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1、学年度淄博市沂源县第一学期六年级期末考试初中英语20192020学年度淄博市沂源县第一学期六年级期末考试初中英语英语试卷第一卷共75分一、听力选择共25小题,计25分一听录音一遍,依照所听内容选出正确的图片。1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_二录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每题A、B、C中选择恰当的应答语。6 AI have 20 yuan BTheyre 20 yuan C20 yuan7 AYes, he is BYes, it is CI dont know8 AOK BI dont like them CMy sister likes them9 AShe likes red BG

2、reen CThey want black10ASmall sports collection BYes, I do CNo, I dont三录中有五组对话,听对话及咨询题两遍,然后从每题A、B、C三个选项中选出正确案。11 ABananas BPears CStrawberries12AMilk BApples CEggs13AYes, he does BNo, he isnt CNo, he doesnt14AIn the drawer BIn her bag COn her desk15A279- 9365 B269-9346 C269-9356四录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍,依照对话内

3、容从每题A、B、C中选择正确答案。16What color is Lucys computer? ABlack BBlue CWhite17Where is Lucys computer? AIn her bedroom BIn the drawer CUnder the table18How much is Lucys computer? A$20 B$ 30 C$4019Does Lucy like computer games? AYes, she does BNo, she doesnt CI dont know20Does Jim have a computer? AYes, he

4、does BNo, he doesnt CI dont know五录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍,依照短文内容从每题A、B、C中选择正确答案。21Tonys room is_ Abig Blong Csmall22What color is the bookcase? ABlack BRed CWhite23Where are the keys? AOn the chair BOn the table CUnder the bed24What are under the bed? ASome books and a soccer ball BA soccer ball and a basebal

5、l CA soccer ball and lots of CDs25Tony plays_every day Acomputer games Bsports Cbasketball注意:请同学们翻到第二卷,连续做第五大题,听力填表。二、单项选择20小题,计20分26His math book and his bag _on the table Aare Bam Cis Dbe27This is Emma SmithSmith is _family name Aher Bhis Cyour Dmy28Rose is _and she eats_ Ahealth;well Bhealthy;goo

6、d Chealth;good Dhealthy;well29He has three Soccer balls_he doesnt play sports AAnd B But CAlso DOnly 30Thats _ID cardAnd _Solinas Aa;it Ba;its Can;its Dthe;its31The socks are too cheapIll_ Agive it Btake them Csail them Dbuy it32一_do your parents like for dinner? 一They like carrots AWhats BWhat CWhe

7、re DHow33一Is that Bills pencil case? 一_ AYes,that is BYes,they are CNo,he isnt DNo,it isnt34一What color are your _? 一_ white and black Ajackets;Theyre Bsocks;Its C chairs;Its Dbag;Thats35Her aunt _ten baseballs _six soccer balls Ais;and Bis;but Chave;and Dhas;and36We car buy _there A1ot of thin Ba l

8、ot of thing C1ots of things D1ots of thing37一Lets watch TV 一That sounds_I dont like watching TV Aboring Binteresting Cdifficult Dgood38一Whats eight and seven? 一_ ATwelve BFourteen CFifteen DSeventeen39This is a photo of his familyLets_ Asee Bwatch Clook Dhave a look40一Do you like French fries? 一 _Bu

9、t I like ice cream ANo,I dont BYes1 do CNo,you dont DYes,you do41Please take these healthy food_your grandparents Afor Bin Cof Dto42一Hi,Linda! _? 一Shes fine,thank you AHow are you BHow is your mother Chow do you do DGood morning43一_? 一Yesshe does ADo you like salad? BDoes Jack like oranges? CDoes An

10、n like bananas? DDo they like milk?44一_? 一J-I-M,Jim AWhats Your name BWhats his last name CHow do you spell your name DHow is Jim45一_Where is the video tape? 一Sorry,I dont know AExcuse me BLook CGood morning DHi三、完形填空10小题,计l0分阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最正确答案。 Im AliceMrsCools Clothes Store 46 a b

11、ig saleI want to buy some 47 for my grandparents,my parents and my self 我自己 48 me have a look firstThis yellow sweater is 49 a very,good price-only l5 dollarsIt 50 good for my grandfatherFor my grandmother,I want to 51 those black shoes 52 are very comfortable舒服的Oh, this white T-shirt is niceMy fath

12、er can 53 basketball in itHere are many socks in all 54 I know my mother likes red,so因此 I buy a pair of 55 socks for herI need a pair of pants,so I take one pair46Ahas Bis Care Dhave47Afruit Bvegetables Cfood Dclothes48ABring BLet CHelp DCall49Aat Bof Cfor Din50Asounds Bbuys Clooks Dsells51Ahelp Bse

