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1、英语五年级下学期知识归类五年级下学期知识归类NAME_ CLASS( )GRADE5MODULE 1 Our Life1. 词汇 (1)名词( N.) Leeds利兹(英国城市) subject学科 hour小时 piano钢琴 e-mail电子邮件 noon中午(2)动词( V. ) study学习;攻读;研究 practice练习;实践 may可以begin开始 e-mail发电子邮件 teach教授;讲授 should应该;将要worry担心 finish完成 (3)形容词 (adj.)former从前的;以前的 early早的 glad高兴的;乐意的each各自的;每个的 other其

2、他的 tired疲劳的 worried担心的;闷闷不乐的(4)副词 (adv .) early早地 soon不久;尽快 together共同 seldom很少(5)其他词( conj. prep. aux.)than比;与相比较 may可以each每一;各;各自;每个 other其他 2. 缩写词 shouldnt= should not不应该3. 短语 former pupil从前的学生 pen friend笔友 each other互相 be worried about 担心 hand in交上来;递交 on time按时;依时do well in(在方面)做得好 catch up wit

3、h赶上 in this photo在这照片中study at Rose School在Rose学校学习 at the school canteen在学校的食堂里in Leeds, English在英国的利兹 in Guangzhou, China在中国的广州get up early起得早 go to school去上学 get to school去上学go to work去上班 by underground乘地铁 by school bus乘校巴study Chinese学习中文 study maths学习数学 begin classes开始上课go back home回家 go home回家

4、 other subjects其他的学科have lunch吃午餐 have dinner吃晚餐 like you像你一样need to do her homework需要做她的家庭作业 go to bed 睡觉after school放学后 after class下课后 on weekdays在周一到周五for an hour用一小时 for half an hour用半小时 practice the piano练习钢琴 one year older than me比我大一岁 thinner now than before现在比以前要瘦go to bed later than me比我还要晚

5、睡觉 look tired看起来很累 sleep in class在课堂上睡觉 late for school上学迟到work in his bedroom在他房间里做作业 finish his homework完成他的作业a lot of homework许多作业 in the morning在早上 at noon在中午in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在傍晚 at night在晚上 3. 重点句子(1) Whos the pretty girl in this photo, Miss White? Miss White, 照片上那漂亮的女孩是谁?-Its

6、my former pupil Sue. 是我的以前的学生Sue。(2) Does she go to school by underground? 她是乘地铁上学的吗?-No. She always goes to school by school bus. 不。她总是乘校巴上学的。(3) Does she study Chinese at school? 他在学校学习中文吗?-No, she studies maths, English, science, music, art, P.E. and other subjects. 不,她学习数学,英语,科学,音乐,美术,体育和其他的学科。(

7、4) Does she have lunch at school? 她在学校吃午餐吗?-Yes, she does. 是的,她是的。(5) Does she need to do her homework after school? 放学后她需要做作业吗?-Yes, she does. 是的,她是的。(6) On weekdays she always does her homework for an hour after dinner. 平时周一到周五她总是在晚餐后用一小时来做作业。(7) And she practices the piano for half an hour like y

8、ou. 她还像你一样用半小时来练习弹钢琴。(8) Shes one year older than me. 她比我大一岁。(9) How does she go to school? 她是怎样上学的?-She goes to school by school bus. 她乘校巴回学校。4. 日常用语(1) Could you help me? 你能帮我吗? -Id love to./ Id be glad to.我非常愿意。(2) I think so. 我想是吧! (3) I dont think so. 我想不是吧! 我不这样认为。(4) A: Hello! May I speak to

9、Miss Yang? 你好!我找杨老师!B: This is Miss Yang speaking. / Its Miss Yang speaking. / Speaking.我就是。 Whos that, please? 请问你是哪位?A: Its Situ here. 我是司徒。(5) Really? 真的吗?5. 语法归纳(1)频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never(2)一般现在时,第三人称单数,动词的变化:1)第三人称,单数:能用He, She, It 可以代替的都是第三人称,而且是单数的。2)动词变化的形式A 一般在

10、词尾加“s”: work- works read-reads look-looks like-likes B 以“s,x,sh,ch和辅音字母加o”结尾的动词在词尾加上“es”: catch-catches wash-washes do-does go-goesC. 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,改“y”为“i”再加上“es”: fly- flies study-studiesD. 不规则:have-has(3)表示日期的介词有:at, in, on , for等1)表示时刻用at:at six, at nine thirty2) 跟在星期前用on:on Sunday, on Sunday m

