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人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating.docx

1、人教新课标届高三英语一轮复习精品同步练习必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eatingUnit 2Healthy eating.多项选择1If your knowledge can be in some way _ with my experience,we are sure to succeed.Ajoined BunitedCconnected Dcombined解析:选D。考查动词辨析。join参加;unite联合;connect联系,连接;combine结合。由题意知D项正确。2If he can _ his ability with hard work,he should be

2、very successful.Arealize BdevelopCcombine Dtrain解析:选C。考查动词辨析。句意:如果他能把自己的才能和勤奋结合起来,必定会很成功。combine.with.把和结合起来。3As we all know,Mike has an excellent understanding of his own _ and weaknesses.Astrengths BvalueCtechniques Denergy解析:选A。句意:众所周知,Mike相当清楚他自己的优缺点。strength强项,长处,与weakness相对应。value价值;technique技

3、术;energy精力,能量。4(2011年朝阳模拟)A good teacher should leave some time for the students to _ the knowledge.Aintroduce BreceiveCdigest Daccept解析:选C。考查动词辨析。句意:一个好老师应该留些时间让学生消化知识。digest消化;introduce介绍;receive收到;accept接受。5I have a really bad headache,and I have to _ a doctor about my pains.Aconsult BremindCinfo

4、rm Dadvise解析:选A。句意:我头痛得很厉害,我必须找个医生咨询一下。consult咨询,请教,商量。6If you just spend time_advantages and disadvantages,you may get nothing in the end.Amatching BbalancingCobserving Dexamining解析:选B。balance advantages and disadvantages意为“权衡利弊”。7Jack is late again.It is _ of him to keep others waiting.Anormal Bor

5、dinaryCcommon Dtypical解析:选D。句意:杰克又迟到了,让别人等他是他的典型特点。typical“典型的”,符合句意。normal正常的,正规的;ordinary普通的,平常的;common共同的,普及的。A、B、C均不符合句意。8Lowincome residents cant afford to _ a doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick.Aclaim BconsultCoccupy Dcapture解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。consult“咨询”。句意:当生病的时候,低收入居民支付不起医生的诊疗费,也买不

6、起药。claim“声明”;occupy“占用;雇佣”;capture“俘获;俘虏;捕获”。9The beauty of this career is that it allows us to _ our interest with our work,gaining freedom and happiness in the process.Acombine BfixClink Djoin解析:选A。考查动词词义辨析。combine.with.把与相结合。句意为:这种职业的魅力在于可以给我们自由快乐的生活,让我们将自己的兴趣爱好和工作结合起来。10For them,it was very diff

7、icult to _ the town from the hand of the enemy.Awin out Bwin overCwin back Dwin through解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。win out意为“在竞争中取胜;战胜对方”;win over意为“说服”;win through意为“克服障碍”。win back意为“赢回;夺回”,符合句意。.完成句子1Children should be encouraged to explore _(任何感到好奇的事情)(whatever)解析:考查宾语从句。“感到好奇”可表达为be curious about,据此可知答案。What

8、ever意为“任何的事物”。答案:whatever they are curious about2I m sorry.I _(应该打个电话) to tell you I was coming.(phone)解析:考查虚拟语气。should/ought to have done意为“本来应该做而实际未做”。答案:should /ought to have phoned 3When you hang wet clothes near a fire,you will see steam _(从潮湿的衣服上升起)(rise) 解析:考查非谓语和代词用法。本题运用了“see 宾语 doing”结构。答案

9、:rising from them4You _(不可能看见她)in her office last Friday;shes been out of town for two weeks.(see)解析:考查情态动词用法。cant/couldnt have done是一种表示推测的用法,意为“不可能做过”。答案:cant have seen her5While I agree with most of what you said,I dont agree with your viewpoint _(这个实验失败了). (failure)解析:考查同位语从句。这里用that引导同位语从句指前面提到

10、的viewpoint的具体内容。Failure此处是抽象名词具体化用法。答案:that the experiment is a failure6The driver failed to keep calm in the emergency;otherwise the accident _(就可以避免)(stop)解析:考查虚拟语气。otherwise后的句子相当于if的主句形式,本题是对过去时间的虚拟,故用would have been stopped。答案:would have been stopped7Not only _(他被逮捕)but he had been sent to pris

11、on as well.(arrest)解析:考查倒装结构。否定词置于句首时,谓语要用倒装结构;由had been sent to prison可知本题倒装时要提取had。答案:had he been arrested8_(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.(use)解析:考查动名词。“不会用”可以翻译成“not be able to use”,“be unable to use”,“be capable of using”,“be incapable of using”。答案:N

12、ot being able to use/Being unable to use/Not being capable of using/Being incapable of using9John received an invitation to dinner,and with _(他做完了活),he gladly accepted it.(finish)答案:his work finished10There is no possibility _(他会信守诺言)He is always telling lies.(keep)解析:考查同位语从句。由no possibility可知本题是一个同

13、位语从句,因此that不能省略。“信守诺言”可表达为keep ones promise/word,由语境可知要用will表示“会,一定”。答案:that he will keep his word/promise.完形填空Words:386难度系数:建议用时:12Lucky to have him(2011年潍坊质量监测)When I met him,I had a lot of anger inside of me.I never had a father,though in my neighborhood thats not_1_.I know some kids just like me

14、.You have to_2_yourself.There are fights and killings all the time.I have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant.I could have ended up that way,too,_3_Mr.Clark and my mom wouldnt let that happen.Mr.Clark worked long hours,making sure I did my work.My grades rose.In fact,I did so well that in sixth

