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1、中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(一)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-02-26点击数: 90打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】汉语英语阿斗blockhead爱岗敬业love ones work and be devoted to it诚实守信be honest and keep ones word爱国民主党派patriotic democratic parties爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献patriotism and observance of law; courtesy and honesty; solidarity and f

2、riendship; diligence, frugality and self-improvement;and devotion and contribution爱国统一战线patriotic united front爱国卫生委员会patriotic Pubic Health Committee爱国卫生运动patriotic health and sanitation campaign 爱国主义教育基地site for patriotic education/site rich in patriotic significance爱护公物take good care of public pro

3、perty爱面子be concerned with face-saving爱心工程Love Care Project爱婴医院Baby friendly hospital爱憎分明be clear about what to love and what to hate安定的国内环境Stable domestic environment安定团结的政治局面Political stability and unity安分守己abide by the law and behave oneself安全责任制Safety responsibility system安慰奖Consolation prize安于现状

4、be content to remain a layman按保护价敞开收购农民余粮Purchase surplus grain from farmers without limit at protective prices按揭贷款Mortgage loan 按可比价格算Calculated in comparable terms按劳分配的原则Principle of distribution to each according to his work按劳分配为主、多种分配方式并存的制度System under which distribution according to work is do

5、minant and variety of modes of distribution coexist按年分期付款Yearly installments中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(二)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-02-26点击数: 70打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】按票面价值at par按市价兑换conversion at market prices按照国际惯例 act in accordance with international practices按照客观规律和科学规律办事act in compliance with objective and scientific la

6、ws按照客观经济规律办事act in accordance with objective economic laws按照事物本来面貌take things as they really are按照依法、自愿、有偿的原则进行土地承包经营权流转 transfer the contractual right of land according to law and on a voluntary and compensatory basis 按质论价Price products according to quality案犯 the accused/offender案件不受理dismissal of a

7、 legal case/ nonacceptance of a legal case案件当事人 party to a case/party to a law suit案情details of a case /facts of a case暗补 implicit subsidies暗箱操作 under-the-counter activities八个坚持、八个反对Eight dos and eight donts(1.Emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts; do not keep doing things the old way .2.Com

8、bine theory with practice; do not copy mechanically or worship books.3.Keep close ties with the people ; do not be formal or bureaucratic .4.Adhere to the principle of democratic centralism; do not act arbitrarily or be feeble and lax .5.Abide by Party discipline; do not act pursue liberalism.6.Be h

9、onest and up right; do not abuse power for personal gains.7.Work hard; do not be hedonistic.8.Appoint people on their merits; do not practice favoritism in personnel.)中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(三)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-03-12点击数: 57打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】把党和国家的利益放在第一位place the interests of the party and state above everyt

10、hing else把底摸熟了know one for what one is worth 把个方面的积极性引导好、保护好、发挥好guide, protect and tap the initiative of all sectors of society properly 把关 Make final check把国内的事办好Manage domestic affairs well把好政治关 Strictly insist on the political criteria 把教育办好Do well in education 把经济搞活Invigorate the economy /stimul

11、ate the economy把科学成果转化成生产力Transform scientific research results into productive forces把马克思主义的普遍真理同我国的具体实际结合起来Integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete realities of China把企业推向市场Encourage enterprises to compete in the market把全部经济工作转到以提高经济效益为中心的轨道上来Shift the focus of all economic work

12、to the improvement of economic results把社会效益放在首位Give prime consideration to social effects 把水搅浑Create confusion /muddy the waters把问题摆在做面上Place the problem on the table for discussion 把问题弄清楚Get clear on the problems involved把握时代特点Understand the characteristics of the times把依法治国和以德治国结合起来Govern the coun

13、try by combining the rule of law and the rule of virtue罢官Depose/dismiss from office罢免Recall(remove)from office霸道Be domineering/be tyrannical霸权主义Hegemonism白领工人White-collar worker白色公害Plastic pollution白色恐怖White terror百废俱兴Do all that has been left undone百花奖Hundred Flowers Award中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(四)网络编辑

14、:发布时间:2009-05-18点击数: 53打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】办事机构administrative body半费医疗partially paid medical care半公开more or less openly / partly open / semi-open半途而废give up halfway半殖民地半封建社会semi-colonial, semi-feudal society帮倒忙do more harm than help帮派思想严重be strongly factionalist in ones ideas / be obsessed by factionali

15、st ideas包产到户fix farm output quotas on a household basis保持党的先进性keep the Partys progressiveness保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展maintain the sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy保持清醒头脑keep clear heads / remain clear-headed / be sober-minded保护区protected area / conservation area /reserve保监会China

