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1、短语unit 8Modern Agriculture1fresh local produce当地产的新鲜农场品2a mountainous district/region山区3shopping districts商业区4conputerized machinery电脑机械设备5play an important part/role in发挥重要作用6raise chickens养鸡7be famous for因 出名8kinds of各种各样9warn sb against doing 警告某人不要做.10at once立刻11jump out of water跳出水面12It is said

2、 that据说13three-fourths四分之三14one-fourth四分之一15in operation工作中,运转中16provide sth for sb给某人提供某东西provide sb with sth17feed ones families and animals养活自己的家人和牲畜18in order to为了19ninety-five percent of百分之九十五20used to do过去常常(现在不做了)21make great efforts做出巨大努力22be made up of由组成23meet the needs of new technology满足

3、新技术24hundreds of好几百25under bad conditions在严峻条件下26get used to doing习惯于做某事27depend on 依靠28at least至少29interact with与相互作用30It is reported that据报道31look like看起来与相像相似Unit 9Office Work1Personnel Department人事部2Accounting Department会计部3call sb back回电话4in addition另外5at best充其量,至多6at worst最差7take up占据8with ex

4、actness准确地,精确地9the formerthe latter前者后者10electronic communication电子通讯11take the minutes做记录12attend a meeting参加会议13put sb through to接通14at the moment此刻,此时15leave sb a message给某人留口信16take a message to sb给某人捎信17have words with sb与某人吵架18have a word with sb与某人说话19in these cases在这些情况下20in a word一句话,总之21in

5、 other words话句话说22at some point在某些时刻23hand out 分发,散发,给予24be thanked for因 而被感谢25in the long run从长远来看26on the other hand另一方面27in ones opinion依某人看来28bad-run meeting组织差的会议29go into business从事商业30make an effort to do sth努力做31high-tech star-ups高科技的新公司32as soon as possible尽可能快33comparewith把与作比较34complain a

6、bout抱怨35make sure务必、务请、确保36contribute to sth/doing有助于(贡献给)371. in advance 提前,事先Unit6 Manners and Entiquettes2. 在底部 at the bottom of3. 评论某事 comment on sth4. 给打电话;叫醒;朝上方叫喊 call up5. 为某人的健康干杯 heres to ones health6. 帮他们夹菜 help them with food7. 祝好运 good luck8. 保持距离 keep a distance away9. 在远方 in the dista

7、nce10. 点头 nod ones head11. 握手 shake hands12. 让自己更容易被理解 make yourself easily understood13. 挥手wave ones hand14. 拍手 clap hands15. 摇头 shake ones head16. 和某人交谈 communicate with sb.17. 遵从习俗 follow the customs18. 沉默 in silence 保持沉默 keep silent19. 坚定不移 stand firm (hold firm)20. 一个有教养的人 a well-educated perso

8、n21. 首先 first of all22. 表达你的意愿 show ones willingness23. 轮流 in turn24. 与某人友好 be friendly with sb(to sth)25. 对很不确定 be not quite sure of26. 挡某人的道 in ones way27. 挖鼻子 pick nose28. 参加面试 attend an interview29. 出差 on business30. 充当,担任 act as31. 为付钱,为付出代价 pay for32. 无所事事 sit edle33. 有时,偶而 now and then34. 表现好

9、 behave wellUnit5 It World1. 允许做某事 allow doing sth允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth考虑到 allow for2. 和.相一致;(食物、气候等)适合某人 agree with同意做某事 agree to do sth.3. 出售 on offer4. 排队 queue up/on插队 jump the queue排队等侯 stand in a queue5. 详细地 in detail6. 在舒适的环境下 in the comfort of7. 期盼做某事 expect to do sth.期盼某人做某事 expect sb

10、. to do sth8. 被吸引 be attracted to.9. 结果,最后 as a result10. 缩写,简称be short for总而言之 in short缺少be short of11. 被发布到. be posted to12. 增加到多少 increase to 增加了多少 increase by13. 交朋友 make friends14. 社交圈 social circle15. 和一样,除.之外 as well as 16. 对上瘾 be addicted to 17. 发送电子邮件 sent e-mail18. 嫉妒 be jealous of19. 很可能