15、 grade,I entered the_4_class,and Mr.Clark was the teacher.I felt so_5_to have him for a second year!He took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera.Before the show,he_6_us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full.We didnt want to let him_7_,so we listened to him att

16、entively._8_of us were surprised when Mr.Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year.When he learned hed won,he said he would_9_three names out of a hat;he would go to Los Angeles to get the_10_with those students.But_11_it came time to draw names,Mr.Clark said,“Youre all going.”He got_12

17、_to fly all 37 of us out to Disneyland in California and put us up at the Hilton.People were_13_,but Mr.Clark really cared about us.Theres no way I can_14_ most teachers doing that.No way.But he saw something in us that nobody else saw.On graduation day,there were a lot of tears.We didnt want his cl

18、ass to_15_.In the new school year,we were all happy when Mr.Clark_16_in our class once again.Hes been a _17_in our lives.In 2003,Mr.Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to_18_school supplies and visit orphanages.It may be the most amazing_19_of my life.Its now my_20_to one day start a gro

19、up of womens clubs,helping people from all backgrounds.1A.common BnormalCreal Dunusual解析:选D。从下句I know some kids just like me.可知:像我这样没有父亲的(现象),在我们街区是很普遍的。common普通的; normal正常的;real真正的;unusual不寻常的。2A.encourage BwatchCcomfort Dtolerate解析:选B。从下句There are fights and killings all the time.可知:你必须要小心点。watch

20、yourself小心,保重。3A.but BthereforeCotherwise Dor解析:选A。我有朋友最后进了监狱或怀孕了。我本来也会是那样的结局,但克拉克先生和我母亲没让这样的事情发生。前后句子之间是转折关系,故用but。4A.local BgeneralCgifted Dsacred解析:选C。从前面的I did so well that in sixth grade可推知:因我功课学得好,所以我上了才能班。gifted有才能的。5A.sudden BluckyCannoyed Danxious解析:选B。联系上下文可知:多亏有了克拉克先生,所以说我是幸运的。sudden突然的;l

21、ucky幸运的;annoyed烦恼的;anxious焦急的。6A.treated BdirectedCshowed Dswapped解析:选A。从at a restaurant可知:他请我们吃饭。treat dinner请某人吃饭。 BoutCup Ddown解析:选D。从so we listened to him attentively可知:我们不想让他失望。let sb.down使失望。8A.Some BAnyCNone DMany解析:选C。当克拉克先生被评为“年度教师”时,没有人感到惊讶。9A.give BdrawCenter Dregister解析:选B。联系

22、下文.it came time to draw names可知答案。10A.reward BbonusCdiploma Daward解析:选D。他要去洛杉矶领奖。reward报酬;bonus红利,津贴;diploma毕业文凭;award奖金,奖品。11A.after BwhenCbefore Dsince解析:选B。但是当到了抽名字的时候,他说:“你们都去吧。”when当时。12A.donations BsuggestionsCrequests Dmessages解析:选A。他得到了赞助,我们37名学生乘飞机到了加州的Disneyland。donation赞助;suggestion建议;req

23、uest要求;message信息。13A.excited BsatisfiedCashamed Damazed解析:选D。从上句可知:看到我们这么多学生,人们都很惊奇。excited激动的;satisfied满意的;ashamed羞愧的;amazed吃惊的,惊奇的。14A.suggest BadvocateCimagine Dcomplain解析:选C。联系上句可知,我能想象出大多数老师不会这样做。而我们的老师却这样做了。suggest建议;advocate提倡;imagine想象;complain抱怨。15A.end BstartCcontinue Dlast解析:选A。联系文章内容可知,我

24、们对老师恋恋不舍,不希望他的课程结束。end结束。16A.picked up Bshowed upCrang up Dpacked up解析:选B。新学年开始,当克拉克老师又出现在我们教室时,我们都非常高兴。pick up捡起;show up出现;ring up打电话;pack up打包,收拾。17A.colleague BsponsorCsuccess Dconstant解析:选D。他一直跟随着我们。colleague同事;sponsor赞助者;success成功的人;constant不变的事物,常量,这里指老师一直跟我们在一起。18A.deliver BcollectCdisplay Dr

25、ecommend解析:选A。从orphanages可知,老师是带我们去南非分发生活用品的。deliver分发,递送;collect收集;display展出;recommend推荐。19A.adventure BexperienceCvacation Dinterview解析:选B。这是我生命中最有意思的经历。adventure冒险;experience经历;vacation假期;interview采访。20A.turn BconclusionCdream Ddemand解析:选C。现在我的梦想就是开办许多妇女俱乐部,帮助各个阶层的人们。turn轮次;conclusion结论;dream梦想;d

26、emand要求。.阅读理解Words:434难度系数:建议用时:7(2011年湖南三市六校检测二)From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations,human beings have been putting great effort into space research.And so far,we have achieved many successes.But there are still numerous tasks in front

27、of us and we should not cease trying to progress.The international space station is an important step we should take in space exploration.It is not only helpful but also essential.It provides a proper space environment for many experiments that we have wanted to do for a long time.It is also a base

28、for the observations of the earth and the universe.It could also be an important base for later travel to the moon and Mars.In a word,if we want to explore space more,the first thing we should do is to set up a space station.As the space station costs a lot of money,it is hard for one country alone

29、to establish one.The USA seems to be the only country that has the ability to build a space station alone,and it has tried to do so,but not very successful.So it aggregated many other countries to work on it together.Though it is still extremely expensive,it is much cheaper than doing it alone.It is really a job that needs everyones effort and will benefit everyone.But even so,the funds needed are still a big problem.As for the USA,it seems that it has too many things to spend its money on.Although it is the richest country in the

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