16、 Insurance Regulatory Commision保健食品health food保密工作work of safeguarding secret information保税区free trade zone保险业insurance industry保证中央的政令畅通ensure the Central Committees decisions are carried out without fail保重点,不撒胡椒面Resources must be channeled to key projects and not spread thinly everywhere.保值增值prese

17、rve or increase the value.中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(五)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-07-28点击数: 48打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】报案report a case报案人informant报废资产dead assets报复杀人revenge murder报关单customs declaration / declaration form报关口岸port of entry抱残守缺hang on to whats outmoded暴力犯罪violent crimes暴利exorbitant profits爆炸罪crime of causing an e

18、xplosion悲观心理a pessimistic mood背包袱be burdened with北京通old Beijing hand北京外交人员服务局Beijing Diplomatic Service Bureau备用金reserve funds背后批评behind-the-back criticism背离depart from / deviate from / turn ones back on背书担保guarantee by endorsement被动中的主动initiative within passivity被提名人nominee被选举权right to stand for el

19、ection被葬送be ruined被征入伍者inductee本本主义book worship本国home country中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(六)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-07-31点击数: 53打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】本国出生的公民natural-born citizen本国货币domestic currency本金总额capital sum本来面目true features本票bank check / cashiers check比较优势comparative advantage笔供written confession笔记检验handwriting veri

20、fication必不可少的条件indispensable prerequisite必然要求inexorable demand毕业生分配制度system of job assignment for graduates闭关政策closed-door policy庇护罪犯shield criminals避难权right of asylum边防通行证frontier pass边境贸易frontier trade / border trade边缘学科interdisciplinary branch of science编假决算fabricate final accounts鞭策后进spur on tho

21、se who lag behind / spur on the less advanced变相敲诈勒索practice extortion in a disguised form变相逃废债务evasion of debt repayment in a disguised form辩证唯物主义dialectical materialism标底minimum price for a bid标准合同standard contract / model contract表层问题superficial problem央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(七)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-08-05点击数:

22、 48打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】表现自我self-expression表演艺术家performing artist憋着一肚子气harbor pent-up grievances别生枝节give rise to other contingencies濒危动物endangered animal species兵役制度system of military service秉公办事handle matters impartially并行不悖be not mutually exclusive病虫害plant diseases and insect pests拨乱反正set things right

23、/ set things to rights波浪式前进advance in waves剥夺继承权disinherit剥夺阶级思想exploiting class ideology博爱工程Love of Humanity Project博士论文doctoral dissertation薄弱环节weak link补充兵源troop replenishment / replenish an army补缴税款pay back taxes补台help somebody out补贴价格subsidized price不安定因素destabilizing factor不称职be unsuited for o

24、nes job / be unqualified不成文法典unwritten code不吃香了go out of vogue / be unpopular中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(八)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-08-10点击数: 49打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】不得姑息养奸No criminality is to be tolerated不得人心be unpopular / contrary to the will of the people不发达地区underdeveloped area不分青红皂白make no distinction between right an

25、d wrong / indiscriminately不附加任何条件with no conditions attached / unconditional不干预政策hands-off policy / noninterference policy不敢惹not dare to offend不搞对抗avoid confrontation不公开审理hear in closed session不辜负希望justify the hope of / not disappoint somebody / not let somebody down不好交代difficult to account for不合国情i

26、nconsistent with a countrys traditions (conditions)不怀好心harbor evil designs不计名利seek neither fame nor gain不间断电源uninterrupted power supply (UPS)不讲基本原则not concern oneself with the basic principles of不讲民主without any sense of democracy / undemocratic不结盟运动Nonaligned Movement不可撤消信用证irrevocable letter of cre

27、dit不可怕not terrifying / nothing to be feared不吭一声not say a word about / remain silent about / keep ones mouth shut不劳不得no pain, no gain不良后果adverse consequence不良品德bad character不良行为misdeed / bad behavior中央文献翻译部编译政治经济词汇英汉对照(九)网络编辑:发布时间:2009-08-18点击数: 46打印本页【发表评论】【关闭窗口】不留隐患remove hidden perils不履行合同breach t

28、he contract / not execute a contract不落俗套be unconventional不民主现象undemocratic practices不能成立be untenable / not hold water不能自圆其说untenable argument不平坦no plain sailing不切实际的高指标unrealistically high target不容拖延brook no delay不如别人be inferior to others不尚空谈refrain from empty talk不慎重的言论indiscreet statement不听劝告turn

29、a deaf ear to all advice / ignore advice不同政治观点different political views不卫生的习惯unhygienic habit不问是非曲直make no distinction between right and wrong不相符合not in keeping with / not conform to / be inconsistent with不屑于disdain to do something不朽著作immortal writings (works)不要上当not allow oneself to be misled (taken in)不一条心think differently / not of one mind不以人的意志为转移independent of mans will不在眼里

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