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1、机场常用英语58644机场英语常用对话1 女士们,先生们,您乘坐的XXX次航班,已经开是办理乘机手续,请到值机柜台办理乘机手续,谢谢1.Your attention pls. your flight of XXXX is now on boarding. Please bring your boarding pass and check in at Gate XXXX.2 女士们,先生们,您乘坐的XXX次航班,马上就要起飞了,请进入安检登机,谢谢. 2. Ladies and gentlmen, your flight of XXXX will soon depart. Please brin

2、g your boarding pass and check in at Gate XXXX.3 值机柜台在哪里? 值机柜台在那边. 3.Where is the boarding reception desk Its over there.4 我的行李损坏了/我的行李找不到了4.My luggage is damaged/missing./I cant find my luggages. :表示在_处填入航站名称; :表示在_处填入航班号; :表示在_处填入办理乘机手续柜台号、服务台号或问询台号; :表示在_处填入登机口号; :表示在_处填入二十四小时制小时时刻; :表示在

3、_处填入分钟时刻; :表示在_处填入播音次数; :表示在_处填入飞机机号; :表示在_处填入电话号码; :表示中的内容可以选用,或跳过不用;(11):表示需从中的多个要素里选择一个,不同的要素用序号间隔。开始办理乘机手续通知 前往_的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的补班_次航班现在开始办理乘机手续,请您到_号柜台办理。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We are now ready for checkin for supplementaryflight _ to _ at counter No. _ . Thank

4、 you. 乘坐补班_次航班前往_ 的旅客请注意: 由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机机械原因6.飞机在本站出现机械故障7.飞机在_ 机场出现机械故障8.航行管制原因9. _ 机场关闭10.通信原因(11),本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。预计推迟到_ 点_ 分办理。请您在出发厅休息,等候通知。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Due to 1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the p

5、oor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the _ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the_ airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of _ airport munication tr

6、ouble(11),the supplementaryflight _ to_ has been delayed . The check-in for this flight will be postponed to_ :_ .Please wait in the departure hall for further inFORMation. Thank you. 前往_ 的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的补班_次航班将在_ 点_ 分截止办理乘机手续。乘坐本次航班没有办理手续的旅客,请马上到_ 号柜台办理。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attent

7、ion please: Check-in for supplementaryflight _ to_ will be closed at _ :_ Passengers who have not been checked in for this flight , please go to counter No. _ immediately. Thank you. 乘坐补班_次航班由_ 经本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 请您持原登机牌到_ 号1.柜台2.服务台3.问询台(11)换取过站登机牌。 谢谢! Passengers taking supplementaryflight_ from _ to

8、_ , attention please: Please go to the 1. Counter 2.service counter 3. InFORMation desk(11)N0. _ to exchange your boarding passes for transit passes. Thank you. 持补班_次航班候补票前往_ 的旅客请注意: 请马上到_ 号柜台办理乘机手续。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Stand-by passengers for supplementaryfli

9、ght _ to _ , please go to counter No. _ for check-in . Thank you. 由_ 备降本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的补班_次航班现在开始登机。请带好您的随身物品,出未登机牌,由_号登机口上_号飞机。祝您旅途愉快。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Supplementaryflight_ alternated from _ to_ is now boarding. Would you please have your belongings and

10、boarding passes ready and board the aircraft No. _through gate NO. _.We wish you a pleasant journey . Thank you. 由_ 备降本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的补班_次航班很快就要起飞了,还没有登机的旅客请马上由_号登机口上_号飞机。这是补班_次航班1.第_次2.最后一次(11)登机广播。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have you attention please: supplementaryflight _ to _ alternated f

11、rom_ will take off soon. Please be quick to board the aircraft No. _through gate No. _ . This is the 1. _ (11)call for boarding on supplementaryflight _ . Thank you. 前往_ 的旅客请注意: 您乘坐的补班_次航班现在开始登机,请过站旅客出示过站登机牌,由_号登机口先上_号飞机。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Supplement

12、aryflight_ to _ is now ready for boarding. Transit passengers please show your passes and board aircraft No. _first through No. _. Thank you. 由_ 备降本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 我们抱歉地通知,您乘坐的补班_次航班由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机机械原因6.飞机在本站出现机械故障7.飞机在_ 机场出现机械故障8.航行管制原因9. _ 机场关闭10.通信原因(11)1.不能按时起飞2.

13、将继续延误3.现在不能从本站起飞(11),起飞时间1.待定2.推迟到_ 点_ 分(11)。在此我们深表歉意,请您在候机厅休息,等候通知。如果您有什么要求,请与_号1.不正常航班服务台2.服务台3.问询台(11)工作人员联系。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that supplementaryflight _alternated from _ to_ 1.can not leave on schedule 2. Will be delayed to_ :_ 3.

