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1、精益管理实现改善的六个步骤实现改善的六个步骤 Learning to Think Lean: Six Steps with R实现改善的六个步骤 Learning to Think Lean: Six Steps with Review PointsOrganizations can profit from learning to think in terms of Lean, a philosophy that aims to eliminate waste (inJapan, where Lean was developed, the term is muda). Lean attacks

2、 wastemainly by shortening the time between the customer order and shipment. Based on a customer-focused view, sixstepscan provide a strong foundation for any organization that wants to incorporate Lean into its operating philosophy. These steps in Lean thinking can be best evaluated at the producer

3、 end by verifying and reviewing each step one at a time.很多组织都可以得益于LEAN的实施,这种方法可以减少浪费.LEAN控制浪费的主要途径是缩短从客户下订单到运达客户的时间.根据以客户为中心的原则,以下六个步骤可以最大限度读地帮助组织或公司应用LEAN的原理.这六个步骤可以根据需要定期进行实施效果的检验.1.Value 价值2.Value Stream 价值细化3.Flow 流程4.Pull 推动5.Perfection 完善6.Replication 重复Lean thinking can best start by giving d

4、ue consideration to value, which ultimately is the customers requirement. The value of any product (goods or services) is defined by customer needs and not by any non-value-added activity at the supplier or producer end. That is, the customer is prepared to pay for operations by producers or their s

5、uppliers that transform the product in a way that is meaningful to the customer. Customers do not want to pay for waste at the producer end.推动LEAN的关键是改变对价值的看法,要从客户的角度理解一切问题.任何产品的价值无论是物品还是服务都必须是客户认可的,生产供应方要避免一切没有价值的行为.客户只希望为自己需要的有意义的产品付钱,客户的钱不会花在生产者的浪费上.1. Value (Specifying)价值的定义Value is determined b

6、y the customers who want to buy the right product with the right capabilities at the right price. That is, the product must be right every time from design to manufacture, from delivery to error-free operation. Lean companies work on making their processes right by eliminating waste something no cus

7、tomer wants to pay for.价值是由客户决定的,客户愿意付钱购买物美价廉的东西.这些产品必须随时都满足客户,无论是设计还是制做,从安装到使用.应用LEAN的公司是通过流程来控制浪费,以此来避免给客户带来损失.While linking the term value generally with customer requirements, the following questions can be asked to review the value for the customer as it relates to any specific product issue:当我

8、们在考虑给客户带来的价值时,可以通过以下内容来特化价值的涵义.What is the problem that impacts the customer? 会给客户带来什么样的损失? What is the problem that the team is going to take action on? 我们在采取什么措施来克服这种损失? Why is the project so important that the organization should address it? 公司为什么要强调该项目的重要性? Why is the project being done? 为什么要完成该

9、项目? Do all the stakeholders understand and agree to the problem and its impact on business? Do they all agree that fixing it is critical for the business? Do they all support the project? 是不是所有的股东都认识到该问题会给业务带来损失?他们都明白处理该问题的重要性吗?他们支持吗? Are the roles and responsibilities of the project team members cl

10、early defined? 项目小组的责任和义务规定清楚了吗? Are the needs of the customers clearly identified? 客户需求搞清楚了吗? Whats in it for the customers? How do they benefit? 给客户带来的直接利益是什么? Whats in it for the business? How does the business benefit? 给公司业务带来的直接利益是什么? Were the key parameters or the most important thing to be fi

11、xed identified? 辨别改善的标准是什么? Does everyone describe what will be measured in the same way? 所有人都知道衡量改善的标准吗? Can the primary metric be manipulated? How does it drive the right behavior? 以前是怎样测量成败的指标的? What can go worse as a result of the project? 项目失败的潜在因素是什么? Where does the problem occur? Did the team

12、 identify it correctly? Did the team work on this particular issue to completion? 问题发生在哪里?如何发现的?项目小组的人员纠正那些问题了吗? What does success look like? How will success be quantified? 项目成功的标准是什么?怎样量化?2. Value Stream Mapping (Identifying)价值链的描述Once value is specified by the customers, the next Lean step is to

13、identify the right process a process that only adds value to the product, in other words, a waste-free process. The value stream for a product has three categories of activities:一旦客户认可了我们产品的价值,下一步就是要设计正确的流程.该流程只能给产品带来价值,或者说该流程应该是天衣无缝的.产品价值的实现一般有三个主要特征.1.Process steps that definitely create value: In

14、 any manufacturing process, the steps that are actually transforming the fit, form or function of the raw material, and bring it a step closer to the finished product.可以实现价值的流程步骤,任何制造流程都是为原材料转化成为终端成品而度身定做的.2.Process steps that create no value but are necessary, due to current state of the system: In

15、 any manufacturing process, activities like inspection, waiting and some transportation steps. 没有直接价值但是必须的流程步骤,其存在是由于现有工艺或系统的限制:在任何制造流程中的一些动作,比如质量检验,等候,运输等步骤.3.Process steps that create no value and can be eliminated: Any activity that does not fall into the above two categories.While the parts of a

