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1、英语必修2精炼检测题Unit 1 Cultural relics. 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答案听第13段对话,分别完成第13题1. Why was the man late? A. He missed the bus. B. Something was wrong with his car. C. He was caught in a heavy traffic.2. What can we learn about the man? A. He couldnt ride a bike. B. He used to have a bike like the boys. C. He woul

2、d like to have a bike like the boys.3. How much will the woman lend the man? A. $13. B. $7. C. $6.听第4段对话,完成第4题和第5题4. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Workmates. C. Interviewer and interviewee.5. What job is the man looking for? A. He wants to work at the compu

3、ter centre. B. He wants to work in the computer service company. C. He wants to work in the computer market department.听第5段听力材料,完成第68题6. Where does the speaker come from? A. Frisco. B. France. C. Britain.7. Why is the speaker worried about the Chauvet Caves? A. The Chauvet has disappeared. B. The Ch

4、auvet Caves has been destroyed by some of the visitors. C. Some of the cave paintings have been destroyed.8. How should they do to protect this cultural relic according to the speaker? A. Do not allow the tourists to go close to the paintings. B. Put some grass in front of the paintings. C. Put glas

5、s walls in front of the paintings. 听录音,根据所听内容判断正(T)误(F)1. The man found a cultural relic. 2. The woman would keep the cultural relic if she found one. 3. The woman doesnt trust the people in her community council. . 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子1. This is the first book _ I bought this year. A. what

6、 B. that C. which D. it2. The policemen caught the man _ was the escaped prisoner. A. who they thought B. whom they thought C. they thought him D. that they thought him3. We all consider Mr Deng Xiaoping _ a great leader of our country in recent ages. Which of the following can NOT be used in the bl

7、ank? A. as B. to be C. be D. /4. I dont skate now, but I _ when I was a kid. A. used to B. am used to it C. used D. used to do5. The customer bargained with the shopkeeper for a long time, and finally they agreed _ the price. A. to B. with C. on D. at6. They knocked him down and _ him of his watch a

8、nd pen. A. caught B. robbed C. stole D. snatched7. Jackson has a strange _ of walking: he walks with one shoulder a little higher than the other. A. style B. type C. method D. set8. The police were _ a search for the body of the man who disappeared. A. offering B. making C. taking D. giving9. We are

9、 facing a problem, and the government promises to _ it as soon as possible. A. look for B. look out C. look into D. look through10. He received a letter with an unusual stamp on from his friend, which _ his collection. A. added up to B. added to C. made up D. made up for11. Whose is that barking dog

10、?It _ to Mr Smith. A. belong B. is belonged C. is belonging D. belongs12. What should we children do for our parents _? A. for return B. to return C. in return D. of return 13. There is no doubt _ the boxes were then put on a train for Knoigberg. A. that B. whether C. if D. which14. We are going to

11、have a picnic tomorrow. I hope it remains _. A. fine B. good day C. finely D. fine day15. His colleagues thought _ of him though he himself didnt think that he had done anything special. A. good B. high C. highly D. nicely. 下列每个句子都有一处错误,请找出来并改正1. This is the only one of his short stories that are no

12、t well written. _2. You must do everything you can help others. _3. I dont agree him to do that. _4. The shirt is made from cotton. _5. The books which bought for me by my sister cost a lot of money. _. 完形填空 Nanning: With the number of college graduates climbing to a record high this year some 2.12

13、million are 1 the job market, an increase of 670,000 or 46.2 percent, over last year, many people are asking 2 Chinas first “McDonalds generation”, born in the early 1980s, can stand the intense competition and find a place in the job market. They say this will be a 3 of both Chinas job market and i

14、ts carefree younger generation. “Do not worry. Well get 4 we want,” they tell each other to ease their own 5 . Born in the early days of the countrys reform and opening to the 6 world, growing up in the market economy, the youngsters, familiar 7 McDonalds and Mickey Mouse, love to eat hamburgers, an

15、d 8 foreign-brand jeans and T-shirts and worship Bill Gates. 9 their parents, they enjoy more 10 in looking for a job and with that freedom come burdens. These college 11 are seen scouring(搜索)recruitment(招聘) 12 in newspapers and journals, the Internet and job markets nationwide. 13 after hotel manag