14、Will be further delayed to_ :_ 4.can not take off now (11)due to 1. The poor weather condition at out airport 2. the poor weather condition over the air route 3. The poor weather condition at _ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the _ airport 8. Air traffic congestion 9.the close-d

15、own of _ airport munication trouble (11). Would you please remain in the waiting hall and wait for further inFORMation. If you have any problems or questions, please contact with the 1. Irregular flight service counter 2.service counter 3. InFORMation desk (11)No. _ Thank you. 各位旅客请注意: 我们抱歉地通知,由于1.本

16、站天气原因2.本站暂时关闭3.通信原因(11),由本站始发的所有航班都1.不能按时2.将延误到_ 点_ 分以后(11)起飞,在此我们深表歉意,请您在候机厅内休息,等候通知。 谢谢! Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that all outbound flights 1.can not leave on schedule 2. Will be delayed to_ :_ (11)due to 1. the poor weather condition at our air

17、port 2.the temporary close-down of our airport 3. Communication trouble (11).Would you please remain in the waiting hall and wait for further inFORMation. Thank you. 由_ 备降本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 我们抱歉地通知,您乘坐的补班_次航班由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机机械原因6.飞机在本站出现机械故障7.飞机在_ 机场出现机械故障8.航行管制原因9. _ 机

18、场关闭10.通信原因(11)决定取消今日飞行,1.明日补班时间2 .请您改乘1.今日2.明日(11)补班_次航班,起飞时间(11)1.待定2.为_ 点_ 分(11)。在此我们深表歉意。请您与_号1.不正常航班服务台2.服务台3. 问询台(11)工作人员联系,或拔打联系电话_,我们将为您妥善安排。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that supplementaryflight_ alternated from _ to _ has been cancelled d

19、ue to 1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3. the poor weather condition at the _ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the _ airport 8.air traff

20、ic congestion 9.the close-down of _ airport 10. communication trouble (11)supplementary(11)flight_(11)to tomorrowat_ :_ .Would you please contact with 1.irregular flight service counter 2.service counter 3.inFORMation desk(11)No. _.or call_ .We will make all necessary arrangements. Thank you. 由_ 备降本

21、站乘坐补班_次航班前往_ 的旅客请注意: 请您到1.服务台凭1.登机牌2.飞机票(11)领取1.餐券2.餐盒3.饮料、点心(11) 谢谢! Passengers for supplementary flight _ alternated from_ to _ , attention please: Please go to 1.servce counter 2. restaurant(11)to get 1.a meal coupon 2.a meal box 3.the refreshments(11)and show your 1.boarding passes 2. Ai

22、r-tickets(11)for identification. Thank you. 迎接旅客的各位请注意: 由_ 、_ 飞来本站的补班_次航班将于_ 点_ 分到达。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: Supplementaryflight _from_ 、_ will arrive here at_ :_ . Thank you. 迎接旅客的各位请注意: 我们抱歉地通知,由_ 、_ 飞来本站的补班_次航班由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机

23、机械原因6.飞机_ 机场出现机械故障7.航行管制原因8. _ 机场关闭9.通信原因(11)1.不能按时到达2.将继续延误(11),1.预计到达本站的时间为_ 点_ 分2.到达本站的时间待定(11) 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announce that supplementaryflight _ from _ 、_ 1.can not arrive on schedule 2.will be deleyed to _ :_ 3.will be further delayed t

24、o_ :_ (11)due to1. The poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition at _ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at the _ airport 7.air traffic congestion 8.the close-down of _

25、airport munication trouble (11). Thank you. 迎接旅客的各位请注意: 我们抱歉地通知,由_ 、_ 飞来本站的补班_次航班由于1.本场天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机机械原因6.飞机在_ 机场出现机械故障7.航行管制原因8. _ 机场关闭9.通信原因(11)已经取消。1.明天预计到达本站的时间为_点_ 分2.明天到达本站的时间待定(11)。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: We regret to announ

26、ce that supplementaryflight _from _ 、_ has been cancelled due to 1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition at_ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at the _ airport

27、7.air traffic congestion 8.the close-down of _ airport munication trouble(11).This flight has been recsheduled to 1.tomorrow at _ :_ 2.arrive (11). Thank you. 迎接旅客的各位请注意: 由_ 、_ 飞来本站的补班_次航班已经到达。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please: supplementaryflight _from _ 、_ is now landing.

28、 Thank you. 由_ 备降本站前往_ 的旅客请注意: 欢迎您来到_ 机场。您乘坐的补班_次航班由于1. _ 天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3.飞机机械原因4.航行管制原因5. _ 机场关闭(11)不能按时飞往_ 机场,为了您的安全,飞机备降本站。请您在候机厅内休息,待候通知。如果您有什么要求,请与_号1.不正常航班服务台2.服务台3. 问询台(11)工作人员联系。 谢谢! Passengers taking supplementaryflight_ from _ to _ ,attention please: Welcome to _ airport. Due to 1.the poor weather condition at _ airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air rout 3.the maintenance of the aircraft 4. Air tr

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