/is full of typical examples/illustrations.(e.g. 略) 26 我们的生活/历史/社会中典型的事例俯拾即是。 27) Cases illustrative of this definition/truth/theory/principle/mechanism

26、/saying/proverb are not rare/are too numerous to mention one by one/can be foundeverywhere in our life/society.(e.g. Cases illustrative of the sayingfacts speak louder than wordsare too numerous to mention one by one.) 27 说明这一定义/真理/理论/原理/方法/俗语/谚语的例子并不罕见/举不胜举/在我们 的生活/社会中随处可见。 例:说明事实胜于雄辩这一俗话的例子举不胜举。 2

27、8) To illstrate the theory in question, we can cite many examples.( e.g. 略) 28 为了说明我们讨论的这一理论,我们可以举一些例子。29) According to my observation/knowledge, many examples from our real life can serve/be used (employed/cited) as good evidence for the definition in question.(e.g. 略) 29 根据我的观察/知识,我们现实生活的许多例子可以用来做

28、这一问题的很好的例证说 明。30) This truth/principle/motto/popular saying/way of coping with sth. is/ h olds true for/goes for/can be applied to many/various matters/cases in our actual life.(e.g. The above theory can be applied to a variety of cases in our daily life.) 30 这一针对某事的真理/原理/格言/流行语/方法可以用于处理我们实际生活中的许多/

29、各种事情。 例:上述理论可应用于我们日常生活中的许多事例。 31) There are some/several/a few steps (measures/ways/methods/tricks/less o ns) you/a would-be beginner can follow (take/try/use/learn) to achieve your (his /her) goal/to realize your/his dreams/to the best advantage.(e.g. There are some clever tricks a would-be relaxer

30、 can learn to keep himself free of worry or stress.) 31 有一些/几个步骤/措施/途径/方法/计策/教训你(一个即将成为初学者的人)采纳/ 尝试/使用/吸取,以实现你的(他/她的)目标/以实现你的/他的梦想/以达到最佳效果。 例:有一些聪明的办法可供想放松的人学习,使自己不会焦虑或紧张。32) When/If sth. in question/ is better/advisable/necessary/essential (for you) to follow the instructions/courses/steps/sc

31、hemes/ways as given/described below.(e.g. If your trouble builds up to the point where you can not put up with it, it is advisable for you to follow the instructions as given below.) 32 如果讨论某事/如果你,(你)最好/有必要按照下面给出的/下述说明/做法/步骤 /计划/方法去做。 例:如果你的麻烦到了忍无可忍的时候,建议你按照下面的说明去做。 33) To do sth., one/youd better (

32、not) go by/act upon/comply with some concrete/practical/sound/effective rules/regulations/orders/procedures/courses.(e.g. To break with the bad habits like smoking, youd better go by some effective instructions.) 33 要做某事,一个人/你最好(不)要遵从一些具体的/实用的/合理的/有效的规则/规 章制度/命令/程序/做法。 例:要打破象吸烟这样的坏习惯,你最好遵从一些有效的指导。34) For anyone/those who., here are the best ways to.(e.g. For those who are anxious to make friends with th

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