11、be likely to 20. 建立 set up出发,动身 set off开始,着手 set out着手做某事 set about doing (set out to do )分开 set apart21.依据 according to 22. 免费做be free to do sth23. 仅仅在某地in sp. Alone24.在20世纪八十年代 in the 1980s25. 不但而且not onlybut also26.应该 be supposed to 27.过去常常做某事 used to do sth 习惯于做某事 be used to doing sthUnit4 Trave

12、l and Tourism1. 预定房间reserve a room2. 预定make a reservation of 3. 标准英语standard English 标准时间 standard time4. 目前,此刻 at the moment5. 订满了,满座 book up6. 一片,一条,一块a piece of 7. 与一块上be served with8. 由制成 be made of (可看见原材料)be made from(看不见原材料)9. 在某地制造be made in10.由组成consist ofbe made up of(不用于进行时,没有被动语态)11.以闻名b

13、e famous for 作为而闻名be famous as12. 把加到上addto合计add up 总计达add up to13.位于lie in /on/to =be situated=be located14.被包围be surrounded by15. 被认为是 be considered as 把看作 consideras.16.值得做某事worth doing sth 17.根据,基于base on18.用与某人联系 contact sb by sth 19填写fill in /fill out20 一个三天的假期a 3-days holiday21.放风筝fly a kite2

14、2. 的价格the rate for 23.景点scenic spot24.打折at a discount25.标准间standard room 双人double room 单人间single roomUnit3 Resources and Environment1. 环境污染 environmental pollution2. 自然资源 natural resources3. 人口问题 population problem4. 把用作 use as5. 淋浴 take showers6. 美化生活 beautify our life7. 恢复状态 putright8. 在自然界 in nat

15、ure9. 数百个 hundreds of10. 发生 take place11. 处于危险中 in danger 处于危险中in danger of脱离危险out of danger12. 全球变暖 Global warming13. 靠为生 keep on living on it继续做keep on doing(表示动作反复做一直做,及做某事的决心)一直做keep doing (只表示一个不断状态)14. 倒塌 fall down15. 自然灾害 natural disater16. 开垦土地 open up land17. 迷路 lost ones way18. 长大 grow up1

16、9. 与相互作用 interactwith20. (河水)泛滥 be in flood.21. 靠自己 on ones own22. 作出努力:make an effort23. 造成,带来,导致 bring about24. 培育,培养bring up 25. 依赖,依靠 depend on=depend upon=rely on=rely upon26. 认为理所当然take sth. for granted27. 也,和(用于肯定句)as well as28. 制定法律make laws29. 越来越好better and better30. 用光use up31. 被覆盖be cove

17、red with32. 世界环保日World Environment Day33. 看一下have a look at34. Unit2 My dream1.实现 come true2.实现梦想 realize ones dream3.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth 发生(多指按计划发生)take place 发生;爆发 (多用于火灾、疾病、战争) break out4. 放弃 give up5.认真对待某事 take sth. Seriously6.对感到满意 be satisfied with7. 只要 as long as8.设法做成某事 mange to do sth.9

18、.非常高兴 on top of the world10. 依靠的能力 rely on ones ability11.把A与B联系起来 associatewith.12.派人去请某人send for sb. 发送,派遣 send out 送回,退还send back 寄出,给送行send off13. 梦想做某事 dream of doing14.总结,概括 sum up sum sth up15.对有信心 be confident of16. 集中你的注意力 focus your minds on 模糊不清 out of focus17. 顺便问一下 by the way. 用这种方式 in

19、this way. 在某人去的路上 on ones way to18. 勇敢地面对 look in the face.照料look after看look at 仔细检查look over回顾look back小心当心look out到处看look around浏览look through查找look up 尊敬某人look up to sb.轻视某人look down on /upon sb.期待look forward to19. 对负责任take responsibility for 照顾take after发生 take place 行动 take action参加 take part

