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1、历年典型考题词汇历年典型考题11. We have been informed that the (equip) _ will be arriving here in ten days.(2000-06-B)2. I sincerely thank you for your (invite)_ to the Industrial Exhibition(2000-06-B)3. I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve) _ on the design at all. 4. The right side of the brain con

2、trols our (imagine) _, our understanding of space and color. (2000-06-A)5. There is a rapid increase in population in that country that has caused a food (short)_ . (2000-12-A)6. I was told that Disney World is one of Floridas major (tour) _ attractions. (2000-12-A)7. There has been a large (grow) _

3、 of light industries during these years. 8. There were only a few (survive) _ from the air-crash. (2001-06-A-试卷1)9. The committee expects to come to a (decide) _ within this week.(2001-06-A-2)10. The teacher noticed some (improve) _ in my speech after I had practiced. 11. The boss has promised a wag

4、e increase for all the (employ) _.(2001-06-B-1)12. The manager has received only one (apply) _ for the post. (2001-06-B-2)13. Mary had made up her mind to go and what I said to her didnt make any (different) _. (2001-12-B-试卷2)14. Mary has only just recovered from a serious (ill) _. (2001-12-B)15. We

5、 shall let you know about it as soon as we come to an (agree) _.16. Mary told me not to worry because the (operate) _ on Mr. Smith was very successful. (2001-12-B)17. His wife was sure that he would arrive on time. This (certain) _ made her rush to prepare the dinner. (2002-12-B)18. To his mothers r

6、elief, Tom had perfectly recovered from his (ill) _. 19. In the museum, foreign visitors are especially interested in that ancient (paint) _. (2003-06-B)20. The bank became suspicious after several large (withdraw) _ were made from his account in a single week. (2003-06-A)21. The young man made seve

7、ral constructive suggestions about the environmental (protect) _ in this city. (2003-06-A)22. After careful (consider) _ the committee decided to recommend Mr. Smith.实战强化训练11. There is always the (possible) _ of an earthquake in this region, but so far there has been no sign of trouble. 2. The man t

8、old me that the (equip) _ would arrive in there days. 3. Although I do not share his religious (believe) _, I respect him. 4. There is little (probable) _ that it will rain tonight. 5. With the (apply) _ of credit cards more people got into debt. 6. The world is running out of oil, and energy expert

9、s believe that there could be serious (short) _ in ten years time. 7. The child told the (true) _ when he said he hadnt broken the window. 8. The accident was caused by the motorists (impatient) _. 9. We could make an (arrange) _ to meet at 10 oclock. 10. He shook his head, but gave no (explain) _.

10、11. Too much (emphasize) _ is being placed on basic research. 12. (honest)_ is the best policy. 13. He visited Shanghai at the mayors (invite)_. 14. The (long) _ of the football field is one hundred yards. 15. Every one is aware of the rugged road to (succeed) _. 16. He came to a (conclude) _ that e

11、verything she said was not true. 17. The students leave the classroom without (permit) _. 18. What is the good of (criticize) _? 19. Your (refuse) _ of such a good offer is very foolish. 20. Firms could enjoy tremendous economies by manufacturing in a single (locate) _ for the whole European market.

12、 21. We could feel the (cold) _ in his attitude towards us. 22. With the help of the modern instrument they finally found the (locate) _ of the sunk ship. 23. The (possible) _ of mans traveling to the moon has been proved. 24. The snow fell to a (deep) _ of three feet last night. 25. They showed muc

13、h(appreciate)_ of the advice form an expert like you. 26. You are excited about seeing your parents again, but youre anxious about their (react)_ to your grades (成绩). 27. Our football teams (perform) _ has been excellent during the whole year. 28. If you can think of no better (occupy)_, you had bet

14、ter weed(除草) the garden. 29. Hes given up his work here. Its a great (lose) _ to our firm. 30. A man with lots of (amuse) _ will be likely to spend his old age actively. 31. This can be done through training and by encouraging (employ) _ to attend appropriate adult education classes, and so forth. 3

15、2. Troops were called out to deal with the (order) _ in the capital. 33. The management has authorized(批准) wage increase for all (employ)_. 34. Many students errors occur because of mother-tongue (interfere) _? 35. I have seen people spending too much time on the problem and too little time on the (