16、 process that create no value should be eliminated, any action or activity that is recognized as non-value-added but currently necessary should be targeted for improvement. At this point a detailed process flow diagram should be generated for each product or product category. To ascertain which step

17、s in the process are unnecessary, an intense questioning and re-examining method (Japanese term is kaikeku) is applied to every aspect of the process under consideration. 不产生价值但是可以避免或控制的步骤:一旦发现任何没有价值但是由于现实条件不得不采取的步骤,都要作为下一步改善的目标.解决问题的方法是将该产品或产品类别的详细生产流程描绘出来,注明哪些是有待于改进的步骤.The review points at this st

18、age are:需要经常检查的项目如下Does the team understand how the whole process works? 大家了解该流程的操作过程吗? Did the team manage to complete a detailed process flow diagram at this stage? 有没有把详细的流程图画出来? Did the team identify the waste in the process? 我们知道这个流程中产生浪费的步骤是在哪里? Did the team follow kaikeku the radical improvem

19、ent approach? 我们有改善计划吗? Were there any particular processes that did not support the customer need? 是否有些流程根本不能满足客户需求? Did the team make use of the knowledge and experience within the business to establish this? 我们是否应用大家的智慧和经验去解决? What constraints/flow problems exist in the process that are hurting t

20、he business? 该流程中有没有给业务带来损失的因素? Can the team quantify any difference in people, shifts and days causing hidden constraints/flow problems? 我们有没有量化流程中所存在的问题的手段? Does the team know the causes of the constraints/flow problems? 我们知道产生问题的原因吗? What impact on the business and customers are these constraints

21、/flow problems causing? 当发生问题时对业务和客户产生怎样影响? When will the team have enough information/data about the issues that could be causing the problem? 何时我们可以有足够的数据来分析问题的所在? Does the information reveal anything new about the problem? 通过分析是否提示对问题有新的理解? Did the team understand the type of problem that is bein

22、g faced? 我们知道自己面临问题的属性吗? Can the team state what the current performance of the process is? 我们可以描述清楚目前这个流程的实际能力吗? Is it clear yet what the business entitlement is from the process? 流程中那些可以影响业务的授权? Is there a need to go back and refine or change what was learned in the two value steps?有必要从新检查流程的步骤吗?3

23、. Flow流程This Lean step focuses on rapid product flow (RPF). The specific process waste is identified at each stage of process flow and is eliminated. The team involved in Lean will physically walk the process and write down the distance the product travels during its process flow. The non-value-adde

24、d distances are eliminated by physical layout change, which involves both human and machine. Factory floors are laid out in cells rather than in functional groupings, which reduces the distance the parts travel in the process flow.LEAN的步骤主要体现在快速提供产品的效率性.它可以随时发现流程中的浪费步骤并加以控制.项目小组的人员都必须身体力行,记录和测量产品在整个

25、生产过程中的详细经过.通过动手调整布局来减少不必要的步骤,合理安排人力或必要的设备.工厂的布局更倾向于设计成小功能单元,而不是根据功能来划分.这样一来可以减少零部件的运输过程.It is at this point that the Lean enterprise implements 5S, a tool developed for reducing the slack hidden in manufacturing processes. 5S is the basis for Lean manufacturing and the foundation for a disciplined a

26、pproach to the clean workplace. The five steps of 5S are (in Japanese and English):LEAN其实倾向于通过5S来实现管理.1. Seiri/Sort: Meaning sorting or segregating through the contents of the workplace and removing all unnecessary items.2. Seiton/Straighten: Meaning putting or arranging the necessary items in their

27、 place and providing easy access by clear identification.3. Seiso/Shine: Meaning cleaning everything, keeping it clean and using cleaning to inspect the workplace and equipment for defects.4. Seiketsu/Standardize: Meaning creating visual controls and guidelines for keeping the workplace organized, o

28、rderly and clean, in other words, maintaining the seiso, or shine.5. Shitsuke/Sustain: Meaning instituting training and discipline to ensure that everyone follows the 5S standards.Questions to be asked at this point are:How is the impact of customer demand on the process being translated or understo

29、od? Did the team physically visit the process to realize the process steps? Did the team identify the non-value-added distances traveled by parts? Did the team identify the movements and transportations? Have the hot spot(s) that are constraining the process been identified? What steps have been ini

30、tiated to stabilize the constraints before the main improvement is made? Has the Lean team done enough to build 5S culture in the organization? Has the team taken the right steps to close the loop of each 5S step?4. PullThe benefits of Lean Steps 1, 2 and 3 allow a company to produce more than befor

31、e and in a way that value is added at every step in the production process. The fourth Lean step can be directed toward either removing excess capacity (inventory) or increasing the rate of pull.Lean, which identifies the seven deadly wastes as defects, over-production, transportations, waiting, inv

32、entory, motion and processing (or the acronym, DOTWIMP), lists inventory as a source of waste. Hence, producing anything that is not sold immediately and is waiting at any point of time for delivery is waste. A pull system, which on the production side is making a product at the same rate at which it is being sold, also is a waste-eliminating step. On the supply side, a pull system is flowing resources into a production process by replacing only what has been c

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