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1、日常翻译句子练习复习资料1. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children.1对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action.2在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machine

2、s will be used, the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become.3恐惧在一些人当中出现了。那就是,机器用得越多,失业的工人就越多,而我们的生活水平就会越低。4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives.4在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to c

3、ommunicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family.5当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities and even their families.6他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学

4、习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。7. But the disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that too much land that could be used for farming or housing will inevitably be occupied by more and more roads.(同位语从句)7但此种方案的不足之处在于这样一个事实:修建越来越多的道路会不可避免的占用过多的土地,而这些土地原本是可以用于耕种或建房的。8. In the countryside, the air is clean, the f

5、ood is fresh and houses are totally spacious with large yards around them. (并列句)8在乡村,空气清新,食物新鲜,房子四周通常有宽敞的庭院。9. Then could not we live in the fresh air while enjoying the mobility of cars? 否定疑问句9我们在享受着汽车带来的行动自如的同时,难道就呼吸不上新鲜的空气了吗?10. If students are forced to wear uniforms every day, how can they deve

6、lop their individuality and creativity? 特殊疑问句10如果学生被迫每天都穿校服,那他们怎么发展个性和创造力呢?11. Today when the global economy is in depression, how will you make the choice to domesticate animals with an empty stomach or to solve the living problem with animals as the source of food and clothing?11在全球经济并不景气的今天,你会选择饿

7、着肚子驯养宠物,还是把它们当作衣物和食物的来源,以求解决自身生存的问题呢? 选择疑问句12. In addition, the huge amounts of money spared may be poured into the construction of many highways, factories, hospitals and schools, which is of immense benefit to individuals as well as to the society.12此外,所节省的大笔资金可以用来建高速公路、工厂、医院和学校,这无论是对个人还是社会都有很大的好处

8、。13. They are printed in our newspapers and shown on our television screens as a visible proof of the mans newest achievements.13它们作为人类最新成就的明证被登在报纸上,而且出现在电视屏幕上。14. It is true that the whole world is witnessing Chinas construction of modernization.14中国的现代化建设确实正为全世界所关注。15. It is the controversial ques

9、tion, which has aroused heated discussion among people.15这是一个有争议的问题,它引起了人们的激烈讨论。(名词作表语+定从)16. When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn.16当我们长大了,可以自谋生计的时候,我们毫不惊奇地发现,成功是用一个人挣多少钱来衡量的。17. Finally,I will quote a

10、classic sentence from a famous article entitled Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death by Patrick Henry, the greatest writer in American history.17最后,我讲引用美国历史上最伟大的作家帕杰克 亨利一篇题目为不自由,勿宁死的著名艺术作品里的最经典的话。18. Over the last generation, we have worked hard to restore our natural treasures and find a way to conduct

11、 our economy that is more in harmony with the environment.18从我们父辈起,我们努力保护自然环境,找到使我们的经济与环境协调一致地发展的办法。19. Wearing uniforms, to some extent, discourages individuality and hinder the development of creativity.19在某种程度上,穿校服不鼓励个性化,阻碍了创造力的发展。20. Mutual understanding between them is desired for by them all,

12、but achieved by only a few.20他们都期待相互理解,但能做到的人却很少。21. So one thing is clear enough: for the sake of our students prospects, teachers should also be called on to respect students and add more attention to enlighten the individuality of students.21所以,这一点是很明确的:为了学生的前程,老师也应该尊重学生,把更多的注意力放在鼓励学生的个性发展上。22. T

13、he critics argue that the practice does not coincide with the present-day civilized world in which liberty and individuality are highly worshiped.22批评家们争辩说这种做法与目前高度尊崇自由和个性的文明社会不一致。23. Now people in growing numbers are enjoying the benefits at dinner table from the application of the new scientific a

14、dvances to agriculture.23现在,越来越多的人从餐桌上就能感受到新科技应用到农业所带来的好处。24. With population rapidly increasing, heavy traffic has become a big headache for many cities.24随着人口的迅速增长,交通拥挤已成为许多城市难以解决的问题。25. Solving problems in the dormitory will, in the long run, help students understand how to communicate with other

15、s.25解决宿舍中的问题从长远角度看将帮助学生懂得如何与其他人交流。26. While building more roads in places where land is less useful, we should increase the number of public bus lines.26一方面在土地不紧张的地方建造更多的道路,另一方面增加公共汽车线路。27. What is more important, China, in which agriculture plays a leading role, will suffering a lot more than weste

16、rn countries if once stepping into the stage of popularization of cars.27更为重要的是,在中国这样一个以农业为主导地位的国家,汽车一旦普及将遭受比西方国家曾经历的更为严重的危害。28. The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable posi