16、solve) _. 36. John Smith is a (journal) _; he helps to write newspapers. 37. Foreign visitors are impressed by the (vary) _ of Chinese food. 38. Their (find)_ cast much light upon the burial(埋葬的) customs of the Indian tribes (部落) of the area. 39. She lives in France but has British (nation) _. 40. T

17、he government put forward a (propose) _ to improve public transportation. 41. The countrys national economy has maintained (维持) an annual average (grow) _ rate of about 10 percent. 42. The education of children is a grave (responsible) _. 43. He said that he regretted their (fail) _ to reach an agre

18、ement. 44. There are notices showing arrivals and (depart) _ of trains near the booking office. 45. The managing (direct) _ announced his intention to retire. 46. We got into an (argue) _ about whether to go by sea or by air. 47. If you want to sell your piano put an (advertise) _ in the newspaper.

19、48. The young (generate) _ differs from the older in many ways. 49. On her (marry) _ to Mr. Smith, Miss Jones became Mrs. Smith. 50. Susan has obtained her parents (permit) _ to go camping with her class.51. Scientists believe there is a strong (connect)_between smoke and heart disease.52. Leading o

20、fficials must set a good example for others (follow) _, and be honest and strict with themselves. 53. The (disappear) _ of the witness complicated the case. 历年典型考题21. In some ways these schools are (differ) _ form Chinese middle school (00-06-A)2. The (create) _ person is always ready to change his

21、or her idea and to challenge the idea of other people and society. (2000-06-A)3. A Youth Hostel is a place that offers a good nights sleep in friendly surroundings at a (reason) _ price. (2000-06-A)4. That was the most (attract) _ program they could think of. (2000-06-B)5. I was (please) _ to have r

22、eceived your letter dated May 20th. (2000-06-B)6. The teacher said his work was (satisfy) _ but there was still room for improvement. (2000-12-A)7. I have a (plenty) _ supply of things to keep the children happy when we go on long journeys. (2000-12-A)8. Living in the country is less (expense) _ tha

23、n living in the city. (2000-12-B)9. Thanksgiving is a (tradition) _ festival in the US and Canada. 10. Whether we go or not is (depend) _ on the weather. (2001-06-A-试卷2)11. The woman is (fortune) _ in having an ideal husband. (2001-06-A-2)12. The sellers allowed us to pay them on a (month) _ basis.

24、(2001-06-B-1)13. He told a very (live) _ story about his life in Africa. (2001-06-B-1)14. Every day the director is the (late) _ person to leave the office. 15. Dont you think their rents (reason) _. (2001-06-B-试卷2)16. Singapore is (far) _ away from the South Pole than from the North Pole. 17. The p

25、lace was so (attract) _ that the tourists spent much more time there than in any other place. (2001-12-B)18. The photos of Mars taken by satellite (卫星) are (clear)_ than those taken from Earth. (2002-12-B)19. A meal containing fish and vegetables is considered a (health) _ one.20. Im afraid my attem

26、pt to make a cake wasnt very (success) _. (2003-06-B)21. She showed (music) _ tendencies from her early age. (2003-06-A)实战强化训练21. Its very (thought) _ and very kind of you to offer me a job in your company. 2. Many of the experiments described in this book are (ease) _ to perform than you would expe

27、ct. 3. This is the (good) _ photo I have ever taken. 4. The girl was very sure of herself. Shes always (confidence) _ that shes right. 5. Why does he always come to see me at the (bad) _ possible moment? 6. The doctor received an (urge) _ call from the parents of the injured child. 7. Its a lot (eas

28、y) _ to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken than at home 8. The girl has grown more _ (skill) with the sewing machine. 9. Is this information (rely) _? 10. When I came home, the children were fast _ (sleep).11. No one could tell us anything about the (mystery) _ stranger. 12.

29、All (imagine) _ creation is a reflection of the real world.13. This is the only (effect) _ medicine that will cure your illness. 14. The new technician is enthusiastic, skilled and (depend) _.15. This is a (person) _ letter. Please dont show it to others. 16. It is (value) _ to know oneself.17. I have spent many (sleep) _ nights worrying about what I have done. 18. Youd better put this photo into a (wood) _ frame. 19. He realized that it was (importance) _ that he keep calm. 20. The photo often reminds me of the (love) _

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