11、orning3) 表示时间的长短用for: for an hour (用一小时的时间)(4)like的两种解释:I like English very much. (like 表示: ) She looks like her mother. (like表示: )MODULE 2 Seeing A Doctor1. 词汇 (1)名词( N.) matter问题 sweet糖果 plenty丰富;大量 bath沐浴checkup身体检查 medicine药 time次数 headache头疼 toothache牙疼fever发烧,发热 stomachache胃疼;肚子痛 pain疼;痛苦 (2)动

12、词( V. ) feel感觉;觉得 wake叫醒 checkup检查(3)形容词 (adj.)ill有病的 bad坏掉 hot热的 cold冷的 pale苍白的better更好的(4)副词 (adv .)first首先的 better更好地 quickly很快地2. 缩写词 youd better=you had better 你最好 3. 短语 see a doctor看医生 see the doctor看医生 go to the doctor看医生have a cold感冒 have a headache头痛 have a toothache牙疼have a fever发烧 have a

13、stomachache胃痛;肚子痛 have a sore throat喉咙痛have a pain here这里疼 feel tired感觉很累的 feel ill感觉生病的feel bad感觉不好的 feel weak感觉虚弱的 feel hot感觉很热的feel cold感觉很冷的 feel good感觉很好 look very pale看起来很苍白get dressed穿衣服 get up起床 wake up醒来go back to sleep回去睡觉 late for school上学迟到 eat quickly快点吃time for school是时候上学 time to go t

14、o school是时候上学了 walk a lots every day每天走很多路 give you a checkup给你检查一下 at school在学校 at home在家 read for a long time读书很长时间take the medicine three times a day一天吃三次药 have to不得不stay at home for one day留在家休息一天 4. 重点句型(1)“你应该/不应该。”的表达句子。(注意健康的饮食和生活规律才是健康之道。)1)You should eat plenty of fruits.你应该多吃水果。 2)You sho

15、uld eat plenty of vegetables. 你应该多吃蔬菜。3)You should drink lots of milk. 你应该多喝牛奶。4)You should drink lots of warm water. 你应该多喝温水。5) You should go to bed early.你应该早点睡觉。6) You should go for a walk every day. 你应该每天散步。7) You should wash your hands before you eat. 你应该在吃饭前洗手。8) You should have a bath every d

16、ay. 你应该每天洗澡。9) You should take more exercise every day. 你应该每天加强锻炼。10) You shouldnt eat too much chocolate. 你不应该吃太多巧克力 。 11)You shouldnt eat too many sweets. 你不应该吃太多糖果。12)You shouldnt drink too much Coke. 你不应该喝太多可乐 。 13)You shouldnt drink lots of coffee.你不应该喝太多咖啡。14)You shouldnt drink lots of cold wa

17、ter. 你不应该喝太多冰水。15)You shouldnt play computer games too often. 你不应该太经常玩电脑游戏.16)You shouldnt watch TV too much. 你不应该看太多电视。17)You shouldnt go to bed late. 你不应该太晚上床睡觉。 (2)另外,我们还学过这些表达的方式表示劝告。1)Youd better stay in bed. 你最好躺在床上。2)Dont eat too much chocolate.别吃太多的巧克力。(3)看病用语。 1)Whats the matter? 你有什么事啊? 2)

18、 You look tired and pale. 你看起来很累的样子,还有脸色很苍白。3)Let me give you a checkup first. 让我来先给你检查一下。4)Open your mouth and say “Ah”. 张开你的嘴巴说“啊”。5)I think you have got a bad cold. 我觉得你应该是患了重感冒。6)You should drink plenty of water. 你应该多喝水。7) Take this medicine three times a day. 这些药一天吃3次。8)Youd better stay in bed

19、for two days. 你最好在床上休息两天。9) Dont worry! Youll be get well soon! 别担心!你很快就会好起来的! 1)I dont feel good. /I dont feel very well. 我感觉不好。2)Sometimes I feel hot and sometimes I feel cold. 有时我觉得热,有时我觉得冷。3) I have a pain here. 我这儿疼。、4) I think Im ill. 我觉得我真的是生病了。(4)I dont want to be late for school.我不想上学迟到。5.

