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1、初一作文之初一水平英语演讲稿初一水平英语演讲稿【篇一:七年级学生英语演讲稿】 七年级学生英语演讲稿 good afternoon! my dear teachers and friends. my name is yu xiuzhen im fourteen years old. in class 4, grade 1. different people has different dreams. someone wants to be a doctor. someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports.

2、 someone wants to be a writer, because he likes writing. someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children. what do i want to do when im older? you see, i like playing the piano and i am good at it. so i want to become a piano player.(pianist). playing the piano is very interesting. a

3、nd you can learn something of music. piano can make your life beautiful and happy. your life is full of music. a lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos. i could play the piano when i was ten years old. all of my teachers and my classmates say i can play the piano very well. i have got

4、grand five . i hope when im sixteen years old , i can get grand eight. now im a middle school student. there are many things at school. sometimes , i have no time to play the piano. but, ill still be harder and harder to practice. the youngest pianist, langlang is my idol. he is such a great pianist

5、. i hope i can be a pianist like him. i know becoming a piano is a hard job. but i believe i can do it. there is a will, there is a way. my dream will come true one day. believe me! thank you!【篇二:初一英语演讲稿】 初一英语演讲系列之4 believe 相信 believe in your dreams. 相信你的梦想。 believe in today 相信今天。 believe that you a

6、re loved. 相信有人爱着你。 believe that you make a difference. 相信你很重要。 believe we can build a better world. 相信我们能把世界变得更好。 believe when others might not. 当别人不相信时相信。 believe theres light at the end of the tunnel. 相信隧道尽头终有阳光。 believe that you may be that light for someone else. 相信你可能也是别人的一缕阳光。 believe that the

7、 best is yet to be. 相信最好的还在后头。 believe in yourself.相信你自己。 1. believe /biliv/ v. 相信 believe in sth./sb.相信某事某人 2. tunnel / n?l / n. 隧道 3. yet / j t / adv. 还,尚, 仍然 额外积累make a difference 意思是对现有的情况造成差别,跟以往不同,对某事产生巨大的影响或者作用,尤其是好的方面。 可以这样用:make a big/ a great deal of / a lot of difference (都表示影响很大) 例句: the

8、 fact that i can now organize my own time makes a big difference. 现在我能自己安排时间了,这对我有很大的作用。 i can make a big difference. 我将令你刮目相看。 i want to make a difference. 我想做一些改变。 attitude can make a great difference. (直译:态度可以造成很大的影响。)也就是说:态度决定一切。 it doesnt make any difference. (直译: 这没有任何改变啊。) 也就是说:这丝毫不起作用啊! 初一英语

9、演讲系列之5 struggle for success 为成功奋斗 我要上天摘星。 我要上天揽月。 我要翱翔,飞越巅峰。 我清楚,自己很快就会到达。 我全力以赴奔向属于自己的目标! 我每天都加倍努力,争取早日夺标。 前方那盏明亮的灯,指引我冲向终点。 那里充满荣光和骄傲。 那是一个胜利的地方! im shooting for the stars. im aiming for the moon. im soaring towards the highest mountain. i know ill get there soon. im ready with all my might toward

10、s a goal thats mine. im trying harder every day to reach the finish line. that brilliant light ahead is where i need to be a place of honor and pride. a place of victory. 1. shoot / ?ut / v. 射击; 疾驰; 飞速通过 2. aim / eim/n. 目标v. 以为目标 3. soar / s?:/ v. 高飞, 翱翔4. towards /t?w?:dz/ prep. 向, 朝 5. might / mai

11、t /n. 能力 6.brilliantadj. 光辉的,灿烂的,辉煌的 7. reach / rit?/v. 到达8. honor / ?n?/n. 尊敬,荣耀,敬意,光荣 9. pride /praid/ n.自豪,骄傲 10. victory / v kt?ri/ n. 胜利,成功,赢 额外积累 aim v. (作动词): i aim to be a lawyer.我要当个律师。 he aimed to siwm a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。 n. (作名词): whats your aim in life? 你的人生目标是什么? 初一英语演讲系列之6be grateful 心存

12、感激 im grateful我常怀感恩之心。 im thankful. 我常念感激之情。 i count my blessing everyday. 我每天思量我所有的福佑。 i give thanks every day.我每天表达感激之情。 im grateful for my health.我感恩健康。 im grateful for my life.我感恩生命。 im grateful for every day i live. 我感恩生命中的每一天。 im grateful for every place i go. 我感恩所去的每一天。 i give thanks for all

13、the love in my life.我感恩我生命中所有的爱。 i give thanks for all the good in my life.我感谢生命中一切美好的事物。 i give thanks for all every person i meet in my life.我感谢生命中遇到的每一个人。 i give thanks for everything i experience in my life.我感谢生命中体验的一切。 the more grateful i am, the more blessed i am. 我越是心存感激,我得到的祝福越多。 the more th