13、ll Cbuy Dneed52AIt BYou CWe DThey53Awant Bspell Cplay Dlake54Aprices Bcards Cnumbers Dcolors55Awhite Bred Cblack Dgreen四、阅读明白得20小题,计20分阅读对话或短文,按要求完成后面的题目。AA:Hello, Linda!B:Hi, Jim!A:Is this your soccer ball?B:No, it isnt Its my brothersA:Does your brother like soccer?B:Yes, he does, He has three soc

14、cer balls Look! He is playing thereA:Is that girl your sister?B:YesHer name is Mona She likes playing baseball and runningA:I like baseball, tooOh,Im hungry, 饿得 nowLets,have somethingB:That sounds great!A:Do you like chicken?B:NoBut my sister likes itShe also likes tomatoes and French friesBut she d

15、oesnt like broccoliA:Do you like playing computer games? Its very interestingB:NoI like watching TV56Mona is Lindas Afriend Baunt Ccousin Dsister57Mona doesnt like_ Atomatoes Bchicken Cbroccoli DFrench fries58Linda likes_ Aplaying soccer Brunning Cplaying baseball Dwatching TV59 has three soccer bal

16、ls ALinda BLindas brother CLindas sister DJim60_能够替代文中的划线词。 Aeat Bknow Ctake Dbring B Mona likes sports very much. She plays sports every day She does some running in the morning, and plays basketball or volleyball after 在之后 class in the afternoon She has many friendsThey often play sports games at

17、schoolThey also have some sports clubs Mona likes basketballSo shes in a basketball clubAnd she plays it well She has a great sports collectionIt is in her bedroom Come and have a look, please61Mona likes_very much Avegetables Bfood Cfruit Dsports62She _every day Ahas fruit Bwatches TV Cplays sports

18、 Dplays tennis63Mona plays basketball or volleyball _in the afternoon Aafter lunch Bafter class Cbefore school Dbefore lunch64Mona is in_Aa football club Ba tennis club Ca basketball club Da volleyball club65She has a great _collection Asports Bbook Cclothes DdictionaryC This is my friend, Mike Mill

19、erHis first name is Mike and his hast names MillerHes a student Hes twelveHes in Class Four, Grade Six. Linda White is his English teacherShes EnglishShes a nice teacher Mike likes English and he also likes his English teacher He wants to be an English teacher, too Do you like to meet Mike? Call him

20、 at 367-6342, please66My friends last name is_ AWhile BMiller CLinda DMike67He is_ A12 B13 C14 D1568Mike is in_ AClass FourGrade Six BClass TwoGrade Two CClass three, Grade One DClass One,Grade One69_is his English teacher AMiller BMike Clack DLinda white70Mikes _number is367-6342 Aroom BID card Cph

21、one DcarDTony:Morn,I cant find查找my pen。Where is my pen?Mom:Is it in your backpack?Tony:No,it isntMom:Is it on your desk?Tony:NoOh! Its in my hat Diana:Do you like ping-pong,Betty? Betty:No,I dont like itIts difficultDiana:Well,do you like tennis?Betty:YesIts relaxingDiana:Lets play tennisI have tenn

22、is rackets Betty:That sounds good Clerk职员:Can I help you? Linda:YesI need a hat Clerk:Do you like this red hat? Linda:No,I dont like itMany girls wear戴red hatsIts boring Clerk:Do you like this blue one? Linda:Its niceI like it依照短文内容回答以下咨询题。71Where is Tonys pen?72Does Betty like ping-pong?73What does

23、 Betty think of 认为 playing tennis?74Do many girls wear blue hats?75Does Linda like the blue hat?第二卷75分五、听力填表5小题,计5分 听短文两遍,依照短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。 breakfast _ and milkMary lunch hamburgers and _dinner chicken,_ and apples Jack noodles and broccoli dinner and carrots六、词汇考查每空l.5分,计15分一依照句子意义所给的首字母完成单词。1The s

24、tore s_many things2I have a c_Hes my uncles son3We often buy food f _the store4These are apples on this table and t_are bananas on that table5MrSmith has two children小孩,a son and a d_二用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。6Excuse me,Linda_bethis your watch?7Here are some_vegetable8Whats_hename?9She_watchTV every day,10_Jack_havea computer?七、按要求完成句子每题2分,计10分1 A:_?依照答语写咨询句 B:My jacket is black2 A:_?依照答语写咨询句 B:NoI dont like oranges3 A:Nice to meet you依照上句完成下句 B:_ 4Does your father have an MP4?:依照实际情形回答以下咨询题_

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