20、日常用语:(1)Wake up! 起床! (2)Get dressed.穿上衣服。(3)Dont be late for school.上学不要迟到。6. 语法归纳:(1)记住every和this, that表示时间时前面不加介词。I go swimming every morning. 我每天早上都去游泳。(2)many, much, a lot of (lots of), plenty of这些词汇表示“许多、大量”的意思,但用法不同:1) many 只能修饰可数名词:There are many birds in the sky.2) much 只能修饰不可数名词:There is mu

21、ch water in the bottle.3) a lot of (lots of)和 plenty of可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词:There are a lot of flowers under that tree.There is lots of water in the swimming pool.There are plenty of eggs in the box.There is plenty of milk in the glass.MODULE 3 Our School And Our Class1. 词汇 (1)名词( N.) classmate同班同学 countr

22、y国家 language语言(2)形容词 (adj.) large大的 international国际的;世界的 tidy整齐的bright光亮的;明亮的;聪明的(3)数词 (num .) thousand千(4)副词 (adv .)more更多;多 hard努力地,辛苦地(5)其他词( pron.) mine我的 yours你的/你们的 his他的 hers她的its它的 ours我们的 theirs他/她/它们的2. 缩写词 neednt = need not 不必3.短语more beautiful更漂亮 more than多于 move to搬迁至 quite a lot相当多this

23、 term这个学期 walk there走去那里 hard-working努力工作的 have to不得不 leave school离开学校 leave for离开前往 speak Chinese说中文 much larger than比大得多much brighter than比明亮得多 much cuter than比可爱得多study at Zhuguang Road Primary School在珠光路小学读书 in my country在我的国家other country其他国家 ten countries 10个国家 nearer to your home距离你家更近些 visit

24、 our school 参观我们的学校one thousand and eighty 1080 two thousand 2000have a harder job to do有更艰难的工作去做 some of your classmates你的一些同学当中4. 重点句型(1)His school is better than mine. 他的学校比我的要好。(2)Is your new school much larger than the old one? 你的新学校比旧学校大吗?(3)Does the new school have more classrooms than the ol

25、d one?新学校比旧学校多课室吗? -Yes, it does.是的。(4)He gets up earlier than us.他比我们早起床。(5)Which subject do you like better? 你比较喜欢哪一个学科? -I like maths./ I like English and Chinese. / I like P.E., music, art and science.我喜欢数学。/我喜欢英语和语文。/我喜欢体育,音乐,美术和科学。(6)She comes from China. 她来自中国。 (7)He is from Australia. 他是来自澳大

26、利亚的。(8)What language do they speak? 他们说什么语言的? -They speak Japanese. 他们讲日语。(9)What language does he speak? 他说什么语言的? -He speaks French.他讲法语。(10)Does she speak English or Russian? 她讲英语还是俄罗斯语的? -She speaks Russian. 她讲俄罗斯语。(11)You neednt go there. 你们不用去那里。5. 语法归纳(1)人称代词和物主代词的用法。我(第一人称单数)你(第二人称单复数)他/她/它(第

27、三人称单数)我们(第一人称复数)他/她/它(第三人称复数)人称代词(主格)Iyouhe/she/itwethey人称代词(宾格)meyouhim/her/itusthem形容词性物主代词myyourhis/her/itsourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshis/hers/itsourstheirs(2)形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化形式1)形容词和副词的单词区分:形容词后面有一个“的”;副词后面有一个“地”。构成法原级 - 比较级 - 最高级1. 一般情况下的词末加-er, -estsmall - smaller - smallest; old - _ - _;new-_-_

28、; short-_-_;cheap-_-_; low - _ - _ 2. 如果词尾以-e结尾,则词末加-r, -stnice nicer nicest; large _ _; white _ _; cute _ _3. 单音节的词末只有一个辅音字母,则先双写这个辅音字母,再加上-er, -estbig bigger biggest; fat _ _;thin_; hot_-_;red-_-_4. 以-y结尾的词,改-y为-i, 再加-er, -esthappy-_-_; hungry-_-_;pretty-_-_; easy-_-_;heavy-_-_5. 其他双音节和多音节的词在前面加mo

29、re, mosthonest - more honest - most honest;important _ important _ important;beautiful _ beautiful _ beautiful;slowly- _ slowly _ slowly;boring _ boring _ boringhorrible _ horrible _ horrible;excited - _ excited _ excited;delicious - _ delicious - _ delicious;interesting - _ interesting _ interesting;dangerous - _ dangerous - _ dangerous6. 常用的不规则变化good-_-_; well-_-_; many-_-_; much-_-_; bad-worse-worst; badly-_-_; little-less-least

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