17、tion in the future job market.28大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的.29. The specialists are always telling people what food to eat, what to avoid and what to be put together.29专家们总是告诉我们哪一种食物该吃,哪一种食物不该吃,哪几种食物应该相互搭配着吃。(带不定式的被动结构)30. After careful consideration, however, I finally decided it

18、 was worthwhile to attend college.30在仔细考虑之后,我最终觉得上大学还是值得的。31. Before we admitted television into our homes, we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time.31在我们把电视请进家门之前,我们从来不觉得打发业余时间很困难。32. Within 30 minutes in front of the TV set, I am widely and promptly informed about things ranging from i

19、mportant domestic events, the latest development in industry and agriculture to the current international situation.32坐在电视机前30分钟,我就可以迅速地获得广泛的信息从重大的国内事件,工农业上的最新发展到最新的国际形势等。33. Some students have become dropouts because through part-time jobs they have found that the more education they have, the less

20、 money they earn.33一些学生退学了,因为他们通过兼职工作发现,他们受的教育越多,赚的钱就越少。34. No matter how similar they are, every two friends have differences, and no matter how different they are, as friends, they have at least one similarity: the sincerity towards friendship.34不管多么相似,两个朋友他们都会有不同。不管他们多么不同,作为朋友,至少有一样是相似的:对友谊的忠诚。35

21、. That is why most of the programs are so bad: it is impossible to keep pace with the demand and maintain high standards as well.35这就是为什么多数电视节目如此糟糕的原因:电视节目不可能既保持高标准又满足观众的需求。36. That is why there are still a number of people, particularly the old film fans, who show great fondness for cinema.36这就是为什么

22、还有许多人,尤其是老影迷,钟情于看电影。37. While building more roads in places where land is less useful, we should increase the number of public bus lines.37一方面在土地不紧张的地方建造更多的道路,另一方面增加公共汽车线路。38. Personally, I prefer a balance of both activities so as to provide me with physical training and mental stimulation.38就个人而言,

23、我更喜欢把身心健康的这两种活动结合起来。39. The demand for skilled personnel far exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies.39技术人员供不应求,以至于大公司竞相招募未完成学业的学生。40. The computer has the ability to accommodate to individual differences in learning s

24、peed, and so I am the one who can control the pace of my lessons.40计算机能够适应学习速度的个体差异。因此,我就想成为能够控制自己课程进度的人。41. Everyone hopes that others can approve his own understanding ability so that he can stand in an invincible position in competitions.41我们每个人都希望自己的理解力得到大家的肯定,以便在竞争中立于不败之地。42. School uniforms of

25、 the same color and design instill the notion that an organization has greater importance and value than an individuals creativity.42校服统一的颜色和式样向学生灌输了一种观念-集体的重要性和价值高于个人的创造力。43. Things in classroom always go like this: teachers ask students to give their own different answers to the questions, but whe

26、n students do speak up, they seldom get compliment for unique answers.43在教室里的情形通常是这样的: 老师要求学生用自己的观点回答提问,而当学生这样做的时候,老师却很少对其独特的回答加以表扬。44. TV news programs often reveal to us events as they happen in other areas while any other news media cannot enjoy this advantage, lacking either in vividness or in t

27、imeliness.44电视新闻节目经常给我们展现在别的地方正在生的事情,而其他新闻媒体则无法享有这种优势,要么不生动,要么缺乏时效性。45. They believe that by travelling to the moon and other planets, we can make great scientific advances and perhaps find an alternate place to live before our own plant becomes too crowed or uninhabitable.45他们认为,通过登录月球及其他行星,我们可以取得重

28、大的科学进步,因此我们或许可以再地球过度拥挤或变得再也不能居住之前找到其他的住所。46. I think that the temptation of city life, especially of the cultural atmosphere in big cities, is overwhelming, even though those unsolved troubles are still there.46我认为即便城市有许多还未解决的问题,但其生活-特别是其中透着的文化气息-却充满了魅力。47. In a word, students should be encouraged t

29、o take up part-time employment outside school hours, providing this is done within specified time and does not interfere with the demands of study.47总之,应该鼓励学生在课余时间做一些兼职,但前提是在适当的时间内,不能影响学习。48. A graduate with a wide range of knowledge besides his specialized and practical skills will get on better in

30、 society, and such a society will better off as a result.48一个既懂得专业技术和实际技能又学识渊博的毕业生能够很快地适应社会,这样的社会也会越来越好。49. It is inevitable for urbanization to bring us some sacrifice like the alienation of ourselves from nature.49伴随着城市化,我们不可避免的要做出一些牺牲,如忍受远离大自然之苦。50. Computer is used so widely that nearly all the fields in which we live have been deeply concerned about.50计算机已被广泛地应用,以致于人们生活的所有领域都与它密切相关。

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