20、in负责 take charge of考虑到,顾及 take into consideration别紧张 take it easy20.与某人合作co-operate with sb.21.进展顺利go right 失明go blind发疯 go mad追逐 go ahead反对 go against前进 go ahead全力以赴 go all out沿着go along22.在中发挥更大的作用play a greater part in23.突破break through24.与交流communicate with25. 可能做 be likely to do sth.26. 给安慰/ 令安

21、慰give (bring) much comfort to sb.27.影响某人的情绪influence ones mood28. 树立自信build self-confidence29.一个五岁大的孩子a five-year-old child30.成功做某事succeed in doing sth31. 对生活的信条idea towards life32. 不停地看keep looking at33依靠某人的能力rely on ones abilities34.自信的人self-confident peopleUnit1 Planning1. 期末 the end of term2. 在这

22、个月底 at the end of this month3. 到这个月底 by the end of this month4. 相信某人(的话)believe sb5. 信任某个人 believe in sb6. 使某人适应于新工作 adjust oneself to new job7. 适应新环境 adjust to the new surroundings8. 对待。的态度 attitude to/towards.9. 在进行中 in the process10. 在从事某事的过程中 in the process of sth/doing sth11. 掌管 控制 take control

23、 of12. 失控 out of control13. 控制着 in control of14. 受老师的管理 under the control of teacher15. 对.满意 be pleased with be satisfied/happy with16. 因。满意 be pleased at doing sth.17. 有时候.也有时候 sometimesat other times18. 参加(体育活动) take part in 19. 积极参加 take an active part in 20. 参加会议 attend the meeting21. 参加一个俱乐部 (参

24、加一个团体或组织) join a club22. 醒来 wake up23. 抱怨人或事 complain about24. 事先,提前 in advance25. 花点时间做职业规划 spend some time planning your career26. 在某方面花费时间和金钱 spend time/money on sth Spend time /money (in)doing sth 27. 把.分成 divide into 28. 无论 no matter29. 说到做到 Match our walk with our talk30. 与。相配,和 相称 match sth.

25、(sb.) with 31. 自愿做。be willing to do sth 32. 安排,预定 be scheduled to do sth 33. 拜访某人 call on sb.34. 拜访某地 call at sp.35. 引导某人做某事 guide sb. to do36. 得到一个理想的工作 get an ideal job37. 制定一个计划 make a planUnit10 Instructions 短语1. 遵照说明 follow the instructions2.瞄准 aim at3.冒险去做某事 take risks/a risk to do sth 冒险做某事 r

26、isk doing sth4.输入密码 type in password5.至少 at least 至多 at most6.确保,确信 make sure7.免得,以防万一 in case 8.让别人来做某事 have sth done 让某人做某事 have sb(to) do sth将准备好 have (get)sth. Ready让某人一直做某事 have sb doing sth =keep sb doing sth. 9.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许做某事 allow doing sth 10.同意做某事 agree to do sth 同意某人 agr

27、ee with sb 就某事达成一致 agree on11.留意这个区域 key an eye on the area12.传输文件给 transfer a file to 13.办理登机手续,办理入住手续 check in 14.在(船,飞机,车)上 on board 15.上(船,飞机,车)等 go on board 16.登机牌 boarding pass17.与保持联系 keep in touch with 18.与取得联系 get in touch with 19.和聊天 chat with 20.来来回回 from side to side21接收文件 accept the fil

28、e22.确保,一定要做某事 make sure to do sth. 弄清楚,查明白 make sure of sth. 23.迫不及待 cant wait to do sth. 24. 注意 pay attention to25.点击文件 click the file26最新版本 the latest version27.起飞 take off28.预定机票 book a flight ticketU9 Nature 短语1.保护环境 protect the environment2.保护-免受灾害- protect -from3.对-有益 be helpful to4.大多数的废弃物 most of the waste5.代替 instead of6.家庭的一员 a member of the family7.把-当作 treat -as8.与某人谈谈话 have a word with9.保持健康 keep fit10.兼职工作 part-time job11.来自 come from12.越来越严重 more and more serious13.同意 agree with14.为了 in order to15.充分利用 make good use of

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