14、anks i give, the more happiness i get. 我感谢得越多,我得到的快乐就越多。 1. grateful /greitf?l/ adj. 感激的2. count /kaunt/v. 数,点,计算 3. blessing / bl si?/ n. 祝福 额外积累 im grateful for every day i live.我感恩我所度过的每一天。 im grateful for every place i go.感恩我去过的每一个地方。 i give thanks for all every person i meet in my life. 感激我生命中遇

15、到的每一个人。 i give thanks for everything i experience in my life. 感恩我所经历的一切。【篇三:七年级英语演讲稿(总20篇)】 初一英语演讲稿 1. be like a pine tree and bear what you can hello! everyone. my name is, from class grade 7. today, my topic is when i was in the primary, school is very easy for me in the beginning. in my eyes all

16、the things i have to do every day is -show up for school, finish the homework, take tests, get grades. and i always got a?s. i thought school was that easy. suddenly middle school began, everything has changed, because the students in our school are most the top ones, if i don?t try my best to study

17、, i am sure to fall behind the others, when i was the teachers? pet in the primary school, but now. sure, i was a top student for six years, why would it be any harder? it was; the bad mark in a sudden exam deeply hurt me. i became very sad and angry about my situation. i felt so depressed, for a lo

18、ng time i even though i want to give up. i couldn?t do my homework, couldn?t listen to the teachers in class, i was lost. for some time i did badly in all my lessons. my parents, my teachers talked to me heart to heart. one winter day we had a heavy snow. mother took me for a long walk. “see those e

19、lm trees,” she said. “ the branches are broken. the trees may die. but look at those pine trees! they are not hurt by the snow.” “when they have more snow than they can hold, they lower the branches and let the snow slip away. the next morning they are as good as ever.” “there are just two kinds of

20、trees in the world: the stubborn and the wise. be like a pine tree. bear what you can, try your best to do every thing, then let the load slide off. you will move forward lightly.” after hearing these words, as if a sudden bright sunshine shines on my broken heart, yes, only one way to face difficul

21、ty is to face it, overcome it, not to cry or feel sorry about it. all i have to do is put all hearts to study. look at everything with a big smile. yes, “be like a pine tree. bear what you can! ” shake off resentment, anger and depression. we will have a bright future. 2. my first english teacher he

22、llo! everyone. my name is, from class grade 7. today, my topic is dear friends! do you still remember your first english teacher? you may say:” yes.” everyone has his teachers, in my mind, i?ll never forget her-my first english teacher ms. li. without her, i wouldn?t be standing here. she is a young

23、 and lovely lady with beautiful eyes. her voice sounds sweet and she speaks english very well. that was the first impression she left on us when she first gave us an english lesson. in her class, she taught us carefully and patiently. she has a strange way of making her class lively and interesting.

24、 she always made opportunities for us to speak english. she gave us many beautiful pictures to talk on them, played games with us and told us many interesting stories. shemade us learn from games. we learned english with great fun. after class she helped the students who had trouble in learning engl

25、ish. little by little, i had interest in english, but english was a new subject to me, i had many difficulties in learning it well. i often felt very confused. even though i wanted to give up learning english. it was ms. li who helped me to find ways to overcome my difficulties. she helped me to pra

26、ctice speaking english everyday. she always encouraged me whenever i lost heart. she helped me to have confidence in myself. she gave me what i needed, courage, confidence, good ways to learn english and opportunities to speak english in class. so i was grateful for her. maybe i can?t meet her again

27、. the only thing i can give her is my best wishes. i wish my dear teacher happiness, good health and good luck. and i also want to say to her: thank you, ms. li. i love you! 3.please think a minute hello! everyone. my name is, from class grade 7. today, my topic is please think a minute! i heard a f

28、unny true story about this guy who goes to the gym to exercise and work out each week. he takes 20 minutes to change his clothes. then he walks around the gym talking with different people. after that, he reads the newspaper. finally, he does a few stretches and 5 minutes of exercises. then he takes

29、 a hot steam bath before going home. so in the whole 2 hours he?s at the gym, he only spends 5 minutes exercising! one day, someone heard this man says: “i don?t understand it. i go the gym almost everyday, but i never seem to lose weight.” but every body at the gym knows why, because they see this

30、guy there doing everything except the main thing exercise! you see, it?s important that we keep the main thing. and if you want to be successful in your job, business, or managing your family, or your studies. whatever we do, we must get the main thing done. instead of wasting our time, and energy d

31、oing things that aren?t important. because it is easy to get side-tracked doing other things that might be easier or more fun to do. just think a minute that?s all for my today?s speech, thanks. 4. what success means to me? what success means to me?once upon a time, an old rich woman left all her pr

32、operty to the person who could answer her question correctly. her question was this “what is the most important thing for a person who wants to succeed?” to my surprise, the answer was not money, not power, not even opportunity, but “ambition”. why is ambition so important? a person without ambition is like a near-sighted lion. all the things in the distance appear blurred. no matter how strong it is, it can?t go fa

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