16、ement major Hao Wenhua, a young woman from Chongqing in Southwest China, failed the recruitment test of a five-star hotel in Guilin, South Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. She appeared at a job market in Nanning, approximately 300 kilometres from Guilin, 14 rather tired. Many businesses and

17、companies say that they would take on 15 staff rather than the new graduates who are short of the experience of how to succeed in todays fast paced society.1. A. coming in B. looking for C. entering D. having2. A. that B. why C. how D. if3. A. test B. examination C. check D. quiz4. A. whichever B. w

18、herever C. whatever D. whoever5. A. surprise B. excitement C. sadness D. anxiety6. A. west B. inside C. another D. outside7. A. on B. at C. to D. with8. A. wear B. put on C. dress D. pull on9. A. Contrary to B. Comparing to C. Compared with D. On the contrary10. A. comfort B. freedom C. happiness D.

19、 worry11. A. students B. freshmen C. friends D. graduates12. A. news B. information C. messages D. notes13. A. Shortly B. Nearly C. Looking D. Long 14. A. remaining B. looking C. appearing D. being 15. A. good B. old C. experienced D. young. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(A) Before Nicholas Clapp got there, he h

20、ad half hoped he might run into some of Ubars ruins sticking out of the sand. But finding the city wasnt that easy. During the summer of 1991, he and his 40 helpers dug at 35 different spots. The only things they found were ground spiders, giant ticks, and deadly snakes. Just before Thanksgiving sai

21、d Clapp,“We were within a whisker of total failure.” Then Clapps team looked at the high-tech maps again and saw something surprising. Many of the caravan routes(沙漠商队路线)on the high-tech maps came together on the same spot marked “Omani Marketplace” on Ptolomys map. Two maps, made almost 2,000 years

22、apart, pointed the team toward the same area! In December 1991, Clapp arrived at the spot where, according to the maps, the caravans met. Clapp had a handheld instrument that could detect objects below the ground. It showed ruins under the sand! He and his team started digging, trying not to get the

23、ir hopes up. And then they found it! A tower buried in the sand. They slowly unearthed a giant, eight-sided fortress(堡垒). It had nine towers and many rooms. People had lived in this fortress 2,000 years ago. Outside its walls, the crew had found buried remains of nearly 40 campsites. They seemed to

24、be camping areas for traders. More digging found shards, or pieces of pottery from the ancient empires of Rome, Greece, China, Egypt, and Syria. Diggers and scientists agreed that people were on the site for about 5,000 years. Clapp and his team were excited as they continued to uncover more pieces

25、of the past that seemed to prove that it was the lost city of Ubar. “We started with this hopeless myth and then found seeds of truth,” said Clapp, “then finally found the reality behind the myth.” But is this unearthed site really the once-great Ubar? Experts arent totally persuaded. Donald Whitcom

26、b is an archeologist(考古学家)at the University of Chicago. He doubts that Clapp really discovered Ubar. “Theres probably a grain of truth to this myth,” he says. “But Ubar is described as a place with walls all made of gold, and the rubies and emeralds.” No gold or precious stones have been found by Cl

27、app. “Im not sure whether they discovered Ubar because Im not sure if Ubar really existed,” Whitcomb says.1. Which of the following statements is true according to the reading? A. Ubar was an important ancient city which was buried under the sand. B. Ubar was described as a city with towers. C. Clap

28、p found the spot marked “Omani Marketplace” on the high-tech maps. D. Inside the fortress they found shards, ground spiders, giant ticks and deadly snakes.2. The following statements are true according to the reading EXCEPT that _. A. Clapp made this discovery with the help of caravan routes on the

29、maps B. Clapp made this discovery with the help of some high technology C. Clapp was not sure that he had found Ubar D. Donald Whitcomb was not sure if Clapp had found Ubar3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part? A. We were ready for any failure. B. We were on the poin

30、t of giving up hope. C. We would never stop digging in spite of some difficulty. D. We decided that we had failed to find Ubar. 4. It can be inferred from the reading that Nicholas Clapp is _. A. a person of courage B. a person of determination(决心) C. a very young person D. a person who is good for nothing(B) Ever

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